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Haglund Deformity: Diagnosis and Treatment

Ahmad Fauzi
RSUD Budhi Asih, Jakarta, Indonesia

Deformitas Haglund adalah kelainan anatomi tulang kalkaneus berupa eksostosis di bagian posterosuperior, merupakan penyebab kedua tersering keluhan nyeri
tumit sisi belakang pada atlet profesional dan amatir. Patogenesisnya masih belum diketahui; pada fase kronis, bursa retrokalkaneal dan tendon insersi Achilles
akan ikut meradang. Kombinasi ini disebut dengan sindrom Haglund. Diagnosis ditegakkan dengan anamnesis komprehensif, pemeriksaan klinis, dan pencitraan
diagnostik (X-ray, ultrasonografi, dan magnetic resonance imaging) secara cermat. Tata laksana lini pertama adalah terapi konservatif untuk mengurangi tekanan
pada eksostosis. Lini kedua adalah pembedahan untuk menghilangkan eksostosis dengan atau tanpa debridemen bursa retrokalkaneal yang meradang dan/atau
tendinopati Achilles.

Kata kunci: Deformitas Haglund, sindrom Haglund, tendinopati inersi Achilles.

Haglund deformity is an exostosis of the posterosuperior calcaneus. It is the second most common cause of posterior heel pain in professional and amateur
athletes. The pathogenesis is still unknown; in the chronic phase, the retrocalcaneal bursa and Achilles insertional tendon will be inflamed. This condition is also
known as Haglund syndrome. Diagnosis required comprehensive history-taking, clinical examination, and diagnostic imaging (X-ray, ultrasound, and magnetic
resonance imaging). First-line treatment is conservative therapy to reduce pressure on the exostosis. The second line is surgery to remove the exostosis with or
without debridement of the inflamed retrocalcaneal bursa or Achilles tendinopathy. Ahmad Fauzi. Haglund Deformity: Diagnosis and Treatment

