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2 “AWW A JY itn : ‘ = n YOUNG PEOPLE'S GUILD (1938 — 1988) SO ua oi rea sstena (aa 5 50TH ANNIVERSARY of the YOUNG PEOPLE'S GUILD (1988 — 1988) A SOUVENIR BROCHURE Scanned with CamScanner FOREWORD | am very grateful to the Lord for His Church and for dynamic young people who love Him and who have made it their aim to know His will and to do ite The history of the Young People’s Guild in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana reminds me of the parable of the Mustard Seed told by our Lord Jesus Christ in Matt. 13:31 to explain what the kingdom of heaven is like. The mustard seed according to the parable, is the smallest of all seeds, very insignificant but when it is sown and watered, it grows to become a mighty tree. The Young People’s Guild has grown from 2 small seed sown at Krobo Odumase in 1937 to what we all see today - a mighty tree! | thank and praise the Lord for His care for the youth of this Youth Movement for the past fifty years, and the growth that He has granted the group in spite of all difficulties, Indeed, all of us have cause to rejoice over this Golden Jubilee Celebrations because God has deemed it fit to call us out of darkness to his marvellous light. This alone should make us happy. But celebrations of this nature, sometimes make us forget very important issues of life which are pertinent to our well-being as Children of God. | wish, therefore, to draw your attention to one of such pertinent issues for your meditation, ‘OUNg people so that they can be Scanned with CamScanner properl¥ trained and directed to know His will and to jo it. ee The adoption of the Y.P.G. as the Youth Wing of our Church is a step in this direction. Let all young people, therefore, heed the call of the church to come together so that they can be used to build the Church of Christ and the nation, asa whole. . On behalf of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, and on my own behalf, | congratulate you on this grand occasion. May the years ahead see a further growth of this Youth Movement of our Church, and g may the Lord bless and protect you always. RT. REV. D. A. KORANTENG MODERATOR PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GHANA 20TH JULY, 1988. ‘Scanned with CamScanner MR. ANDREW M. ATKINSON, Founder of the Young People's Guild (¥.P.G.) ‘Scanned with CamScanner ACKNOWLEDGEMENT The celebration of the Golden Jubilee of the foun- ding of the Young People’s Guild is a fitting memorial for the countless number of people, known and un- known, dead and alive, who gave up everything to ensure the growth of the YPG. We thank the Lord for the lives of all these people and what they were able to do to make the YPG what it is today. Let the lives and works of these pioneers inspire us to also commit everything we have to help a further growth in the Youth Movement. . Fifty years after the founding of the YPG, many structural changes have been introduced into the group to help implement the Youth Policy which was pro- mulgated by the Synod Committee in 1983 but which could be effectively implemented, because of some administrative bottlenecks. Thank God — they are all matters of the past. On, on we go...... as this joint piece emphasises! We are therfore appealing to the church as a whole - Pastors, Presbyters, Catechists, Evangelists, Men and Women and Youth to help make this programme a success, because its success will guarantee, to a large extent, the future of our church. We would like to take this golden opportunity to express our sincere thanks to Rt. Rev. D. A. Koranteng, current Moderator of the Synod of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, and all past Moderators, Rev. E. S. Mate-Kodjo, current Synod Clerk and all past Synod Clerks; the immediate past General Youth Secretary, Rev. Peter M, Kodjo, and all past General Youth Secretaries for their role in building the Y.P.G., all Pastors, Presbyters and all other Church Agents; Officers of the Y.P.G. at all levels, past and present, and the entire membership of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana for their love and patience for the youth, interest in the Y,P.G. and even criticisms which have made us good spiritually, and their counsel for the past fifty years, Scanned with CamScanner We will continue to cou! won vtinu Int on you for eer the years ahead, We me we wil continu 10 work in the supreme interespatnmt re country, as a whole. bal ae fi ie God being our inally, We also seize the of i our sneer gratitude to the UST. authoriiee ie Otumfuo, our PNDC Sector Secretary, organisations and PoeeeT lineata our programmes, rishi eA ten PeThiee, on etc. for their tremendous tution to this Golden Event ° ‘ekura mu yi ye Yesu Kristo de”. }eSe essentiay GOD BLESS YOU REV. CHARLES GYA\ NG-DI (GENERAL YOUTH SECRETARY) JEHOSHAPHAT VICT! ‘OR ANGU, (NATIONAL SECRETARY] ¢ FROM THE SYNOD CLERK occasion of the celeberation of the Golden Jubilee of the Young People’s Guild of the presbyterian Church of Ghana | wish to take this golden opportunity to salute ‘all young people in our Sfureh and to thank the Lord for half a century of Srganised Youth Work in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. Although we cannot claim that everything that VPC. has done for the past 50 years has Det perfect, 1 think in all fairness, the Y.P.G. has done a great job 1 tring to keep the spirit of Youth Work alive in the presbyterian Church of Ghana. To all leaders of the Young past and present, whose sweat ay paitd the Y.P.G., | say well-done. Church is very proud of you! Permit me at this point to sI on the new developments in the church, The Synod Committee is very i chocess of Youth Work in the church, becault youth are Shevstrength and future of the church, 19 this connec- tion, therefore, some administrative changes have been nade in the Y.P.G. and the Youth Couns we ioce changes have been made to enable the church to properly take control of all aspects ‘of youth work 1. fhe interest of the church. Pastors and all leaders of ine church have been informed by a circular fete! of Sil these developments and we expect that all leaders Snd members of our church will support this new arrangements so that our aim of mobilizing all youth will be realised. To the youth, permit me t all these arrangements depends on Organise yourselves, We appeal to you a pool your energies and gifts together t Church of Christ. ‘Aswe start the journey in MESSAG' On this grand People’s Guild, both id toil has helped to The Presbyterian hare a few thoughts youth front in our interested in the ‘0 say, that the success of how well you I to unite and help build the ito the next 50 years of the 6 Scanned with CamScanner MESSAGE FROM THE GENERAL YouTH SECRETARY Gn this joyous occasion of the Golden Jubilee Cele= pration of the Young People’s Guild, the Youth Council ere the entire youth of the Presbyterian Church of Y.P.G., let the motto of , the guild: MiSs Bo it", be your guiding principle ee ait", ‘uiding principle. This motto is alremracing, ‘and | believe aes Linea know Ges wil and do it, there will be peace ng and goodwill and progress in the urna society. A 7 ee eee and may God richly and gin the YPG in saving: “Not to us O Lord, not to us, {is glory because but to your name peyour love and Faithfulness” (N.I.V. Ps. 11:1) We praise and glorify the Lord for what He has done with the Young People’s Guild in the Presbyterian Ghurch of Ghana and in the 9avio% ‘as a whole for the past 50 years. The period has seen the YPG at the Past font of Youth activity in the Church; preaching fhe gospel, visiting the sick, engaging in communal tieour, both in the church and outside the church, and providing the power base Of he Presbyterian Church of Brana. The Youth Council has noted with satisfaction, She organisational ability of the ‘Young People’s Guild the, is tenacity of purpose which have ‘made the group what it is today! Tay I at this juncture pay tribure 1 the founding father of the guild, Rev. Atkinson, for hhis courage and foresight. He Knew right from the beginning that the suecess of every organisation OF institution depended on her youth, who must be organised into a strong body. It is by so doing that their potentials could be Pony ged for the benefit of the church and the nation as a whole. Today, we are all witnesses to the marvellous work that the Lord has done and continues, do through the Y.P.G. Indeed, we have cause to rejoice and to SY with the Hymnist: . srTo God be the glory, Great things i he has done”. REV. E. S. MATE-KODJO (SYNOD CLERK) i Scanned with CamScanner As we celebrate this great occasi sion, ho ask you to take the opportunity to reflect on eonditions the society, especially as they relate to the youth \inoet everybody is complaining about the break one of morals among the youth of the nation. For instance, Most armed robbers, embezzlers of public funds, mp smokers, smugglers and those who indul in trade smalpracties are youth. What is more there is isuse of sex and i acti the deadly disease AIDS, its consequent contraction of In the 2nd July edition of the “Ghanai the “Ghanaian Times”, i was reported thet, 4 out of 18 young people vaho hava : ed Sixth Form education and wh applied to study outside the country have been eu {@ have contracted AIDS. That {s alarming, indeed The Youth Council of the Prsoytrian Church of concerned i i and would like to appeal to all youth tonnes tae Sele th to shun these bad een 0 one would despise our youth The Youth Council i The Yout of Presbyteria while advising the youth, would alsolice ro apveal ta all parents to help create conducive en of effective