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Tutor/Demonstrator Entrance Exam (2017)

I. Read the following paragraph and answer the questions given.
Some theories of laughter emphasize its ability to reduce tension and emotion. You have probably
been in a tense group situation when someone suddenly made exactly the right joke to defuse the
mood and make everyone laugh. Laughter seems to produce some beneficial biological responses,
possibly stimulating the immune system or starting the flow of endorphins, the pain-killing
chemicals in the brain.
Other theories emphasize the cognitive components of humour. When you laugh at a problem, you
are putting it in a new perspective‒ seeing its silly aspects‒ and gaining control over it.
Having a sense of humour, however, is not the same as smiling all the time or “putting on a happy
face.” Many women, in particular, feel they have to smile, smile, smile, to put others at ease, but
often this social smile masks feelings of insecurity and unhappiness. For humour to be effective in
coping with stress, a person must actually use it in a stressful situation‒ seeing or inventing funny
aspects of serious events and having the ability to laugh at them.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.

1. What can laughter do?

2. In a tense group, why is the right joke made?

3. What kind of response can stimulate the immune system?

4. How do you understand the word ‘endorphin’?

5. What happens when you laugh at certain problem?

6. How can we get control over the problem?

7. What does ‘smiling’ exactly mean?

8. Why do women feel that they should wear a smile?

9. Which things are hidden behind the so-called social smile?

10. When does a person need to make humour? Why?

II. (A) Choose the incorrect word of the following sentences.

1. It is very important for our children to get good, desirable system for education.

2. Children living in rural and far remote areas may be educational disadvantaged.
3. Patient education is essentially to minimize the risk of a second heart attack.
4. His behavior towards her was becoming much and more aggressive.
5. I’m just a beginner. I don’t know when to make polite request or polite invitation.
6. It took a long time to learn to speak a new language very well.
7. The most recent advances in medicine technology may prevent the spread of Ebola virus.
8. Trade sanctions were imposed against any country who refused to sign the peace treaty.
9. Once salt was too scare and precious that it was used as money.
10. Much nutritionists argue that people’s intake of fat should be reduced.

II. (B) Fill in the blanks in the given passage with the appropriate words given below.
and with which languages differ
carrier planet than that essential
social each society important tool
Language is the expression of our thought. We express our feeling, mindset ….1…. opinion through
language. Language, in other words, is a communication ….2…. . Without the help of language, we
will fail to communicate ….3…. others. So language is the most essential part in our society because
no one on this ….4…. can live alone. Once a famous philosopher, Aristotle said ‘Man became man
because of language.’
There are thousands of languages in the world. Out of ….5…. very few was selected to use as
world’s language. For example, only five ….6….. Chinese, English, France, German and Russian
were selected to use in UN. But it is ….7…. to note that no language is better ….8…. any other
languages. The level of difficulty, on the other hand, may ….9…. from one language to another for
language users. Language functions differently in different ….10…. status and situations.
III. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets.
1. It rained heavily last night. All the roads were flooded. (Join using so…. that)

2. The weather today is rather hot. We stay at home all day. (Join using so…. that)

3. Thu Thu is quite stupid. She cannot even understand the question. (Join using so…. that)

4. Many audience came to the final match. There was no vacant seat. (Join using so…. that)

5. The box is so heavy that no one can lift it. (Join using too …… to)

6. She was so busy that she could not look after her children. (Join using too …… to)

7. Thura is so weak that he cannot do weight lifting. (Join using too …… to)

8. Food is essential for us. Clothing is equally essential for us. (Join using as …… as)

9. A jasmine is fragrant and so does a rose. (Join using as …… as)

10. The humming birds are brilliant like diamonds. (Join using as …… as)

1. Writing an essay is easier than writing an article. (Join using not as ….. as)

2. Living in urban areas is better than living in rural ones. (Join using not as …… as)

3. Nowadays, Korean language is more popular than Chinese. (Join using not as …… as)

4. He earns much money than his wife. (Join using not as ….. as)

5. Chin Region grows more apple than Magway Region. (Join using not as ….. as)

6. More rice is grown in Ayeyarwady Region than in Chin Region. (Join using not as ….. as)

7. The president will arrive on Sunday or he will arrive on Monday. (using either ….. or)

8. He did not attend the lectures. He did not attend the tutorials either. (neither ….. nor)

9. Both the worm and the snail have no backbones. (Join using neither ….. nor)

10. I don’t like telling lies and so does my brother. (Join using neither ….. nor)

I. Teachers are the role models and motivators for students. This is a universal truth ̶ true all
over the world, irrespective of nations or people. If people who join the teaching profession do not
have the required qualities, they had better think twice before doing damages to the tender life and
minds of young students.

Good teachers leave an ever-lasting mark on the lives of students. The quality of their teaching has a
great influence on students’ learning. To have quality teaching, it should be a mix of hard work and
successes. Teachers can get inner satisfaction. They do not really hope for external rewards such as
money and power. These can be gained in other professions. A real teacher must possess three basic
qualities: well-established knowledge, intellectual practices and being noble. For teachers, money
does not matter nor should it matter. The best reward for a true teacher is to see his or her student
learn, grow and develop. In the end, he or she wants to see students’ crowning success.
There can be many reasons for choosing teaching as career. One is talent. Teaching does not come
naturally to everyone. A true teacher stands out as a deliverer of knowledge and developer of skills.
He can keep fine balance between work and life. At work, true teacher can be very professional and
do their best for their pupils.
At the end of the day, their working life transforms into family life. Unlike people of many other
professions, teachers can draw a line between work and life. They can spend quality time with their
families in the evenings, care-free and enjoying every second. They feel happy in the knowledge that
they have given their very best to teaching and they cherish every single moment with their dear
1. What happens unless a teacher is well qualified?

2. What should we do if we want to be good teaching?

3. What is unnecessary for a teacher?

4. For a real teacher, what kind of practice and knowledge does he need?

5. What are the true prizes for a teacher?

6. What kind of person is a true teacher?

7. What change is made at the end of a teacher’s day’s work?

8. What makes difference between a teaching career and other professions?

9. When the teaching tasks are over, what type of life can a teacher enjoy?

10. What is the main idea of the passage?

1. It is assumed that the lowerer the price is, the happier the buyers are.
2. It is announced that the victims who accused for the murder case will be investigated again.

3. I wish you would not wearing Jean pants or skirts.

4. We request the pleasure of your company at our wedding reception in 10th, December.
5. Dear passengers, does not leave your wallets, mobiles and other valuables on the bus.
6. A strength of rope is direct proportional to its cross-sectional area.
7. No sooner did the teacher enter the classroom then the students became silent.
8. In spite of there was a danger sign, the children were swimming in that lake.
9. We need to take time to think again if our traditional way of teaching is effective or not.
10. Teak is the strong hard wood of a tall Asian tree, used especially for building furniture.

of in living is closely
are small feet microns centimeters
clearly pinhead magnified bacterium tiny

Bacteria are extremely small …1….. things. While we measure our own sizes in inches or, …2…..
bacterial size is measured in …3….. One micron is a thousandth of a millimeter, a …4….. is about a
millimeter across. Rod shaped bacteria …5….. usually from two to four microns long, while rounded
ones are generally one micron …6….. diameter. Thus if you enlarged a founded …7….. 5 a
thousand times, it would be just about the size of a pinhead. An adult human …8….by the same
amount would be over a mile (1.6 kilometers) tall. Even with an ordinary microscope, you must look
…9…. to see bacteria. Using a magnification of 100 times, one finds that bacteria are barely visible
as …10…. rods or dots.
III. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets.
1. Nobody warned me not to enter the campus without wearing ID card. (passive)