Keywords: Achilles insertional tendinopathy, Haglund deformity, Haglund syndrome

INTRODUCTION tendon – calcaneus bone insertion) because talus. The inferior surface has anterior, medial,
One of the frequent clinical symptoms of lower the irritative friction causes inflammation on and lateral tubercles. The medial surface has
extremity pain is heel pain (calcaneodynia). the Achilles tendon. This correlation is called sustentaculum tali that assist support to the
Any tendon, bursa, nerve, and bone pathology Haglund syndrome.5 This deformity could also talus. The lateral surface has a flat surface.6
surrounding the heel can precipitate the pain. be causing pain at the superior aspect of the
The pain is categorized based on location, posterior calcaneus without any signs of bursa The posterior surface of the calcaneus is
which is posterior, plantar, and midfoot heel or tendon inflammation.1 divided into three parts: upper, middle,
pain. Posterior heel pain may be caused by and lower. The upper part is above the
Achilles tendinopathy, Haglund deformity This article will review Haglund’s deformity, its retrocalcaneal bursa. It is a smooth, triangular-
with or without retrocalcaneal bursitis, or clinical presentation, choices of the diagnostic shaped surface. The middle part has a
Sever disease.1 workup, and treatment options. rough surface where the Achilles tendon is
attached (on the calcaneal tubercle), and the
Haglund deformity, a prominent (exostosis) ANATOMY retrocalcaneal bursa is located. The lower part
posterosuperior part of the calcaneus bone, is Calcaneus is the biggest bone on the foot and is the weight-bearing part, located below the
an anatomical pathology that may act as an forms the heel area’s prominence. Its position calcaneal tubercle continuous to the plantar
irritative focus to the bursal structure at the is below and articulated with a talus and surface of the bone, the calcaneal tuberosity.7
anterior aspect of Achilles tendon insertion, cuboid in the front. This elongated, irregular,
the retrocalcaneal bursa. It formed tendino- box-shaped bone is within the long axis along ETIOLOGY
bursitis entrapment on the heel and caused the foot’s midline. It has six surfaces: anterior, Patrick Haglund reported the first case in
repeated friction during ankle dorsal and posterior, superior, inferior, medial, and lateral. 1928.5 This deformity is found in males or
plantar flexion. The repeated friction causes The anterior surface articulates with cuboid females, predominantly aged 20 – 30 years,
inflammation, swelling, and tenderness on bone; the posterior surface is attached to and often bilateral.8,9
direct palpation.1–4 It is also correlated with the Achilles tendon. The superior surface
Achilles insertional tendinopathy (Achilles has sulcus calcanei that articulate with the It is the second most common heel pain
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among professional and amateur athletes.10 Haglund Syndrome; signs of inflammation Radiographic evaluation is essential in
The specific pathogenesis is unknown; the would be obvious, consisting pain, erythema, diagnosing Haglund’s deformity. This
hypothesis is a developmental condition swelling around the Achilles tendon, and condition is initially assessed on plain lateral
related to a chronic calcaneal apophysitis tenderness on direct palpation of Achilles weight-bearing foot and ankle radiography
(repetitive inflammation and stress injury on tendon insertion.1,4 In chronic cases, the (Figure 2).
growth plate) in childhood.4,5,11 This deformity inflammatory signs would be diminished.15
is a predisposing mechanical factor for Achilles It might also be able to assess any calcification
insertional tendinopathy and retrocalcaneal The pain is triggered by initiation to walk after of the Achilles tendon insertion (Figure 3).1
bursitis. The posterosuperior exostosis acts as a period of rest.9 Exercise, climbing stairs, and Bone landmarks could serve as reference
an irritative focus, causing repetitive friction running or walking on uneven surfaces could points and be used as guidance in assessing
to the retrocalcaneal bursa and the insertion aggravate the pain. The pain is mostly elicited the angles.
of the Achilles tendon in the calcaneus.2 during heel strike and maximum dorsiflexion.
One in four patients with insertional Achilles Pain could also be provoked by shoe wear,
tendinopathy have Haglund deformity.12 especially tight-on-heel models because it puts
higher mechanical pressure on the Achilles
tendon and retrocalcaneal bursa.13 In contrast,
it would be relieved by wearing open-heel
shoes or even bare-walking because there is
no pressure on the calcaneus.8 There is also
limited plantar flexion of the foot associated
with limping.5,9 On physical examination,
specific pain, and swelling location could
Figure 3. Lateral heel plain radiograph showing
differentiate between Achilles insertion
calcification of the Achilles insertion tendon (blue
tendinitis and retrocalcaneal bursitis. Achilles arrow).15
insertional tendinitis commonly presents as a
posterior heel sharp pain worsened by passive
dorsiflexion, tenderness along the tendon, Several angles in the lateral heel radiograph
and might have a palpable thickened tendon. can be assessed for the diagnosis of Haglund
If pain and tenderness are felt around Achilles deformity.
tendon and on direct palpation, it is possibly „ Fowler-Philip angle (Figure 4). It is the
caused by retrocalcaneal bursitis.1,16 angle formed by the tangent of the straight
line to the posterior side of the greater
Figure 1. Haglund deformity (yellow arrow). 13 DIAGNOSIS tuberosity of the calcaneus with the lowest
Diagnosis needs a thorough history-taking point of the posteromedial tuberosity and
RISK FACTORS and clinical examination. Diagnostic imaging the end of the calcaneocuboid joint line.
Risk factors for retrocalcaneal bursitis and might improve diagnosis and facilitate The normal range is between 44° – 69°;
Achilles tendinopathy are repeated use of pre-operative planning to achieve a better >75° is considered pathological.18
tight shoes (especially on the heel part), outcome.11
high heels, pes cavus (more vertical heel „ Ruch calcaneal pitch angle (Figure 5).The
resulting in abnormal bone-tendon contact), angle that is tangent to the lowest point
tense Achilles tendon, heredity, over-practice of the posteromedial tuberosity and the
runners, or dealigned subtalar joint causing end of the calcaneocuboid joint line the
altered biomechanics of foot joints.1,3,4,9 same as one of the Fowler-Philip line,
Analysis study by Kraemer, et al, (2012) found with the horizontal line of the ground.
up to fivefold risk among those who have The normal range is between 15° – 18°
relatives with Achilles tendon disorder.14 and >30° considered pathological. The
angle between 18° - 30° is challenging to
Clinically, the Haglund deformity does not
present any sign of inflammation, only a painful „ Heneghan-Pavlov parallel pitch lines
prominent bone at the posterosuperior of the (Figure 2, 6). It assesses whether a
calcaneus (Figure 1). Pain may be located Figure 2. Lateral heel plain radiograph showing greater tuberosity crosses the top parallel
Haglund deformity (black arrow), fractured
lateral to the Achilles tendon if the prominent line. Two lines run parallel. The first line
enthesophyte (white arrow), and soft tissue swelling
bone is at the posterosuperior lateral side.8 If around the Achilles tendon (white arrowheads). The runs through the plantar surface of the
accompanied by retrocalcaneal bursitis and parallel line is the Heneghan-Pavlov test angle to calcaneus and the second line, parallel
Achilles insertional tendinitis, it is known as evaluate the Haglund deformity.17 to the first, runs through the posterior