parental care and control are some of the major causes of juvenile delin i ma quency which in tun causes bad behaviour “among children and youth Parents can help. their children by loving the py Broviding them with their basic needs so that hey wi hot be tempted to look elsewhere for them, ond Sh m i , aes the way they should go for’ the Bible “Train a child in th c 1e way he sI when he is old, he will not ‘um for ir (Prov. 22:6) 1 wish, at this point also to draw your attendion to the new developments in the ‘Youth Sector which come the full operation immediately after the celebration of the Golden Jubilee. “the Synod Committee, has realised that there is the need for the church to build a strong and dynamic youth movement, to ‘enable all the youth ‘of the Church Youvarticipate meaningfully in the life and work 0} the wo eh. ‘The Young People’s Guild has, therefore, beet crapred as the Youth Wing of the Presbyterian Church 2¢°Rhana, That is, the church, as from September, (hee, would be working through the Y.P.G. to reach eee al youth in the church. The Secretariat of the oYF.G. will therefore, move to the Youth Office at the teed Offices of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana from Heat othe affairs of the Y.P.G. would be administered. acre aim of this new structural arrangement is to help mobilize all young people under the umbrella of the TPG. for effective control and direction. The Synod Cierk, Rev. E. S, Mate-Kodjo, has already writtt & Gireular to this effect to all agents of the church, and we appeal to all to help make this a success. Way we take this opportunity to express our sincers thanieg to the present Executive of the Y.P.G. for their Understanding and co-operation so far, which have trade this new structure possible. It is our prayer thet, the coming years will see the further growth of the Yeung People’s Guild, into a powerful Youth Wing of dur Church, embracing all young people of the church, So that together we may work to build the church we all love so much. ‘Accept my personal congratulations and that of he Youth Council and be assured that the church is solidly behind you! God bless you richly! REV. CHARLES GYANG-DUAH (GENERAL YOUTH SECRETARY) 10 Scanned with CamScanner GOODWILL MESSAGE FROM THE WOMEN’S WORK CENTRAL COMMITTEE On the occasion of your 50th anniversary | salute you in the name of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Redee- mer. Five decades in the life of a christian fellowship like yours may have its ups and downs but | sincerely believe that you have not stumbled. Though thy path be dark as night; There is a star to guide the humble... Trust in God and do the right.”” | Your motto: “TO KNOW THY WILL AND TO DO IT" is very inspiring, Knowing and doing God's will means obedience. That is why God told Isaac “I will bless you because Abraham obeyed me and kept all my laws and commands.” (Genesis 26:5). In the Lord's prayer too we are told to say “Thy Will be done, as is done in heaven”. i ‘As you celebrate your fiftieth anniversary can you say with pride and confidence that you have done God's WILL in the task that He entrusted to vou? .s young men and women in the church, you are no doubt considered as the “gnition key which moves a ticle”. Without the key no vehicle can move Without you the church isnot whole. oe "Lefer to you as keys because without you, build dings, locks, boxes ete, cannot be opened. Aa bee ey is missing we become perplexed and worried unt we have found it. As youth ofthe church, you are the at the same time catalyst. Your should be felt as being animators, facilitators sorte and opinion leaders. You have th ae stamina to do any kit m srength ante tennot de, Hemember your crestor while yor ee Young before those dismal days and vente eyo stl you will say | don’t enjoy life,” years come when The youth guild has sometimes bi social club. Instead of dismissing meh ces ine your moral life criti ee and see whether what they are 1" ‘An unexamined life is not worth living. ‘ave you been organising Bible studies, saying is true. involved in As a guilder hi visiting the sick and the needy? Are you 4 Communal labour? This is the essence ‘of Christianity. The late Andrew M. Atkinson, who established YPG in Ghana and edited the ‘Christian Youth magazine which appeared in September 1941 gave the following exhortation: “Let our Guild be the centre of happiness Let us meet in brightly lit rooms. Let us play games together; Let us study together, talk together Let us make our Guilds alive and eager from the reality and joy of our Christianity.”” to show couragement, | urge you to ds where you fall short. urches are springing up yy. Some of our young hurches to With these words of en fook back and make amen ‘Many youth groups and ch with profound rapidity everyda men and women have left us to join other ci find solace, What is drawing the youth to these chur thes that the YPG cannot offer? Research into this sNodus and report to Synod Committee for solution. Hold symposia, debates and discussions on the pe formance of the church, Ask questions and dream new dreams so that Joel's prophecy which says: ".... 1 wil pour out_my spirit on everyone, Your sons and daughters will proclaim my message; your young men will see visions, ....”” will be fulfilled. I wish you happy Golden Jubilee and God bless you. Sr. Rose Akua Ampofo General Secretary Women’s Work Cen. Comm. Scanned with CamScanner GOODWILL MESSAGE FROM THE NATIONAL UNION OF PRESBYTERIAN STUDENTS OF GHANA On this memorable occasion when members of th Youra People’s Guild of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana commemorate the 50th anniversary of their existence, it is my greatest pleasure to convey to you all the congratulations of the entire members of the Netional Union of Presbyterian Students of Ghana {NUPSG). We doff our hats and say “anyekoo” (well- done). While the entire Presbyterian students in Ghana wish you well on this festive occasion, we also join you both physically and in spirit as you mark this Golden Jubilee. Be esured that we shall continually lend you -our support in your endeavours to help advance the causé of Christian youth mobilisation and nurturing - so as to make our churches [Predoyterian Church of Ghana and Exon! Preytran Church) reher with a stock of oa imped and potential leaders for the service of ermit us to state that, as you are aware, oul churches are seriously confronted with the problem of Broper placement end direction of the youth. This is ‘Be fxect task that stares usin the face, Nevertheless, onvioced that unless our Youth Ministry is well Stuctured ad supported with @ well-meaning and Brogmat icy, we can hardly achieve the Gch expected gol. It tothis end that we thank God pee om August, this year, our youth re need asin a ew journey under the auspices of Sisareuntiad yoo th brogremme = which basiealy we take off in this to are off inthis journey, what we feel we oe indrence is fear i aoa Jesus, the Christ Him itself, yet not forgetting self said ‘that “He who puts his hand to the ‘ plough and Kingtom of heaven” (Luke 9160) © NOt fit for the 13 need courage, ste to its fullest con: would be rough and \vithout these storms of ‘that shall accompan' any meaning God whispers fo the Prophet Jeremiah saying - with men on foot and th: This programme has been long overdue, hence, we sadfastness and the trust in God to see summation. Doubtless the journey ‘the task difficult, nevertheless f life, the stresses and strains ¥y us in the journey, we cannot have ful testimony to give one day. ‘dst of all these circumstances, the Lord iHis words of consolation to us, as He did If you have raced ey have worn you out, how can If you stumble in safe thickets by the In the mi compete with horses? yu euntry, how will you manage in the Sordan?” (Jer. 12:5 NIV) God bless you all. REV. FRANCIS J. BOTCHWAY GENERAL SECRETARY, NUPSG GOODWILL MESSAGE d, Hallelujah! Y.P.G. is 50 years ol 10 note that so! It is really gratifying t the Presbyterian Churcl na ism all these 50 years. It has not been e2sy7 for, itis ‘the one organisation which has not enjoyed support from the church, But because we surrendered ourselves to the Holy Spirit, He has used us for His service and we are now proud to celebrate the Golden Jubilee with our chests out. Looking back lot of successes. and women of reputal me of the youth in fh have kept the faith and dyna” con our performances, we can Tecount § ore guild has not only produced men we fame in the church and society, 14 Scanned with CamScanner but has also contributed physically for the improvement of many a congregation. There are a number of projects the guild has initiated and completed for their various congregations, Examples of which are provision of church pews, wall clocks, carpets, places of convenience, chairs, pulpits, altars, refrigerators, raising of funds for the building of manse and church building, cultivating farms to support payment of assessment, etc. In the community, too, YPG has not been found wanting and a typical example is.the renovation of the Trinity College Library, being undertaken by the members of the Ga Presbytery. The library will not only serve Presbyterian students, but students from the other sister churches who in turn will go out and serve the Lord in their various churches and communities. The evangelistic crusades that one wanted throughout the country to win souls for Christ also need to be mentioned, Nurturing of the children and the Junior “Y" and award of scholarships need not be over-looked either. All these and many more that space will not permit have been achieved during the past 50 years. Some of