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BPA -3-B



LESSON 1 : Public Policy Process in the Philippines

1. How will you describe the problem and identify the stakeholders under purpose?
Find the main problem occur , the resources and the main why is it existing , then find a better
solutions .

2. What is the importance of offering solution?

It help to solve the existing problem .

3. How will you write policy analysis?

Introduce the main topic. Establish the information/criteria you need to figure out and analyze
the existing policy according the evaluative criteria . Identify alternative and find the conclusion.

LESSON 2 : The Philippine Inclusive Development Agenda

1. What is agenda 2030?
All about the Sustainable Development Goals , a universal call to action to end the poverty ,
protect our planet and ensure that all people enjoy peace and prosperity . Finding the balance in
the development trajectories of the economic , social , and environment dimensions such that
the development is sustainable and no one is left behind .

2. What are the 17 goals for sustainable development ?

No poverty , zero hunger , good health and well-being , quality education , gender equality ,
clean water and sanitation , affordable and clean energy , decent work and economic growth ,
industry , innovation and infrastructure , reduced inequalities , sustainable cities and
communities , responsible consumption and production , climate action , life below water , life
on land , peace , justice and strong institutions , and partnership for the goals .

3. What are the 2040 visions of the Philippines ?

That our country will be prosperous , predominantly in middle –class society and where no one
is poor . Our people will live long and healthy lives , be smart and innovative and live in a high-
trust society .

4. How is Ambisyon 2040 possible ?

It will become possible if all the people abide those rules , poster love , care and honesty to our
country , nature and other people .

LESSON 3: Selective Inclusive Development Policies

1. What is Senate Economic Development Process?
It is by making a policies focus on the high sustaining growth and inclusive development in our
country. By making a reforms that provide solutions for the existing economic problems .

2. Identify and discuss selected development policies ?

About the Rationalize fiscal incentives and tax perks , at this policy , given that the huge leakage
in the country’s fiscal resources , it would be worthwhile to harmonize tax incentives .
Redundant incentives maybe replaced by performance-based types of tax incentives. Focus
should be given to exports , strategic projects and domestic investments in the poorest
provinces .

3. What is the proposal to create DICT ?

By providing information and communications services to the public and dispersed and lacking
in coordination and capacity . The agency should be rationalized and subsumed under the
umbrella department , the DICT will become the primarily policy making , planning ,
coordinating and implementing , regulating and administrative entity of the government when it
comes to ICT .

LESSON 4: Proposed Policies

1. What is the National Economic Development Authority?
An agency or authority that proposed 10-point policy agenda to accelerate the country’s
recovery for future from the COVID-19 pandemic and prepare country for future pandemics .

2. What are the 10-point policy agenda of the Philippines ?

It designed with 10-point policy agenda covers the ; metrics , vaccination , healthcare capacity ,
economy and mobility , schooling , domestic travel , international travel , digital transformation ,
pandemic flexibility bill ; and medium-term preparation for pandemic resilience.

3. List down the proposed COVID-19 management interventions ?

I think strengthened implementation of health safety-protocols , provide medicines , and etc.

LESSON 5: Conditional Cash Transfer Program

1. What is the conditional Cash Transfer ?
It is by giving money to poor people in return for fulfilling specific behavioral conditions. For
example is 4P’s .
2. How is the program designed ?
By providing monetary transfers to poor families conditional on those investments in the
education and health of their children .

3. Discuss the program cycle of CCT or 4ps ?

It provides conditional cash grants to the poorest of the poor , to improve the health , nutrition
and education of children aged 0-18.

4. What are the support to convergence efforts ?

To lessen to high risk of poverty in our country.

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