2. I strongly dislike someone staring at me. (Change into passive)

3. Who donated the money for this new building? (Change into passive)

4. Did anyone use my computer in my absence? (Change into passive)

5. Children should be taught table manners by their parents. (Change into Active)

6. The chickens were being fed when we visited their garden. (Change into Active)

7. The clothes have already been ironed by the maid. (Change into Active)

8. I was not informed that you had been sent abroad. (Change into Active)

9. When the ice is heated, it will soon melt. (Change into Active)

10. By whom will the children be taken to school? (Change into Active)

1. If the weather is favourable, ……………………………….. . (Complete the sentence)

2. Feel free to contact me ……………………………………. . (Complete the sentence)

3. Take this road and go straight, ……………………………………….. . (Complete)

4. They did not try hard. As a result, ……………………………………… . (Complete)

5. He left for Japan. He wanted to make money there. (Join using to +V-infinitive)

6. They took a taxi so that they would be in time for the meeting. (use to +V1)

7. The old lady had saved money in bank. She did not want to worry in her later life. (to +V1)

8. We read various kinds of book for the purpose of gaining knowledge. (use to +V1)

9. When the sun becomes high, the day becomes hot. (Use parallel construction)

10. If the position is high, the responsibility is heavy. (Use parallel construction)

I. Lighthouses occupy a special place in the history of modern Australia. They stand as monuments
to the transformation of the nation from a colonial outpost to a prosperous society. For millions of
people, lighthouses were the first sign of civilization after a long sea voyage to a new home. For
others, they are grim reminders of the sea’s dangers. Modern technology has made many lighthouses
redundant, but the buildings still evoke a special passion. They remind us of a time when ships ruled
the world.
Lights for navigation have existed for more than 3,000 years. Their purpose has been to show ships
where they are and to guide them into safe harbours or to warn them of rocks and reefs that could

destroy them. Although preventing loss of life has always been a consideration, it is the preservation
of ships and cargoes that has been the real driving force behind lighthouse construction.
Lighthouses evolved from a fire on a hilltop to towers engineered to withstand any force the sea
could deliver, with beams of light that could be seen for 50km. They reached their zenith during the
first half of the twentieth century but by the end of the same century their future had become
uncertain. Today satellite navigation technology is taking the place of the lighthouse as the safe,
economic and reliable way to navigate the oceans of the world.
The first primitive lights were fires in bronze baskets and were used along the Nile delta as early as
1,000. The oldest surviving lighthouse is the Tower of Hercules that stands on a hill on the northwest
coast of Spain. Built around 29 BC by the Romans, it served as a lighthouse until fifth AD when it
was abandoned as the Romans left the area. It was relit by the Spanish in 1682 and has been in
service ever since.
1. What does a lighthouse represent/ stand for?

2. How do millions of people see the lighthouses?

3. What makes the lighthouses become redundant?

4. What do the lighthouses remind the people?

5. When did the lighthouse come to existence?

6. What are the purposes of a lighthouse?

7. Why were the lighthouses constructed?

8. From what distance could the beams of light be seen?

9. What happened to lighthouses in the first half of 20th century?

10. What has taken the place of lighthouses?

11. Where was the earliest lighthouse used?

12. What is the oldest lighthouse and where is it?

II. (A) Choose the incorrect word of the following sentences.

1. I like neither coffee nor tea, so I will have milk as well.
2. When students want to remember, they study by heart. This is also called as rote learning.

3. New grand buildings and theatres were still being constructed at our university now.
4. Not only my mother but also my sister are vegetarian. They never eat fish and meat.
5. She read lots of books for the intention of gaining wider knowledge.
6. I have been driven all morning on the highway when I suddenly ran over a lame dog.
7. Please respond to my application request email at your early convenience.
8. Had I known your numbers, I would have called you up.
9. The concept of individual freedom and liberty are enshrined in the constitution.
10. Not as much rice is grown in Chin Region than in Magway Region.
II. (B)
apply private adult skill nation
union needs use saying globally
expensive time studies smooth advanced

It is noteworthy …1….. that any kind of language should be studied. Especially, at such a …2…..
when the country is communicating with other countries …3….. on its move towards a federal
democratic …4….., foreign languages happen to play an important role. Accordingly, not only
students but also …5…. learners are increasingly coming to spend most of their time learning a
foreign language to improve their academic …6…., with adults desirous of going abroad for jobs
queuing up to enter …7…. language teaching classes. Though being language schools which give
intensive language courses only, they are paving a …8…. way to their destinations.

1. If you are younger, it is easier for you to learn new things. (Use parallel construction)

2. When mother is busy, she becomes more impatient. (Use parallel construction)

3. If the sum is difficult, we take more time to solve it. (Use parallel construction)

4. Have you ever been to Popa? It is an extinct volcano. (Join using appositive)

5. Pyin-Oo- Lwin is famous for its flowers. It is a nice, pleasant city. (Use appositive)

6. Thu Thu and Mu Mu are twin sisters. Thu Thu is a nurse and Mu Mu is a teacher. (N)

7. Nowadays, the number of Ebola virus victims (increase) more and more. (correct tense)

8. The light went off when we (study) last night. (Use correct tense)

9. He bought his new Mercedes after his old car (sell). (Use correct tense)

10. If I had known your contact number, I (call) you then. (Use correct tense)

1. I (drive) all morning on highway road when I suddenly ran over lame dog. (correct tense)

2. She informed all her friends. She wanted to celebrate her 20th birthday. (use to +V1)

3. An apple is sweet and so does a mango. (Join using as…… as)

4. Su May is more intelligent and cleverer than her elder sisters. (Join using not as ……. as)

5. The weather these days is quite terrible and thus we stay at home. (Join using so …… that)

6. It is natural when we get much, we want much. (Use parallel construction)

7. ……….. the past three months, the situations have improved. (Use appropriate prep)

8. Nobody believes that the two boys committed the murder case. (Change into passive)

9. The train (just leave) when we got the station. (Use correct tense)

10. Both Su Myat and Nwe Nwe are hardworking students. (not only …… but also)

I. When some students want to study, they learn by heart. This is also known as rote learning. It is
good for quick memorization. When we try to remember a telephone number, this method is very
Some people look down on rote learning. They say that students are trying to remember without
understanding what they are reading. But there are good points in learning by heart. Rote learning is
widely used for getting foundational knowledge.

When students have never heard about something they learn in classrooms, they have to learn it by
heart. At the early stages of learning, rote learning does a wonderful job. The problem is when rote
learning is done without understanding.
Learning does not stop at the basic level. Students need to go to higher level where rote learning
becomes less useful. It is an ineffective tool in mastering any complex subject. When students go to
more advanced levels, they need to do less rote learning and more questioning. They need to ask
questions so that they can get answers. Rather than waiting for a ready-made answer from teachers,
they should go out of the classrooms to look for answers. They should go to the libraries to find the
answers to their questions.
In the learning process, students cannot always practise rote learning. There are six stages they have
to go through: remembering, understanding, analyzing, applying, evaluating and creating. Learners
cannot stop at remembering because they need to progress to other stages. It is not enough just to
understand what one can remember. It is also important to be able to analyze what they have learnt,
see the different elements and how they work together. Also, they must be able to apply their
knowledge in practical situations. Evaluation means knowing the quality of their knowledge, telling
apart good things from bad things. The learning process will end with creating. Learners will know
how to create their own things with their own ideas. They will have their own style and their
1. What kind of learning is rote learning?

