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PSYC330 – 23S1 (Forensic Psychology) Notes

W3 (Eye-Witness Testimony, False Confessions, and Police Interviewing) Jacinta Cording


Eyewitness Testimony and False Confessions

Central Eight & Ideomotor
1.) Procriminal/ Anti-social attitudes
2.) Anti-social peers/ associates
3.) Anti-social personality pattern
4.) Criminal History
5.) Family/ marital status
6.) School/ work (Lack of achievement in education/ employment)
7.) Lack of pro-social leisure activities
8.) Substance abuse
*The immediate situation also plays a role
The action of ideomotor theory explains one or more of the 8 central factors that contribute to crime
b/c it becomes more habitual. Childhood plays a role b/c if you see something you are likely to lead
to that behavior more. (an ingrained response based on your environment)
- Not saying all people from a tough environment will offend but it makes it much harder for
them to go down the right pathways which may be more viable to those raised in a prosocial
environment (esp. will anti-social behavior traits)

Intention-behavior gap
- Intentions account for 20-25% of variance in behavior (doesn’t explain all of it but is a key
More like to translate into behavior where:
- Motivation is internal
- Intentions are stronger
- Intentions/ goals are more specific
- Environment is controlled and supportive of intentions
- Implementation intentions (‘when situation X arises, I will do Y’)
- MODE Model: When under cognitive strain or when motivation is love, we tend to rely on
more automatic attitudes/ learned behaviors
^This is why relapse prevention plans are a key part to rehabilitation

Best Approach to Rehabilitation?

Looking at the ideomotor theory and research on intention-behavior gap
- Don’t put external intentions on people as for the actions and behavior to change, there
needs to be internal motivations behind it (they generate their motivations intrinsically)
- Make them aware of how to take care of their resources, it benefits them
- Reworking their skills and their pro-criminal attitudes; if you are really good at stealing cars
so you always do it, maybe you could be a really good mechanic
- Environment is important; group therapy is important as you can see guidance but should be
managed so you don’t reinforce others pro-criminal attitudes
- Making sure the plans for rehabilitation are achievable in the environment the offenders are
placed in. For some people maintaining a level of honor-code is vital in survival, and that
includes continuing participating in some pro-criminal behavior.
- The way we expect people to behave in a treatment program, is that behavior expected to
remain the same in their normal environment once they leave ?
--- Data above not needed for study sheet---
Expectancy effects
PSYC330 – 23S1 (Forensic Psychology) Notes
W3 (Eye-Witness Testimony, False Confessions, and Police Interviewing) Jacinta Cording
- Stereotype Threat
- Being a patient effect
- Pygmalion effect

Eyewitness Testimony
Role of eyewitness testimony in the Criminal Justice System (CJS)
- Court testimony
- Line-up identification (people can be mistaken though, not permissible solely on this)
- Focusing investigations around particular suspects
- Mistaken eyewitness information has more of an impact on crimes committed by strangers
- Not permissible as sole evidence
The door study (Simons & Levin, 1998)
- Man asks for directions and halfway through the person which is looking for help changes
- Shows our memory can be fallible (may not be as relatable to those who experienced
traumatic experience)
Selective attention test
- The level of stress you are under affects your attention as well to certain details, especially in
a high-stress crime environment (trauma event)
- Two groups are passing a b-ball and you are to count how many passes are made while a
gorilla passes by. Many people don’t see the gorilla
Movie perception test (Simons & Levin, 1998)
- Person gets up and answers a phone. They were two different people, and most people don’t
notice that or that the outfits have changed
Telling people they had been in a hot air balloon and showing them a photo of it when they hadn’t

Rate of mistaken eyewitness testimonies

- The rate of this differs based on the crime (Blue line in graphs)
o Much likely in child abuse cases, much more likely in adult sexual assault cases, less
in homicide and drug possessions, etc.

Anna Lindh Murder

- Anna Lindh, a Swedish foreign minister, was stabbed by a lone attacker in a department
- There were 29 witnesses, each interviewed up to 5 times
- Reports of witnesses were able to be compared against CCTV footage and photographs
PSYC330 – 23S1 (Forensic Psychology) Notes
W3 (Eye-Witness Testimony, False Confessions, and Police Interviewing) Jacinta Cording
- Only 35% of details were correct, 24% are partially correct
Flashbulb Memories (Talarico & Rubin, 2003): a vivid, enduring memory associated with a personally
significant and emotional event, often including such details as where the individual was or what he
or she was doing at the time of the event.
- 911 happening, Kenney’s assassinations, the chch 2011 earthquakes
- Study shows that the flashbulb memories vs. everyday have equivalent details and
memories despite people thinking they may know more from a flashbulb memory. The main
difference was the belief in what they were saying to be true or not (they thought they were
more accurate with the flashbulb memory)

