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U : Hi Cindi, Whats up ?
C : I'm doing well. What about you?
U : I'm pretty good. Btw what are you doing lately?
C : So right now I'm a private teacher for elementary students. I heard that you
took a part in a swimming competition in Bali . How did it go?
U : I won that competition in 1st place.
C : Oh wow congratulations Bagus. You must be the winner.
U : Yeah thank you. So I will throw a little victory celebration party. And I wanna
invite you.
C : Party? When is it? And where?
U : Tomorrow night at 7 pm. Just in my home.
C : I think I'm not busy tomorrow. I will come to your party.
U : See you on my party, Cindi.
C : See you Bagus.

/ D-day Bagus' Party

( voice call)
C : Hello Bagus
U : Hi Cindi, What happen?
C : I'm so sorry Bagus I can't come to your party
U : Oh why?
C : I have a headache.
U : No problem. Take a rest and get well soon Cindi.
C : Once again I'm sorry ya.
U : It's ok. You can come to my next party.

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