2. How is the rote learning useful for young students?

3. In what level do students need to do rote learning?

4. In what level do students need to avoid doing rote learning?

5. Instead of waiting for the teacher’s prepared answers, what should students do?

6. How many of steps in learning and what are the last two steps?

7. Why can’t learners stop at the beginning stage?

8. What is more important, remembering or analyzing? Why?

9. What does ‘evaluation’ make the learners?

10. What happens to the learners when they get the final stage of learning?

III. Change the following sentences into passive.

Passive = Be+ V3
1. He beat the dog with a cane one hour ago.
The dog was beaten with a cane one hour ago.
2. Somebody stole my watch last night.

3. I have just finished the job which my boss ordered me to do.

4. They are repairing the road to that private school.

5. The mechanic is installing an air conditioner in our library.

6. No one can lift this heavy box.

7. Someone saw him enter the house through the broken window.

8. We are going to discuss this matter tomorrow.

9. We accurately punch small dots along the scribed line.

10. Teacher will ask you why you were absent yesterday.

1. Wolves usually hunt small animals.

2. In our family, my mother always does all the household chores.

3. They had postponed the football match until next week.

4. Most audience appreciated the performance of Myanmar U-19 team.

5. They did not inform me that they had sent you abroad. (Two passive)

6. Someone turned on the light of the hall and opened all the windows. (Two passive)

7. Who invented electric bulbs?

8. Who is going to take the children to school?

9. Why haven’t you placed the book on the shelf?

10. Where did you throw the old rubbish bin?

1. Nobody told me the truth.

2. We are about to start a new profession soon.

3. Farmers are ready to grow the corps as soon as the monsoon starts.

4. All citizens have to obey and abide by the state’s law.

5. People say that the company is losing a lot of money. (Method III)

6. People once believed that the sun went around the earth. (Method II)

7. The police stated that the prisoner had escaped by climbing over the wall. (Method II)

8. The government announces that election 2015 will be free and fair. (Method II)

9. Newspapers reported that the police had stopped the students at half-way. (Method II)

10. I don’t like people criticizing me.

1. She loves the young boys gazing at her.

2. I dislike others blaming me.

3. I hate you gossiping about me all time.


Sub + wish + Sub + V-2 (not)

1. Hla Hla is sorry that she forgot all her old friends’ names.

2. They are sorry that they have not won the football match.

3. I am sorry that I did not have a chance to sit for tutorship entrance exam.

4. We are sorry that we lose the way in the forest.

5. Su Su is sorry that she is an ugly girl.

6. He is sorry he was not promoted as sale assistant.

7. People are sorry that banks did not open on Saturdays.

8. Thu Thu is sorry that her father did not come to her reception.

9. I’m sorry I cannot read without glasses.

10. Mg Mg is sorry that he did not have a good job.

1. She is sorry that she has left the door open.

2. Mother is sorry that her son always gets low marks in exam.

3. It is a pity that he doesn’t quit smoking.

4. It’s a pity that could not answer all the questions.

5. It is a pity that they would be fined for not wearing helmets.

6. The old lady was sorry that the thief had stolen all her property.

7. They were sorry that they had not passed the exam.

8. Thida was sorry that nothing had been done for her birthday.

9. We were sorry that our team had been beaten.

I + wish + you + would (not)

10. Drop me a line if you have free time.

1. Stop complaining all the time, please.

2. Do as I say but not as I do.

3. Please come and see me at the airport at about 10: 00 a.m.

4. Please contact me as soon as you get my number.

5. Don’t try to climb that high wall.

6. Please don’t gossip about her in my presence.

7. Don’t make a noise while the teacher is teaching, please.

Question: Are = Do (Are you sorry = Do you wish)

8. Are you sorry that you are not allowed to swim in that pool?

9. Aren’t you sorry that you were not selected?

10. Isn’t he sorry that he failed the exam?

1. Is she sorry that she did not catch the last train?

2. Are you sorry that you had been late for the meeting?

3. Isn’t he sorry that he could do nothing for his mother?

4. Were they sorry that they had not accepted the invitation?

5. Wasn’t she sorry that she had lost her child?

6. Were you sorry that you had bet much money for that team?

7. Was he sorry that he had done many mistakes?

8. Weren’t they sorry that they had not finished the work in time?

IV. Write For or Against of the following: “Education ensures the bright future for our generations.”
I agree with the statement “Education ensures the bright future for our generations”.
Education, in our Myanmar’s concept, is believed to be a sure ticket out of poverty. Parents love to
see their children to be qualified and well-.educated. No parents in Myanmar want to give their
children a poor education. Education, in this respect, is the first priority of our society. It is education
which shapes our life and our outlook. It is education which makes our social status and our
prosperous future higher. At present time, with a rapid change of modern science and advanced
technologies, we the young generations can grasp the golden chances of learning. Thanks to Internet,
the latest inventions and updated technologies can be accessed within a few seconds. In conclusion, I
totally agree with the idea “Education brings our bright future” as I am now a graduate student and
trying to get the better opportunities of learning to make sure of my bright future.

V. Why I apply for this job

Different people have different ambitions in life. Some people want to be doctors and
engineers. Some try to become traders and businessmen. Others wish to serve as soldiers and peace-
makers while others love to be technicians and educators. Actually one’s hobby and profession
should go hand in hand so that he can lead a peaceful and successful way of living.

Since my childhood, I admired the life of a (university) teacher. And I really love and pay
great respect to this noble profession. (What is) my strongest desire in life is to create an innocent
living and live contentedly in educated circle. No wonder a teacher may earn little but he is the one
who returns the world a lot. No wonder a teacher may be in low status but he is the one who builds

the higher, happier world. No one can argue that we gain success in life because of the help of our
teachers. No one can overlook that we can walk on the right path of life with the help of our teachers.

Now we are moving towards a new society and the role of teachers is more enhanced. So I
apply for this job and I will always be a good example for my students. And I love to see beautiful
flowers blooming on this earth. (219-words)

I. The modern age is an age of electricity. People are so used to electric lights, radio,
televisions, and telephones that it is hard to imagine what life would be like without them. When
there is a power failure, people grope about in flickering candlelight. Cars hesitate in the streets
because there are no traffic lights to guide them, and food spoils in silent refrigerators.
Yet, people began to understand how electricity works only a little more than two centuries ago.
Nature has apparently been experimenting in this field for millions of years. Scientists are
discovering more and more that the living world may hold many interesting secrets of electricity that
could benefit humanity.
All living cells sent out tiny pulses of electricity. As the heart beats, it sends out pulses of recorded
electricity; they form an electrocardiogram, which a doctor can study to determine how well the heart
is working. The brain, too, sends out brain waves of electricity, which can be recorded in an
electroencephalogram. The electric currents generated by most living cells are extremely small‒often
so small that sensitive instruments are needed to record them. But in some animals, certain muscle
cells have become so specialized as electrical generators that they do not work as muscle cells at all.
When large numbers of these cells are linked together, the effects can be astonishing.
The electric eel is an amazing storage battery. It can send a jolt of as much as eight hundred volts of
electricity through the water in which it lives. An electric house current is only one hundred twenty
volts. As many as four fifths of all the cells in the electric eel’s body are specialized for generating
electricity, and the strength of the shock it can deliver corresponds roughly to the length of its body.
Answer the following questions in complete sentences.
1. Why couldn’t we say that life would be like without electricity?