the achievements were chalked by others; some of us also share the glory of some of them. This should not make us complacent, but to strive for higher heights than we came to meet the guild, in order to be con- sidered worthy ambassadors for Chri . While we celebrate our golden year with all the aiety it deserves, let us remember in our prayers our Cregtunate brothers and sisters who do not know see, a are short of His salvation: those who are prison cites and homes, those who are perishing in Moho ane ine of whom through no fault of theirs, those ‘ing ils, these io the sake of the Word and Wat, thee oh ls, those whose countries are torn with the needy, widen, perpetual bondage, the poor and mentally handicapped that the Lone, physically and om all forms of oppressions and bondage, 0 “nem 15 both dead and alive, aid a strong foundation get an opportunity to our forefathers, it ho ecially A. M. Atkinson Ww cag made it possible for us to 8 On on ahead promise to be much more caller, big veh the new structures which have Been te. by the Syn Co jeeateoursees anew 10 he Lord and say with Ignatius Loyola: Teach us good Lord to serve thee as thou deservest; To give and not to count the cost, eward and not to ask for any 1 . Soe that f knowing that we do thy will”. | wish you all happy anniversary. -AMPOFO ADYS OHENE-AMPO! SIS. GLA TIONAL PRESIDENT 16 Scanned with CamScanner SHORT HISTORY OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE’s GUILD OF THE PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH OF GHANA The YPG is 50 years old! And, no news can be said to be more heartening than to look back with pride and joy that after all said and done, the YPG is today a feality! Thanks be to God, through His servant Andrew McCutheon Atkinson, through whose vision this dream has come true! Like the mustard seed, the Young People’s Guild was established in 1938, by Mr. Atkinson, a Scottish Missionary, through whose will, dedication and bright foresight that the ¥.P-G. has taken its rightful place in the comity of pregressive youth organisations in the country. | The idea of the guild sprang from the Scottish mil ieu. As a member of the Presbyterian Youth Guild in Scotland, Mr. Atkinson was enthused with a deter- mination to set up a Christian youth movement in the eae peyton Cine of the Gold Cosst, through expression in serving ter Lod aint snes therefore, decided to establish a youth move- ment designed to build the membership of the church; cenit ‘interest; to bring them together to stioy fellowship: to help them to develop Christian {stings through moral, spiritual and social training and Church and genic, (ke UP future leadership in the Society. These lofty aims and objectives ley are — attracted few young It should, particularly however, be noted that during this period, robo, reece, te" Part of 1937, and at Odumase growing Christin nested @ Youth club in the fast cause of te tan community, and Mr. Atkinson, in the parerh cent Official assignments to the coun: nucleus ic Pportune te e 's of the first branch uid Thee tn aI . , began in a 7 humble way what had now become 2 countrywide youth movement. Mr. Atkinson's encouragement to the youth in the towns and villages he visited spread like bush fire. There arose the strong urge to open more branches. It came as ho surprise, therefore, that by March, 21st 1938, three branches, namely Odumase, Adabraka and Accra had been registered. By June 1, the same year, the number of branches that had already held their own had facreased to eight - with a total membership of 90. These branches were Nsawam, Suhum, Koforidua, Christiansborg and Kukurantumi, which were opened in rapid succession. With the eight branches working eamestly and developing their ideas in discussions and activities, and Gmbarking on branch visits, it became desirable to open up 2 forum that would bring them together to shape the tiny of the organisation. ‘Mr Atkinson, on his part, never rested on his oars to keep constant communication with the branches and to inform them through a monthly newsletter, “The Christian Way’, which he introduced. From available records, it became increasingly evident that as early as March, 1938, Mr. Atkinson was also feverishly trying to arouse the interest of Synod in the movement. By the fall of the year, the Y.P.G. was no longer an idea, but an acceptable fact! it followed, therefore, that in January 6-9, 1939, Mr. A. M. Atkinson, the founder-organiser, and his able lieutenants successfully organised what had now come to be known as the first National Delegates’ Conference, at Christiansborg Junior Boys’ School. That conference, from all indications gave life, force and expression to the tender movement. The conference saw the adoption of the Y.P.G. Motto: “To Know His Will and To Do It. It also drew up the early principles and Constitution of the Guild ‘and established the first Central Committee of the Guild, now known as the National Executive. dest 18 Scanned with CamScanner PRs | The first national office bearers elected : fc period 1938-40 were 2s follows: Mr. (later Reverena ALE. Bennerman from Christiensborg, President; M FO. Hansen (Accra) Vice President; and Mr. D - Puplereu (Christiansborg) Secretary/Treasurer. Other executives were Messrs. S. E. Apetor (Odumase), G. A. Jesush (Koforidua) and D. C. Manu (Suhum). The conference also asked Mr. Atkinson to continue exer- cng his ol ae the Oras Secretary. in all, 15 delegates from all the eight bra : nche well as two observers for otherwise known as invites) fom te newly-formed branches at Abokobi and were represented. Mr EM. Le Odjidja, tater Moderior of the chureh, tended the four-day con- ferrce Also present were he then Moderator, the late iv. S. S. Odonkor, the late Sir Emmanuel Quist once a er ofthe Nationa Assembly, as well as re the Youth Committee of the With the furore that the guil guild had already cr te life of th church, the church deemed 7 expect 2 inte the Oreiing Secretary ofthe guild to adres synod, on |, 1939. There is on record aos an ition and appreciation of the good work cone eee aa the Youth Guild. Asa result of Sypod Commine's RECOGNITION of the gui aoe arraes to the youth guild the work previously dere by te recvig offices of the church, and that veal landmark in the history of the Asain, with the rapid develor } f the guild, i eet to retai [- Sie nine Sa mission bungalow at Christi 4 Se gull st 9homneal tent of 1 per amu, ard vas formally opened on Mey 10, 1942. ‘The Youth mittee of the Church voted an amount of £20 fo the provision of furniture and additional grant of £30 was received to run the library. Meanwhile, a section of 19 i. ted into a dormitory, which was station members who came to id conferences and meetings bout 1950, when it became ‘ator of the church. the building was convert extensively used by out- ‘Accra on business. Gui were also held there until 2 the official residence of the Moder ‘building, which became a virtual youth centre aimpery converged for social and educational ee lipped avvay like jelly from the hands of the {-P.G. and the guild missed it for good. jonth, the importance on wi With every passing week or m« of political and church outh movements in social, ities became more prominent. Sritially started as a young men’s group, Was Jo ied by the womenfolk. Many young, but virile and dedicated ree dof men also wormed their way uP 10 12Y 2 sound Par for the future, in spite of the declaration of the world wars with their attendant conscription ‘of young Tren into the Colonial Forces and many political dis Tretkions which seriously slackened membership. ‘One such person who kept the torch ablaze was Mr. wsident of Accra, who was F. Amoakwa-Adu, then Pres viected General Secretary in 1942. He opened 0 forum far the collection and dissemination of informati Mout the methods, techniques and activities of the branch guilds through the quarterly newsletter which Pe etited. The idea, no doubt caught on very well with the church, and the Guild in a quite humble way, sold the idea t0 the church which later saw the publication of the “Christian Messenger”. “Around this time, few branch guilds had been ‘opened in the Trans-Volta Togoland (Region), which eas predominantly administered by the Evangelical Peepyterian Church. Under the banner of the YP.G., fhe two youth movements enjoyed excellent and Ine ful co-operation. Nonetheless, around 1955, there Securred 2 split when the Ewe Evnagelical Presby ter Church became a separate unit and youth affairs in the ‘church passed into the hands of its youth ‘committee. ‘With the split, it became necessary that the guild The guild, which 20 ‘Scanned with CamScanner A parade of some of the bulwarks Of the YPG at the first guild durbar held at the Aburi Botanical Gardens on August 3, 1987. Seated (front row) left to right are Rey. O. K. Addi, late J. C. Ocloo (fourt Catherine Ayekpa IS. Dako, Alex M. J. A. Avitiah, (ninth) Mad. t national officers. ‘Scanned with CamScanner revert to the former name: The Young People’s Guild of the Presbyterian Church of the Gold Coast’; which had hitherto been known as ‘The Young People’s Guild of the Presbyterian Churches of the Gold Coast’. That formally severed traditional links between the two youth movements. Notwithstanding, the local branches firmly held their own, Inter-branch activities were intensified; and all branch guilds shared in the work of the congre- gations - decorating chapels, serving in the Sunday School, Church Choir, Children’s Service, etc. General atmosphere at conferences also revealed one that opened up a vistas for greater determination on the part of members to exchange useful ideas and to broaden their outlook. The need for oneness and singleness of purpose in their day to day life was very much felt. Fellowship that transcended beyond the narrow boun- daries of each branch was encouraged and, happily, special relations that we enjoy today with our counter- parts in other churches have been nurtured over the years. The YPG — Presbyterian Young People’s Asso- ciation of Nigeria underscores this expression. Significantly, in 1948, when the demand was made to have a national youth body to co-ordinate activities of various youth groups in the country, the Y.P.G. played no mean a part towards its formation. Many a youth of the church, to mention only Messrs. JA. Ayitiah and R. A. Boi-Doku, both one-time General Secretaries participated actively on the platform of the National Youth Council. With the passage of time, the younger ones took over from the ‘retiring’ ones. Yet, the concept, content and practice of the guild never changed! The celebration of the Silver Jubilee in 1963, no doubt, stirred up an awakening of guild activities throughout the length and breadth of the country. Defunct branches were resuscitated in a wake, and new ones were opened in rapid succession. At the end of that year, registered branches numbered 103. 