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Cph (KKK member) told his sister

about it.
Where did the Cry of rebellion
happen?  His sister confessed to the
mother superior of the
Introduction orphanage where she lived.
 One thing led to another and
 The term "Cry" is translated it reached to the Spanish
from the Spanish el grito de priest of Tondo
rebelion (cry of rebellion) or el  Thus, the Spaniards began to
grito for short. crack down on suspected
 El grito de rebelion strictly  The Katipunan Supremo
refers to a decision or call to Andres proceeded to a
revolt. It does not necessarily designated meeting place
connote shouting, unlike the outside the city to decide on
Filipino "sigaw" their next move.
 The original plan was to start
 Originally the term CRY refers the revolution at the end of
to the first clash between the August but following the
Katipuneros and the Civil arrests of the Katipuneros,
Guards (Guardia Civil). Bonifacio found it wise to
begin the revolution sooner.
 The cry could also refer to the  It is surprising that there are
tearing up of community tax different versions on the dates
certificates (cédulas for the first cry of the
personales) in defiance of revolution as well as the
their allegiance to Spain. venue.

 The inscriptions of "Viva la  This controversy up to this

Independencia Filipina" can time remains unsolved.
also be referred as term for
the cry. This was literally  It is believed that the so-called
accompanied by patriotic Cry took place in Balintawak;
shouts. but others would say that it
Why did it happen? really happened in Pugad
 The Katipunan Lawin.
(anti-colonial secret
organization) was discovered  Nevertheless, there are
when Teodoro Patińo different versions to consider
in knowing the real date and Memoirs of the Revolution
place of the Cry. without consulting the written
documents of the
 These include Pio Valenzuela’s Philippine revolution and claimed
Controversial “Cry of Pugad that the “Cry” took place at Pugad
Lawin”, Santiago Alvarez’s Lawin on August 23, 1896. Below
“The Cry of Bahay Toro”, is his account on this topic:
Gregoria de Jesus’ version of
the “First Cry”, and Guillermo
Masangkay’s “The Cry of “The first place of refuge of
Balintawak”. Andres Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto,
Procopio Bonifacio,
Different Versions of the Teodoro Plata, Aguedo del Rosario,
Cry of Rebellion and myself was Balintawak, the
first five arriving there
Pio Valenzuela’s Controversial on August 19 and I, on August 20,
“Cry of Pugad Lawin” (August 23, 1896. The first place where some
1896) 500 members of the
Katipunan met on August 22,
 This controversial version of 1896, was the house and yard of
the “Cry of the Pugad Lawin” Apolonio Samson at
has been authorized by no Kangkong. Aside from the persons
other than Dr. Pio Valenzuela, mentioned above, among those
who happened to be the who were there were
eyewitness himself of the Briccio Pantas, Alejandro Santiago,
event. Ramon Bernardo, Apolonio
Samson, and others. Here,
 In his first version, he told that views were only exchanged, and
the prime staging point of the no resolution was debated or
Cry was in Balintawak on adopted. It was at Pugad
Wednesday of August 26, Lawin, in the house, store-house,
1896. and yard of Juan Ramos, son of
Melchora Aquino, where
 He held this account when the over 1,000 members of the
happenings or events are still Katipunan met and carried out
vivid in his memory. considerable debate and
discussion on August 23, 1896.
 On the other hand, later in his The discussion was on whether or
life and with a fading memory, not the revolution
he wrote his
against the Spanish government compared with the other
should be started on August 29, versions for authors of other
1986. Only one man accounts are actually part of
protested and fought against a the historical event.
war, and that was Teodora Plata
(Bonifacio’s Santiago Alvarez’s Account
brother-in-law). Besides the
persons named above, among Sunday, August 23, 1896
those present at this meeting
were Enrique Cipriano, Alfonso  As early as 10 o’clock in the
Pacheco, Tomas Remigio, morning, at the barn of
Sinforoso San Pedro, and others. Kabesang Melchora (Melchora
After the tumultuous meeting, Aquino), at a place called
many of those present tore their Sampalukan, barrio of Bahay
cedula certificates and Toro, Katipuneros met
shouted “Long live the Philippines! together. About 500 of them
Long live the Philippines!” - arrived, ready and eager to
Valenzuela Account join the “Supremo” Andres
Bonifacio and his men …
Santiago Alvarez’s The “Cry of
Bahay Toro” (August 24, 1896) Monday, August 24, 1896

 Santiago Alvarez was a  There were about 1,000

well-known Katipunero from Katipuneros … The “Supremo”
Cavite and a son of Mariano decided to hold a meeting
Alvarez. inside the big barn. Under his
leadership, the meeting began
 Santiago is a relative of at 10 o’clock in the morning …
Gregoria de Jesus, who
happened to be the wife of  It was 12 o’clock noon when
Andres Bonifacio. the meeting adjourned amidst
loud cries of “Long live the
 Unlike the author of the first Sons of the Country”
version mentioned (Mabuhay ang mga anak ng
(Valenzuela), Santiago Alvarez Bayan)!
is not an eyewitness of this

