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J Head Trauma Rehabil

Vol. 25, No. 3, pp. 155–163

c 2010 Wolters Kluwer Health | Lippincott Williams & Wilkins

Balance, Attention, and Dual-Task

Performance During Walking After
Brain Injury: Associations
With Falls History
Karen L. McCulloch, PT, PhD, NCS; Elizabeth Buxton, DPT, PT;
Jessica Hackney, DPT, PT; Sean Lowers, DPT, PT

Objective: To examine the relationship between balance, attention, and dual-task performance in individuals with
acquired brain injury. Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Rehabilitation center and supported living program.
Participants: Twenty-four individuals aged 18 to 58 years (mean = 39 years) with acquired brain injury who were
able to ambulate 40 ft with (29%) or without an assistive device. Fifty-eight percent were independent community
ambulators. Fifty-four percent had fallen in the past 6 months; and 42% reported feeling unsteady with standing
or walking. Interventions: Participants completed a battery of balance, attention, and dual-task assessments. Main
Outcome Measures: Balance: Berg Balance Scale (BBS), Four Square Step Test (FSST), High Level Mobility As-
sessment Test (HiMAT); Attention: Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT), Moss Attention Rating Scale (MARS),
modified for a single test session; and a walking dual-task assessment, the Walking and Remembering Test. Results:
Mean scores: BBS, 48 of 56; FSST, 19.6 seconds; HiMAT, 20 of 54; SDMT, 30 correct; and MARS, 80. Dual-task
costs were observed with variable patterns across subjects: 48% demonstrated primarily motor slowing, 9% had
reduced cognitive accuracy without motor slowing, and 35% demonstrated decrements in both tasks. Subjects with
a falls history had more impaired balance (HiMAT, BBS, and FSST, all P <.026) but were not significantly different
in dual-task performance or attention measures. Conclusions: The test battery matched the range of motor and
cognitive abilities of the sample. Balance was more strongly related to falls history than measures of attention or
dual-task performance. Injury chronicity may have allowed some subjects to develop strategies to optimize dual-task
performance. Alternatively, motor slowing in dual-task conditions may be an adaptive strategy, allowing performance
of multiple tasks with reduced safety risk. Further investigation in this area is warranted to clarify the utility of dual-
task methods in identifying falls risk after brain injury. Keywords: acquired brain injury, balance, dual-task performance,
falls risk


JURY (ABI) often have cognitive and balance im-
pairments that could lead to falls risk. Tasks that were
and community-dwelling older adults1 and survivors of
stroke.2 Individuals with brain injury often experience
similar cognitive and balance deficits to those seen in
automatic and required little thought prior to brain in- older adults and after stroke that are linked to falls risk.
jury, such as standing or walking, become more attention The risk of falls is a significant concern after traumatic
demanding. Balance and safety may be compromised in brain injury (TBI) related to secondary injury.3 The pur-
circumstances that require focus on a secondary task, pose of this study was to examine relationships between
requiring dual (or multiple)-task performance. Difficul- attention, balance, and dual-task performance in indi-
ties in dual-task conditions are associated with a his- viduals recovering from ABI and to explore associations
tory of falls and risk of future falls in institutionalized of these factors with falls history.

Author Affiliations: Division of Physical Therapy, Department of Allied ATTENTION AND ATTENTION ALLOCATION
Health Sciences, School of Medicine, University of North Carolina (UNC),
Chapel Hill (Dr McCulloch); UNC Healthcare, Chapel Hill (Dr Buxton); Attention can be thought of as the ability to focus cog-
Carolinas Medical Center, Charlotte (Dr Hackney); and Duke University nitive resources and to selectively process certain infor-
Medical Center, Durham (Dr Lowers), North Carolina.
mation from the environment while ignoring irrelevant
Corresponding Author: Karen L. McCulloch, PT, PhD, NCS, Division input.4 Depending on the task context, attention can be
of Physical Therapy, CB 7135 Bondurant Hall, Ste 3024, University of
North Carolina, Chapel Hill School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC 27599 described as selective, divided, sustained, or switching.4
(karen Selective attention tasks require focus on relevant