22 Scanned with CamScanner occasion of the glamorous a 1078, 2 ton held at Aburi, the amber aie eof 203, Today, that is 10 years later branches $e Presbyterian Church of Ghana can boast the PG tes, spread over the 11 constituent Presby. of 204 fine country, including the predominantly or. Northern snifieant number of branches, however, cannet be matched against the congregations we have in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, today. But it is Pe eae to note that the YPG has vigorously launched “-yPG for all congregations” campaign to help mobilise the youth for development of the church, YPeomes as a matter of course, therefore, that the auild is seriously making in-roads in the Volta Region to setivate the defunct branches and to open new ones, Specially inthe Ho, Jasikan and Kadjebi districts. Records today indicate that the guild has nearly 7,000 members of varied social standing - doctors, Tawyers, university lecturers, journalists, engineers, architects, accountants, teeming numbers of educational and other health workers, etc., etc., not forgetting the pioneer-members like A. E, Bannerman (of blessed memory], J. E. Graham, 0. K. Darko, S, Offei-Addo, all past Presidents, among other church agents, who don the honourable gown today. It is gratifying also to note that YPG members inthe Trinity College today out- er their counterpai i per parts from any other groups in the One significant break-through is the promulgation of the Youth Policy by Synod in 1983, which forges stfetve mobilisation and training of all youth in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana to take up responsible ship in the future, The move behoves on all Youth from the second cycle instituti he univer- stles, beter known as the NUP.S.G. to join har with ae era 2 the NAUP.SG,, to join hands fe foe, alk” Youth workin the church. of the guna, of te Junior °Y"as an integral pat , keener interest members have 23 shown in the Children’s Service are all positive efforts to offer the YPG membership build-up and increased activities over the coming years. Over the past half century, not only have activities of the guild doubled, but a sound basis has been esta- blished for sustained growth and forward match of the itd! saat 50, the current ‘breed’ under the able and dedicated leadership of Sister Gladys Ohene-Ampofo, the first lady president of the national movement, and her team of committed brethren are pre-occupi basically with three issues: one, lifting the IMAGE of a movement which is designed to know and do God's Will; two, making the Y.P.G. a true and effective and rewarding training grounds for members on their way to CHRISTIAN MATURITY; and _ three, turning a10- year-old dream of putting up a €100 million HOSTEL COMPLEX to the glory ‘of God. We hope all lovers of youth work, both in Ghana and abroad will come to ‘Macedonia’ to help. Happily, these worthy ideas have not changed from the wonderful thoughts of our forebears! Undoubtedly, the Y.P.G. remains a unique movement. Since its inception, the guild has meaningfully supported both church and national programmes, i.e. evacuation of cocoa, building of the Okyereko and Dahwenya Dams etc. etc. virtually through its own resources. A push, encouragement, love and direction will certainly make the Young People's Guild of the Presby- terian Church of Ghana a pearl of the coming Century! 24 Scanned with CamScanner ON HARE HAHAH MDH IN MEMORIAM & RRRRHRY SORES \ IN HONOUR OF OUR DECEASED MEMBERS 1938-1988 On this memorable occasion of the 50th Anniversary of the Presbyterian Young People’s Guild ; We fondly remember all our members and loved ones who once laboured with us in the youth work but who are now intered with the glamour of the dead world having answered the call to be in His nearer presence and have rested from their labours. TO LIVE IN THE HEARTS OF THOSE LEFT BEHIND IS NOT TO DIE. RENMEI MME HIE HHH IEE HMR EE REN REQUIESCAT IN PACE. HAHAHAHA MA IE HII EIT Scanned with CamScanner SHORT HISTORY OF THE YOUNG PEOPLE’S GUILD IN THE DANGME-TONGU PRESBYTERY The history of the Y.P.G. in the Dangme-Tongu Presbytery goes back to the year of the foundation of the guild in Ghana - 1937. At the moment, we claim the honour of hosting the number one branch, Krobo Odumase. Until June 17, 1972, however, we shared this honour with the Ga Presbytery, our partners in the erstwhile Ga-Adangme Presbytery of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. The Honourable A. M. Atkinson on his tours to Krobo Odumase, founded the first branch before moving to Accra to establish more branches of the guild. His main aim was to bring the youth together to enjoy fellowship and to help develop christian attitudes through moral, spiritual and social training. It was expected that members of the guild would be trained in such a way as to make it easy for them to take up the mantle of leadership of the church. The guild in Odumase was started around a youth club which already existed among the christian commu- nity in this old missionary town. Soon, it spread to other surrounding towns in the presbytery. The Ga-Adangme Presbytery was split in 1972 and with it the activities of the Y.P.G. had to be divided between the two new presbyteries. The Dangme-Tongu Presbytery saw the light of dawn on 12th August, 1972 at a meeting which the Revs. —. O. Tettey and V. O. Matey, then Youth Workers for Ga and Dangme-Tongu, respectively, supervised. It is inspiring to acknowledge the spectacular role which these two gentlemen were to play in the moul- ding of the YPG in the presbytery. Until his retirement two years ago, Rev. Matey has been a staunch pillar behind many of our branches, notably Dodowa, his last station. Rev. Tettey is the current Presbytery Chair- man. Until we are proved wrong, we can confidently say that no single Presbytery Chairman has inspired the 26 Scanned with CamScanner eupport we have enjoyed from his {the presbytery. Executive were elected in 1972 ani ae recorded in our archives a5 follows: Late Bro J. H. Kwai, ~ Superintendent BioE. K.Donutsor — Secretary Bro. S. T. Asare ~ Asst. Secretary Sis, Agnes Odjidia — Financial Secretary Bro.E.K.Adjotei — Sports Organiser Sis, Charity Gbemado_ — Asst. Sports Organiser Bro. K. K. Amon(now Rev) Music Director Bro, J. T. Teye = D.O. Lower Dangme Late Bro, W.N. Kweku — Upper Dangme Bro, D. B. Addi ~ Ada-Tongu ADVISORS: Bros. S. T. Odjelua, E. P. Boti and J. T. Antonio. The Dangme half of the Ga~Adamgme Presb f ytery had twee branches prior to the formation of the new pres- bytery namely Krobo Odumase, Somanya, Obawale, Dodowa, Akuse, the then Krobo Training College, Ada Fook, Sra, Asssews, Big Ads, Manyakpogunor and ao ase we have 40 active branches, including eight nursery branches, Our defunct and inactive branches number four. We have held our annual presbytery srergences ery year, since 1972. We have also mt fegional and national conferences of the The fone ery has seen remarkable changes both in Stared’ sae Content ofits activities. In 1985, we are pleased Cs leadership drive for members and we Performance of art tnat this has raised the level o! Topresbyten ee neeutive and members from branch The executi ve of the guild in charge of affairs in the presbytery in this (Golden Year’ of the guild 1988 are as follows: Bro. L. L. Kwami — Superintendent Bro. Seth E. Terkper — Secretary Bro. P. N. Apronti = Organising Secretary Bro, Ebenezer Al-Tetteh — Financial Secretary Sis. Gladys Akwetey — Women's Leader Bro. Vincent Kpabitey — 0.0. Lower Dangme Bro. Victor Addo - Lower Dangme Bro. J.T. Kumah — Upper Dangme Sis, Cecilia Eding — Upper Dangme Bro. J. B. Lawerteh - Ada Tongu Bro, D, Escobar-Leiku — Ada Tongu ADVISORS: Rev. E. B. Djieagu (Youth Co-ordinator), Bros. E. K. Adjotei, E. K. Nartey and E. A. Zeajor. We do not intend to over-emphasise the role of individuals in the formation of the guild in Dangme Tongu, But it is heartening to note that the son of the first Superintendent of the presbytery, should now be at the head of affairs in the golden year of the guild. We are grateful for the work of the Lord in all spheres of our endeavours. The most remarkable initiative taken in the presby- tery as far as organisation is concerned was the fusion of the programmes and membership of the YPG Executive and the Youth Council at the presbytery level. We also had a situation in.which some of our D.O.s (uniquely two for every district) were appointed Youth Co-ordi- ators in the Pastoral Districts, notably in the Ada/ Tongu District. Even though this experitment could not go down to the congregational level, it worked effectively at the presbytery level where the Superin= tendent became the Chairman of the Youth Council, with the Youth Co-ordinator as Secretary. We are happy that this system has now been refined and adopted by Synod Committee as a measure of bringing the dichotomy in youth work in the church on to one objective course. ee 2 A 28 Scanned with CamScanner ’ As we start the second half of the Centenary Stretgh we look forward with optimism at Youth Work in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana. It is 'Mportant that intensify our efforts to evangelise the world aroung us notably the cynicism with which most Young Peoph, view christian life in Ghana. 