 As a result, this version is not

given equal value as
Gregoria de Jesus’ Version of the watched by the agents of the
Spanish authorities, Andres
 First “Cry” (August 25, 1896) Bonifacio and other
This version was written by the Katipuneros left the town after
“Lakambini of the Katipunan” some days. It was then that the
and wife of Andres Bonifacio, uprising began, with the first cry
Gregoria de Jesus. for freedom on August 25, 1896.
Meanwhile, I was with my
 She has been a participant of parents. Through my friends, I
this event and became the learned that Spanish were
keeper of the secret coming to arrest me.
documents of the Katipunan. Immediately, I fled town at
eleven o’ clock at night, secretly
 After the Revolution in going through the rice
August 1896, she lived with fields to La Lorna, with the
her parents in Caloocan then intention of returning to Manila. I
fled to Manila when she was was treated like an
told that Spanish authorities apparition, for, sad to say, in
wanted to arrest her. every house where I tried to get a
little rest, I was
 Eventually, she joined her driven away as if people therein
husband in the mountains were frightened for their own
and shared adversities with lives. Later, I found
him. out that the occupants of the
houses which I had visited were
 In her account, the First “Cry” seized and severely
happened near Caloocan on punished--and some even exiled.
August 25, 1896. One of them was an uncle of
mine whom I had
Gregoria de Jesus’ Account visited on that night to kiss his
hand, and he died in exile.”
“The activities of the Katipunan
had reached nearly all corners of
the Philippine
Archipelago, so that when its
existence was discovered and
some of the members
arrested, we immediately
returned to Caloocan. However,
as we were closely
Guillermo Masangkay’s The“Cry
of Balintawak” (August 26, 1896) At about nine o’clock in the
morning of August 26, the
 This version is written by the meeting was opened with Andres
Katipunan General Guillermo Bonifacio presiding and Emilio
Masangkay. Jacinto acting as secretary. The
purpose was to discuss when the
 He is an eyewitness of the uprising was to take place.
historic event and a childhood Teodoro Plata [Bonifacio’s
friend of Bonifacio. brother-in-law – Z.], Briccio Pantas,
and Pio Valenzuela were all
 According to him, the first opposed to starting the revolution
rally of the Philippine too early. They reasoned
Revolution happened on that the people would be in
August 26, 1896 at distress if the revolution were
Balintawak. started without adequate
preparation. Plata was very
 Correspondingly, the date forceful in his argument, stating
and site presented were that the uprising could not very
accepted by the preliminary well be started without the arms
years of American and food for the soldiers.
government. Valenzuela used Rizal’s argument
about the rich not siding with the
“On August 26th [1896-Z.], a big Katipunan organization.
meeting was held in Balintawak,
at the house of Apolonio Samson, Andres Bonifacio, sensing that he
then the cabeza of that barrio of would lose in the discussion then,
Caloocan. Among those who left the session hall and talked to
attended, I remember, were the people, who were waiting
Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto, Aguedo outside for the result of the
del Rosario, Tomas Remigio, meeting of the leaders. He told
Briccio Pantas, Teodoro Plata, Pio the people that the leaders were
Valenzuela, Enrique Pacheco, and arguing against starting the
Francisco Carreon. They were all revolution early, and appealed to
leaders of the Katipunan and them in a fiery speech in which he
composed the board of directors said: “You remember the fate of
of the organization. Delegates our countrymen who were shot in
from Bulacan, Cabanatuan, Bagumbayan. Should we return
Cavite and Morong (now Rizal,) now to the towns, the Spaniards
were also present. will only shoot us. Our
organization has been discovered want to revolt, and they have
and we are all marked men. If we destroyed their cedulas,”
don’t start the uprising, the Bonifacio said. “So now we have
Spaniards will get us anyway. to start the uprising; otherwise
What then, do you say?” the people by hundreds will be
shot.” There was no alternative.
“Revolt!” the people shouted as The board of directors, in the
one. spite of the protests of Plata,
Bonifacio then asked the people Pantas, and Valenzuela, voted for
to give a pledge that they were to the revolution. And when this was
revolt. He told them that the sign decided, the people outside
of slavery of the Filipinos were (sic) shouted: “Long Live the
the cedula tax charged each Philippine Republic!”
citizen. “If it is true that you are
ready to revolt,” Bonifacio saved, I still remember Bonifacio as he
“I want to see you destroy your appeared that day. Although a
cedulas. It will be the sign that all mere bodeguero
of us have declared our severance (warehouseman) and earning ₱25
from the Spaniards.” (Mex.) a month, he was a cultured
man. He always
With tears in their eyes, the wore an open coat, with black
people as one man, pulled out necktie, and black hat. He always
their cedulas and tore them to carried an umbrella. At
pieces. It was the beginning of the the meeting that morning of
formal declaration of the August 26, Bonifacio took off his
separation from Spanish rule. coat and was wearing only
With their cedulas destroyed, they his shirt, with collar and tie.
could no longer go back to their Bonifacio’s hobby was weaving
homes because the Spaniards bamboo hats. During his
would persecute them, if not for spare time, he wove dozens of
being katipuneros, for having no them and sold them in Manila.
cedulas. And people who had no Thus, he made extra money.
cedulas during those days were
severely punished. At about 5 o’clock in the
afternoon, while the gathering at
When the people’s pledge was Balintawak was celebrating the
obtained by Bonifacio, he decision of the Katipunan leaders
returned to the session hall to start the uprising, the guards
and informed the leaders of what who were up in trees to watch for
took place outside. “The people
any possible intruders or the of the primary sources, decided
approach of the enemy, gave that the First Cry of the Philippine
the warning that the Spaniards Revolution happened on August
were coming. 23, 1896 at Pugad Lawin, now part
of Project 8 in Quezon City.
Led by Bonifacio, Emilio Jacinto
and other leaders of the Conclusion:
Katipunan, the men were
distributed in strategic positions  Whether it was held in
and were prepared for attack of Balintawak or Pugad Lawin;
the civil guards. I was with a group August 23, 24, 25 0r 26 of
stationed on the bank of a small 1896 - it really doesn't matter
creek, guarding the places where much.
the Spaniards were to pass in
order to reach the meeting place  The Cry of Pugad Lawin
of the katipuneros. Shots were marked the start of the
then fired by the civil guards, and Philippine Revolution in 1896
that was the beginning of the fire which eventually led to
which later became such a huge independence of the
conflagration. Philippines in 1898.

