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NEW: POLICY NO: SC-SY18-19-0003
DATE ISSUED: January 4, 2019
PAGE/S: 1 of 5 pages


Brent Hospital and Colleges Incorporated is committed to protect and promote the health of its
students during their duty exposure and the people to whom they will provide care. This includes
the duty to protect the students against blood borne diseases such as Hepatitis B.

This policy and procedure applies to all students, to protect them from Hepatitis B virus (HBV).


As an institution providing different healthcare courses, the institution aims to protect both
the students and clients in the exposure of Blood Borne Diseases such as Hepatitis Virus.


1. All students enrolling in the institution must undergo a screening procedure. This Screening
Procedure includes laboratory work up such as the Hepatitis B surface Antigen (HBsAg) and
must be given to the school clinic. HBsAg is a blood test ordered to determine if someone is
infected with the hepatitis B virus. If it is found, along with specific antibodies, it means the
person has a hepatitis B infection.

2. All students who are enrolling in the institution must be immunized with Hepatitis B Vaccine
or must present a record of vaccination indicating a complete dose of Hepatitis B Vaccine.

3. All students who are not yet immunized with the Hepatitis B vaccine, must be vaccinated
prior exposure to areas. Students who are not yet immunized can avail the immunization
program for Hepatitis B vaccination of the institution.

4. Students who are enrolled in Bachelor of Science in Nursing, Midwifery, Medical

Technologist, Physical Therapist, Radiologic Technologist and those who are exposed to
procedures that are at high risk of infection of Hepatitis B virus are given priority.

5. The Immunization Program of the institution is managed and conducted by the School Clinic.
It is the responsibility of the School Nurse to maintain a record of all its students’ indicating
their immunization record. He/she must keep this record with high confidentiality.

6. The immunization shall be administered by the School Nurse or delegated health care

7. Payment for the immunization of the students can either be included in the tuition fee or
paid in cash for each dose.

8. The student must be informed of his/her rights, the procedure to be followed and
complete the informed consent for the immunization.

9. Any student, who has never received a Hepatitis B immunization before, will receive 3 doses
of the vaccine. The first dose would be given by the school nurse or delegated health
professional on the schedule he/she provided, second dose would be after a month and the
third dose after 2 to 6 months the 1 stdose was given.


10. During exposure in the community and hospital area, to prevent infection of Hepatitis B
Virus, Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) must be provided and used at all times and
should observe infection control measures appropriately. The students are responsible to
bring their own PPE and used them especially in areas that are prone to contamination of
the Hepatitis B virus.

11. Students that have been in contact with clients with Hepatitis B virus should immediately
contact the School Nurse or the Occupation Health Nurse for immediate actions on Post-
exposure Prophylaxis. He/she can be offered a vaccine and/or a Hepatitis B Specific
Immunoglobulin as appropriate.

12. Students whose status on Hepatitis B virus carrier is unknown should not be allowed to
perform procedures that exposed them or the client to the virus.

13. All sharp injuries should immediately be reported to their clinical instructor, school nurse or
the occupational health department/clinic of the institution.

14. Students who have been punctured with a needle or came in direct contact with a broken
skin with patients who are suspected to carry Hepatitis B Virus should undergo HBsAg. and
consultation with school physician.

15. All students shall be counseled about follow-up of sharps injuries and post-exposure
prophylaxis against Hepatitis B.

16. Students who refused to be tested with HBsAg in compliance with this policy shall be
considered as having a hepatitis B e-antigen positive and shall be treated/ managed

17. Any student that refuses an offer of immunization against Hepatitis B shall be advised of the
potential risks and will be required to sign the Hepatitis B Refusal Form to this effect.

18. Any student who has been proven to be positive for HBsAg shall be advised to not to carry
out exposure prone procedures (EPPs) and will be advised on the academic duties that they
may continue to perform. If they fail to follow this advice, the Clinical Instructor or the
respective Dean of each student will advise that a change in academic duties will need to
take place. The status of the student’s health/HBsAg result will not be disclosed to anyone
and would remain in confidentiality in compliance with the DPA of 2012.

19. Any HBsAg-positive student shall be referred to the School Physician /Occupational
Physician for treatment and their HBsAg status will be monitored.

20. In the case where the students are unable to continue in their current academic duty, the
Head will offer, where reasonable, suitable opportunities for reassignment of academic duty

21. Any students who contracts Hepatitis B infection in the performance of their duty shall be
referred to School Physician/Occupational Physician for treatment and monitoring of HBsAg

22. Any students shall not be discriminated of any form on the basis of their Hepatitis B status
and shall not be discriminated against, from pre to post-enrollment, because of their
Hepatitis B status.

23. As with any medical condition, strict confidentiality shall be maintained regarding an
individual’s Hepatitis B status. Clinical instructors and Heads shall not be obliged to reveal
any personal information about student. Access to personal data relating to student’s
Hepatitis B status shall be bound by the rules of confidentiality and shall be strictly limited to
medical personnel or if legally required.


1. To receive immunizations, go to the School Clinic or Occupational Health Clinic

(Company Clinic) or call to make an appointment (0916-949-5926) to confirm that the
vaccine is available.

2. Present the charged slip form, fill-up and check the corresponding box if the
vaccination payment would be included in the tuition fee or would be paid cash.

3. If paid in cash, notify the school nurse or the OPD Clerk in order to be given a
Reference Number for payment. Then, proceed to the Hospital Cashier and pay the
exact amount of the Hepatitis B-Vaccines (prices may vary in each dose).

4. The school nurse will prepare the necessary materials and vaccine.

5. Once payment is done, go to the School Clinic and present the OR Receipt to the
School Nurse and Fill up the Hepatitis-B Immunization Consent Form and the
Hepatitis-B Immunization Program Form, log-in and sign on the Hepatitis B
Vaccination Logbook and receive the dose.

6. Once the vaccination of first dose is completed, a vaccination yellow card shall be
issued and signed by the school nurse to remind the date of the next injection
appointment, or if the second or third dose was completed. Present the vaccination
card to the school nurse for current status or dosage of the vaccine.

7. Check with the School Physician before being vaccinated if with a history of allergic to
Hepatitis B Vaccine contents.

Prepared by: Recommending Approval: APPROVED

School Nurse School Director Medical Director/ Chief Executive Officer
School Physician


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