2. What happens to automobiles unless there is power supply?

3. When did men start to realize the function of electricity?

4. To what field has the nature been experimenting for millions of years?

5. Which helps the doctors to observe the working of hearts?


6. What is used to record our brain waves of electricity?

7. Why do we need to use sensitive tools to measure the currents of living cells?

8. In certain animals, what happens when cells are joined together?

9. How much voltage is generated by an electric eel?

10. What will happen if an electric eel becomes larger and longer?

III. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given in brackets.
1. If she leaves now, she will not miss the train. (Use ‘unless’)

2. If you visit Bagan, you will find the heart of Myanmar. (Use ‘unless’)

3. Unless you take my advice, you will get into trouble. (Use ‘if’)

4. Unless he likes the book, he won’t buy it. (Use ‘if’)

5. Uncle listened to the radio, then he went to bed. (Join using ‘After’)

6. Myo Ko watered all the plants and then had his bath. (After)

7. He was punished by his father. He never made a mistake again. (After)

8. Although Hnin Hnin is pretty, she is not friendly. (Join using ‘in spite of’)

9. Although the box is very heavy, he can carry it. (In spite of)

10. In spite of diamonds being very expensive, many people love them. (Although)

1. In spite of being old, grandma is still very active. (Although)

2. She left home. She did not say good-bye to anyone. (Use ‘without’)

3. He came to the party. Nobody invited him. (Use ‘without’)


4. You will not get high marks unless you study regularly. (Use ‘without’)

5. The first question is not easy, so is the second one. (Neither of)

6. Both the twins dislike telling lies. (Neither of)

7. Perhaps it will rain tomorrow. (Use ‘may’)

8. I guess the last train will arrive in 10 minutes. (Use ‘may’)

9. It is possible that (I doubt that) they gave me the wrong number. (Use ‘may’)

10. I think she is either at the office or at home now, I’m not sure. (Use ‘may’)

1. The teacher said, “You are very obedient students”. (Change into Indirect Speech)

2. Zaw Thu said to me, “I went shopping with my friends yesterday and I met your sister.”

3. Daw Lay said, “We’ve run out of cooking oil now, Kay Thi”.

4. “Is there anything I can do for you?” Mg Mg said to Mya Mya.

5. Father said, “Son, did you put off the light?”

6. I said to my sister, “Do you know where the bookstore is?”

7. “Have the police found the lost child, Ko Lay?”, said Mi Mi.

8. “Will you take me to your hometown tomorrow?” Moe said to Ko Ye.

9. The tourist asked the guide, “Could you please tell me where Novotel Hotel is?”

10. The teacher said, “Nilar, why were you absent yesterday?”

1. “Where are you going to spend your holidays?”, Nyi Nyi said to me.

2. Mg Mg said to Soe Soe, “When did you go to Bagan?”

3. The angry father said to his son, “What have you done with your money?”

4. Mother said, “Son, how did you find the book that you were looking for?”

5. “Daughter, what happened to your school uniform?” asked her mother.

6. “Please open the windows, Mg Mg,” said the teacher.

7. The police said to the men, “Don’t touch anything here.”

8. The doctor said to Ko Aung, “Give up drinking or you will die.”

9. “Be always polite and respectful.”, the teacher said to his students.

10. Father said, “Don’t do that again, son”.

1. I suggest you should go to the doctor or you will become worse. (Use ‘had better’)

2. If we do not leave now, we will not catch the last train. (Use ‘had better’)

3. It is going to rain soon. I’d like you to take umbrella with you. (Use ‘had better’)

4. Myanmar ladies would prefer wearing thanakha to make-up. (Use would rather… than)

5. Would you prefer walking to taking a taxi? (Use would rather… than)

6. Nyi Nyi prefers watching TV at home to playing outside with his friends. (would rather… than)

7. When he had won middleweight title, he became famous. (V-ing)


8. They called the police when they realized that someone had broken into their house. (V-ing)

9. As soon as she had graduated, she got a good job. (No sooner..than)

10. He had just arrived at the airport when the plane left. (No sooner..than)

IV. Write FOR or AGAINST on ONE of the following statements.

I agree with the statement “Advanced technology helps to improve our learning environment.”

I have graduated from Pakokku University. Since I was there, I was crazy about using advanced
technologies and surfing on internet. The information or data for my studies were available on it at
any time. Moreover our learning environment, especially our classrooms, should well be equipped
with high-tech teaching aids. Not just for audio but visual aids should well be provided in our
teaching learning situations.

The world we live is always changing and we are now living in ‘Knowledge Age’. Each and every
person is now attempting to get the worldwide knowledge. Each and every one will soon be left
behind if he/she does not have sufficient knowledge to meet the changing demands of the age. So we
should always fill ourselves up with the power of knowledge so that we will be able to solve out our
daily problems as well as our country’s incoming challenges.

“Living in urban areas is better than living in rural ones.”

I disagree with the statement ‘living in big cities is better than living in countryside’. This may be
true for some people to some extent but not totally relevant for all of us. The big cities, for example,
may be better for one’s education, health-care and business opportunities. There are lots of language
classes and vocational training centres as well as so many clinics and health-care services in cities.
But no fresh air or fresh food is available there. We may have lots of business opportunities such as
going abroad, working in local or international companies in big cities. But honesty or true
friendship may rarely be found there. Everyone is competing to be better and higher than others. You
will be left behind soon if you have no adequate skills and experience. There will be no support of
family or friends. In rural areas, we can still have the cooperative spirit both in social and religious
ceremonies. We can still have the chance to enjoy the natural beauty and sceneries, not like artificial
ones in cities. In countryside, we always open doors and welcome to everyone, not like townsmen
who always shut their doors and peep at their new neighbors. For all these reasons, I totally disagree
with the statement that ‘living in cities is better than living in countryside.’

Books are better than TVs (Reading books is better than watching TVs)
Many people love watching TV. When they are in front of it, no one can easily get his or her eyes off
it. However, from my point of view, books are definitely better than TVs.   
First, books can increase our imagination. Books don't show us visual movements. So, we can easily
imagine the story going on in our own head. Even there are pictures in the book, they don't move or
make sounds like in movies.
Second, books are very good for our health compared to TVs. TVs make a lot of radiation, which is
very bad for our health. It can heat our body. Also, watching it for a long time can cause many kinds
of problems to our eyes. When we watch many moving things for a long time, our eyes will forget
blinking. So, it can make our eyes very tired and dry.
Many people say that watching TV is very fun. As a result, they actually get addicted to TV. TVs are
very entertaining because of all those colorful moving pictures and sounds. However, it is bad for us
because it decreases our imagination, just following the movements in the TV. Also, it will cause
health problems because people can't get their eyes off it. Therefore, it is very sure that TVs are
worse than books.
For those reasons, books are better than TVs. First, books can increase our imagination. Second,
books are healthier for us than TVs. Therefore, I strongly believe that books are better than TVs. 252
Honesty is the best policy
People nowadays are less honest with each other than our grandparents, which make living in this
modern life is not easy at all. The fact that people are not honest causes problems, some of which
could hurt others badly. In my opinion lying is not a good job to do. Thus I agree the statement
‘honesty is the best policy.’
If we do not lie, we will take advantages from it. Everyone will trust us. We will have good friends, a
great job and a good life to live. Employers always want to have honest people to work for them.
Being honest in one’s job brings quick promotion to higher positions.
If we are not honest, others do not respect us. If we lie to someone for the first time, he or she may
doubt at us next time. Not getting the belief from others, we will readily fail to succeed in doing
many things. Therefore, lying does not give us benefits.
Being honest give us comfortable feelings to our life. Liars always have to worry that the truth can
be uncovered one day. So they have to pretend themselves as honest ones so that others cannot find
their hidden faults. Living in such a life is a poor thing.
If we are honest, we are living in a realistic world of our own. An honest man may be poor. But he is
fearless, happy and contented. He is respected by all. A dishonest man is fearful, immoral and he has