7 Contrary to what some people think, a good Number of us are sure to be alive to see the Centenary dream! When the time comes, it is our Prayer that we shall be able to account fruitfully for the talents which the Lord has endowed on us both as individuals and a group called the Y.P.G. LONG LIVE THE YOUNG PEOPLE ‘LONG LIVE THE PRESBYT GHANA. 'S GUILD, ERIAN CHURCH OF GA PRESBYTERY OF THE YP.c, — AHISTORICAL SKETCH Y.P.G, organisation in the G, P, eS as fir bess al ~~ 3a Presbytery dates a M. Atkinson among youth in Ghan i , t 5 a, began with the founding ofa hat Krobo Odumase. The Ga Tesbytery of the Y.P.G., however, is 16 years old disapproving to the they nevertheless gains they had , in general, and to form they enjoyed, Scanned with CamScanner School, under the seal of the then newly-appoi Presbytery Youth Workers, Rev. E. O. Yeten (Ga) and Rev. E, V. Mante (Dangme/Tongu), the former Ga-Adangme was divided in consonance with a Synod decision. The new Ga Presbytery with 25 branches did not suffer any set-backs in spite of the break. Under the superintendentship of Bro. Sylvanus Lamptey and his able lieutenants, supported by Sis. Theodora A. Larbi, Guild Mother, and Bros. S. S. Laryea and Victor Anguah, all advisers, with Messrs. J. A. Ayitiah and R. A. Boi-Doku, ‘one-time national officers, and Rev. Tettey in the background, the ship of the presbytery was obviously riding high on a crest to safety. From then on, there was an intensive drive for membership and efforts to form and inaugurate new branches. Today, the presbytery has 39 inaugurated and active branches, and 7 nursery branches, with a total member- ship of over 2,200. The branches have been grouped into three districts: Tema, Accra East and Accra West, under District Organisers (D.O.s) who are responsible to the Presbytery Superintendent. Among activities that bring the youth together in the presbytery, are weekly branch meetings where lectures, talks, debates, discussions, symposia, “bring and buy sales’, impromptu speeches, film shows, inter alia, are organised. Also organised are annual district and presbytery games, singing competitions, village preaching, leadership courses and excursions to various places of interest. These have tremendously helped to mould the spiritual, moral, mental and physical lives of members. The branch guilds have seriously identified them- selves not only with church projects and activities but also joined’ in the national crusade for reconstruction in their respective constituencies. Some branch guilds, have built modern places of 30 Scanned with CamScanner convenience, church halls and fences around Chapels and manses, or presented accoustics, Pulpits, altar chairs, lecterns, over-head water tanks and tidy sums of money to their congregations. Branches have also actively engaged in clean-up campaigns, communal labour, farming and rural development Programmes, It is worth mentioning here that in 1973, Col, F. G. Bernasko, then Commissioner for Agriculture Was so much enthused with the work of the guild that he pledged his government's support'to the Presbytery in its national development effort. Ga Presbytery is on record as having represented the national Movement of the Y.P.G. at the famous Dawhenya Project, and shouldered the National Youth Hostel Project at Haatso, near Legon. The Presbytery also earned considerable support and appreciation of the Ghana National Youth Council in the Abokobi Project, which involved the construction of a domestic science block for the local middle school, farming, and laying water borne Pipes for the townsmen. The presbytery currently. has almost completed a one million cedis rehabilitation work on the Trinity College Library, at Legon. On ecumenical relations, the branches have been encouraged to organise Programmes, such as village Preaching and hospital visitations, and to support activities organised by sister youth groups from the Salvation Army, Methodist, Anglican, Catholic Churches, the Christian Council and Bible Society of Ghana, The Accra East District of the presbytery regularly takes inmates of the Osu Children’s Home out on excursions to open up their world. There is no gain-saying the fact that Ga Presbytery is a leader in Youth Circles - a fact acknowledged even by National Executives and the General Youth Secre- tary. Ga Presbytery, without. controversy, the most developed in the country,. has:,naturally. Jed. other tf Scanned with CamScanner 31 = "— Sear Ee Eee TEE EeIeE RTE eee | presbyteries in evolving organised activities. In the annual Bible quiz competitions at regional and national levels, focus has been on overtaking the Ga Presbytery which naturally has contributed to very healthy rivalry for improvement of the YPG and the church. The strong bond between YPG and the Young People of the Presbyterian Church of Nigeria in the 1970s which resulted in the formation of the PYPAN Hy (Presbyterian Young People’s Association of Nigeria) | was pursued and made possible by the Ga Presbytery ‘ on behalf of the national movement. The presbytery publishes regularly, the ‘GA PRES- BYTERY YOUTH’ which serves a dual purpose: as a newsletter and educator on the church. It is the only youth mouth-piece in the church at the moment. Ga Presbytery has before and since its inception produced a number of leaders for all levels of the Y.P.G. movement. It is on record that the National and Southern Ghana Regional Secretariats have con- stantly been dominantly staffed by members of the presbytery. To maintain her enviable position in the Y.P.G. and the church, Ga Presbytery has today set itself the tasks of education on church and Y.P.G. policies, training and motivating especially the young people in | the presbytery to take up the challenges of leadership. The charge we have is to keep the torch handed over to } us by our predecessors burning and to hand it over to | faithful ones coming after us, who also will be able to continue from where we leave off. We, however, believe that time and understanding of our Motto - “To Know His Will and To Do It” will bring us closer to consciousness and realisation of our avowed goals. Members are assidously working towards | this goal with the benediction of our current youthful | Presbytery Executive, led by Bro. Erasmus Odonkor, | Superintendent, supported by the ageless Bros. E. Kissiedu-Ayi, immediate past National President and 32 " Scanned with CamScann SS ing Ga Presbytery Youth Co-ordinator, Kwame Okrak. former Ga Presbytery Superintendent’ Noah Ofori, former Presbytery Secretary, Sis, Fanny Kwatchey, Assistant Regional Secretary and our Guild Mother, Madam Theodora Ashia Larbi. t In the period after 50 years of Y.P.G., we in the Ga Presbytery wish to renew our commitment to the success of the church’s Youth Policy, and to assure the executive and indeed the whole national movement of the YPG of our support and co-operation to make the YPG better than we came to meet it. LONG LIVE THE SPIRIT OF THE YOUNG PEOPLES’ GUILD. Some of the past and Present Regional and National Officers are: Rev. A. E, Bannerman National President 1939-41 Rev. J. E. Graham " National President/ Secretary Rev. C. O. Botchway National President 1941-43 Bro. E. K. Davies National Secretary 1944 Bro. L.A. Bannerman National Secretary Bro. J. A. Ayitiah General Secretary Bro. R.A, Boi-Doku Regional Financial Secretary/Treasurer Bro. E. D. Sowa Regional Presringe 1977-83 - S/G Bro. E. Kissiedu-Ayi - National President 1976-82 Bro. J. Victor Anguah National Secretary 1982-88 Bro. Sammy Tagoe National Asst. Sec. 1982-85 Bro. Lord o, Otu-Addo National Asst. Sec. 1985-88 ee Fi A. Bovefio-Quartey National Org. Sec. eas Sis. Ophelia Ablorh ene ae -88 ” S.G.) 1986-8 Sis. Fanny Kwatchey ” artery é ea 1986-88 en Scanned with CamScanner Eo rr, the number of participants has quadrupled for this Golden Flashback: Eleven years ago at U.S.T. At the same venue this Congress, yea ‘Scanned with CamScanner GE" FROM AKWAPIM NEW JUABEN PRESBYTERY few Juaben Presbytery used to be G, The separa- the Ga/Adangbe Presbytery Y.P.G. part Crecame inevitable when the organisers saw that fanguage became a barrier and created problems during The Akwapim Ni me g when Akwa- feetings. It was, therefore, not surp' pim/New Ji Presbytery was officially inaugurated im/New Juaben Presbytery at Akropong Akwapim Chirst Church, lourful ceremony. othe zeal with ‘which the leaders of the new presby- tery worked tremendously helped to sustain the envia~ ble record of the Akwapim New Juaben Presbytery. Notably among the past Presbytery Superintendents were: Rev. Offei-Addo, Rev. 0. K. Dako, Bros. L. D. Apraku, D. G. Wiafe-Anim, ‘Addo Mills, S. W. Amanor, Rev. C. A. Ansah, Sis. Gladys Ohene-Ampofo, Bros. Victor Yirenkyi and E. S. Owusu. ‘The enthusiasm and dedication