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1. By normalizing relations or sets of relations, one minimizes ___.

A. Data
B. Fields
C. Redundancy
D. Database

2. In addition to removing undesirable characteristics, normalization also eliminates ___ anomalies.

A. Insert
B. Update
C. Delete
D. All of the above

3. When a relation contains an atomic value, it is a ___ relation.

A. 1NF
B. 2NF
C. 3NF

4. 2NF relations are those that are in 1NF with all the attribute types dependent on the ___ key.

A. Primary
B. Foreign
C. Composite
D. Alternate

5. When a relation is in 2NF and there is ___, it is in 3NF.

A. Transition Dependency
B. No Transition Dependency
C. Relational Dependency
D. No Relational Dependency

6. A relation is in ___ if it is in Boyce Codd normal form and does not have any multivalued

A. 1NF
B. 2NF
C. 3NF
D. 4NF

7. What is TRUE about the First Normal Form (1NF)?

A. If a relation contains an atomic value, it will be 1NF.
B. A table attribute cannot contain more than one value, according to this rule.
C. A single-valued attribute can only be stored in it.
D. All of the above

8. What is TRUE about the Second Normal Form (2NF)?

A. Relational must belong to 1NF in the 2NF.

B. All attributes other than the primary key are fully functional in the second normal form
C. Both A and B
D. None of the above

9.  What is TRUE about the Third Normal Form (3NF)?

A. When a relation is in 2NF and does not contain transitive partial dependencies, it will be in 3NF.
B. Data duplication is reduced by using 3NF.
C. It helps maintain the integrity of the data.
D. All of the above

10. Non-prime attributes cannot be transitively dependent, so the relation must have the ___ normal

A. First
B. Second
C. Third
D. Fourth

11. There needs to be which of the following conditions for each nontrivial dependency of function X
on function Y for a relation to be in third normal form.

A. A super key is X.
B. Every element of Y is a part of some candidate key, i.e, Y is a prime attribute.
C. Either A or B
D. None of the above

12. What is TRUE about BCNF?

A. The advanced version of 3NF is BCNF.

B. BCNF is stricter than 3NF.
C. The super key is X for any functional dependency of X -> Y in the table.
D. All of the above

13.  If more than one value of B is present for a single value of A in a dependency A -> B, then the
relationship is ___.

A. Single
B. Multi-valued
C. Both a and b
D. None of the above
14.  A table is in BCNF if it is in 3NF and if every determinant is a ___________ key.
a) Dependent
b) Normal
c) Candidate
d) Both Normal and Candidate
15. In a given relationship R, if an attribute A uniquely defines all other attributes, then the attribute
A is a key attribute which is also known as the _________ key.
a) Candidate
b) Join
c) Functional
d) None of the Mentioned
16. Every time attribute A appears, it is matched with the same value of attribute B, but not the same
value of attribute C. Therefore, it is true that:
a) A -> B
b) A -> C
c) A -> (B,C)
d) (B,C) -> A

17. Consider a relation R(A, B, C, D) with the following functional dependencies:

A -> (B, C, D), (A, D) -> (B, C) and (C, D) -> (A, B). Identify the candidate key(s).

A. {A}
B. {A}, {C, D}
C. {A}, {C, D}, {A, D}
D. {C, D}
18. Which functional dependency types is/are not present in the following dependencies?
Empno -> EName, Salary, Deptno, DName
DeptNo -> DName
EmpNo -> DName

A. Full functional dependency

B. Partial functional dependency
C. Transitive functional dependency
D. Both B and C
19. Which functional dependency types is/are not present in following dependencies?
StaffNo, BranchNo -> StaffName, BranchName, Position, DOB
StaffNo -> StaffName, Position, DOB
BranchNo -> BranchName

A. Full functional dependency

B. Partial functional dependency
C. Transitive functional dependency
D. Both B and C
20. Consider the relation Sale(Date, Customer, Product, Vendor, VendorCity, SalesRep)
{Date, Customer, Product} is the composite candidate key and the following functional
dependencies are also given:
Vendor -> VendorCity, Product -> Vendor
What is the highest normal form of the sale relation?

A. 0NF
B. 1NF
C. 2NF
D. 3NF
21. If one attribute is determinant of second, which in turn is determinant of third, then the relation
cannot be:

A. Well-structured
B. 1NF
C. 2NF
D. 3NF
22. R(A,B,C,D) is a relation, Which of the following does not have a lossless join dependency
preserving BCNF decomposition

A. A->B, B->CD
B. A->B, B->C,C->D
C. AB->C, C->AD
23. Assume a relation X (M, N, O, P, Q) that has the following functional dependencies:
MNO -> PQ and
P -> MN
The total number of superkeys of X would be:
a. 12
b. 10
c. 7
d. 2
24.  Which of the following is not Armstrong’s Axiom?
a) Reflexivity rule
b) Transitivity rule
c) Pseudotransitivity rule
d) Augmentation rule
25. The relation employee(ID,name,street,Credit,street,city,salary) is decomposed into
employee1 (ID, name)
employee2 (name, street, city, salary)
This type of decomposition is called
a) Lossless decomposition
b) Lossless-join decomposition
c) All of the mentioned
d) None of the mentioned
26. Inst_dept (ID, name, salary, dept name, building, budget) is decomposed into
instructor (ID, name, dept name, salary)
department (dept name, building, budget)
This comes under
a) Lossy-join decomposition
b) Lossy decomposition
c) Lossless-join decomposition
d) Both Lossy and Lossy-join decomposition
27. Suppose relation R(A,B,C,D,E) has the following functional dependencies:
A -> B
B -> C
BC -> A
A -> D
E -> A
D -> E
Which of the following is not a key?
a) A
b) E
c) B, C
d) D
28. Let a relation be R(ABCDE)
FD = {AB->C, C->D, D->E, E->B}
Then which normal form it satisfies.

29. Consider a schema R(X, Y, Z, W) and functional dependencies X->Y and W->Z then the
decomposition of R into T1(X, Y) and T2(Z, W) is

(A).Not dependency preserving but lossless join

(B).Neither dependency preserving nor lossless join
(C).Dependency preserving but not lossless join
(D).None of these
30. Given the relation R(X,Y,W,Z,P,Q) and the set F={XY->W, XW->P, PQ->Z, XY->Q} consider
the decomposition R1(Z,P,Q) and R2(X,Y,W,P,Q) is the decomposition lossless or lossy.

(A).Lossless decomposition
(B).Lossy decomposition
(C).Either lossless or lossy
(D).None of these
31. For a database relation R(a,b,c,d) where the domains of a,b,c, and d include only atomic values,
only the following functional dependencies and those that can be inferred from them hold
a->c,  b->d the relation is in
(A).First normal form but not in second normal form
(B).Second normal form but not in third normal form
(C).Third normal form
(D).All of the above

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