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edge of the talocalcaneal joint surface. transverse, and 2 mm anteroposterior.17

If the superior line crosses the greater The disadvantages of this procedure are
tuberosity, it is coined as positive.18 the expensive cost and the hospital’s MRI
machine availability.
„ Chauvex-Liet angle (Figure 7).This angle
value is the difference between the Ruch
calcaneal pitch (α) (Figure 5) and the
angle that is made by a perpendicular line
to the ground passing the most posterior
point of the calcaneus with the posterior
tuberosity of the calcaneus (β). The average
angle range is <12°.18 X/Y ratio (Figure
8). The newest radiological calcaneal
measurement. In the Tourne, et al, study,
there were no significant differences Figure 4. Fowler-Philip angle.18
between groups for Chauveaux angle, Figure 9. MRI of Achilles insertion tendinosis.
Ruch pitch, and Fowler-Philip angle for Thickened Achilles tendon (white asterisk),
sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV.13,18 The retrocalcaneal bursitis (white arrow), and calcaneal
study reveals that the X/Y ratio has 100% tubercle marrow edema (black asterisk).17
sensitivity and 95% specificity of Haglund
deformities. The ratios are <2.5 in Haglund TREATMENT
deformities and >2.5 in non-Haglund The treatment goals of the Haglund deformity
deformities. X/Y ratio is defined as X as the are to alleviate the inflammation, diminish
total calcaneal length (the most anterior the friction caused by the deformity, and
point of the greater apophysis to the Figure 5. Ruch Calcaneal Pitch angle.10 reduce the tension in the Achilles tendon
most posterior point of the physiological by conservative and/or surgical treatment.
calcaneus (exclude calcifications)), and Y is The Conservative approach is the first-
the length of the greater tuberosity (from line treatment; the choices include shoe
the most posterior point of the calcaneal modifications, physical therapy, stretching
thalamus surface to the summit of the exercise, steroid injection, and oral or topical
greater tuberosity).18 anti-inflammatory and analgesic drugs.1,9,11,16