no internal happiness. A dishonest person is hated in every society. (262

I. Read the passage and answer the questions on it. (Pilot Test)
Homing pigeons are placed in a training program from about the time they are twenty-eight
days of age. They are taught to enter the loft through a trap and to exercise above and around the loft,
and gradually they are taken away for short distances in wicker baskets and released. They are then
expected to find their way home in the shortest possible time.
In their training flights or in actual races, the birds are taken to prearranged distant points and
released to find their way back to their own lofts. Once the birds are liberated, their owners, who are
standing by at the home lofts, anxiously watch the sky for the return of their entries. Since time is of
the essence, the speed with which the birds can be induced to enter the loft trap may make the
difference between gaining a win or a second place.
The head of a homing pigeon is comparatively small, but its brain is one quarter larger than
that of the ordinary pigeon. The homing pigeon is very intelligent and will persevere to the point of
stubbornness; some have been known to fly a hundred miles off course to avoid a storm.
Some homing pigeon experts claim that this bird is gifted with a form of built-in radar that
helps it find its own loft after hours of flight, for hidden under the head feathers are two very
sensitive ears, while the sharp, prominent eyes can see great distances in daytime.
Why do homing pigeons fly home? They are not unique in this inherent skill: it is found in
most migratory birds, in bees, ants, toads, and even turtles, which have been known to travel
hundreds of miles to return to their homes. But in the animal world, the homing pigeon alone can be
trusted with its freedom and trained to carry out the missions that people demand.
1. What happens when the pigeon is about a month?
2. How are the homing pigeons trained?
3. To where are the birds taken when they are in training flights?
4. When do the owners of the birds feel anxious?
5. What makes the difference between first and second places?
6. What makes the difference between a homing pigeon and an ordinary one?
7. What do the pigeons do in order not to face the storm?
8. Why can homing pigeons find their own lofts after their long flight?
9. How do you understand the word ‘inherent’ in last paragraph?
10. To compare the home-finding abilities with the pigeons, what are mentioned in the last
II.(A) 1. Feel free to contact me in case you have any query.

2. It is the story of an extraordinary friendship among a boy and a seal.

3. I enjoy walking to cycling. It’s the best way of physical exercise.

4. You’d better wear a safety helmet so that you have an accident.

5. Mount Popa is often visited by thousands of people every year.

6. He is a better tennis player for me. He always beats me at tennis.

7. Don’t play with fire, kids! I have just told you many times.

8. My elder sister is trying to get a MBA degree online.

9. I forgot to take my suitcase with me when I got down the bus.

10. Most football fans came to the final match. No vacant seats were left in the stadium.

II. (B) admires failures respects occurs patterns

endless classes highly broken appointments
workplaces goes offices inclined seriously

Nothing is permanent except change, so the saying …1…... Yet we keep seeing recurring patterns.
Habit …2… that refuse to go away. It seems that all of us, with few exceptions, are creatures of
habits. Habits are patterns hard to be …3…. They develop over time and take to go away. As with
many things in the world, there are good habits and bad habits. Good habits can bring us benefits and
bad habits …4….
If we look, for instance, the habit of keeping one’s promise, this is relevant to meeting deadlines at
…5…. and in academic matters. It is important to keep one’s promise. If a person keeps his promise,
it means he takes himself and his dignity …6….. Someone who respects himself respects others. If
he …7….. himself and other, it will never cross his mind to retract his words. Do you know
somebody who always breaks his or her own promise? Do you know someone who is always late?
Late for work. Late for …8…... Late for school. Late in submitting assignments, meeting deadlines –
in an …9…... list. Don you know people who are …10…... towards lies? I don’t think they tell lies
consciously. They do it subconsciously even for very petty things. And, inevitably, it becomes a set
of recurring patterns.

III. 1. I wouldn’t do such mistake …………………………………. (Complete the sentence)

2. My mobile phone was stolen last night. (Change into Active)

3. I would like you tell the truth, no matter the result is. (Rewrite using ‘wish’ pattern)

4. Reading newspaper is more informative than reading stories. (Join using not as ……. as)

5. Wai Wai is so unwell that she can’t continue her work. (Join using too …… to)

6. It has been raining ……….. last three days. (Use appropriate preposition)

7. “Ma Ma, can you help me to do this sum?” said Mg Mg.

8. Pakokku is a big city on western Ayeyarwady. It has many interesting places. (N)

9. The satirist Mg Tha Cho is more famous than the novelist Mg Myo. (not as…… as)

10. Aren’t you sorry that you failed the exam? (Rewrite using ‘wish’ pattern)

1. It will be better for us to take a taxi. If not, we will be late for meeting. (Use had better)

2. When she was walking alone last night, she (rob) by a man wearing a mask.(correct tense)

3. Both the brothers do not pay attention to their studies. (Neither of)

4. When we do the right things, ……………………………… . (Complete the sentence)

5. She read the e-mail from her friend and then she wrote a reply. (After)

6. I’d like you not to wear shorts when you visit pagoda. (Wish )

7. Ni Ni said, “Why didn’t you come to my reception last week, Mi Mi?” (Reported Speech)

8. Magazines differ in their size and appearance.……….. comics. (Use preposition)

9. When a girl uses to much make-up, she looks unnatural. (Parallel)

10. I always wear the helmet in case …………………………………… (Complete the sent:)

“Education allows students going outside the class rather than staying inside.”
Our national leader General Aung San once said, “Education matters not just inside the classroom
but it stretches out of it and meets the real world.” I strongly agree to it. We are now living in the age

of rapid technological advances. So our learning environment is changing a lot and then we need to
rethink of our education policy. We need to consider the education system that will meet those
changing demands of the current world. We don’t accept any education system that lets young
students stay under the confinement of class. We need to rebuild the education system that allows
our students go outside the class and learn themselves. Actually our country is moving towards a
new democratic federal union and talented human resources are of critical importance for us. The
more we can produce these resources, the easier it is for us to make a new developed nation. Here are
some remarkable words of General Aung San: “Education not only enables the students see the
bright future of nation but also creates them reform the new society.” Therefore I agree with the
statement “Education allows students go outside the class rather than stay inside it.”
Qualities of a Teacher
It may be noted that a teacher is, first of all, qualified for his job. He would not become a teacher if
he did not have the necessary qualification. He would make a good teacher, however, if he had a
keen interest in his work.
As in all professions, a good teacher must have a spirit of service. He must have a sense of duty
towards his pupils. It is his responsibility to help them in every way. He must help them not only to
pass the exam but to become good citizens. A teacher must have patience. He must show special
kindness to students who are not very clever or intelligent. He must try to understand the students
who may have problems of their own. He must take real interest in their lives. He must be their
guide, their friend and philosopher.
‘Example is better than precept’. A teacher should be a good example to his students. He must
practise what he preaches. He himself must be well-disciplined one in order that he can train his
students to become disciplined ones. He must inspire his students to be dutiful citizens and reliable
leaders in future. This is the most important quality of a teacher. (205-words)
The University I’d Like to Work in (My Ideal University)
Universities are, in fact, treasure houses for knowledge. It can be said that one’s life is not totally
complete unless he has the experience of university student at least for once. A person may be in
great wealth and success but he is really an incomplete person if he lacks the full pleasure of
university life.
University is a common place for young people to learn higher education and advanced technologies.
University is a common place for the young from different lands where they meet and share their
knowledge, their wisdom and their love and friendship.
There are over hundred universities in our country. Among them, University of Yangon is the
earliest, and the most famous one. It was first founded in 1920, since our country was in British

