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“Solutions for unprecedented business challenges”

xxxx, xx Aug. 2019: 1000 – 1400 Hrs: Hotel Jehan Numa Palace, Bhopal

India is in an unprecedented reboot. CXOs, companies and states must all face the challenges—
and opportunities—coming from accelerating disruption. Some liken this era to the fourth global
revolution, after mechanization, mass production and digitalization.
The world in 4.0 mode will affect how companies are built and led, where money is made or lost,
the role of governments, and how all of us live, work and play. The change will not be neutral and
will require new leadership skills and new entrepreneurs to navigate the untold creative destruction
of the next few years.
Yet those who can grasp the opportunities can reap huge benefits for themselves, their
companies, and society.
With an aim to create a platform for the Industry to gain insights on the most pressing issues
CXOs are confronting to drive business growth and the strategies they use to move their
organizations forward; FICCI Madhya Pradesh is organizing ‘CHIEF UNPLUGGED – Solutions
for unprecedented business challenges’ on xxxxxxxxxxxxx at Bhopal.
At Chief Unplugged we are aiming at leaving a mark on the world of CXOs by challenging top
experienced business leaders, industry analysts, great business thinkers, amazing innovators,
experts and consultants to find innovative solutions for the CXOs’ next 10 years of unprecedented
business challenges.
I am writing to invite you to participate in this Conference as Speaker and enlighten the gathering
on the best practices followed by xxxxxx along with your experiences. We would be hounoured by
your presence. Kindly confirm your acceptance for the date.

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