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Harry Potter Lovecraft- Ominous Gloom

Whoever reads those erratically written words, please excuse my hastily

scribbled letters, as I scrawled them in a hurry. They’re coming, presumably to
imprison me in an asylum. They are right, I am mad, I turned mad that dark and
dreadful night. I know that I will not gain my sanity back, so I have to end this, I
can’t let them stop me. Take those lines as an accommodating warning from a
madman, whose life ended because of one sinister event.

I left my house in West London at night, with a vivid crescent moon glowing
high above the steep rooftops of the city. Curiously, the ornate lanterns on the
sides of the street were dim and didn’t provide any light. I took a deep breath
to embrace my unreasonable phobia of what may hide in the shadows as I
slowly and grudgingly entered the weird whirling mists. Maybe it was just a
delusion of my anxious mind but I had a feeling that something uncanny was
stalking me just outside my range of sigh. I heard some faint moans and bizarre
whispers in the pitch black alleyways. The heavy atmosphere made shivers go
down my spine so after a few minutes of a frightful walk something broke in
me and I started running to get to my destination sooner and to escape the
entity that was following me in the ghastly fog. With a sigh of relief I noticed a
familiar glow of a street lamp in some distance from me. All jittery and fatigued
I reached the place because of which I decided to undertake the endeavor of
strolling amongst the mists at nighttime. The tall silhouette of a liquor store
arose before me. With great delight I strolled to the entrance and was about to
proceed and get inside, but then I saw it. A queer sign proclaiming those
horrendous words:

Open: 10AM-11PM
With my hands shaking from fear and panic I pulled out my pocket watch. That
very moment is I think when I went insane. The unspeakable terror of only four
ciphers has driven me to the void of lunacy. It was ten past eleven. With great
force I cried for help at the top of my lungs but the city seemed oddly quiet.
Then started to hear the whispers again. I spun around, trying to locate the
source of the hideous noise, but I couldn’t. It was like a delirium, I don’t
remember much what I did. I supposedly rushed back home and locked myself
in there, then fell to a sleep full of nightmares and terrors.

Now I sit here, writing these words. They want to keep me captive, keep me
alive, but that will bring me only further suffering. My gun lying next to me.
When I hear them come in, I will blast it into my head, ending this miserable
apathy of a life. Stay away from the shadows, avoid the mists, there is
something out there… They’re here. I hear them enter. The time has come.

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