„ Ultrasonography provides safer diagnostic The shoe can be modified to reduce the
imaging from ionizing radiation, faster friction of the bone protrusion, such as
and portable. It can show inflammatory putting the upper trim line of the shoes under
Figure 6. Heneghan-Pavlov parallel pitch line.18
changes in the underlying skin, the bone protrusion, putting heel lifts inside
differentiate retrocalcaneal bursitis shoes to position the posterior heel over the
(hypoechoic fluid within the retrocalcaneal upper trim, or wearing sandals.16 Physical
bursa) from Achilles tendinopathy, and therapy and stretching exercises, such as
also evaluate any calcification within the daily calf-stretching exercises, are helping to
Achilles tendon.11,13 ease the tension of the Achilles tendon.9,11
MRI of the ankle and foot positioned The steroid injection is done on perilesional
the patient in a supine with their ankle or percutaneous around the Achilles tendon
flexed and toes toward the ceiling.17 or directly into the retrocalcaneal bursae. This
Figure 7.Chauveaux & Liet angle.18
MRI related to Haglund deformity injection should be done ultrasound-guided
shows an impingement between the to achieve a better injection location. However,
posterosuperior calcaneal spurring with percutaneous injection of steroids around the
the Achilles tendon.9 MRI also has the Achilles tendon has a risk of tendon rupture.11
superiority to differentiate the inflamed
retrocalcaneal bursa and the surrounding Nonetheless, conservative therapy will fail
Achilles tendon (Figure 9). The in almost half of patients, especially those
retrocalcaneal bursa can be evaluated; a with retrocalcaneal bursitis and/or Achilles
small amount of fluid in the retrocalcaneal insertional tendinopathy.11,19 Conservative
bursa is considered normal but may therapy is considered failed if unresponsive
become pathologic if the dimension Figure 8. X/Y Ratio : X is the bottom line and Y is the after six months. Surgical management is the
exceeds 6 mm superior to inferior, 3 mm top line.18
following line of treatment.10

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The goal of surgery for Haglund deformity is the calcaneus with suture anchor), Cincinatti requires more skills and enables the patient to
to remove the exostosis/bone prominence incision, or medial J-shaped.13,15,19 do early post-surgery ankle mobilization and
on the posterosuperior calcaneus and weight-bearing within pain tolerance.3
relieve the pressure against its surrounding Another technique to be considered is Zadek
tissue. However, based on the Sundararajan osteotomy which is reserved for the larger Possible complications include sural nerve
study, there is a 25% chance of having bone prominence evidenced by an X/Y ratio entrapment caused by scar formation in the
insertional Achilles tendinopathy, with or <2.5 and Ruch angle >20°. This technique incision site (lateral incision approach), wound
without retrocalcaneal bursitis (Haglund can be combined with any tendon and bony dehiscence, ankle stiffness, and Achilles
syndrome).12 In this case, a better surgical procedures, such as debridement of the tendon avulsion.9,13
outcome is achieved with debridement on degenerative Achilles tendon, bone anchor
their degenerative Achilles tendon and/or reattachment of the Achilles tendon, and CONCLUSION
retrocalcaneal bursa.10 endoscopic calcaneoplasty.10 Haglund’s deformity caused an isolated pain on
the superior aspect of the posterior calcaneus.
The surgery options for Haglund deformity Postoperative protocols after open resection Another pathology of retrocalcaneal bursa
include open resection of the exostosis and with midline incision in the first two weeks and Achilles insertional tendinopathy might
inflamed bursa (with retrocalcaneal bursitis), required the foot to be placed in an equinus add another inflammatory sign. Diagnostic
endoscopic calcaneoplasty, and calcaneal position (25° plantar flexion of the ankle), imaging, such as MRI and US, is crucial to
osteotomy.8 Open resection has more than non-weight-bearing. Weight-bearing is identifying those lesions. Conservative therapy
one approach: lateral approach (the incision progressively permitted every two weeks is the first line of treatment. It is considered a
lateral to the tendon and posterior to the sural until the eighth week; patients can use failure if it. Surgery becomes the second-line
nerve), mid-line approach (Achilles tendon will regular walking shoes.19 The other operative choice if the symptoms do not ameliorate
be split and detached, then later reattached to technique, the endoscopic calcaneoplasty, within six months.

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