colony. It has a remarkable history related to our independence. It was at this university where Aung
San and the youths started struggle against the British rulers and regained our independence. It was
there where U Thant learned how to solve out the world’s affairs. No one can deny that our freedom
comes out the flourishing of this university. No one can argue that it is our nation’s landmark of
independence. For these reasons, I’d like to serve as a teacher at University of Yangon. (215-words)
‘Make hay while the sun shines’ is a piece of advice that reminds us to use our precious time in an
effective way. Farmers make hay by drying the grass they have cut to use it as food for the animals.
They can do this only when the sun is shining. They cannot do it when there is no sun in the sky. So
this is a sound piece of advice.
We are advised to do whatever we have to do when the time is favourable. For example, we go to
school and seek knowledge when we are young. It would not do when we are at older age. Wise men
say that we must seek knowledge during the first part of our life.
In the second part of our life, we acquire wealth. We have become adults, and we have to support our
parents and our families. It is the best time for us to work and take part in activities in the services of
the community. We are in the prime of our life and most suited to serve the interests of our society.
In the third part of our life, we retire from the normal activities of life and seek contentment and
peace of mind. We try not to live in the past or future. We are content to live in the present. We live
mindfully not only from day to day, or even hour to hour. We think of the place where there is no
birth, no old age or death. Hence we must make hay while the sun shines. (264
Knowledge is power
It is very true to say that ‘knowledge is power’. Knowledge is awareness of knowing about ‘what,
why, when, where and how’ of anything. Power is of two kinds; physical power and intellectual
power. The first includes strength and skill to do things, to perform acts and to produce goods. The
second includes recall, recognition, reasoning, imagination, and so on.
Knowledge therefore means physical as well as intellectual powers. It means to see, to listen,
understand, desire, plan, work and achieve. So knowledge helps us not only to desire but to achieve
what we desire.
Man, since his early existence on this planet, has been searching for knowledge continuously. It was
his knowledge that developed civilization. It was his knowledge that helped him develop agriculture
and grow food, build houses and shelters, weave clothes to wear, and play musical instrument for
recreation. Thus man who was once afraid and worshiped the elements of nature like water, fire,
earth, and air, has now brought them under his control. He has advanced so much in science that he
is able to produce whatever he wants, go wherever he likes and turn forces of nature to his benefits.

Out of two kinds, physical power has left behind with the law of jungle. Today it is knowledge of
science and technology that rules the world. Intellectual power or knowledge of science would
decide the fate of the future world. Hence if power is to be acquired, it is possible through
knowledge. I strongly agree that knowledge is power because it enables us to prove our superiority
over others. (264
No pains, no gains
There is a law of ‘give and take’ for everything. We can achieve nothing in life without effort and
hard work. We cannot achieve success in life if we have no attempt for it. We cannot live
comfortably unless we work hard for our living. There is similar Myanmar proverb ̶ “only when one
accepts sufferings will he enjoy the benefit.”
This proverb is true in health, wealth and success. We cannot enjoy the benefit of good health if we
do not obey the laws of health. We must eat and sleep regularly. We should go to bed early and get
up early. ‘Early to bed and early to rise makes man healthy, wealthy ad wise’. We should do physical
exercises and should avoid bad habits such as smoking and drinking.
If a student wants to pass his exam with flying colours, he must take pains over his studies by
attending classes regularly and doing homework without fail. He should not waste his time hunting
for pleasure. When we become adults, we have to work for a living. We have to support our family
and look after our parents and relatives. We cannot do all these things without working hard.
In fact, life is not a bed of roses. Life is struggle. We have to work hard and deny ourselves
temporary peace, comfort and pleasure for lasting happiness in life. We must take pains if we want to
get something out of it. We must pay for it. Nothing in this world can be achieved free. No pains, we
gains. (260 words)
The value of travel (as a means of education)
It cannot be denied that travel broadens one’s mind. Those who stay just at homes are cut off from
the outside world. As a result, they develop a narrow outlook on life. But those who travel come into
contact with various types of people and whose ways of life are completely different from theirs.
They see things with their own eyes and have a better understanding of the affairs of the world. Thus,
they can see things in proper ways and make correct judgments.
However, it can be argued that one can get knowledge from books, newspapers, radio and TV. But
there are many things which books cannot describe effectively. For example, the love and the faith of
people in other lands or the natural beauty of the various parts of the world cannot be described fully
in words. They have to be seen and felt.

Travel also helps to know about the geographical differences of the various countries of the world.
One’s first-hand experience like seeing with own eyes is found in no book. Such knowledge
broadens one’s mindset and makes him better and more reasonable person. So it can simply be said
that travel is an important means of education. (203-words)
Social networks have disadvantages rather than advantages
There are many different views to social networks. Some think it is stupid to share every single
thought with the world. Some think that it is the best way to tell your friends what you are doing or
to see what they are going to do.
A big advantage of social networks is that we can stay in touch with our friends and family from all
around the world. So, we can send them a picture or post some funny videos on their “wall” to make
them see it. Another benefit is that if we press “like” or “follow” on pages or blogs that we are
interested in, we will always get the newest piece of information and be up to date. Also, we can
know about every event of our favourites and we will be as close as possible with them.
The disadvantages of social networks are that if we are on social networks, everyone can find us
there. So, it’s a big risk of being hacked by someone dangerous. Social networks make us lazy when
we spend too much time on reading blogs and writing statuses. Besides, our grades at schools may
get worse as we spend time on browsing and searching for new things to share with friends.
From my own view, however, social networks are fundamental things as they help our beloved ones
stay “around” us. Thus I use social networks everyday but I try not to post too much information
about my plans or location. Despite the disadvantages, I still use social networks as I hunger for most
updated pieces of information and knowledge. (269
Books and newspapers become outdated forms of media when compared to social media
As we move into the twenty- first century, an increasing number of people are relying on new forms
of technology. A possible result of this is that traditional media such as books and newspapers
become less popular. Personally, I disagree with this point of view.
The main reason why some people take this view is that it is generally much easier and quicker to
discover what is happening in the world from the internet or the TV rather than from a newspaper. If
we use Google or another search engine or switch on the TV, we can instantly get the latest news
bulletin. A newspaper, on the other hand, is out of date the moment it is published as it contains
yesterday’s news.
It is less obvious to say why books are out of fashion. One possibility is that fewer people choose to
read for pleasure nowadays because they prefer modern technology. There is less effort involved in
enjoying a 3D movie or playing a computer game rather than in turning the pages of a book.

My own point of view is that books and newspapers will never be out of fashion. The reason is that
they serve basic human needs. I believe that people will always want to read about the news and
escape into the imaginary worlds of great novels. However, books and newspapers need to be
changed to meet the new demands of twenty-first century consumers. We can see this happening
with the arrival of the audio-book and the various free newspaper internet sites. (259 words)

Staff Selection Examination for Tutors and Demonstrators

English (For All Subjects) (Pilot Test) July 2017

Answer ALL questions. Time allowed: (2) Hours
I. Read the passage and answer the questions on it.