Wrap-up:  This historical event made the

From 1908 until 1963, the event Filipino people to fight for our
was thought to have occurred on freedom and independence,
August 26 in Balintawak. In fact a proving themselves worthy to
monument of the heroes of the be called a truly free people.
Philippine Revolution was built
there in 1911.

However, different historians and

Katipunan personalities
contradicted the time and place
of the First Cry of the Philippine

Thus, in 1963, the National

Historical Commission (today’s
National Historical
Commission of the Philippines
[NHCP]), after extensive research
Agrarian Reform Policies - “This land is Ours! God gave this
land to us”
“Land is Power!
Before the Spaniards came to the
If you want to be powerful, Philippines, Filipinos lived in
own a land!" villages or barangays ruled by
chiefs or datus.
Land Reform vs Agrarian Reform
Land Reform The datus comprised the nobility.

- usually refers to redistribution Then came the maharlikas

of land from the rich to the poor (freemen), followed by the
- More broadly, it includes mamamahay (serfs) and aliping
regulation of ownership, saguiguilid (slaves).
operation, leasing, sales, and
inheritance of land However, despite the existence
of different classes in the social
- Agrarian Reform stemmed from structure, practically everyone
land reform had access to the fruits of the
Agrarian Reform
Money was unknown, and rice
- government-initiated served as the medium of
redistribution of agricultural land exchange.

- rectification of the whole Spanish Period (1521-1898)

system of agriculture “United we stand, divided we
- concerned with the total
development of the farmer's When the Spaniards came to the
economic, social and political Philippines, the concept of
transformation encomienda (Royal Land Grants)
was introduced.
Agrarian Reform Policies
per Gov't Administration This system grants that
Encomienderos must defend his
Pre - Spanish Period encomienda from external attack,
maintain peace and order within,
and support the missionaries.
In turn, the encomiendero Philippine Bill of 1902 – Set the
acquired the right to collect ceilings on the hectarage of
tribute from the indios (native). private individuals and
The system, however, caused may acquire: 16 has. for private
abuse of power by the individuals and 1,024 has. for
encomienderos. corporations.

The tribute soon became land Land Registration Act of 1902

rents to a few powerful (Act No. 496) – Provided for a
landlords. comprehensive registration of
The natives who once cultivated titles under the Torrens system.
the lands in freedom were
transformed into mere share Public Land Act of 1903 –
tenants. introduced the homestead
system in the Philippines.
First Philippine Republic
Tenancy Act of 1933 (Act No.
“The yoke has finally broken” 4054 and 4113) – regulated
relationships between
When the First Philippine landowners and
Republic was established in 1899, tenants of rice (50-50 sharing)
Gen. Emilio Aguinaldo declared in and sugar cane lands.
the Malolos Constitution his
intention to confiscate large The Torrens system, which the
estates, especially the so-called Americans instituted for the
Friar lands. registration of lands,
did not solve the problem
However, as the Republic was completely. Either they were not
short-lived, Aguinaldo’s plan was aware of the law or if
never implemented. they did, they could not pay the
survey cost and other fees
American Period (1898-1935) required in applying for
a Torrens title.
“Long live America”

Significant legislation enacted

during the American Period:
Commonwealth Period
(1935-1942) Rural Program Administration,
created March 2, 1939 – Provided
“Government for the Filipinos” the purchase and lease of
haciendas and their sale and
President Manuel L. Quezon lease to the
espoused the "Social Justice" tenants.Commonwealth Act No.
program to arrest the increasing 441 enacted on June 3,
social unrest in Central Luzon. 1939 – Created the National
Settlement Administration with a
Significant legislation enacted capital stock of P20,000,000.
during Commonwealth Period:
Japanese Occupation
1935 Constitution – "The
promotion of social justice to “The Era of Hukbalahap”
ensure the well-being and
economic Upon the arrival of the Japanese
security of all people should be in the Philippines in 1942,
the concern of the State" peasants and workers
organizations grew strength.
Commonwealth Act No. 178 (An Many peasants took up arms and
Amendment to Rice Tenancy Act identified themselves with the
No. 4045), Nov. 13, 1936 – anti-Japanese group, the
Provided for certain controls in HUKBALAHAP (Hukbo ng Bayan
the landlord-tenant relationships Laban sa Hapon).