to work demons- trated by most of these past officers was enough to propel them to the top hierachy of the Y.P.G. to enable them to serve on the National Executive Commi- ttee of the Y.P.G. ‘At the first national conference of the Y.P.G. held at Christiansborg, in 1939, Messrs. Manu of Suhum and G. A. Acquah of Koforidua, both from this presby- tery, served on the National Executive Committee. After 1939, Akwapim New Juaben has continued to produce national officers who have contributed their quota to uplift the image of the Y.P.G. Rev. O. K. Dako, set the pace and was followed by Rev. Offei ‘Addo, Both became National Presidents. It is there matter of course for the presbytery to annex the National President's chair when the guild celebrates its 50 years. To add to this enviable record is producing of the only female National President in the history of the guild in the person of Sis. Gladys Ohene-Ampofo. The presbytery has also recorded not less than two. bast National Secretaries in the persons of Bros, Wiafe- 35 Anim and E. 8. Owusu, of Kot Other positions which the pr included National Financial carta ee National Legal Adviser by Sis. Gladys Ohene-Ampoto (now National President) and Bro. Kwadwo Ohene Ampofo (of blessed memory), respectively. Bible studies is synonymous with the name of the Akwapim/New Juaben Presbytery. This has led to another laudable achievement of the presbytery in that it has been instrument for awakening a strong pastoral spirit among members to become pastors and lay preachers. Consequently, some of such aspirants are already ordained ministers of the church, and others are at Trinity College; while others are training as catechists and lay preachers at Ramseyer Memorial Centre, at Abetifi, When it comes to hosting conferences, Akwapim New Juaben has never been found wanting. The able manner with which the presbytery hosted the 40th National Delegates’ Conference at Aburi, in 1978, has never been excelled in the history of the guild. It is also on record that of the 8 pioneer-guilds in the country, Akwapim New Juaben claims three, These branches are Nsawam, Suhum and Koforidua. The presbytery which until its inauguration had about eight branch guilds can now boast of about 35 branch guilds with a numerical strength of about 1000 members. In conclusion, we wish to thank all who through diverse ways helped to hold the fort and guarded the enviable record of this presbytery. It is our prayer that, the present executive and members will endeavour to uphold the good name of this presbytery and strive to win more laurels for the Akwapim New Juaben Presbytery. We salute all past officers, both dead and alive and to them, we say “Aayanon ne Enanom yema mo; Mo ne Adwuma pa a moaye”. foridua branch guild. 36 Scanned with CamScanner IG IEF HISTORY OF THE PRESBYTERIAN YOUN‘ SPEOPLE'S GUILD IN MID-VOLTA PRESBYTERY Until 1959, the Mid-Volta Presbytery was under the ‘Akwapim Presbytery. The idea of creating a new presbytery was conceived at a Y.P.G. meeting at {Akropong-Akwapim. This was agreed upon due to the distance between the Mid-Volta branches and the increase number of branches. i In 1960, the presbytery became independent with Bro. E. K. Amo of Akwamufie, as the first Superinten— dent, The presbytery hosted her first delegates’ con- ference at Gyakiti, in 1960, which unfortunately has become dormant for the past three years. Some of the first presbytery executives elected were: Bro. E. K. Amo — Superintendent Bro. Akyeampong Kwapong— Secretary Sis, M.Jomua (Mrs.) — Treasurer Bro. E, A. Asante took over from Bro, E. K. Amo from 1964 to 1967 and became the Southern Ghana Regional Financial Secretary/Treasurer. ‘More branches have been opened after the establish- ment of the presbytery. Happily, the presbytery is penetrating deep into the Volta Region, The presbytery is noted for its Bible studies, hence excelling itself in both regional and national Bible quiz ‘competitions. The following are the present executive, steering the affairs of the presbytery: ro. Akoto Duodu = Superintendent Bro. Paul Offei Addo — Secretary Bro. Rock H.’Lah — Asst. Secretary Bro.M. Anyane-Yeboah — Organizer Sis, Nancy Annan — Fin, Sec,/Treasurer Sis. Comfort Larson — Women’s Leader Bro. Emmanuel Sabla — Project Officer 2 Bro. Amos _K. Asamoah Bro. S. E. McBafo Bro, M. Anyane-Yeboah, 2.0. Akosombo 0.0. Akwamutie Bro. George Yeboah > 2.0. Roum /Boso Rev. E. T. Tekpetey cio — Adviser Bro. G. 0. Amadi It is with great delight that . “tory joins others in celebrating the Golden vege ee Youth Guild. We congratulate our Mother Guild one 50th anniversary and hope the entire youth in the hurch will join the guild “TO KNOW HIS WILL AND. TO DO IT" at all times for the service of God. A SHORT HISTORY OF AKIM ABUAKWA, PRESBYTERY 1 Akim Abuakwa Presbytery is among the early few "areas which the founder of the YPG, Mr. A. M. Atkinson, personally opened. The first branch was ned at Kukurantumi, with the registration number 8, in 1939. "| Subsequent increase in the number of branches within the presbytery, however, was slow as evidenced _v by the fact that only five branches were opened between 1939 and 1942 at Nsutam (1940), Old Tafo (1940), Kibi (1941), Begoro (1941) and Oseem (1942). ©. Six more branches were opened in the next decade | and only two in the 60s. The 1970s witnessed an “accelerated increase in the opening of new branches, with 22 branches being inaugurated between 1970 and 1978. At the moment, the number of inaugurated branches in the presbytery total 42, though not all are - active, The presbytery, unfortunately, has been hit by the exodus of the youth to the urban centres. Conse- 38 Scanned with CamScanner quently, the organisation as an effective and dynamic youth group within the church has been successful only in few branches especially at New Tafo. a The presbytery has been divided into four districts: North, Central, West and East. The East District stretches from Kukurantumi through Begoro, Busosu, Heman, Osino to Sagyimase. The West District is made up of all the branches between Asamankese through Akwatia, Kade, Takworase, Otumi to Kwae and surrounding areas. The Central District comprises the branches from Asikam through Kyebi, Wirenkyiren- ‘Amanfrom, Apedwa and Akooko. The North District embraces branches between Anyinam, Kankan, Kwaben through Akyem Akropong to Abomosu and surrounding areas. It is gratifying to note that Akim Abuakwa has, in her moderate way, produced two Regional Presidents in the persons of Bros. K. |. D. Sakyiama and Dr. J. T. Dakwa. Further, the presbytery produced two outstanding female “Bible Quiz contestants who were adjudged “Best Contestants’. These are Sisters Grace Karikari and Rose Asi Nomah of Asamankese and New Tafo, respec- tively. On this special occasion, we would like to express our gratitude to the founding members, as well as various Presbytery Executives who had sustained the presby- tery until today. I can only mention Bros. K. Amoah, €. N, Aduamoah, K. |. D. Sakyiama and J. T. Dakwa, in addition to earlier officers for their dedicated and ‘committed work. Immediately after this Conference, Sis. Joyce Dakwa takes over as the Presbytery Superintendent. At the moment, she will be the only woman in the Presbyterian Church of Ghana to hold the superintendent post. We, | salute all members in the Akin F ‘ tery, and all YPG members in Paso semen he 39 BRIEF OUTLINE BY KWAHU PREsaYTERY Actual date for the introduc Kwahu is shrouded with a bit of on record that there existed in som tions branches of the guild before oie rally at Akwaseho, in October 1958, under the direcron of Rev. S. R. Ntiforo, then Warden east Training Gentre, Abetifi, It was on Saturday, 3rd January, 1959 that a dele- ‘gates’ conference at Abetifi convened by Rev. Ntiforo saw the then Kwahu District electing her first officers by/representatives from Abetifi, Pepease, Nkwatia, Mpraes0, Bepong, Ovomens, Odo, Twenedurase, Nkawkaw, Akwaseho, Pankese and Akuase. The following became Kwahu’s first preabytery officers after that meeting: tion of the Y.P.G. in Uncertainty. But itis of Ramseyer Bro. A. P, Asamozh (Nkawkaw) Superintendent Bro. E.K. Fordwo — (Obo) Vice Superintendent Bro. E. A. Opuni (Nkawkaw} Secretary Bro, E, V. O. Daakyi (Abetifi) Asstistant Secretary Sis. Felicia Anane (Mpraeso) Treasurer, and Bro. Ofori Adjabeng (Nkav/kaw) Information Officer Later, at a rally held at Obo, on 10th and 11th \ctober, 1959, a reshuffle took place due to the ransfer of the superintendent and another member. The reconstitution of the executive was thus: Bro. C. O, Kumah (Mpraeso) Superintendent Bro, Ofori Adjabeng (Nkawkaw) Vice Bro, E. V. 0. Dankyi (Abetifi) Secretary and Sis, Alice A. Asiedu (Mpraeso) Treasurer Bro. E. Y. Asare (Pepease), now a retired Pastor took over from Bro, C. 0. Kumah in 1965, when the latter left for further studies. Bro. E. Anim-Sackey “became the next Superintendent in 1968, while Bro. ‘A. M. Wiredu became the Superintendent in 1974; ‘ 40 Scanned with CamScanner Bro. Osei Hyeaman took over the Secretaryship from Bro. Dankyi at the same time. It is on record that Bros. Anim-Sackey and A, M, Wiredu helped to whet enthusiasm in the guild. In 1978, Bro. S. Anti-Acquah became the next Kwahu Presbytery Superiantendent, followed by Bros. Gyimah Darko and N. A. Osei Bonsu, who left the seat in 1987, ‘The present presbyterial executieve is made up of: Bro. R. Y. Ntiri (Bepong) Superintendent Bro. Koranteng-Darfour (Mpraeso) Secretary Bro. William Akoto Bamfo " Asst.” Sis. Grace Kwakye Addo (Abetifi) Fin, Sec./Tr. Bro. Martin Otu-Kumi (Bepong) Org. Secretary Sis. Rosina Nyarkoa (Mpraeso) Women’s Leader Bro. Moses