II. (A) Choose the best answer to complete the blanks. (10-marks)

(A) (B) appreciate (C) prefer

2. The last train ………… when we got the station.

(A) left (B) has already left (C) had left

(A) in order that (B) (C) so that


(A) is visited (B) (C)


(A) (B) loses (C) wins


(A) just told (B) ever told (C)

7. Once the name Pakokku ………… as ‘Thar-htoke-ku’.

(A) was called (B) was known (C) was changed

8. Had I known your contact numbers, I ………… you up.

(A) called (B) would call (C) would have called

9. The light ………… when I was studying last night.

(A) went out (B) went off (C) went of


(A) (B) the (C) a


II. (B) Fill the blanks with the answers in box. (10-marks)

immune in of when components

to masks with feel reduce

Some theories of laughter emphasize its ability to ….1…. tension and emotion. You have probably
been in a tense group situation ….2…. someone suddenly made exactly the right joke to defuse the
mood and make everyone laugh. Laughter seems ….3…. produce some beneficial biological
responses, possibly stimulating the ….4…. system or starting the flow of endorphins, the pain-killing
chemicals in the brain.
Other theories emphasize the cognitive ….5…. of humour. When you laugh at a problem, you are
putting it ….6…. a new perspective‒ seeing its silly aspects and gaining control over it.
Having a sense ….7…. humour, however, is not the same as smiling all the time or “putting on a
happy face.” Many women, in particular, ….8…. they have to smile, smile, smile, to put others at
ease, but often this social smile ….9…. feelings of insecurity and unhappiness. For humour to be
effective in coping ….10…. stress, a person must actually use it in a stressful situation‒ seeing or
inventing funny aspects of serious events and having the ability to laugh at them.

III. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. (20-marks)

1. Thu Thu is sorry that she was not promoted. (Rewrite using ‘wish’ pattern)
2. People once believed that the sun goes around the earth. (Change into ‘passive’)
3. She is rather stupid. She cannot even understand the questions. (Join using ‘so… that’)
4. Thiha is so weak that he cannot do weight-lifting. (Join using ‘too… to’)
5. More rice is grown in Magway Region than in Chin Region. (Rewrite using ‘not as…as’)
6. I don’t like telling lies and so does my mother. (Join using ‘neither… nor’)
7. I was not informed that you had been sent abroad. (Change into ‘active)
8. If one’s position is higher, the responsibility becomes heavy. (Use ‘parallel construction’)
9. Pyin-Oo-Lwin is famous for its flowers. It is a nice, pleasant town. (Use ‘Appositive
10. Please feel free to contact me …………………… . (Complete the sentence)

IV. Write for or against one of the following. (20-marks)


Education ensures the bright future for new generations

Living in urban areas is better than living in rural ones

V. Write an essay of about 200 words on one of the following. (20-marks)

Qualities of a teacher
My ideal university

Staff Selection Examination for Tutors and Demonstrators (Pilot Test-2)

II. Fill the blanks with the answers in box. (20-marks)

career qualities on gained think
line cherish naturally mark for
successes nations into really developer
noble crowning professional families second

Teachers are the role models and motivators for students. This is a universal truth― true all
over the world, irrespective of …..1….. or people. If people who join the teaching profession do not
have the required qualities, they had better …..2….. twice before doing damages to the tender life
and minds of young students.

Good teachers leave an ever-lasting …..3….. on the lives of students. The quality of their
teaching has a great influence …..4….. students’ learning. To have quality teaching, it should be a
mix of hard work and…..5….. . Teachers can get inner satisfaction. They do not ……6….. hope for
external rewards such as money and power. These can be …..7….. in other professions. A real
teacher must possess three basic…..8….. : well-established knowledge, intellectual practices and
being…..9…... For teachers, money does not matter nor should it matter. The best reward …..10…. a
true teacher is to see his or her student learn, grow and develop. In the end, he or she wants to see
students’ …..11….. success.

There can be many reasons for choosing teaching as a…..12…... One is talent. Teaching does
not come …..13….. to everyone. A true teacher stands out as a deliverer of knowledge and …..14…..
of skills. He can keep fine balance between work and life. At work, true teacher can be very
….15….. and do their best for their pupils.

At the end of the day, their working life transforms …..16….. family life. Unlike people of
many other professions, teachers can draw a …..17…… between work and life. They can spend
quality time with their …..18….. in the evenings, care-free and enjoying every…..19…... They feel
happy in the knowledge that they have given their very best to teaching and they …..20….. every
single moment with their dear ones.

III. Rewrite the following sentences according to the instructions given. (20-marks)

1.. Many football fans came to the final match. No vacant seats were left in the stadium
(Join using ‘so… that’)
2. The humming birds are brilliant like sparkling diamonds. (Join using ‘as ….as’)
3. U Ko Ko earns more than his wife. (Rewrite using ‘not as…as’)
4. Both the worms and the snails have no backbone. (Join using ‘neither… nor’)
5. If you are younger, it is easier for you to learn new things. (Use ‘parallel construction’)
6. Thu Thu and Mu Mu are twin sisters. Thu Thu is a nurse. Mu Mu is a teacher.
(Use ‘Appositive construction’)
7. Did anyone use my computer in my absence? (Change into ‘passive’)

8. The chickens were being fed when we visited their garden. (Change into ‘active’)
9. It is a pity that they were fined for not wearing helmets. (Rewrite using ‘wish’ pattern)
10. They did not try hard. As a result, …………………… . (Complete the sentence)

IV. Write for or against one of the following. (20-marks)

Travelling is an essential part of education

Advanced technology helps to improve our teaching learning environment

V. Write an essay of about 200 words on one of the following. (20-marks)

Why I apply for this job

The universities I would like to work in


The value of travel as a means of education

In the past travel was considered as essential part of education. Poets and writers realized the value
of travel and went out to other countries in search of knowledge. A man’s education was not
completed until he visited foreign lands.
It cannot be denied that travel broadens the mind. Those who remain within the confines of their
homes are cut off from the outside world. As a result, they develop a narrow outlook on life. But
those who travel come into contact with various types of people whose ways of life are completely
different from theirs. They see things with their own eyes and have a better understanding of the
affairs of the world. Thus, they are able to see things in proper ways and make correct judgments and
decisions. In other words, to be able to make correct decision is a valuable part of education.
However, it can be argued that one can stay at home and get knowledge of different people from
various parts of the world from books, newspapers, radio and TV. But there are many things which
books cannot describe effectively. For example, the love and respect people in other lands have for
us and the natural beauty of the various parts of the world cannot be described fully in words. They
have to be seen and felt. So travel is an important means of education.
Travel also helps to know about the geographical differences of the various countries of the world.
One’s first-hand experience like seeing with own eyes and remembering is not found in any book.
Such knowledge broadens one’s mind and makes him a better and more reasonable person. The
value of travel as a means of education is so great that time and money spent on travel are not a
waste of effort.

Learning starts as soon as a child comes into the world. Sights and sounds around him are gradually
absorbed. The different colours are at first confusing but, with time, children being to know the
differences. Although all children go through similar stages of learning, there are different types of
children. Some children can learn fast. Others have to take some more time to learn. Clever children
learn quickly. They can pick up new idea after begin told once or twice. To remember something,
average children need ten to twelve repetitions. More clever kids do not need such repetitions. If they
are in the same class as average students, they have to listen to repetition which they do not need.