Problems with Line-ups
- Foils/ fillers do not match eyewitness descriptions (can cause bias)
o Suspect stands out compared with foils/ fillers (either in person, or physical
characteristics of the photo)
- No double-blind procedure
- Unconscious transference (you may know a suspect but not from the crime)
- Witnesses feel pressured to select someone (even when the offender is not present)

- ~50% of the time the culprit is in the line-up they are selected, ¼ of the time the wrong
person is selected, ~20% of the time there is no identification of suspect despite them in the
- If the offender is NOT present, ~70% of the time the wrong ‘culprit’ (due to extreme
- People can make their decision (whether right or wrong) and become attached to it
Effect of feedback on credibility

Line-up In-class Example

PSYC330 – 23S1 (Forensic Psychology) Notes
W3 (Eye-Witness Testimony, False Confessions, and Police Interviewing) Jacinta Cording
The person we were looking for wasn’t in the line-up and people still assumed he was

Ronald Cotton & Jennifer Thompson Case

- Sexual assault and the female victim came in to identify the suspect
- People tend to make the right decision quickly; she studied the photos for 5 mins. (the
longer they take to identify the person, usually the less accurate they are)
- Showed photos of different people and then had line-up and she chose the guy she picked
from the photos (seeing the photos first would have influenced her decision)
- The man selected also had a history of a sexual assault crime in his teens and worked in the
area which was why he was selected (investigator showing potential bias by this)
Improving Line-ups
- Instructing the person may not be present and to not look to the officer for clues
- Only interview witnesses prior to line-ups (can otherwise alter their memory of who the
person was)
- Blinded line-ups (the person running the line-ups doesn’t know who it is)
- Both live and photo line-ups are similarly effective (no data shows major difference)
- Present the photos/ people one at a time (sequential line-up)
- Match-to-description rather than trying to match-to-suspect (go based off what the victim
describes not off the data of who you think the offender is/ looks like)
- Record line-ups for auditing
- Use first line-up filled with foils (‘blind’ line-up)

False Confessions
Rate of false confessions
- Innocence Project exonerations (n=375), 29% involved in a false confession
o 49% 21+ yrs., 31% 18- yrs., 9% with known mental health issues
o Study prisoners with mental illnesses found approx. 50% reported falsely confessing
to their crime
Shown in orange in the data below

- Most common in homicides

Who Falsely Confesses?
- Study of inmates in Iceland (n=556) shows about 56 state to falsely confessing
False confessors were:
- More likely to have previously served a prison sentence (65% vs. 38%)
- Younger at the time of first conviction or first imprisonment
PSYC330 – 23S1 (Forensic Psychology) Notes
W3 (Eye-Witness Testimony, False Confessions, and Police Interviewing) Jacinta Cording
- More likely to have a previous criminal record
- Most likely to have committed property crime (59%), followed by serious traffic violations
- More likely to have adverse childhood experiences (i.e. substance abuse, sexual abuse,
violence, etc.). Pointing out a level of vulnerability

What causes false confessions?

Confessions are usually the result of rational-decision-making process in the moment, in which
people optimize any situation for themselves in the light of available alternatives (Ofshe & Leo,
- If you’re being interrogated for hours, you have a lot of convictions anyways, you’re in a
gang and told to take the blow for this one and take the charge for someone else, in a
situation where you’ve been led to believe that maybe you have committed the crime
3 Types of False Confessions: Voluntary, Compliant, and Internalized

Voluntary False Confessions:

- Knows they didn’t commit the crime and offer themselves has a suspect (they approach
- Could be to protect family members or for notoriety, or guilt
Compliant False Confessions:
- They were approached and they know they didn’t do it but they just confess
- Could be due to the interrogation approach, could be due to a reward, to escape an exterior
aversive situation, or confess b/c you’re told otherwise you’ll get a huge sentence which
could be reduced if you confess, easier to live in prison compared to outside
PSYC330 – 23S1 (Forensic Psychology) Notes
W3 (Eye-Witness Testimony, False Confessions, and Police Interviewing) Jacinta Cording
- Innocence Effect: I hate the situation I’m in and the interrogation process etc. so I will just
confess b/c there is no evidence to prove my wrongdoing; a false confession is enough to get
convicted of a crime. Just confess to get out of the situation
Internalized False Confession
- Someone comes to believe they committed the crime when they truly didn’t
- Usually due to the interrogation approach and mental illness

Interviewing Style (Role)

- In NZ you can’t lie to the suspects or use lie-detector examinations

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