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The continued expansion of Britain’s global empire in the 19th century relied on communication
technologies, such as the development of the railways, steam-ships and the telegraph. These
technological advances made it easier for people to travel and communicate in Britain’s vast empire.


British Empire was founded on strength of british indian army that was so much more powerful than
indian army. The British built their armies in india in such a way that they could be used to conquere the
other armies in India. In comparison the Indian armies were badly-trained and poorly-paid was no
match for the disciplined and well-trained British forces. It was due to their strong military, the
British were able to capture most of India.


The Indians were technologically backward. In comparison the British had technological military
and transportation superiority over Indians. The British had developed new techniques of
warfare that was unknown to Indians. Their technology cannot be competed to the Indians
which was the plus point for britishers to dominate their rule in india.


The British came through the sea. They established their naval power in the Indian Ocean before coming
to the Indian mainland. The British navy was always absolutely dominant. Since none of the Indian states
had a strong navy to challenge the British supremacy, they had an easy run to establish themselves in
the coastal regions of India.


 Before the British rule in India, the Gurukulas and Madrassas were the prime sources of education that
used to deliver religious-based education. However, after they started ruling India, they abolished the
ancient system of education and a new western education system came into existence. Their education
revolutionized the concept of education in India. They came up with specific educational policies. They
introduced schools (primary and secondary level) and universities in all parts of the country. Their
advanced education system helped them to strengthen their rule in India.


Colonial India was known as the “Jewel of the British Crown,” appropriately because of the great wealth
that brought to Great Britain. The British were able to fundamentally alter the economy of India to
better suit to their needs—this provided a deep-seated level of control as India became dependent on
Britain for shipping as well as a market for exports. Even more significant was the numerically
disproportionate balance of trade that constantly drained money from the Indian economy making it
more reliant on the British. The British trade added enormous wealth to England. They had enough
funds to pay its shareholders with good dividends that compelled them to finance the English wars in
India which resulted in the expansion of their rule throughout the region.

Divide and Rule

The Indian rulers failed to create a stable social, political and economic standard. That caused
division among social and political levels, which was masterly used by British to engage them
into fight among themselves. By taking advantage of the situation, the British adopted the
policy of Divide and Rule and played one state against the other. This policy became a useful
tactic for the British to consolidate their rule over entire India.

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