In many countries of the world, children start learning early. In developed nations, it is common for
children to stars learning how to read and write at a young age. They go to preschool and learn a lot
of information and skills. When they go to the primary school, they already know many things. But,
the school teaches them the same lessons. Children have to relearn all the information and skills they
have got all over again. Too much information for children at an early age can do more harm than
good. By the time they reach high school, they are getting nearer to the `burn-out’ point. At this
point, children are too exhausted to learn anymore. Many children have lost their interest in learning.
Learning becomes just a burden and a tiring experience rather than fun.
At school, children already know many things about the subjects they have to learn. Having to learn
the things you have already learnt can be really boring. They just sit through the lessons not paying
attention. It is difficult to pay attention when they are getting bored. They sit still in the classroom
out of respect for teachers. Trying to sit still and pay attention under those circumstances can be quite
stressful. Some people would say that children should learn to be patient and sit still. If adults put
themselves in children’s place, they would find that few could sit still after hours of being bored.
Most adults would leave rather than watch a boring movie.
Nothing is permanent except change, so the saying goes. Yet we keep seeing recurring patterns.
Habit patterns that refuse to go away. It seems that all of us, with few exceptions, are creatures of
habits. Habits are patterns hard to be broken. They develop over time and take to go away. As with
many things in the world, there are good habits and bad habits. Good habits can bring us benefits and
bad habits failures.
If we look, for instance, the habit of keeping one’s promise, this is relevant to meeting deadlines at
workplaces and in academic matters. It is important to keep one’s promise. If a person keeps his
promise, it means he takes himself and his dignity seriously. Someone who respects himself respects
others. If he respects himself and other, it will never cross his mind to retract his words. Do you
know somebody who always breaks his or her own promise? Do you know someone who is always
late? Late for work. Late for appointments. Late for school. Late in submitting assignments, meeting
deadlines – in an endless list. Don you know people who are inclined towards lies? I don’t think they
tell lies consciously. They do it subconsciously even for very petty things. And, inevitably, it
becomes a set of recurring patterns.
Apart from the negative patterns, there are many positive ones such as looking at something from the
positive point of view, being optimistic and doing things in an orderly fashion. These can bring
benefits to the creatures of habit and those around them. If we are aware of the patterns we don’t
want, we can change them. However, change is always challenged. It is not always easy to change

our patterns. We have an unfortunate and inflexible resistance to change. I am thinking about the
patterns I have, good ones and bad ones. Which one outnumbers the other?
When some students want to study, they learn by heart. This is also known as rote learning. It is
good for quick memorization. When we try to remember a telephone number, this method is very
Some people look down on rote learning. They say that students are trying to remember without
understanding what they are reading. But there are good points in learning by heart. Rote learning is
widely used for getting foundational knowledge.
When students have never heard about something they learn in classrooms, they have to learn it by
heart. At the early stages of learning, rote learning does a wonderful job. The problem is when rote
learning is done without understanding.
Learning does not stop at the basic level. Students need to go to higher level where rote learning
becomes less useful. It is an ineffective tool in mastering any complex subject. When students go to
more advanced levels, they need to do less rote learning and more questioning. They need to ask
questions so that they can get answers. Rather than waiting for a ready-made answer from teachers,
they should go out of the classrooms to look for answers. They should go to the libraries to find the
answers to their questions.
In the learning process, students cannot always practise rote learning. There are six stages they have
to go through: remembering, understanding, analyzing, applying, evaluating and creating. Learners
cannot stop at remembering because they need to progress to other stages. It is not enough just to
understand what one can remember. It is also important to be able to analyse what they have learnt,
see the different elements and how they work together. Also, they must be able to apply their
knowledge in practical situations. Evaluation means knowing the quality of their knowledge, telling
apart good things from bad things. The learning process will end with creating. Learners will know
how to create their own things with their own ideas. They will have their own style and their

Read the passage and answer the questions given.

Many animals mimic leaves. The most successful are insects, whose veined wings are ideally suited
to change into leaf-like shapes and surfaces but there are also excellent vertebrate examples among

chameleons, toads, frogs, and fish. All sorts of leaves are used as models‒fresh green leaves, dead
brown leaves, rotting leaves, and even fallen leaves.
The most remarkable leaf mimic among the vertebrates are the South American leaf fish from the
Amazon valley, and the bat fish from Indo-Pacific coasts. The leaf fish is a generalized leaf mimic
which lives in freshwater streams. On the other hand, the bat fish specifically resembles mangrove
leaves and lives in the shallow water in which mangroves grow. The construction of the leaf fish
resembles that of a horizontal leaf, and the bat fish looks like a vertical leaf. The leaf fish is a
predator of other fish and makes use of its disguise to stalk prey. It floats on its side, like a leaf, just
below the surface of the water and propels itself along with no apparent movement using its fins. In
this way, looking like a drifting leaf, it creeps upon unsuspecting fish, until with a final thrust it
engulfs its prey. On the other hand, the disguise of the bat fish seems mainly protective.
It floats gently along, moving only its transparent tail, sometimes twisting and swaying in exactly the
manner of drifting mangrove leaves. When danger threatens, it goes down and stays inert at the sea
bottom where it lies stationary among the leaves it so much resembles.
Answer the following questions in complete sentence.
1. What kinds of animals are most successful in mimic?

III. Change the following sentences according to the instructions given.

UDE Essay Topic

III year:
Leisure Activities
The Advantages of Getting up Early
A Place I Would Like to Visit in Myanmar
II year:
How I use my precious time
The things I would like to do in my life
Library: a store for knowledge

I year:
My interests and future plan
Travelling with a companion
What I like doing at the weekend

II year CS:
Beautiful Myanmar
Importance of good health
Making the best of an opportunity

The appearance of book is thousands of years earlier than the invention of TV. And they didn’t
disappear these years show they’re both valuable and they have their own advantages. However, I
think reading books is better than watching TV in most ways. Firstly, reading books is alternative.
Especially when you are studying on an exact subject, you can choose books which are exactly about
your subject. That means you can get quite a lot of useful and exhaustive information easily in no
time. Sometimes the internet can’t even do that. When you want to read a book for relaxing, you can
choose the book which you’re interested in. Furthermore, if you have a book, you could read it again
and again, until you fully understand or enjoy it. In addition, you can mark the important points you
think to make it more logical or add some notes beside it to retain the inspiration the book brings to
you. However, TV doesn’t enable you to do such meaningful things. You can’t choose what you
watch. And once you find a piece of useful detail fortunately, if you don’t remember or understand it,
there’s no second chance for you to watch it again. Secondly, books are easy to carry. You only need
light and air, and books can be read anywhere. Reading books in trains, buses or any leisure time is
always the best choice for both relaxing and during away time. Actually you get spiritual nutrition as
well. Spiritual nutrition is as important as physical nutrition. If you don’t get spiritual nutrition,
you’re only a body without a spirit. Your time is also easier to manage, since every second can be
used to read books. No time will be waste any more. With the appearance of electrical books
nowadays, the advantages of books are enlarging further. They are much lighter. Carrying a large
amount of books is also a small case. And most importantly, they’re good for your eyes. What’s
more, reading books can enrich our general knowledge and broaden our...

Books were first medium to give people information on printed page, then Scottish man John Logie Beird
transmitted first pictures on 25th October 1925 and television was born.

For most people watching television is better than reading books. Television is very popular medium. Part of
reason for its popularity is number of television channels, which people can easily choose via their remote
control. Another reason that people watch television is to relax. In fact television is so popular that it has
become part of our everyday routine.
Books are very valuable source of information. There (11) is/are many more books available than television
channels. Secondly reader can choose book and part of book that they want to read. And thirdly speed
readers can read faster than they get information from television programme. Books and television can be
found nearly everywhere on planet. Books (12) is/are cheap to produce and for popular subjects (13) is/are
cheap to buy. Books (14) is/are also highly portable and can be read nearly anywhere. However televisions
(15)is/are installed in nearly every household and only (16)need/needs to be switched on to provide new
entertainment and information. Both books and television (17)is/are great sources of information and
entertainment, but television (18)is/are very relaxing with sound and moving images and (19)is/are
therefore better medium.

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