information for conscious processing while disregarding tated. This use of dual-task conditions without a strict
extraneous information.5 The concept of divided at- experimental paradigm allowed examination of behav-
tention is related, requiring processing of more than 1 ioral change in one or both tasks from a more functional
source of information at a time or performing more than perspective. Comparisons of the motor DTC and cog-
1 task at a time.4 When a person lacks the attentional ca- nitive DTC for each subject illustrate whether DTCs are
pacity to multitask, performance on 1 or more tasks may observed for the motor activity, cognitive activity, both,
suffer.4 When one of the tasks is a mobility task, safety or neither task.
may be at risk.
The role of executive function in controlling atten- DUAL-TASK PERFORMANCE DEFICITS AFTER
tion has been described in several models, including the STROKE AND CONCUSSION
model of visual attention of Posner6 and the model of
working memory of Baddeley.7–10 Executive function co- Investigators have examined dual-task performance
ordinates allocation of attention to different tasks during difficulty in community dwellers after stroke and mixed
daily life, allowing choices to be made about use or stor- samples of individuals with ABI, suggesting that atten-
age of information and allowing division of attention be- tion deficits are common and correlated with poor per-
tween tasks if necessary. Traditionally, executive function formance on balance measures and increased risk of
deficits have been associated with damage to the dorso- falls.2,20,21 Commonly, dual-task conditions result in
lateral prefrontal cortex that can result from brain injury slower walking and poorer cognitive task performance.
and can also occur in patients with frontal-subcortical The use of dual-task measures has been recommended
infarcts.11–13 Executive function deficits may cause dif- as a more sensitive test of functional performance after
ficulty with appropriate attention allocation to multiple stroke than testing balance alone.22
tasks.14–16 Likewise, damage to other brain structures in- Similar, but more subtle, dual-task performance issues
volved in alerting and orienting functions may result in have also been described for individuals recovering from
decreased attentional capacity.6 mild TBI and concussion. Individuals recovering from
Slowed information processing is a hallmark of TBI. concussion demonstrate increased sway during walking
Schneider and Shiffrin17 described 2 fundamental pro- than age-matched controls23,24 and reduced gait speed
cessing modes: controlled and automatic. Controlled during dual-task conditions that involve more challeng-
information processing requires greater attentional de- ing cognitive tasks.24 Gait instability after concussion
mand and is highly dependent on load, whereas auto- is a deficit that may be best detected through the use
matic processing is well learned, requires less attention, of dual-task conditions.25,26 Challenging cognitive tasks
and is virtually independent of load. After TBI, previ- versus simple reaction time tasks,27 and obstacle avoid-
ously automatic tasks may require more controlled in- ance tasks,25,27 have identified subtle dual-task perfor-
formation processing, necessitating greater attention and mance deficits after concussion that are missed if balance
effort.18 or cognitive tasks are examined separately. The ability to
navigate obstacles efficiently in dual-task conditions is
impaired following concussion28 and may have implica-
DUAL-TASK PARADIGM AND tions for falls risk and further injury in mild and more
DUAL-TASK CONDITIONS severe brain injury.
The presence of attention, executive function, and In this study, we examined attention, balance, and
information-processing deficits coupled with an in- dual-task performance in a group of individuals after
creased need for controlled processing following brain brain injury, exploring associations with falls history. We
injury contributes to possible limitations in dual-task expected that reduced dual-task performance in walk-
performance when more than 2 tasks are attempted at ing would be associated with impairments of attention
once. Dual-task performance can be measured in the and balance. We anticipated deficits in dual-task perfor-
dual-task paradigm described by Abernethy,19 in which 2 mance, balance, and attention would also be associated
tasks are performed separately to establish baseline abili- with reported history of falls in the past 6 months.
ties (single task). Both tasks are then performed together,
allowing the performance of each to be measured and METHODS
compared with single-task performance. Decrements in
performance are described as relative dual-task costs
(DTCs) and can be expressed as a percentage. Relative Participants were 24 subjects recovering from ABI.
DTC values can be compared across subjects who have Subjects were recruited from both a facility that provides
different baseline abilities in single-task conditions.18,19 long-term and short-term care for individuals recovering
In this study, walking with a cognitive task was intro- from ABI and an inpatient rehabilitation center. A physi-
duced and allowed to vary as natural inclinations dic- cal therapist at each site identified potential subjects that
Balance, Attention, and Dual-Task Performance During Walking After Brain Injury 157