National Rice and Corn Hukbalahap controlled whole

Corporation (NARIC), 1936 – areas of Central Luzon; landlords
Established the price of rice and who supported the Japanese
corn lost their lands to peasants while
thereby help the poor tenants as those who supported the Huks
well as consumers. earned fixed rentals in favor
of the tenants.
Commonwealth Act. No. 461,
1937 – Specified reasons for the Unfortunately, the end of war
dismissal of tenants and only also signaled the end of gains
with acquired by the peasants.
the approval of the Tenancy
Division of the Department of
Philippine Republic Development Corporation
(LASEDECO) which takes over the
“The New Republic” responsibilities of the Agricultural
Machinery Equipment
After the establishment of the Corporation and the Rice and
Philippine Independence in 1946, Corn Production Administration.
the problems of land tenure
remained. Ramon Magsaysay (1953-1957)

These became worst in certain Republic Act No. 1160 of 1954 --

areas. Abolished the LASEDECO and
established the National
Thus the Congress of the Resettlement and Rehabilitation
Philippines revised the tenancy Administration (NARRA) to
law. resettle dissidents and landless
farmers. It was particularly aimed
President Manuel A. Roxas at rebel returnees providing
(1946-1948) home lots and farmlands in
Palawan and Mindanao.
Following laws were enacted:
Republic Act No. 1199
Republic Act No. 34 -- Established (Agricultural Tenancy Act of 1954)
the 70-30 sharing arrangements -- governed the relationship
and regulating share-tenancy between landowners and tenant
contracts. farmers by organizing
share-tenancy and leasehold
Republic Act No. 55 -- Provided system. The law provided the
for a more effective safeguard security of tenure of tenants. It
against arbitrary ejectment of also created the Court of Agrarian
tenants. Relations.

Elpidio R. Quirino (1948-1953) Republic Act No. 1400 (Land

Reform Act of 1955) -- Created
Executive Order No. 355 issued the Land Tenure Administration
on October 23, 1950 -- Replaced (LTA) which was responsible for
the the acquisition and distribution
National Land Settlement of large tenanted rice and corn
Administration with Land lands over 200 hectares for
Settlement individuals and 600 hectares for
President Ferdinand E. Marcos
Republic Act No. 821 (Creation of (1965-1986)
Agricultural Credit Cooperative
Financing Administration) -- Proclamation No. 1081 on
Provided small farmers and share September 21, 1972 ushered the
tenants loans with low interest Period of the New Society.
rates of six to eight percent.
Five days after the proclamation
President Carlos P. Garcia of Martial Law, the entire country
(1957-1961) was proclaimed a land reform
area and simultaneously the
Continued the program of Agrarian Reform Program was
President Ramon Magsaysay. decreed.

