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A Mini Project Report On


submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of

Bachelor of Technology
Electronics and Communication Engineering

Niharika Garg (2100970310100)

Nisha Kumari (2100970310101)
Nitanshi Kulshrestha (2100970310102)
Omveer Rathour (2100970310105)

Under the Guidance of

Dr. S.P. Singh

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering

(B. Tech ECE – Accredited by NBA),

Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida. (Affiliated to

Dr.A.P.J Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow)

February, 2023

We hereby declare that the thesis entitled “Smart Street Light” submitted by us, for the
award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics and Communication
Engineering to Galgotias College of Engineering and Technology, Greater Noida
affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow is a record of
bonafide work carried out by us under the supervision of Dr. S. P. Singh

We further declare that the work reported in this report has not been submitted
and will not be submitted, either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or
diploma in this institute or any other institute or university.

Place: Greater Noida

Date: 23 Feb 2023 Signature of the Candidates


This is to certify that the thesis entitled “Smart Street Light” submitted by Niharika
Garg , Nisha Kumari , Nitanshi Kulshrestha and Omveer Rathour Department of
Electronics and Communication Engineering, Galgotias College of Engineering and
Technology, Greater Noida affiliated to Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam Technical University
(AKTU), Lucknow, for the award of the degree of Bachelor of Technology in Electronics
and Communication Engineering, is a record of bonafide work carried out by them under
my supervision, as per AKTU code of academic and research ethics.

The contents of this report have not been submitted and will not be submitted
either in part or in full, for the award of any other degree or diploma in this institute or
any other institute or university. The thesis fulfils the requirements and regulations of the
University and in my opinion meets the necessary standards for submission.

Place: Greater Noida

Date:23 Feb 2023 Signature of the Guide

The thesis is satisfactory / unsatisfactory

Internal Examiner 1 Internal Examiner 2

Approved by

Head of the Department

Dr Lakshmanan. M


Our project for developing a smart street light system is reviewed. In this project, the street
light system, in which lights on when needed and light-off when not needed. Currently, in
the whole world, enormous electric energy is consumed by the street lamps, which are
automatically turn on when it becomes dark and automatically turn off when it becomes
bright. This is the huge waste of energy in the whole world and should be changed. Our
smart street light system consists of a LED light, a brightness sensor, a motion sensor and a
short-distance communication network. The lights turn on before pedestrians and vehicles
come and turn off or reduce power when there is no one. It will be difficult for pedestrians
and drivers of vehicles to distinguish our smart street lamps and the conventional street
lights, since our street lamps all turn on before they come. The present status and the future
prospects of our smart start light project will be reviewed


First of all, we would like to express our gratitude to our beloved Chairman Shri.
Suneel Galgotia and CEO Shri. Dhruv Galgotia for providing necessary facilities to
carry out and finish the project successfully. We are grateful to our Director Dr.
Mohd. Asim Qadri for his support and encouragement.

Our special thanks goes to Dr. Lakshmanan. M, Head of the Department,

Electronics and Communication Engineering, for providing an environment that
encouraged us in working towards our goal and supported in completion of our
project. This project gave us an opportunity to apply creative and critical thinking

We would like to present our deep sense of gratitude to our project guide, Dr
S.P. Singh, Professor, Department of Electronics and Communication
Engineering who has always been a source of motivation and firm support for
carrying out the project. The supervision and support that he gave truly helped in the
progression of the project. His cooperation is much indeed appreciated. We are highly
obliged to him for his advices and moral support during research period.

Finally, our greatest and special gratitude goes to our family for their love and

Place: Greater Noida Niharika Garg

Date: Nisha Kumari
Nitanshi Kulshrestha
Omveer Rathour


Chapter CONTENTS Page

No. No.
Title Page i

Declaration ii

Certificate iii

Abstract iv

Acknowledgement v

Table of Contents vi

List of Figures vii

List of Abbreviations viii

1 Introduction 1

1.1 Benefits 1
1.2Affordability 1
1.3Feasilibity 2

2 Detailed description of the work 3

2.1 Block Diagram 3
2.2 Working 4
2.2.1 Circuit diagram 5
2.3 Components 6
2.3.1 IR Sensors 6
2.3.2 Arduino board 6
2.3.3 LED 7
2.3.4 LDR 8
2.3.5 Jumper Wire 9
2.3.6 Resistors 10

3 Conclusion 11

4 References


Figure No. Title Page No.