met the inclusion criteria and might be interested in TABLE 1 Participant descriptives(N = 24)
participating in the study. Potential subjects (or the ap-
propriate legal representative) were contacted by a mem-
ber of the research team to screen for inclusion. In accor- Characteristic Mean (SD)
dance with a University of North Carolina–Chapel Hill Age, y 39.4 (13.3)
Biomedical institutional review board–approved proto- Onset of injury, mo 117.8 (125.2)
col, consent was obtained from the subject or legal rep- Number (%)
resentative; assent was also obtained from subjects un- Sex (male) 18 (75)
Cause of acquired brain injury
able to self-consent. All subjects met the following inclu- High-velocity trauma (motor 12 (50)
sion criteria: survivor of ABI; able to ambulate indepen- vehicle crash)
dently with or without an assistive device a distance of 40 Fall 9 (37.5)
ft without resting; and able to comprehend and follow Other 3 (12.5)
verbal instructions in English. Individuals who were un- Assistive device use
None 16 (67)
able to ambulate independently were excluded, as were Rolling walker 3 (12)
individuals whose cognitive status would not allow for Straight cane 5 (21)
participation in the testing protocol. Community mobility level
Physiological walker 0
Procedure Limited household walker 1 (4)
Unlimited household walker 2 (8)
In a single test session, participants were interviewed to Most limited community walker 2 (8)
determine demographics, date and mechanism of injury, Least limited community walker 4 (16)
other medical conditions, current living situation, use of Community walker 14 (58)
assistive devices or orthoses, and falls history in the past Living environment
24-h supervised group 20 (83)
6 months. Because many of our participants had cogni-
tive impairment, we confirmed all reports of falls history Apartment with supported living 1 (4)
by discussing responses with the treating physical ther- assistance
apist and/or facility staff. Community mobility status Independent 3 (13)
was characterized using a categorical scale developed by Falls history
Reported 1 or more falls in past 13 (54)
Perry et al.29 Balance confidence was assessed by asking
6 mo
each participant whether they perceived themselves to Reported injury with falls in past 6 (25)
be unsteady in 2 conditions: standing and during walk- 6 mo
ing (yes or no response). While more detailed balance Balance confidence
confidence scales are available, this brief assessment pro- Feels unsteady in standing 8 (33)
Feels unsteady in walking 10 (42)
vided basic information about perceived balance ability
Education level
in a short period of time. Participant characteristics are Less than high school 5 (21)
described in Table 1. High school or GED 7 (29)
The testing sequence was consistent for all subjects: Some college 7 (29)
(1) Symbol Digit Modalities Test (SDMT); (2) the 5 more Associate or bachelor’s degree 3 (12)
Master’s degree or higher 1 (4)
difficult items from the Berg Balance Scale (BBS-5); (3)
Unknown 1 (4)
Four Square Step Test (FSST); (4) High Level Mobility
Assessment Test (HiMAT); (5) modified Walking and Re-
membering Test (WART); and (6) during the entire test-
Symbol Digit Modalities Test
ing session, 1 research team member completed the ob-
servational Moss Attention Rating Scale (MARS). Sub- The SDMT measures attention and processing speed.
jects were offered rest breaks and water if needed during Subjects are given 90 seconds to match as many digits
testing, although no subjects required a break. to symbols as possible, using a key with 9 digit-symbol
pairs. The oral version of this test, which requires subjects
to recite the appropriate number for each symbol, has
Measures were selected on the basis of reliability and been shown to best measure deficits in speed of infor-
validity, ease of administration in a single test session, mation processing in people post-ABI without the need
and relevance to the proposed research questions. Sev- to account for motor impairment in comparison with
eral tools were used to measure each construct in order similar neuropsychological measures.5 The SDMT has
to capture a continuum of balance and attention abili- been utilized as a neuropsychological outcome measure
ties. The inclusion of various measures was an important in numerous studies involving people with ABI.30–34 It
consideration in testing a sample that was anticipated to was part of a battery of neuropsychological measures ad-
have a range of abilities. ministered 1-month post–brain injury found to predict