No new legislation passed. President Marcos enacted the

following laws:
President Diosdado P. Macapagal
(1961-1965) Republic Act No. 6389, (Code of
Agrarian Reform) and RA No.
Republic Act No. 3844 of August 8, 6390 of 1971 -- Created the
1963 (Agricultural Land Reform Department of
Code) -- Abolished share tenancy, Agrarian Reform and the Agrarian
institutionalized leasehold, set Reform Special Account Fund. It
retention limit at 75 hectares, strengthen the position of
invested rights of preemption farmers and
and redemption for tenant expanded the scope of agrarian
farmers, provided for an reform.
administrative machinery for
implementation, institutionalized Presidential Decree No. 2,
a judicial system of agrarian cases, September 26, 1972 -- Declared
incorporated extension, the country under land reform
marketing and supervised program. It enjoined
credit system of services of all agencies and offices of the
farmer beneficiaries. government to extend full
cooperation and assistance to the
The RA was hailed as one that DAR. It also
would emancipate Filipino activated the Agrarian Reform
farmers from the bondage of Coordinating Council.
Presidential Decree No. 27, Executive Order No. 228, July 16,
October 21, 1972 -- Restricted 1987 – Declared full ownership to
land reform scope to tenanted qualified
rice and corn lands farmer-beneficiaries covered by
and set the retention limit at 7 PD 27. It also determined the
hectares. value remaining unvalued
rice and corn lands subject of PD
President Corazon C. Aquino 27 and provided for the manner
(1986-1992) of payment by the FBs
and mode of compensation to
The Constitution ratified by the landowners.
Filipino people during the
administration of President President Corazon C. Aquino
Corazon C. Aquino provides (1986-1992)
under Section 21 under Article II
that “The State shall promote Executive Order No. 229, July 22,
comprehensive rural 1987 – Provided mechanism for
development and agrarian the implementation of the
reform.” Comprehensive Agrarian Reform
Program (CARP).
On June 10, 1988, former
President Corazon C. Aquino Proclamation No. 131, July 22,
signed into law Republic Act No. 1987 – Instituted the CARP as a
6657 or otherwise known as the major program of the
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform government. It
Law (CARL). The law provided for a special fund
became effective on June 15, known as the Agrarian Reform
1988. Fund (ARF), with an initial
amount of Php50
Subsequently, four Presidential billion to cover the estimated
issuances were released in July cost of the program from
1987 after 48 nationwide 1987-1992.
consultations before the actual
law was enacted. Executive Order No. 129-A, July
26, 1987 – streamlined and
President Corazon C. Aquino expanded the power and
enacted the following laws: operations of the
Republic Act No. 6657, June 10, who have lost confidence in the
1988 (Comprehensive Agrarian agrarian reform program.
Reform Law) – An act which
became His administration committed to
effective June 15, 1988 and the vision “Fairer, faster and
instituted a comprehensive more meaningful implementation
agrarian reform program to of the Agrarian Reform Program."
promote social
justice and industrialization President Fidel V. Ramos enacted
providing the mechanism for its the following laws:
implementation and for other
purposes. Republic Act No. 7881, 1995 –
This law is still the one being Amended certain provisions of
implemented at present. RA 6657 and exempted fishponds
and prawns from the
Executive Order No. 405, June 14, coverage of CARP.
1990 – Vested in the Land Bank
of the Philippines the Republic Act No. 7905, 1995 –
responsibility Strengthened the
to determine land valuation and implementation of the CARP.
compensation for all lands
covered by CARP. Executive Order No. 363, 1997 –
Limits the type of lands that may
Executive Order No. 407, June 14, be converted by setting
1990 – Accelerated the conditions under which limits the
acquisition and distribution of type of lands that may be
agricultural converted by setting conditions
lands, pasture lands, fishponds, under which specific categories of
agro-forestry lands and other agricultural land are either
lands of the public domain absolutely non-negotiable for
suitable for conversion or highly restricted
agriculture. for conversion.

President Fidel V. Ramos Republic Act No. 8435, 1997

(1992-1998) (Agriculture and Fisheries
Modernization Act AFMA) –
When President Fidel V. Ramos Plugged the legal loopholes in
formally took over in 1992, his land use conversion.
administration came face to face
with publics
Republic Act 8532, 1998 (Agrarian President Gloria
Reform Fund Bill) – Provided an Macapacal-Arroyo (2000-2010)
additional Php50 billion for CARP
and extended its implementation The agrarian reform program was
for another 10 years. anchored on the vision “To make
the countryside economically
President Joseph E. Estrada viable for the Filipino family by
(1998-2000) building partnership and
promoting social equity and new
“ERAP PARA SA MAHIRAP’. This economic opportunities
was the battle cry that endeared towards lasting peace and
President Joseph Estrada and sustainable rural development.”
made him very popular during
the 1998 presidential election. Land Tenure Improvement - DAR
remains vigorous in
President Joseph E. Estrada implementing land acquisition
initiated the enactment of and distribution component of
Executive Order N0. 151, CARP. The DAR improves land
September 1999 (Farmer’s Trust tenure system through land
Fund) – Allowed the voluntary distribution and leasehold.
consolidation of small farm
operation into medium and large Provision of Support Services -
scale integrated enterprise that CARP not only involves the
can access long-term capital. distribution of lands but also
includes package of support
During his administration, services: credit assistance,
President Estrada launched the extension services, irrigation
Magkabalikat Para sa Kaunlarang facilities, roads and bridges,
Agraryo or MAGKASAKA. The marketing facilities and training
DAR forged into joint ventures and technical support programs.
with private investors into
agrarian sector to make FBs Infrastrucre Projects - DAR
competitive. transforms the agrarian reform
communities (ARCs), an area
However, the Estrada focused and integrated delivery
Administration was short lived. of support services, into rural
The masses who put him economic zones that help in the
into office demanded for his creation of job opportunities in
ouster. the countryside.
KALAHI ARZone - The KALAHI Under his administration, the
Agrarian Reform (KAR) Zones Agrarian Reform Community
were also launched. These zones Connectivity and Economic
consists of one or more Support Services (ARCCESS)
municipalities with concentration project was created to contribute
of ARC population to achieve to the overall goal of rural
greater agro-productivity. poverty reduction especially in
agrarian reform areas.
Agrarian Justice - To help clear
the backlog of agrarian cases, Agrarian Production Credit
DAR hires more paralegal officers Program (APCP) provided credit
to support undermanned support for crop production to
adjudicatory boards and newly organized and existing
introduce quota system to agrarian reform beneficiaries’
compel adjudicators to work organizations (ARBOs) and
faster on agrarian reform cases. farmers’ organizations not
DAR respects the rights of both qualified to avail themselves of
farmers and landowners. loans under the regular credit
windows of banks.
President Benigno Aquino III
(2010-2016) The legal case monitoring system
(LCMS), a web-based legal system
He vowed to complete before the for recording and monitoring
end of his term the various kinds of agrarian cases at
Comprehensive Agrarian Reform the provincial, regional and
Program (CARP), the centerpiece central offices of the DAR to
program of the administration of ensure faster resolution and close
his mother. monitoring of agrarian-related
cases, was also launched.
He distributed their
family-owned Hacienda Luisita in Aside from these initiatives,
Tarlac. Apart from the said farm Aquino also enacted Executive
lots, he also promised to Order No. 26, Series of 2011, to
complete the distribution of mandate the Department of
privately-owned lands of Agriculture-Department of
productive agricultural estates in Environment and Natural
the country that have escaped Resources-Department of
the coverage of the program. Agrarian Reform Convergence
Initiative to
develop a National Greening An “Oplan Zero Backlog” in the
Program in cooperation with resolution of cases in relation to
other government agencies. agrarian justice delivery of the
agrarian reform program to
President Rodrigo Roa Duterte fast-track the implementation of
(2016 – 2022) CARP has been implemented.

