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Presenter: Members of group 2 Date:25/11/2021

Topic: Holidays Skill focus: Speaking skill

Reviewer: Nguyễn Trần Thị Kim Ngân

Last week, I had been witnessed a beautiful demonstration of group 2. I would like to thank for their
presentation because they did a great job in teaching speaking skill, which was one of difficult productive
skills. However, the group’s the demonstration engaged viewers’ attention and interests in their ways of
teaching. In this reflective summary, I will give some comments on the following aspects, which are the Formatted: Font color: Red
teaching demonstration, the content of the presentation and reflection as well as implication for my personal
practice. Commented [t1]: Good thesis statement
Formatted: Font color: Red

From my perspective, it could be stated that even though there were a few negative points needed to be Formatted: Font: Bold
improved, good points tended to outweigh. First and foremost, it could be seen that the presenters gave an Formatted: Font: Bold
explicit introduction in terms of their topic, level of learners, teaching material as well as their names on
teaching sections. From these points, audiences were able to know what purposes the presenters aimed to
teach as well as draw a clear outline for their teaching. Subsequently, it was undeniable that the presenters
surprised listeners by showing their clear voice, confidence and straightforward instructions for learners,
especially, Kim Phung, who had the nicest voice and clearly brief instructions in this group. That made me
easily comprehend what she was taking about. Additionally, the way which the members communicate with Formatted: Font: Bold
learners had a lot of friendliness and smoothly delivered the lesson to learners. Moving forward to the
illustration used in this lesson, the presenters carefully designed slides with full of interesting and colorful
pictures as well as teaching materials. That might be appropriate for the level of learners and arouse their Formatted: Font: Bold
learning motivation because “the uses of visual aids encourage the body movement and it may strengthen
the control” (Jain, 2004, p.227). Regarding the management of time, Quynh Nhi concentrated on teaching
grammar, therefore, her section was longer than that of other presenters. As a result, Da Quynh and Ngoc Anh
did not get enough of time to perform.

Your general comments on the group’s demonstration is good in terms of content, linkers, mechanic Deleted: ¶
out of 30 marks Formatted: Normal


Concerning the content of teaching speaking skill, the presenters chose reasonably a variety of activities Formatted: Font: Bold
for their demonstration. Also, there were many strong points which I need to mention in this part. On the other
hand, there were an issue required to be limited so that the members could manage their time span.

At first glance, with regard to the lead-in stage, Thien Tu well performed this section that he employed a Formatted: Font: Bold
question “where did you go on your holidays?” to activate students’ experience. Then he made use of showing
pictures about places so that students found out what activities they will do in those places. With such a
successful lead-in stage, students will be attracted in the lesson and ready for learning as Harmer (2007, p.52)
said that the element of engagement is important because when learners are properly involved, their
engagement in the learning and activation stages tend to deliver. Therefore, I suppose that the lead-in stage of
this group is more likely to be effective and attractive.

Next, teaching vocabulary displayed by Phung combined effectively many teaching techniques. Specifically,
using stories to make vocabularies be outstanding that assisted students to recognize new words so that they
initially could remember those words in their short-term memory. Then practicing and repeating those words
also contributed to students’ remembering words and pronunciation. Especially, Phung elicited meaning of
words through not only stories and pictures but also questions asked when students repeated those
vocabularies. That both helped learners to understand clearly words’ meaning and review students’ real-life
experiences. Besides, Phung focused on accuracy of pronouncing vocabulary as well that she always listened
carefully and corrected mistakes which students had by modelling and repeating. Consequently, students will
pronounce precisely those vocabularies, and when repeating happens more regularly, it will be good for
formatting fluency. This may be similar to Willerman (2011) that “accuracy brings fluency and fluency brings
further accuracy”.

Moreover, the group applied communicative language teaching methods in their demonstration that during Formatted: Font: Bold
the lesson, presenters always gave students chances to practice the target language through activities such as
answering questions about students’ experiences and doing role-play conversations. As a result, students were
able to get familiar with the target language and prepare for produce their own speaking, which was set in the
learning outcome.

On the other hand, two aspects of timing management and coherence in speaking were essential to mention. Formatted: Font: Bold
Particularly, teaching the grammar shown by Nhi lasted longer than the performances of other presenters
because she would teach a lot of aspects of grammar point, so she got a lot of time. Therefore, she needs to
adjust her section so as to be suitable for the whole lesson. Furthermore, when Ngoc Anh displayed her
practice section of speaking, it is good when she gave clear instructions as well as using Phung’s story as a
model. However, she might forget to teach about signal words, which were used to link sentences in a
paragraph or speaking. Consequently, the student Tu had just used the linking word “and” to speak instead of
other linking words such as firstly, secondly and thirdly.
…… out of 30
You have applied theories well in your reflection. The details of the group’s demonstration were described
carefully. You also used linkers clearly, which made me have an outline of what you wrote. Good job.

Through group 2’s demonstration, I accumulate some experiences that firstly when I assign tasks and give
instructions for learners, I need to make it clear and brief so that learners can understand what they will do.
Next, teaching vocabulary is extreme effective if I elicit a range of words for students thanks to visual aids,
stories or questions instead of showing them a list of definitions. That will make the learning environment
more active and arouse learning motivation of students. Moreover, to manage the time of teaching grammar,
I will also show the story and let students find out irregular verbs in the story as well as signal words of time
like the presenter. By contrast, I will sum up about the tense and show a table regarding irregular verbs and
present verbs rather than guessing and explaining about irregular verbs like Nhi. Then I will let students have
more chances to practice with making sentence with past tense. Furthermore, prior to let student produce their
speaking of their own holiday like Ngoc Anh mentioned, I will instruct students to know how to connect
sentences with each other. Because of this, students will learn how to organize their ideas in speaking, create
a coherence in their speech as well as make other people to easily understand. Besides, this also contributes
to students’ writing because when students get familiar with arranging their sentences in a speaking, they can
arrange their sentences and ideas in their writing as well.

…… out of 30
Mechanics (ngữ pháp): ….. out of….

I hope that you will apply what you learned into your future career. Good job.


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