functional outcomes at 1 year postinjury.32 In a study a total of up to 20. If a subject scored less than 3 on
of people with complicated mild to severe TBI, average any 1 of the 5 BBS items tested, the remainder of the
score on the oral SDMT at 5 years postinjury was 40.56 BBS was also administered to confirm a total BBS score.
(SD = 16.86).30 When compared with normative data, Total BBS scores are reported to aid therapist interpre-
72.6% of the sample demonstrated mild or greater im- tation of our results since therapists are accustomed to
pairment and 49.4% demonstrated moderate to severe interpreting BBS scores based on a total out of 56. The
impairment.30 Normative data generated by Sheridan total BBS values resulted from either complete BBS test-
et al31 was used to interpret SDMT findings in this study. ing (when there were difficulties in completing BBS-5)
or if subjects scored perfectly on the BBS-5 items, that
Moss Attention Rating Scale score was added to 36, crediting a full score for each of
the first 9 items of the scale.
The MARS is a 22-item tool that utilizes a 5-
point Likert-type rating scale to characterize aspects Four Square Step Test
of attention after TBI. Using Rasch analyses, Whyte
et al35 and Hart et al36 modified the original 53-item A single-item timed test of dynamic balance, the FSST
test to its present 22-item format. An overall score requires steps forward, sideways, and backwards over 4
and factor scores based on 3 dimensions of attention canes placed on the ground in a cross formation, moving
deficit—initiation, restlessness and distractibility, and first in a clockwise direction and then counterclockwise
sustained/consistent attention—can be derived.35,36 The to return to the starting position.42 The test incorporates
rating scale ranges from “definitely true” to “definitely a concurrent cognitive task of remembering the specific
false,” with mid-range ratings of “true, for the most part,” multiple step movement sequence. Subjects complete
“sometimes true, sometimes false,” and “false, for the the task as quickly and safely as possible without touch-
most part.” The original MARS item content and factor ing or stepping on the canes. The FSST is a reliable and
structure has strong face validity.35,36 Scoring guidelines valid clinical test of dynamic standing balance for older
provided by Whyte et al37 were used to interpret scores adults with sensitivity of 85%, specificity of 88%, and
and factors. Use of the MARS in a single test session is a a positive predictive value of 86% for identifying older
departure from its original intent because 2 items on the adults with a history of multiple falls.42 Although this
scale require observation over time or across days. These test has not been validated for individuals with ABI, it
2 items were scored following discussion with facility was included in the test battery for its functional rele-
and therapy staff members regarding their observations vance, the element of cognition that is part of the task,
of the individual with TBI. and its strength as a falls risk predictor in older adults.

Berg Balance Scale High-Level Mobility Assessment Test

The BBS is a 14-item measure of static and dynamic The HiMAT is a 13-item test of motor performance
balance in sitting and standing. The items are measured for individuals with TBI.43 The test measures higher-
on a 5-point scale from 0 to 4, with a maximum score of level mobility including hopping, skipping, jumping,
56. Developed as a measure to identify balance deficits bounding, running, and stair climbing. Times and dis-
in the elderly, the BBS has been found to be valid and tances are recorded with corresponding ordinal scores
reliable as a predictor of falls38 and has been advocated assigned and then added to generate a total score from
for use after brain injury to predict rehabilitative out- 0 to 54. Content validity, internal consistency, and dis-
comes in combination with other clinical measures.39 criminability of the HiMAT have been carefully exam-
Test-retest reliability for the BBS with brain injury is ex- ined in a series of studies.43–45 Rasch analysis identified
cellent, but a ceiling effect has been described for higher- redundant items included in the measure, eliminating
functioning individuals.40 A score of 45 has been sug- 7 items from the original to provide the most discrim-
gested as a cutoff point for prediction of high risk of inative measure.45 The HiMAT has high test-retest re-
falls in older adults.38 Using Rasch analysis, Kornetti et liability in healthy young adults.46 Norms for healthy
al41 demonstrated that 4 standing items of the BBS were adults aged 18 to 25 were found to be 50 to 54 for men
critical in achieving a score of 45: (1) turning to look and 44 to 54 for women; a ceiling effect was evidenced
behind over shoulders; (2) alternate stepping; (3) single for men but not for women.46 The HiMAT was selected
leg stance; and (4) tandem stance. Our study protocol for its clinical feasibility and effectiveness in testing at
included the items identified by Kornetti et al, in addi- higher levels of function after TBI.
tion to a fifth BBS item, the 360◦ turn, because of the
Modified Walking and Remembering Test
importance of turning for functional mobility. The 360◦
turn with the items advocated for use by Kornetti et al The modified WART47 is a multiple component test
are referred to as BBS-5. BBS-5 scores were summed for that uses a single-task working memory task (using
Balance, Attention, and Dual-Task Performance During Walking After Brain Injury 159