2.1 Block Diagram 3
2.2 Working 4
2.3 Circuit Diagram 5
2.4 Light Emitting Diode 7
2.5 Working Principle of LED 8
2.6 Photodiode 8
2.7 Jumper Wires 9
2.8 Resistors 10

LED Light Emitting Device
LDR Light dependent Resistor
IR SENSOR Infrared sensor


Smart Street Light as the name suggests is for turning ON and OFF the street light
automatically without the need of human interventions. It senses the light intensity from
surroundings and find whether its day or night. And it automatically turns ON when an object
passes nearby and it turns OFF when it does not detect any object in the surroundings. A
sensor called Light Dependent Resistor (LDR) is used to detect the light intensity. This project
also finds wide outdoor applications in streets, gardens and public places where it finds
difficulty to appoint a person to operate the lights.

In recent days due to the fast development of industries and urban communities connectivity,
the road lighting frameworks are also developing quickly. The mechanization of effective
utilization of power and cost reduction is important factor in the present day to day life. The
different types of road light control frameworks are implemented to control and keep up
complex road lighting systems. For controlling and diminishing energy utilization of a town's
open lighting system, the effective systems are created. The current work is shows utilizing
High intensity discharge (HID) lights. As of now, the HID is utilized for urban road light
where power is not managed by any of the methods to reduced or switch off the lights during
less density or unmanned areas.


Many of the people have a phobia of darkness, so to assist them in such situation, we have
explained a simple circuit. It will automatically turn on street light in the way of Light
Emitting Diode (LEDs) or bulb coupled with relay. Working this circuit is very much easy and
also the power consumed by the circuit is very low because of the very few components used
in the circuit.

It is very inexpensive construction and we don't have to employ or depend anybody to put on
the light when we are out of station.
A LDR (Light Dependent Resistor) or a photo resistor is a photo conductive sensor. It is a

variable resistor and changes its resistance in a proportion to the light exposed to it. It
resistance decreases with the intensity of light.

It senses the light intensity from surroundings and find whether its day or night then it
automatically turns ON when the surrounding is dark and it turns OFF when it receives light
from surroundings.


2.1 DIAGRAM:Fig:2.1 shows the block diagram of smart street light.

Fig:2.1 Block Diagram

2.2 Working

In this Smart Street Light System, the street lights are automatically turned ON and OFF. The
traditional HID lamps that draw an enormous amount of energy are now replaced with LED’s
(Light Emitting Diodes). LED’s consume low power and work effectively when coupled with
LDR which enables the intensity variation of lights. LED’s are directional light sources and
optimize the efficiency of street lights as they emit light in a specific direction.

The street lights work automatically by detecting the movements of objects on the street. IR
sensor is used to detect the object. The system also includes a DHT11 Temperature-Humidity
sensor that provides exact information on the temperature and humidity of the region. DHT11
is a sensor that contains a digital output of the temperature and humidity. The LDR sensor and
IR sensors are used to sense the light intensity and the objects of particular area. It then
transmits the data to the base station where energy gets stored using wireless technology.

The Smart Street Light System proposes the installation of the wireless system to remotely
control and track the consumption of energy of the street lights. This helps take appropriate
measures and reduce energy consumption using power conditioning and control.

The system must be installed on the light pole. It consists of a Microcontroller, various sensors,
and a wireless module. The controller installed on the pole senses the object and the
temperature around the region and controls the intensity of LEDs accordingly. The Smart
System can be operated both manually and automatically. The control system automatically
switches ON and OFF the streetlights at appropriate timing and by varying the intensity as
required. Fig:2.2 shows that how smart street light works.

Fig:2.2 Working

2.2.1 CIRCUIT DIAGRAM: Fig:2.1 shows the block diagram of smart street

Fig:2.3 Circuit Diagram

2.3 Components

• IR Sensors
• Arduino UNO
• Light Detecting Resistor
• Jumper Wires
• Resistors

An infrared (IR) sensor is an electronic device that measures and detects infrared radiation
in its surrounding environment. Infrared radiation was accidentally discovered by an
astronomer named William Herschel in 1800. While measuring the temperature of each
color of light, he noticed that the temperature just beyond the red light was highest. IR is
invisible to the human eye, as its wavelength is longer than that of visible light (though it is
still on the same electromagnetic spectrum). Anything that emits heat gives off infrared

IR LEDs are one of the LEDS that emits infrared rays which cannot be seen by human
eyes. These rays are sensed by IR sensor. An infrared transmitter is used to detect the
radiation by infrared receivers. These infrared receivers are available in photodiode form.
The infrared photodiode is activated by infrared light produced by an infrared LED. The
working principle of an infrared sensor is similar to that of object detection sensor. The
physics law used in this sensor are PLANCK’S radiation, Stephan Boltzmann, and wein’s


Arduino Uno is an open source electronics platform based on easy to use hardware and
software. The board is equipped with sets of digital and analog input output pins that may
be interfaced to various expansion boards and other circuits. The board has 14 I/O pins,6
analog I/O pins and is programmable with the Arduino IDE, via a type of USB cable or by
an external 9-volt battery. Though it accepts voltage between 7 and 20 volts.