He wanted to pursue an President Ferdinand “Bongbong”

“aggressive” land reform Marcos Jr. (2022-Present)
program that would help
alleviate the life of poor "Agrarian Reform must continue"
Filipino farmers by prioritizing
the provision of support services He vowed to continue the
alongside land distribution. implementation of the agrarian
reform program during his term
He directed the DAR to launch as he delivered his first State of
the 2nd phase of agrarian reform the Nation Address (SONA), on
where landless farmers would be Monday, July 25, 2022
awarded with undistributed
lands under the Comprehensive He plans to impose the one year
Agrarian Reform Program (CARP). moratorium of payment of land
amortization and interest
He planned to place almost all payments among Agrarian
public lands, including military Reform Beneficiaries (ARBs) to
reserves, under agrarian reform. help them focus their resources
in procuring farm inputs like
He placed 400 hectares of fertilizers, seeds, planting
agricultural lands in Boracay materials, and farm machinery.
under CARP.
Importance of Agrarian Reforms
Under his administration, the
DAR created an anti-corruption - diffuse exsisting tension
task force to investigate and between tenant-farmers and
handle reports on alleged landlords;
anomalous activities by officials
and employees of the - give farmers a dignified
department. existence in our society;

- bring social justice;

increase the effeciency and ineffeciency of the people
productivity of farmers; implementing the programs.

- help solve unemployment; Failed Agrarian Reforms

- increase food production; Failure may be attributed to the

- enhance the living condition of
the poor farmers; and Big land holdings are owned by
elite politicians and relatives;
- correct the imbalance where
concentration of land, wealth, The gov't fails to provide
political power are in the hands measures that will assist the
of a few. farmers;

Resistance in the Implementation Graft and corruption; and

of Agrarian Reform
Lack of unity and cooperation
Fragmentation of Farm-Holdings: among farmers.
With the institution of land
reform, big land holding is Taxation
divided among tenant-farmers
into a family size land which is 3 Pre-colonial Period
During this time, Filipinos were
Small Farms became less communitarians so there was NO
producive: In the micro-level, the form of tax.
farmers become more productive.
The farmers can rely on their Spanish Period
products from daily subsistence.
However, in the macro level, Spaniards introduced new
people suffer because of few income-generating means to the
production for national Filipinos namely:
Manila-Acapulco Galleon Trade
Ineffective Gov't Programs: Most (the main source of income
of the programs initiated by the during its early year where silk
gov't on agrarian reforms and from China and silver from Nueva
cooperatives failed due to the Castilla were brought by way of
American Period
Polo Y Servicio (forced labor for
40 days of men ranging 16 to 60 January 1, 1940 - Commonwealth
years of age were obligated to Act No.465 (imposing of a base
give service. One can be residence tax of fifty centavos
exempted by paying falla); and an additional tax of one peso
Bandala (one of the taxes on factors such as income and
collected from the Filipinos; came real estate holdings) went into
from the Tagalog word mandala effect.
which means round stock of rice The payment of tax during this
stalks to be threshed); period would merit the issue of a
residence certificate.
Encomienda System (the system Corporations were also subject to
goes where a large tract of lands the said tax.
was given to a person called
encomienderos as reward. They Land tax- replaced the Urbana.
were given the full authority of This tax is also known as tax on
the land by collecting the tribute real estate.
from the inhabitants and The problem with land tax was
govern people living on it); and that land titling in the rural area
was very
Tribute (the residence tax during disorderly.
Spanish times, may be paid in
cash or kind, partly or wholly). The internal Revenue Law of
1904 was passed as a reaction to
1884 - Cedula personales the problem of
emerged and replaced the tribute. collecting tax from land tax.
Cedula serves as a personal
identity paper which is Japanese Period
equivalent to a community tax
certificate. During this period there was no
innovation of taxation.
NOTE: During Spanish era, Cedula
must be carried all the time. A Economic activities had to stop
person who could not present when World War II arrived.
his/her cedula to guardia civil
could lead to detainment in The expenditures of Japanese
prison for being military government grew
greatly and they issued notes to Ferdinand Marcos (1965-1985) -
cover the cost of the war. the tax system was still heavily
dependent on the indirect taxes
Policies from 1946 up to Present (made up of 70% of the total tax
collection). Moreover,
Manuel Roxas (1946-1948) - during his regime, taxes grew at
rejected the advice of the an average annual rate of 15%
United States in tax collection. and generated a low tax yield.