phonological loop with a forward digit span test), single- the dual-task condition. Baseline digit recall was 100%
task walking (20 ft, a 180◦ turnaround, and 20-ft re- for the digit span selected for testing. Using a protocol
turn walk), and a dual-task condition that combines described by Nebes et al,51 digit responses were counted
both tasks, modeled after an experimental paradigm as correct if (1) the first or last digit of a span was correct
described by Lindenberger et al.48 The cognitive task, in that position, (2) any correct digits adjacent to the first
forward digit span, was tested using the protocol from or last digit were recalled, and (3) a correct sequence of
the Wechsler Adult Intelligence Test—Revised. The sub- 3 or more digits anywhere in the response was provided.
ject’s maximum digit span while sitting was determined. The correct number of digits was divided by the number
The maximum digit span with a delay equivalent to the in the span to represent accuracy as a percentage.
time to complete the motor task was then confirmed. Pearson correlation coefficients were calculated to de-
Subjects walked quickly, while remembering a random termine associations between balance, attention, and
string of digits appropriate to their digit span ability, DTCs. Subjects were classified as fallers or nonfallers on
and recalled the span at the completion of the walk- the basis of reported (and staff-confirmed) falls history.
ing task. The original version of the WART included a To investigate differences in balance, attention, and dual-
walking accuracy component in which raters counted task scores between the 2 groups, t tests were performed.
the number of times each subject stepped off a 12-in
narrow path. However, step accuracy is difficult to rate
and administer, and some individuals post-ABI struggle RESULTS
with walking a narrow path because of gait deviations.49 Descriptive findings
The modified version of the WART was devised with
study of individuals with ABI, incorporating a midpoint Summary statistics for outcome measures are pre-
180◦ turn, which provides a balance challenge feasible sented in Table 2. Large standard deviations (SDs) and
for most survivors of ABI without the greater challenge ranges were calculated for all measures, with the excep-
of walking on a very narrow path.49,50 The WART has tion of the BBS total and MARS. Coefficients of varia-
been found to be an effective, feasible, and reliable tion ranged from 43% to 142% on the other measures,
measure for eliciting DTCs in ambulatory subjects with with cognitive DTCs, FSST, and HiMAT having the
ABI.49,50 largest SD:mean ratios. The sample had large variation
in balance, mobility, and dual-task impairments.
Although guidelines for judging falls risk for older
Data analysis
adults cannot be directly translated to individuals with
Descriptive statistics for balance and attention mea- ABI, the mean score for the BBS was above the com-
sures were generated. Individual SDMT scores were in- monly used cutpoint to indicate increased falls risk used
terpreted on the basis of published norms. Balance scores with older adults. In contrast, the mean score for the
were interpreted on the basis of guidelines for assessing FSST was more than 15 seconds, which is consistent
falls risk. Relative DTCs were calculated for walking time with increased falls risk for older adults. On average,
and cognitive task accuracy, expressed as a percentage participants received less than half the possible total
decrement from single task performance. Cognitive task points on the HiMAT, suggesting difficulties with higher-
accuracy was calculated on the basis of digits recalled in level mobility. All subjects scored below their sex- and

TABLE 2 Balance, attention, and dual-task performance

Coefficient of
Test Mean (SD) Range variation (SD/mean)

Five-item BBS (of 20) 12.8 (5.5) 3–20 0.43

BBS (of 56) 48.0 (9.2) 25–56 0.19
Four Square Step Test, s 19.6 (13.7) 7.0–63.6 0.70
High Level Mobility Assessment Test (of 54) 20.2 (14.2) 0–46 0.70
Symbol Digit Modalities Test (number correct) 29.9 (15.0) 7–55 0.50
Moss Attention Rating Scale (of 110) 79.5 (11.2) 59–102 0.14
Walking and Remembering Test,%
Walking DTC 20.9 (13.0) 2–45 0.62
Cognitive DTC 13.0 (18.5) 0–60 1.42
Average DTC 16.9 (9.5) 2–37 0.56

Abbreviations: BBS, Berg Balance Scale; DTC, dual-task cost.