Afanu (Nkawkaw) Nkawkaw Dis. Org, Bro. Lawrence Nii Armah -- Abetifi Dist. Org. Bro. S. V. Oyortey (Nkwatia) Music Director. Sis, Afua Sampomaa (Nkawkaw) Auditor. Mpraeso District is yet to fill the vacancy created by the departure of Bro. Owiredu Kissi Attah, as District Organiser. The branches at Abetifi, Mpraeso, Nkawkaw and Nkwatia have been able to provide cosy chairs to their congregations, The Bepong branch also has provided 2 place of convenience for the local congregation, while Pepease and Kwahu-Tafo are also on record as contri- buting very greatly to the progress of their congre- gations, It is our prayer and hope that the Lord will help the Presbytery through the power of the Holy Spirit, to undertake major projects and contribute more appre- ciably to the growth and progress of our congregations and the youth work in the Kwahu Presbytery. As we celebrate the Golden Jubilee of the Y.P.G., may | on behalf of the executive and entire presbytery, thank all those who toiled to found the Y.P.G, in the Kwahu Presbytery. a1 History repeats itself. The route match that comes off in Kumasi, ‘was similarly organised at Aburi exactly a decade ago. Gaity is part of guid life, as members of Nsawam bran their golden jubilee. Scanned with CamScanner SHORT HISTORY OF THE WESTERN PRESBYTERY OF THE Y.P.G. The Western Presbytery, made up of five registered and one nursery branches namely, Takoradi, Sekondi, Cape Coast, Effiekuma, Anaji, and Kwesimintsim, is the youngest of the 10 presbyteries. It has, however, showed up prominently in all activities organised by the National Executive and has chalked a number of successes and prominence, and at ‘the moment can stick her neck out as the presbytery with one of the three best organised youth guilds in the country - two of which were formed between 1941 and 1954. Introduction of drums into the singing life has made a strong impact on many church members to join the YP.G. The Takoradi branch, through their efforts, has built a library for the guild and the church; erected a tablet showing the various church organisations and their meeting days, presented a wall clock and a refrigerator to the church, and completed a two-classroom block for the local middle school. The Cape Coast branch also presented an amplifier ‘and a set of microphone to the local congregation, while ‘Sekondi is erecting a signpost for the local congregation. Happily, the presbytery has produced a number of officers for the regional and national bodies, notably Bro. E. Kissiedu Ayi, immediate past National President, Bro. E. Amoako Yirenkyi, immediate past National Organising Secretary, Bro. Ben Sackey, current Regional Organising Secretary, and Sis. Naa Domale Cole, current Women’s Leader, S/G. : The celebration of the Golden Jubilee, no doubt, has stirred up a new awakening in members in the presbytery. We are firmly convinced that the small seed Which Christ our master, friend and teacher, planted through Mr. A. M. Atkinson, his faithful servant, had borne fruit. 43 Branches in the Western Presbyter inception, have meaningfully pena) fue and guild programmes. While we cera tee eau “Jubilee, let our lights shine before men so that our Lord who is in heaven may be glorified. "" A SHORT HISTORY OF THE ASHANTI PRESBYTERY The history of the Young People’s Guild dates back “to 1937, when Mr. A. M, Atkinson, a young Scottish Accountant then working at the church offices saw the need to organise the unattached youth who were getting “no religious training of any kind and to win them for Chirst. _ The Presbyterian Church of the Gold Coast aware of and also unhappy about the situation gave the needed ‘assistance and Synod approval to the founders and in 1938 outdoored the first Y.P.G. at Krobo Odumase. ‘Latter, the Y.P.G. was introduced in other congrega- ions. ~ Similarly, in Ashanti, Mr. E. M. L. Odjidja, the then Headmaster and Mr. S. E. Atiemo of Kumasi Presby- rian Middle School, became the founding fathers of the guild in Kumasi Ramseyer Young People’s Guild. ~ That became the first guild in Ashanti Presbytery and ‘was registered on Thursday, 4th September, 1941 as the "21st guild in the Presbyterian Church. The guild has since that day grown from strength to strength upholding the ideals of the motto: ‘To know Il and to do it’, Today, there are over 40 branch uilds in the presbytery. ; ete singular achievement of the Ashanti Young People’s Guild is the founding and nursing of most & “churches in the presbytery, like Bantama, ‘Asokwa, Tal ete. ‘Other achievements have been the health ca re and 44 Scanned with CamScanner al ironmental sanitation programmes which members Gffered to the villages in their outreach ministry, Opening of most of the branches in the Brong Ahafo Presbytery can also be credited to the good work done by members of our presbytery. We take the opportunity to congratulate all members, ‘of the YPG, and ask for harder work during the years ahead. NOTES FROM BRONG AHAFO PRESBYTERY By the grace of God the first Y.P.G. station in the Brong Ahafo Presbytery was opened at Bechem in 1948, This branch is on record as having creditably hosted the National Delegates’ Conference only a year after inau~ guration i.e. 1949. Brong Ahafo had been, hitherto, part of Ashanti till after independence when the region was created in April, 1959. But the church erected a presbytery out of the Ashanti Presbytery only on Ist May, 1966. The Y.P.G., the Church Choir, and other groups in the church took the lead in forming their regional unions soon after political independence. In 1950, Mr. D. E. Gyabah, an ex-teacher/catechist was stationed in Berekum as storekeeper for the Basel Mission Book Depot and in the same year, he formed @ branch of the guild in the Berekum Presbyterian Church, Through his efforts many branches were formed in the region, On 9th June, 1963 he was elected as the first Information Officer of the guild at the Ashanti/Brong Ahafo annual regional conference, held at Konongo. On 15th September, the same year, at the national conference at Osu, he was elected the Presbyterial ‘Superintendent for Brong Ahafo. Among conferences successfully hosted in the 45 I, Tafo, Br lace and was awarded 9 eens APS on the er ear, 1966, at the national conference held eo owing rong Ahafo also donated a new, silver cu Yani, National Y.P.G. cup to the iano accordion, nome members from Brong Ahato who frequently ded regional and national conferences in those days ere: K.A. Agyiri Letitia Asiedu Margaret Okyere Boakye J.R. Ohemeng PLN. Okrah E. 0. Amoako J.W. K, Mensab Miss Agnes Nsiah Mr. Addae Bediako Miss Beatrice Ofosu Mr. R. O. E. Danso Mrs. Margaret Atta Mr. Afari Mintah Mr. SK. Donkor Mabang DiNkwanta Techimantia Chiraa Mad. Beatrice Serwaa ) Miss Juliana Kyeremaa) = Qdomase Miss Margaret Serwaa ) Mr. R.S. Amankwah ) 46 Scanned with CamScanner Mr. S. F. Deseh Mr. S.A. Asare Mr. G. E, Adabo Mr. A.A. Adade Techimantia Mr. J. K. Donkor Mr. E. A, Gyansa Mr. M, Nnuro Miss Janet Ofosua D/Ahenkro Mr. E.A.Kwayisi - —-Berekum Mr.G.A.Kuffour — } Miss Anna Amankwah ) D/Nkwanta Miss Paulina Badu) Records indicate that Mr. Gyaba was ever of the opinion that a youth organisation like the Young People’s Guild, should embrace all the youth of the church and be the training ground for service in all the ‘other groups in the church. Fortunately, the Rev. F. W. K. Akuffo, the then General Youth Secretary ‘of the Presbyterian Church of Ghana, also shared the same idea and therefore had great interest in the set- up of the Y.P.G. in the Berekum Presbytery Church. He, therefore, recommended the branch secretary, the late Miss Christiana Twenewaa Addae to be on a delegation to attend a youth seminar in the United Kingdom, Unfortunately, this sister died a few months after her return from U.K. (May she rest in Peace). Rev. E. A. Ansah, the second General Youth Secre- tary of the church continued Rev. Akuffo's good works by visiting the region on two occasions, before leaving for further studies in America. We were again lucky to have him after the course as District Pastor for Sunyani. Rev. A. R. Secu, the first Presbyterial Youth Worker for B.A. also did much to promote youth work here. He was always with members at conferences, and a7 anised leadership courses tor ol, Children’s Service leaders, Loy/out™ Sunday Mr. O. K. Dako (now Rev, 0: KR picactes, ete, ny posts in the guild and became Navn) who held d Chairman of the Youth Committee ory sient for a long time, was also posted to the san nyc the Ghana Broadcasting Corporation ston once en his services were most needed in the organ no! of the Y.P.G. in the region. He did everything mann @ help organise the guild in the presbytery, SP © Rev. J. W. Amoa, first statio teacher of the Presbyterian Primary School ay 1950s, later came to Dorma Ahenkro as Distrci Pestor land was elected Presbytery Chairman and stationed at ‘Gunyani. Rev. Amoa who later became the Vico-Presi- ent of the Ashanti-Brong Ahafo YPG for a long time, also had the opportunity of encouraging the guild in this, fesbytery to progress, The Brong Ahafo Y.P.G. owesa debt of gratitude to all the above-mentioned personali- ties, both dead and alive. “Today, the Brong Ahafo Presbytery of the ¥..G under Bro. (Dr.) Kofi Asare has every reason to rejoice d thank God for making their dream come true by jing the church to introduce the present Youth ficy which embraces the whole youth of the church. i first Presbyterial Superintendent and the first ral Youth Secretary have had their dreams fulfles The ball is now in the court of the present youth, We pray that the Almighty may lead them ‘To Ww His Will, And To Do It”. 