Elpidio Quirino (1948-1953) - the Corazon Aquino (1986-1992) - a

drive for economic growth major reform was established in
came through an implementation the tax system under her term
of imports and exports that where she introduced the Value
led to import substitution Added Tax (VAT).
1986 Tax Reform Program-
1953 - tax revenue increased two lowering the highest tax
fold compared to the year rates,simplifying procedure; and
1948. rationalize the grant of tax
incentives(estimated to be worth
Ramon Magsaysay, Carlos P. 531.7 billion pesos in 1994).
Garcia and Diosdado Macapagal
(1953-1965)- Republic Act (RA) 7716- an act
restructuring the Value Added
May 15, 1959 - Republic Act (RA) Tax(VAT) system, widening its tax
2211 where Joint Legislative based and enhancing its
Executive Tax Commission (JLETC) administration and for these
was created to institutionalize purposes amending and
the tax research in the country. repealing the relevant provisions
of the national internal revenue
The period of post-war republic code, as amended, and for other
also saw a rise in corruption. purpose.

Indirect taxation still contributed Joseph Estrada (1998-2000) - His

to three quarters of tax revenues term was too short to establish
and the Omnibus Tax Law of 1969 any change in the tax system.
did not increase the ratio of
income tax to general tax.
Gloria Macapagal Arroyo the power by which the
(2000-2010) - She undertook sovereign, through its
increased government spending law-making body, raises
without adjusting the tax revenue to defray the necessary
collections. expenses of the government

2005- Gloria signed the Republic merely a way of apportioning the

Act 9337 or the Expanded cost of the government among
Value-Added Tax (E-VAT). those who in some measure are
privileged to enjoy its benefits
February 2006- VAT rate and must bear its burdens
increased from 10% to 12%.
The Supreme Court described
Benigno Aquino III (2010-2016) - that the taxes are what we pay
for civilized society.Without taxes,
Republic Act 1035- also known as government will be paralyzed for
Sin Tax Reform, which adjusted lack of motive power to activate
the excise tax on liquor and and operate it.
Duterte vowed to lower the
Additional info.: the collected income tax rates shouldered by
enabled to increase the budget of the Filipino people.
the Department of Health (DOH)
and Phil Health (from 55.2 million Nature of Taxation
pesos in 2012 to 515.4 million
pesos in 2015). Inherent in sovereignty-
- It exists apart from
Rodrigo Duterte (2016-Present) - constitutions and without being
He supported the expressly conferred by the
implementation of TRAIN (Tax people.
Reform for Acceleration and
Inclusion) Law. - It can be performed by the
government even if the
TRAIN Law aims to limit VAT Constitution is entirely silent
exceptions and increase tax on about it
petroleum products and
automobiles. - While the power to tax is not
expressly provided for in our
What is Taxation? Constitution, its existence is
recognized by the
provisions relating taxation. itself render a tax law invalid,
where no constitutional provision
Legislative in character has been violated.

- It is exclusively legislative and Basis of Taxation

cannot be exercised by the
executive or judicial branch of the reciprocal duties of
the government. protection and support between
the State and its inhabitants
- Hence, only the Congress, our
national legislative body The State collects taxes from the
can impose taxes. subjects of taxation in order that
it may be able to perform the
- The levy of a tax, however, may functions of government.
also be made by a local legislative
body subject to such limitations The citizens, on the other hand,
as may be provided by law. pay taxes in order that they may
be secured in the enjoyment of
Subject to constitutional and the benefits of organized society
inherent limitations (benefits received theory).

- It is subject to certain NOTE: No obligation on the part

limitations specifically provided of the state that one who pays
in the Constitution or implied. more taxes should be given more
- While the rest are inherent and
they are those which spring from Objectives of Taxation
the nature of the taxing power
itself; although they may or may Revenue - provide funds or
not be provided in the property with which the State
Constitution. promotes the General Welfare
and Protection of
- Individual equities or inequities, citizens.
however, are not considered in
the exercise of the power; and, Regulation - has a regulatory
therefore, the mere fact that the purpose as in the case of taxes
taxation is unjust or oppressive levied one exercises or privileges
with respect to a particular like those imposed on tobacco
taxpayer does not of and alcoholic products, or
amusement places (night clubs, investments and thereby
cabarets, cockpits, etc.) promote the country’s economic
Regulatory purpose in the growth. Note: the power to
rehabilitation and stabilization of exempt from tax is inherent in
a threatened industry which is the State. However, with respect
affected with public interest (like to real property taxes, no
oil industry). such power exists, save in the
case of condonation of taxes
Promotion of General Welfare - which can be granted only for
Supreme Court ruled that certain justifiable reasons which
taxation may be used as in are expressly stated in law.
implement of the police power in
order to promote the general Principles of Sound Taxation
welfare of the people.While the System
funds collected under the Oil
Price Stabilization Fund (OSPF) Fiscal Adequacy - sufficient to
may be referred to as taxes, they provide government
are exacted in the exercise of the expenditures and other public
police power of the State. From needs
such fund, amounts are drawn to
reimburse oil companies when Theoretical Justice - power of
appropriate situations arise for taxation should be based on
increase in the cost of crude oil one’s ability to pay
Administrative Feasibility - tax
Reduction of Social Inequality - laws must be capable of
this is made possible through the convenient
progressive system of taxation
where the objective is to prevent
the undue concentration of
wealth in the hands of a few
individuals. Progressivity is key
stoned on the principle that
those who are able to pay should
shoulder the bigger portion of
the tax burden.