TABLE 3 Balance, attention, and dual-task cost correlationsa


BBS FSST HiMAT SDMT total restless walk cognitive

BBS 1.00
FSST −0.61 (0.004) 1.00
HiMAT 0.70 (0.001) −0.72 (0.001) 1.00
SDMT 0.22 −0.02 0.43 (0.07) 1.00
MARS-total 0.25 0.06 0.19 0.42 (0.05) 1.00
MARS- 0.04 0.18 −0.15 0.15 0.70 (0.001) 1.00
Walking −0.14 0.18 −0.17 −0.33 −0.14 0.09 1.00
Cognitive 0.13 −0.10 0.11 0.16 0.49 (0.02) 0.46 (0.03) −0.06 1.00

Abbreviations: BBS, Berg Balance Scale; DTC, dual-task cost; FSST, Four Square Step Test; HiMAT, High Level Mobility Assess-
ment Test; MARS, Moss Attention Rating Scale; SDMT, Symbol Digit Modalities Test.
P values are listed in parentheses for correlations <.10, all other P values are >.10.

age-predicted values on the SDMT, based on normative most in subjects with better attention on the basis of
data from a large, community-based sample.31 behavioral observation.
Mean walking DTCs were higher than mean cogni-
tive DTCs; however, participants demonstrated variable
Group comparisons
DTC patterns. Dual-task costs of more than 10% were
used as a threshold to categorize patterns of cognitive Fallers and nonfallers scored significantly differently
and motor performance, based on prior study of young on balance and mobility measures. Those reporting at
adults with the same paradigm, demonstrating low DTCs least 1 fall (n = 13) in the past 6 months had lower
of 2% to 3% for walking and 8% to 9% for the digit scores on the BBS (P ≤.03) and higher times for the
span task.47 Forty-eight percent of subjects (n = 11) FSST (P ≤.01) than subjects reporting no falls (n = 11).
demonstrated only motor DTCs (slowed walking speed), As expected, fallers had greater balance impairments.
35% (n = 9) demonstrated both motor and cognitive The same trend was seen in scores on the HiMAT, with
DTCs (slowed walking speed and reduced cognitive ac- nonfallers scoring higher on the mobility measure than
curacy), and 9% (n = 2) demonstrated only cognitive fallers (P ≤.03). Mean values of attention (MARS total,
DTCs (reduced cognitive accuracy only). Two partici- SDMT) and dual-task performance (cognitive, motor, or
pants demonstrated no DTC in either task. average DTC) were not significantly different between
the faller and nonfaller groups.
Correlational data
Correlations between DTCs and measures of atten-
tion and balance are shown in Table 3. Correlations were The battery of outcome measures used in this study
highest between scores on the 3 balance measures (the described balance, attention, and patterns of dual-task
BBS, FSST, and HiMAT), with absolute r values of 0.61 performance across a range of abilities. The HiMAT was
to 0.72 (all P ≤.004). Scores on the SDMT and MARS, beneficial in capturing higher-level balance ability for
both of which measure attention, were also signifi- those individuals who performed on the BBS with sig-
cantly correlated (r = 0.42, P ≤.05), although at a lower nificant ceiling effect. The approach of administering
level. the most difficult items on the BBS may be an efficient
Scores on only 1 balance or attention measure, the way to assess the appropriateness for more challenging
MARS, were significantly associated with DTC (motor balance assessment in a clinical setting.41
or cognitive). Both total MARS score and score on the The FSST is traditionally not considered a dual-task
restlessness factor were positively associated with cog- measure, but it requires working memory to execute
nitive DTCs, paradoxically indicating that cognitive ac- the correct stepping sequence. The continuous nature
curacy during the WART dual-task condition declined of the task made it feasible for all participants in the
Balance, Attention, and Dual-Task Performance During Walking After Brain Injury 161

