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Rosemary realized she had rwo major problems First,ahe had to decide whor todo with Kate. Kate was a Valuable instrietor and a long time Friend, tnt her honesty vans now is question. Should she forgive Kate or ire her? Sevond, Rosemary also realized that she had an operating problem. She did not want to itep inand assume the managerial role herself because she had sig niBeant family responsibilities to which ahe wanted to be able te contin to attend. Put how could she ensuse that her business received all the revenues to which it was entitled without being on site at all times herself? Should she leave Kate, whe promised not to steal again, in the man- ager position? Or should she hire one af the other instructors, of pethaps & sen-instructor, te become the manager? And in either cule, were there some procedures of controls that she could use to protect het business’ assets? ‘Thos aur was prepared by Poker Kennech A Merchant Copii hymen Merb

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