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Sardarni Jaswinder kour
What is cryptocurrency?
A cryptocurrency is a digital asset designed to work as a
medium of exchange using cryptography to secure the
transactions and to control the creation of additional units
of the currency.
❖ In 1998, Wei Dai Published a Description of “B-MONEY”, an anonymous,
distributed electronic cash system.
❖ Nick Szabo created “bit gold” Like bit-coin and other Cryptocurrencies.
❖ The first crypto-currency to capture the public imagination was Bit-coin,
which was launched in 2009 by an individual or group known under the
pseudonym Satoshi Nakamoto.
Why use cryptocurrency?
 Fast, safe and cheap
 Ease of use and highly portable
 Untraceable
 Transparent and neutral
 Decentralized nature
 Active involvement of users
 Fewer risks for merchants
 Low inflation and collapse risk
 Freedom to transact
How cryptocurrency transaction works
 Anything of value can be transferred and saved safely and
confidentially without unlawful alteration
 Transaction is verified by a vast peer to peer global network
 Cryptocurrency are not able to be frozen in case of economic crisis
 There will no longer need for intermediaries such as banks and
 Cryptocurrency increases its value with respect to time
 Scammer and other seedy characters can use the anonymity to
there advantage to do evil
 Hackers and manipulation still occurs
 The majority of governments retails and everyone who deals with
money does not receive crypto as a exchange
 Jobs resistance
 Transaction are irreversible

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