study. This task could be described as requiring the visu- for 2 items was a faulty approach. The MARS has been
ospatial sketchpad component of the working memory tested and validated in an acute rehabilitation setting
model of Baddeley since the pattern of movement is that could vary considerably in the complexity of en-
first described and then completed during the test, re- vironmental factors. In contrast, we attempted to min-
quiring memory of the required directional pattern. In imize possible environmental distractors for the testing
this study, the FSST allowed us to grossly gauge dual- session.
task performance while assessing falls risk when stepping We anticipated that participants with attention deficits
over obstacles. The cognitive requirement of remember- would have greater DTC during dual-task conditions, as
ing and executing the appropriate stepping sequence was has been demonstrated in prior studies with stroke and
a prerequisite for a FSST trial to “count.” This require- ABI; however, this finding was not supported. Subjects
ment may have served to prioritize the cognitive task were recruited from a supported living program in which
over the speeded stepping task, resulting in slower task some have been living following brain injury for many
execution. That subjects on average appeared at risk for years. These individuals may have developed more auto-
falls with this measure and not with the BBS was an un- matic control for walking as a result of extensive practice
expected result. Obstacle avoidance has been effective since the onset of injury. Better attention scores (MARS
in studies of mild TBI to identify dual-task performance total and restlessness scores) were positively associated
problems28 and is part of the FSST. The use of a visu- with greater cognitive DTC, suggesting that subjects with
ospatial task has been described as interfering to a greater better attention had more cognitive costs in dual-task
degree than other cognitive tasks with balance perfor- conditions. This unexpected finding could be a result of
mance since balance also requires the use of vision and subjects with greater injury chronicity developing com-
visual information.52–54 pensatory strategies such as sacrificing cognitive perfor-
Inclusion of the HiMAT in the battery of assessments mance to maximize safety by maintenance of balance
allowed some subjects to recognize untapped ability in and dynamic stability. An increase in DTCs in this con-
performing high-level motor activities that had not been dition could be a very adaptive and safe response that
challenged in therapy or usual routines. Use of the Hi- should be encouraged rather than viewed as a deficit or
MAT as a standard part of assessment may allow ther- performance problem.
apists either to identify goals that are more challenging Our test protocol allowed each participant to prior-
or to identify strengths in abilities on the basis of docu- itize cognitive or motor performance in the dual-task
mented norms.46 condition. While this approach is enlightening to
Previous studies have described a relationship between demonstrate what may occur in natural conditions, the
balance impairments and falls history.1 Balance impair- patterns of response varied widely, resulting in small
ment was clearly related to history of falls in this sam- numbers of subjects with any single pattern of response.
ple, although our method of determining falls history This variability may have contributed to insignificant
was admittedly imperfect. The use of self-report of falls associations between DTC variables and falls history.
history in a population with potential cognitive deficits Recent investigations in dual-task performance suggest
is a significant limitation of the study. Although we con- forcing a priority on one task or the other by verbal direc-
firmed all participant responses by discussion with fa- tion as being beneficial in rehabilitation of older adults
cility staff and therapists, individuals may have been at risk for falls.55 This variable priority approach may be
misclassified. Further research would be improved by helpful in highlighting problems with attention alloca-
conducting more structured surveillance to determine tion and challenge executive control to a greater degree.
actual falls in a prospective manner. Future investigations could use a modified protocol that
Unexpectedly, the study failed to illustrate significant prioritizes attention to one task or the other in successive
differences in attention or dual-task performance be- trials, attempting to elicit DTC in 1 of 2 tasks, instead of
tween fallers and nonfallers. There are several possible allowing variability that challenges interpretation. The
reasons for this finding. Our measures of attention were test protocol for the FSST requires the step sequence to
limited in time and scope. Testing occurred in quiet, be carried out correctly in order for a trial to “count,”
controlled environments that may not have provided possibly driving DTC to the motor task, whereas DTC
enough distraction for attention deficits to be observed in the WART clearly varied across subjects.
during testing. Participation in the study involved in- Given the exploratory nature of this study, a conve-
teraction with 4 team members and a range of novel nient sample resulted in many participants with chronic
tasks. This social context and activity level could have injury (mean time since onset = 117.8 months). Further
increased alertness and attention. Since testing occurred research should focus on a sample size more homoge-
in a single session, the MARS was not used as originally nous in injury acuity. Individuals with more chronic
devised. It is possible that the combination of scores injury may have developed compensatory strategies to
from a single observer augmented by staff impressions prevent falls and maximize safety, whereas a more acute

injury group may be more in need of intervention to The ability to flexibly allocate attention to different
reduce falls risk. cognitive and balance tasks through the use of execu-
The battery of balance measures including graded tive control appears to improve with training in older
challenges presented by the BBS-5, FSST, and the Hi- adults at risk of falling. This concept may also be appli-
MAT is recommended for future study. The FSST may cable following brain injury, given the prevalence of ex-
have particular value as a simple method to simulate ecutive function deficits with this population. The abil-
dual-task conditions without the complexities of dual- ity to modify attention allocation from one’s preferred
task test protocols. Since the FSST inherently prioritizes method has not been examined during balance and walk-
the cognitive task, an additional mode of testing that pri- ing tasks after a TBI. A dual-task test protocol that incor-
oritizes the motor task may also be valuable. There are porates explicit prioritization of each task during sepa-
clearly functional situations in which prioritizing motor rate trials may improve the ability to make comparisons
performance may be critical, such as hurrying across a across subjects and draw conclusions about dual-task
busy intersection. performance that can then be linked to falls risk.


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