48 Scanned with CamScanner i LIST OF NATIONAL OFFICE-BEARERS 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1963 1964 1970 1976 GENERAL PRESIDENTS Mr. A. E, Bannerman (Rev.) Mr. C. O. Botchway Mr. C. 0. Botchway Mr.C. O. Botchway Mr.C. O. Botchway Mr. G.N, Ofei Mr. F. A. Amoakwa-Adu Mr. J. E. Graham (now Rev.) Mr. J. E, Graham Mr. W. E, Alfonso-Brown/J. Graham Mr. L.A. Bannerman Mr. L. A. Bannerman Mr. J.C. K. Ocloo Mr. J. C.K: Ocloo Mr. J.C. K. Ocloo. Mr. J.C. K. Ocloo J. Mr. J.C. Mr. J.C. Mr. A. Akuetteh Mr. A. Al Mr. A. Akuetteh Mr. G.M. Akita Mr. G. M. Akita Mr. 0. K. Dako (now Rev.) Mr. S. Offei-Addo (now Rev.) Mr. E. Kissiedu-Ayi Mrs. G. Ohene-Ampofo GENERAL SECRETARIES Mr. D. A. Puplampu Mr. J. E. Graham Mr. J. €. Graham, Mr, FA. Amoakwa-Adu Mr. F. A. Amoakwa-Adu Mr. F..A. Amoakwa-Adu Mr. B. E. K. Bannerman/E. K, Davies Mr. E. K, Davies Mr. W. E. Alfonso-Brown Mr. G. S.S. Adjei/Mr. J. A. Ayitiah Mr. J. A. Ayitiah Mr. J. A. Ayitiah Mr. J. A. Ayitiah, Mr. 0. K. Dako Mr. 0. K, Dako Mr. 0. K, Dako Mr. R.A. Boi-Doku Mr. R. A. Boi-Doku Mr. G. A. Botchway Mr. A.K, Akita Mr. A. K. Akita Mr. A. K. Akita Mr, Alex M. Addi Mr. Alex M. Addi Mr. Alex M. Addi Mr. D. G. Wiafe-Anim Mr. E. 8, Owusu Mr.S.S. Laryea Mr, J. Victor Anguah ‘Scanned with CamScanner First President A, y Rev. P.M, Kodjo Bannerman Rev, 0, K, Dako FE, Kisiedu-Ayi joakye-Agyemang J, Vietor Anguah Scanned with CamScanner No, at 2nd ard Ath Sth 6th Tth 8th 9th 10th 1th 12th 13th 14th 15th 16th 37th 18th 19th 20th ait 22nd 22rd 24th 25th 2th ‘28th 29th 20th ait 22nd 22rd 24th 25th NATIONAL CONFERENCE ROSTER YEAR 1939 1940 1941 1942 1943 1944 1945 1946 1947 1948 1949 1950 1951 1952 1953 1954 1955 1956 1957 1958 1959 1960 1961 1962 1962 1984 1965 1966 1967 1968 1969 1970 1971 1972 1973 PLACE X'Borg X’Borg Kukurantumi Suhum X'Borg Kumasi Somanya Nkawkaw Neawam Amedzofe Bechem Koforidua Ada Kadjebi Alzopong, Borg Begoro Krobo-Odumase Teshie Labadi Kumasi Abetifi Koforidua Kwanyaku X'Borg Agono New Tafo Bunyani” Agona Swedru Abetifi Aksopong Kumasi Cape Const Kukurantumt Akosombo 53 PRESBYTERY Ga/Adanme do = Akim Abuakwa ‘Akwapim/N'Juaben Ga/Adanme Ashanti Ga/Adanme Kwahu Akwapim/N'Juaben Volta Brong Abafo Akewapim/N'Suaben, Ga/Adanme Volta ‘Alewapim/N’Juaben Ga/Adanme ‘Akim Abuakwa Ga/Adanme GajAdanme Ga/Adanme Ashanti Kwabu ‘Akewapim/N'Juaben Western Ga/Adanme Ashanti Akim Abuakwa Brong Ahafo Western Kahu ‘Akewapim/N'Suaben Ashanti Western Akim Abuakwa Mid Volta 1975, Duayaw-n) = 1978 Aburi Akowapim ua 1979 Tamale Nosth nen 1981 Somanya Da a * Exchanged Years 54 Scanned with CamScanner St OF REGISTERED BRANCH GUILDS 1944 Duayaw-Nkwvants thon ab ee 1944 Kadjebi Mave REG. No, YEAR GUILD PRESBYTERY 1 Nlawhaw Kaha ee ee 1944 Amedzote ay ' 1 1937 Odumase-Krobo —-Dangme/Tongu 1944 Asubot Akwapim/New Suaber ' 2 1938 ‘Adabraka Ga 1944 Bisease Central " 3 1938 Acera (Central) Ga 1944 Kumawu Ashanti 4 1939 Nsawam Akwapim/New Juaben. 1944 Agogo 5 1999 Suhum ’ 1945 Sekon Western 6 1939 Koforidua No.1 7 1945 Sra Dangme/Tongu 7 1999 Christansborg Ga 1945 Kwanyako Cental \ 8 3939 ——-Kukurantumi Akin Abuakwa 1945 Becher Beong Ahato 9 1939 Somanya Dangme/Tongs 195 Naaba Cental 10 1939 Abokobi Ga 1951 Wirenkyiren/ kim Abuakwa u 1939 Akropong ‘Akewapim/New Juaben Amantron \ 12 1939 Mampong 1951 Gate-Have ‘Mid Volta ! 13 1940 Obaveale a 1951 Asssewa Dangme/Tongu “ 1940 Teshie Ga 1951 New Tafo ‘Akim Abuakoa 16 1940 Neutam ‘Akim Abuakwa 1951 Osenase ” 16 1940 1a Tafo ” 1951 Abetifi Kaha uv you Kitt 1951 AkimSwedru——Central, 18 1941 Labadi Ga 1951 Akroso a | 19 1941 —_Begoro ‘Akim Abuakwa 1951 Agona Nyakrom . 20 1941 Dodowa Danigme/Tongu 1952 Asamankese akin 2 1941 Kumail-Adum Ashanti 1952 Bompata Ashanti 22 1941 Mampong eee 1952 Pepease ‘Kwabu 23 1942 —_Effiduase 1952 Amanokrom ‘Akwapim/New Juaben 4 1942 Hohoe Mid Volta 1952 Koforidua No.2 ” 25 1942 Berekum_ Brong Ahafo 1952 “Amuana-Praso. o 26 1942 Larteh “Akwapim/New Juaben_ 1952 Aburi Akowapim/New Juaben: 27 1942 Osiem Akim Abuakwa_ 1952 Mamfe ” 28 1943 Akuse_ Dangme/Tongu 1953 Big Ada Dangme/Tonge 29 1943 Krobo T. College ” 1953 Ailawso ‘Akwapim/New duaben 30 1943 Nkwatia Kwahu 1953 Asuokaw ” Dormas-Ahenkro Brong Ahafo 3953 Maabeng-Ahafo Kpando Mid Volta 1953 Mpraeso eel ‘Ada-Foth Dangme/Tongu 3954 Tokoradl Brong Ahafo Anum Mid-Volta 195d Techimentia Tost Odumase-AshAkim Ashanti 55 586 Scanned with CamScanner 7 1" 77 6 ” 18 79 #0 1 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 un 1964 1954 1956 1955 1955 1958 1959 1960 1961 1961 1961 1961 1961 1961 1961 1961 1962 1962 1962 1962 1962 9162 1962 1962 1962 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1963 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1964 1965 1965 Apenkwa Akwatia Obomeng Boro Nkonya Ahenkro, Nungua Agona Swedru Kpalime-Duga Dunkwa-on-Offin Manya-Kpogunor Konongo Osino Akim Oda. Apeguso, Noudu Sunyani Senchi Akrong T. Col. Obuasi Obo-Kwahu Aboasa Bekwai Wenchi-Akim Gyaki Sekyedumase Old Asuoya Coaltar ‘Tema Comm. 1 Juaso Enyan Denkyira Pakyi No. 2 Awisa Akim Apews Akosombo Mangoase Chiraa Odumase Bsako Bantama-Kumasi 57 Akim Abuakwa Kwahu Mid-Volta Ca Central Mid-Volta Ashanti Dangme/Tongu Ashanti ‘Akim Abuakwa Wester Mid-Volta Brong Ahafo Mid-Volta Akwapim/New Juaben Ashanti Kwahu Mid-Volta ‘Ashanti Central Mid-Volta Ashanti Akwapim/New Juaben Ga Ashanti Ashanti Central Mid-Volta Akwapim/New Juaben Brong Ahafo Ashanti 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965 1965, 1965 1966 1966 1966 1966 1966 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1967 1968 1968 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1969 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1970 1971 1971 1971 Sorsth Latadifeatare Lartebiokorshie Amakom-Kurasi inte Adeiso Accra New Town Oboes Chorkor ‘Tema Comm, 2 ‘Twenedursse Nkoranza Bjura Kwa Jamasi Antoa Asawasi-Kumasi Winnebs Anyinam Atwedie Cape Coast Kwanhora Ahwerase Kaneshie Nima Abosse-Olai Tamale Sunijini Juana ‘Ashaeman ‘Tema-Manhean Kade ‘Tamatoku Adukrom Asiakwa Japekrom ‘Tarkws Aduamoa Akuse 58 G Ashanti Ashanti Abwapim/tiew Juaben Gs Ashanti Ashanti Ca Kahu Brong Akafo Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Ashanti Western Akim Abuakos Ashanti Weve Ashanti Akwapim|New Juabea Gs Ga Gs Northern Brong Abs‘o Ashanti Ge ‘Akim Abuaiws Dangze/Toos ‘Alewapim/New Juaben ‘Akim Abuskws Brong Abs‘ Western Keesha Dangme/Toos ES ‘Scanned with CamScanner 151 1971 Mamprobi 152 1971 —-Yanyawoso-Kumasi 153 1971 Tema Comm. 4 154 1972 Bolgatanga 155 1972 Bososo 156 1972 Subi 157 1972 Akwamufie 158 1972 Anyansu 159 1972 Aleade 160 1972 Abiriw 161 1972 Nkurakan 162 1973 Abomoru 163 1973 Kpong 164 1973 Pano 165 1973 Sekesua 166 1973 Apinamang 167 1973 Kwabeng. 168 1973 Madina 169 1974 Tua 170 1974 Asunafo am 1974 Awenare 172 1974 Moseaso 173 1974 —-Bepong 174 1974 Prankese 175, 1974 Kokoben-Akim 176 1974 Aboabo 477 1974 Wiamoase 178 1974 Akim Akropong 179 1974 Dwenase 180 1975 Apedwa 181 1975 -Fankyeneko 182 1975 Hubunya 183 1975 Aonomaso 184 1975 Wenkyi-Akim 185 1976 Nkwanta-Ashanti 186 1976 Odorkor 187 1976 Obosomase 188 1976 Salaga 189 1976 Damongo Ashanti Mid-Volta ‘Akwapim/New Juaben Dangme/Tongu Dangme/Tongu Ga ‘Akwapim/New Juaben Akim Abuakwa Ashanti Kwahu Akim Abuakwa, Central ‘Ashant Akim ‘Akim Abuakwa Ashanti Dangme/Tongu Ashanti Ashanti Ga Alewapim/New Juaben Northern 1976 1976 1976 1976 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1977 1917 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1978 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1979 1980 1980 1980 1980 1980 1981 1981 Akim-Oduinase Brakwa Obenyemi Avia Mpakadan Aberka Official Town Kankan ‘Teacher-Mante Morso Banso Offinso Old Ningo Abesim Takrowase Akooko Fomena Saltpond Akim-Asene Alajo Maamobi Dansoman-Emmansel Kpone ‘Teshie-Aboma Effiekume Kasseh Navrongo Abowasiho Asakraka Kwahu-Tafo Pankese Nsoatre Toftokpo Bawku Amlakpo Asvom Nankese Darkuman Bubuashie 60 —<$—_$_—_—$_ Scanned with CamScanner SSUSMERERREREE SEE EEE EEE BN: Sees Nawsiatow ortontiste bain I i8% Kitweegn Wikis batabenan a North Kates Mid-Veita Dangrae [Tongs Blowssjzt [Sew Sa3t07, Aiken Aiusiors Dangae [lores Gs Mid-Teta Kowates Conteh Yeung bate Min Tiss 19/20/88 23/11/85 7/12/86 33/2/27 see Bs/5)ee Ie /6)e De/b/a% Alara Atusers Always Siew Sasten Scanned with CamScanner ~~ CURRENT NATIONAL EXECUTIVE Sis. Gladys Ohene-Ampofo — National President Bro, J. Vietor Anguah — National Secretary Bro, F. Boakye-Agyemang — National Financial Secretary/Treasurer Bro. R. A. Boyefio-Quartey — National Organising Secretary Bro, Laud M. Otu-Addo — National Assistant Secretary Bro, (Dr.) J. T, Dakwa — Regional President, S. Ghana Bro. Sam K, Boateng — Regional President, Ashanti/B.A./North Bro. Godfried Asamoah — Presbyterial Superintendent, Akwapim/New Juaben Bro, F. A. Adinkrah - 8 Akim Abuakwa Bro. E. K. Akrasie - a a Ashanti Bro, (Dr.) Kofi-Asare - Ms a Brong-Ahafo Bro. V. 1, Bukari - i i North Bro. L. L. Kwami = " a Dangme/Tongu Bro, Erasmus Odonkor - ¥ “4 Ga Bro, T.N. Djanie - m Pore Central Bro. Dan B. Lomotey = “ Western Bro. S. Akoto Doudo = fe 4 v Mid-Volta Bro. R. Y. Ntiri > a " Kwahu Bro. E. O. Danquah - Sis. Ophelia Ablorh ~ Sis. Beatrice Abankwah - Sis. Naa Domale Cole = Regional Secretary, A/BA/North Regional Secretary, Southern Ghana Women’s Leader, A/BA/North Women’s Leader, Southern Ghana MEEKER K EEE 50TH ANNIVERSARY PLANNING COMMITTEE Bro. Samuel K. Boateng = Chairman Bro. J, Victor Anguah = Convenor Bro. Dr. J. T. Darkwa - Member Bro, F. Boakye-Agyemang _ — Member Bro. R.A. Boyefio-Quartey — Member Bro, Emmanuel Akrasie - Member Sis. Beatrice Abankwa - Member Bro. E. O. Danquah - Secretary 63 Scanned with CamScanner

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