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Chapter 5


This chapter presented the summary, findings, conclusions, and the

recommendations of the study.

The findings revealed the answer to the following questions:


1. What are the most common problems encountered by the Criminology


2. What are the present life status of an outwork Criminology graduates?

3. What are the recommendations or resolutions may be propose to

ameliorate the problems encountered by the Criminology graduates?

4. What are the life experiences of out by the work criminology students of

Dr. Aurelio Mendoza Memorial Colleges, Inc.?

5. What are the challenges encountered by the out of work criminology

students of Dr. Aurelio Mendoza Memorial Colleges, Inc.?

6. What implications can be taken?


The following are the findings of the study:

Ibutang ang sop

1. What are the most common problems encountered by the Criminology
According to the survey we conducted online since our respondents are in
different places, it was productive outcome because they were very enthusiastic
in answering our questionnaire survey. There is a difficulty in financial area
because a large amount is needed in applying the workforce and 16 out of 20
answered that they’re having difficulty in financial status. There is 1 out of 20 who
is having a family problem, it can’t be avoided because there will always be a
family pressure in aiming your desired career. There is no problem in heath and
emotional status, all are good. There are 7 out 20 whom are having difficulty in
getting the requirements, the problem of getting may be in school or in the
requirements area because of the efficiency needed to be acquired. And lastly,
there are 6 out 20 whom answered in Credentials. Good credential gives a good
record in applying and adds point along with the recommendation letters given
that can be used as help, some were bothered because they don’t have other
credentials that may add or experiences that could be used to.
Thus, good requirements is a must and every individual should have those

but those cannot be done without experience but rather they must observe and

oversee the potentials that a person possess

2. What are the present life status of an outwork Criminology graduates?

According to our respondents, they are usually called "tambay" by their

extended family and neighbors since they have the same routine every day,

staying at home doing nothing perceived as unproductive at all. They are all on

standby because of the common status they’re experiencing They are being

humiliated by others and usually compared

We should educate our environment that criticism towards any individual

is bad and not healthy We must promote that every dreams requires timing and

hard work, rather critizing them, better to lift them up to boost their confidence
7. 3. What are the recommendations or resolutions may be propose to

ameliorate the problems encountered by the Criminology graduates?

It has been a challenging challenge for them because they were having a

hard time dealing with their lives especially this pandemic period, the government

is very strict, the demand of recruitment is low and somehow the requirements

are too many. Most of the participants said that they have experienced financial

problems in their lives Due to lack of requirements and credential, they have

difficulty in finding stable jobs fit for their course They also had something in

common, namely, the distortion of their identity, which put food their social

relations in jeopardy. They are actually trying to apply in every company or

establishments even if there is no sign of hiring to try their luck but unfortunately,

they failed. Though they have thought that finding an appropriate job is the one

best fits the condition and degree, they can now seek a job and might find one,

but the problem is that the job might not well fit with their educational degree. If

one goes for a job that is not in line with their profession or education, they get

depressed and disappointed but they don't care at all to whatever job they will be

employed in, as long as it is decent and enough to feed your family. It has been a

tough experience for them through the years, being a standby and regretting the

years they wasted because they weren’t able to push through directly and they’re

making a breakthrough how to end it and doing their best to attain their goal

It has been a challenge for them because some companies were finding

experiences before they are going to be hard especially some of them are fresh

graduates and beginners aiming for new experiences Luckily, there were
establishments open for new employees and ready to practice their capabilities

taking it to the higher level

8. 4. What are the life experiences of out by the work criminology students of

Dr. Aurelio Mendoza Memorial Colleges, Inc.?

Most of them encountered psychological challenge from the pressure given from

the people around that incudes inferiority, disappointment and confusion. After

graduating with a degree, they are an unemployed individual.,

The expectations rose up because they were compared to others whom achieve

everything at their same age. They've also felt disappointment since they failed to

find the jobs that they have been seeking for years, somehow they felt hopeless

and unable to pursue their dreams. Some are discriminated on how they were

treated because they were belittled, and felt uncontrolled insecurities from others.

Moreover, they were taking alternatives that could be useful and helpful for their

career, their failures making them their motivations and strength to move forward.

They were strong enough to handle their emotions and conquering their

fears and making a way to start a new productive approach to the environments

5. What are the challenges encountered by the out of work criminology

students of Dr. Aurelio Mendoza Memorial Colleges, Inc.?

Labor resources are usually occupationally immobile because it takes time

for people to gain the sufficient skills that are necessary for working in a certain

industry. Hence, when there is oversupply of labor in a certain industry or when

there is a recession, people who become unemployed cannot find work

immediately or easily since they cannot be employed in the industry that requires

their skills and also cannot work in other industries since they may not have

sufficient skills. Hence, the government can provide retraining programs for the

unemployed, so that they can improve their skills or gain new skills necessary to

ensure their employment.

9. 6. What implications can be taken?

Think, work and act. We have our own timeline but we need to continue in

pursuing our dreams by the chances and opportunities been offered, we

shouldn’t stick to the idea of waiting rather we go further to our goals There must

be an action undertaken to be able to come up a result Results are manifestation

of your efforts and hard work They all have the ability to do things but they must

set path that may lead them to the right direction and be successful

Conclusion (same concusion but e rephrase)

Based on the research we conducted, it was engaged successfully with

the enactment of our energetic research group, the respondents were very

accommodating who gives freely their insights and perceptions regarding to their

life experiences as an out of work criminology graduates. All of them were having

a difficulty in dealing with their career because they were affected of the

pandemic and they were adjusting with the new normal with it’s new

requirements required by the workforce

According to our research, many are having a problem in dealing with

financial stability, some were applying to other jobs not fitted to their course title
but unfortunately they were neglected. They keep on trying and doing their best

to attain their goals by making everything that could help them reach for it.

The study ignites with credibility and visible of proofs that adds information

for everybody that it’s a must to take an action rather than doing nothing.

Learning and taking chances should be put at first It is seen that they are still

goal oriented and optimistic of what they have gone through.

Thereafter, they are considered as a living hope for everybody because of

the self-esteem they possess to continue to pursue their dreams even though

they have already surpass different kinds of challenges and uncertainty in life.

They continue to strive and hustle for their futures.

The following activities or actions were the recommendations by the


A For the researchers

(bullet ang answer) We need to be active and aware of our career and not

waste time, after we graduate we should go for experiences or rather apply

immediately on the workforce if you are financially stable, if not- try working to

some other jobs that may help you save money for the compensation of your

requirements. We should be aware of our time and effort because chances and

opportunities isn’t always consistent. We need to stay positive and focus on our

goal to be successful in the upcoming future.

A. For the Government

(every sentence lain2 ang bullet)

 They must increase the recruitment quota and add the age limit

especially to the pioneered K-12 students so everyone could apply and

unemployment won’t foster.

 They should offer another work opportunities in line with degree

acquired that can be used as experienced and credential.

 The bribery should be stop because some are depending on the

connection level which is unfair to others whom are trying their best

and follow the necessary standards.

B. For the Future Researchers

 You need to choose your desired topic to be able to come up a

successful research study.

 You must choice a specific topic which is relevant, timely and useful for


 It should be full of information that may give knowledge to others.

There is a need of strategies, learning styles and the use of precise

English language.

(past tense words)

(significance of the study connected sa recommendations)


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