The Arduino microcontroller has communication ports and input/output ports with which
we can connect different types of peripherals on the board. The information of the
peripherals that we can connect will be transferred to the microcontroller, which will be in
charge of processing the data that comes through them. Arduino provides us with software
consisting of a development environment(IDE) that implements the Arduino programming
language, the tools to transfer the firmware to the microcontroller an the bootloader
executed on the board. The main feature of the software and the programming language is
its simplicity and ease of use

2.3.3 LED
Light emitting diode (LED) is a semiconductor device that emits light when an electric
current flows through it. When current passes through an LED the electrons combines with
holes emitting light in the process. LEDs allow the current to flow in the forward direction
and blocks the current in the reverse direction.Fig:2.4 shows LED.

Fig: 2.4 Light emitting diode

When the diode is forward biased, the minority electrons are sent from p → n while the
minority holes are sent from n → p. At the junction boundary, the concentration of
minority carriers increases. The excess minority carriers at the junction recombine with the
majority charges carriers.Fig:2.5 shows principle of LED.

19 7
Fig: 2.5 Working Principle of LED

2.3.4 LIGHT DETECTING RESISTOR (Photoresistor)


Type Passive

Working principle Photoconductivity

Electronic symbol

The symbol for a photoresistor

Fig:2.6 Photodiode

A photo resistor (also known as photocell, light dependent resistor, LDR or photo-

conductive cell) is a passive component that decreases resistance with respect to receiving
luminosity (light) on the component's sensitive surface. The resistance of a photoresistor
decreases with increase in incident light intensity; in other words, it exhibits photoconductivity.
A photoresistor can be applied in light-sensitive detector circuits and light-activated and dark-
activated switching circuits acting as a resistance semiconductor. In the dark, a photoresistor
can have a resistance as high as several megaohms (MΩ), while in the light, a photoresistor can
have a resistance as low as a few hundred ohms. Fig:2.6 shows the photodiode.


This resistor works on the principle of photo conductivity. It is nothing but, when the light
falls on its surface, then the material conductivity reduces and also the electrons in the
valence band of the device are excited to the conduction band. These photons in the incident
light must have energy greater than the band gap of the semiconductor material. This makes
the electrons to jump from the valence band to conduction.

These devices depend on the light, when light falls on the LDR then the resistance decreases,
and increases in the dark. When a LDR is kept in the dark place, its resistance is high and,
when the LDR is kept in the light its resistance will decreases.


A jump wire (also known as jumper, jumper wire, DuPont wire) is an electrical wire, or group
of them in a cable, with a connector or pin at each end (or sometimes without them – simply
"tinned"), which is normally used to interconnect the components of a breadboard or other
prototype or test circuit, internally or with other equipment or components, without soldering.
Fig:2.7 shows jumper wires.

Fig:2.7 Jumper wires

A jumper wire is an electric wire that connects remote electric circuits used for printed circuit
boards. By attaching a jumper wire on the circuit, it can be short-circuited and short-cut (jump)
to the electric circuit.

A resistor is a passive two terminal electrical component that implements electrical
resistance as a circuit element. In electronic circuits, resistors are used to reduce current flow,
adjust signal levels, to divide voltages, bias active elements, and terminate transmission lines,
among other uses.Fig:2.8 shows resistors.

Fig: 2.8 Resistors

A resistor works by restricting the flow of current, it can do this in one of three ways: firstly,
by using a less conductive material, secondly by making the conductive material thinner and
finally by making the conductive material longer. A lot of resistors are wire-wound, as the
name suggests they consist of a conductive wire wound around an insulating resistor rather
than a physical wire wound around, it’s just a spiral of carbon, these are called carbon-film.
Wire-wound resistors are more precise and stable than carbon-film resistors, the resistance of
the resistor is controlled by the number of turns and thickness of the wire.


In coming days, Smart Street light will prove a great boon to the world, since it will save a
lot of electricity of power plants that gets wasted in illuminating the street lights
unnecessarily in day light. As the conventional sources are depleting very fast, then it's time
to think of alternatives and the ways to prevent the wastage.

Smart street light system helps in controlling the street lights intelligentaly and
automatically to minimize power consumption and reduces man work by fluctuating the
street lights time to time and in certain conditions toggling as well as turning off of some
lights concerning the motion observed on the roads.

They save the cost of the man with a ladder on a bicycle who use to come round and turn
the gas street lights.















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