Encourage Economic Growth - to

grant incentives or exemptions in
order to encourage
burden be more or less just in the
Limitation on the Power of light of the taxpayer’s ability to
Taxation bear the tax burden.

Constitutional Limitations - No imprisonment for

provided for in the constitution non-payment of poll tax (sec 20,
or implied from its provision Art. III) - a person cannot be
imprisoned for non-payment of
Observance of due process of law community tax, but may be
and equal protection of the laws. imprisoned for other violations of
(sec 1, Art.3) - any deprivation of the community tax law, such as
life, liberty or property is with falsification of the community
due process if it is done under tax certificate, or for failure to
the authority of a valid law and pay other taxes
after compliance with fair and
reasonable methods or Non-impairment of obligations
procedure prescribed. The power and contracts (sec 10, Art. III) -
to tax, can be exercised only for a the obligation of a contract is
constitutionally valid public impaired when its terms and
purpose and the subject of conditions are changed by law or
taxation must be within the by a party without the consent of
taxing jurisdiction of the state. the other, thereby weakening the
The government may not utilize position or the rights of the latter.
any form of assessment IF a tax exemption granted by
or review which is arbitrary, law and of the nature of a
unjust and which denies the contract between the taxpayer
taxpayer a fair opportunity to and the government is revoked
assert his rights before a by a later taxing law, the said law
competent shall not be valid, because it will
tribunal. impair the obligation of contract.

Rule of uniformity and equity in

taxation (sec 28(1), Art. VI) - all
taxable articles or properties of
the same class shall be taxed at
the same rate. Uniformity implies
equality in burden not in amount.
Equity requires that the
apportionment of the tax
Prohibition against infringement passage of a law granting tax
of religious freedom (sec 5, Art. exemptions (sec. 28
III) - the constitutional guarantee (4), Art. VI)
of the free exercise and
enjoyment of religious profession Congress may not deprive the
and worship, which carries the Supreme Court of its jurisdiction
right to disseminate religious to review, revise, reverse, modify
belief and information, is or affirm on appeal or certiorari,
violated by the imposition of a final judgments and orders of
license fee on the distribution lower courts in all cases involving
and sale of bibles and other the legality of any
religious literatures not for profit tax, impost, assessment or any
by a non-stock, non-profit penalty imposed in the relation
religious corporation. thereto

Prohibition against Inherent limitations - restrictions

appropriations for religious to the power to tax attached to
purposes (sec 29 (2), Art. VI) - its nature.
Congress cannot appropriate
funds for a private purpose, or Purpose - taxes may be levied
for the benefit of any priest, only for public purpose;
preacher or minister or for the
support of any sect, church Territoriality - the State may tax
except when such priest, persons and properties under its
preacher, is assigned to the jurisdiction;
armed forces or to any penal
institutions, orphanage International Comity - property
or leprosarium. of a foreign State may not be
taxed by another;
Income, property and donor’s
taxes and custom duties (sec 4 (3 Exemption - government
and 4), Art.XIV) - exemption of all agencies performing
revenues and assets of non-stock, governmental functions
non-profit educational are exempt from taxation
institutions used actually, directly,
and exclusively for educational Non-delegation - the power to
purposes. tax being legislative in nature
may not be delegated (subject to
Concurrence by a majority of all exceptions).
members of Congress in the
Various Sources of Taxation Laws part of the jurisprudence on
taxation and the legal system of
Constitution - the power of the Philippines.
taxation is merely regulated by
the Constitution. -appealable to the Supreme
taxation can be exercised even
without the Constitution,

Statutory (Legislative branch) -

tax laws passed by the Congress.

under the National Internal

Revenue Code (NIRC).

Administrative (Executive branch)

- refers to les general
interpretation of tax laws issued
on a timely basis by the
Commissioner of the Bureau of
Internal Revenue (BIR).

issued by request of the taxpayer

to clarify certain provisions of tax

under BIR rulings. These are

intended to clarify or explain the
law and carry into effect its
general provisions by providing
details of administration of the
Commissioner of the BIR.

Judicial (Judicial branch) - the

decisions of the court of tax
appeals and the Supreme
Court applying or interpreting tax

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