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Assignment Week -1



STUDENT ID : 2324474

IS 6600 – Business Continuity and disaster Recovery

Instructor :

CASE A 1.1 : How would you collect information from management?

Surveys, internet surveillance, focus groups, social media monitoring, in-person interviews, and
online research on marketing are merely some scenarios for collecting data methodologies. Data
gathering is vital for company strategy.
Surveys comprise quantitative and qualitative survey questionnaires that are used to collect data.
The survey is open to both individuals and organizations. The questions could be open-ended or
Interviews: An interview is a formal encounter between two people in which the interviewer
questions the interviewee to obtain information. A consultation provides evaluators with
information about potential applicants' histories and shows any other abilities they may have. We
can acquire personal data online by using pixels and cookies. These programs can track and
report a user's internet activities across several websites.

A-1.2: A key management person has a background in emergency response from prior
military service and suggests using terminology used by FEMA rather than business
oriented terminology. What are your thoughts on this idea?
FEMA is given broad legal authority to control or commander whatever resource it needs.FEMA
has general jurisdiction to coordinate or collect any help that is required. Regular action must be
taken over time to reduce the risks of hazards and their consequences on persons and property.
  Preparing and setting up an emergency management team of experts is crucial to plan
appropriate mitigation against, counter, or recover from any threat. 
Resuming vital public services and deploying personnel, materials, and equipment are just a few
of the emergency response tactics implemented, along with evacuating prospective victims and
giving food, drink, shelter, and healthcare to those in need. 

A-1.3 The IT Department suggests that they should work on their IT Disaster Recovery
Plan independently. What are your thoughts on this idea?

Team members usually prioritize IT disaster recovery because IT systems and data are critical to
the smooth operation of a business. A catastrophe recovery strategy includes options for
promptly resuming work and minimizing disruptions. Because of the disaster recovery strategy,
operations will continue regardless of the situation. A deliberate approach to business continuity
can help a company in various ways. 
Maintaining and implementing a robust IT disaster recovery strategy is costly.
The restoration and backup team:  The strategy for disaster recovery is to be developed,
implemented, and monitored by this specialized group. This strategy should describe each team
member's tasks and obligations. In cases of crisis, the disaster recovery team shall be capable of
exchanging information with one another, staff, suppliers, and customers. 
 Paper Data: Information Management Almost every paper data in AIS has an electronic backup
—data on hard drives that were not developed using information technology or were otherwise
held under extreme security. Each location allocates a separate area for records storage, and
copies of critical hardcopy documents are prepared and safely preserved.
Conduct a risk analysis to identify potential dangers to your firm. Determine the actions to
restore operations.

CASE B : Beta Widget Makers (BWM) considers BCM

B-1.1 How would you collect information from management?

BWM's company operations follow a "supply chain," like a traditional manufacturing firm. 
BWM only keeps a small amount of buffer stock. Because most industrial equipment is
specialized, replacing it might take months. Moving the larBWM's business processes follow a
"supply chain," just like a traditional manufacturing company. Moving the large, heavy
machinery in an emergency would take five days. The list of critical tools below includes a
summary of the core necessities for business activities: Desktop computers, smartphones, and
office supplies are accessible for assistance and administrative employees. The business
continuity plan will include a list of all production tools. For this discussion, it is critical to note
that certain large pieces of the necessary equipment are expensive, highly specialized, and would
take weeks to repair if lost. The specifics of each technological setup, gear, and the

B-1.2: A key management person has a background in emergency response from prior
military service and suggests using terminology used by FEMA rather than business
oriented terminology. What are your thoughts on this idea?

Adopting language from a reputable and well-known organization like FEMA might simplify the
recovery strategy for all users. 
Thus, putting principles and standards into practice can make it easier for different departments
and team members to collaborate and interact more effectively.
But it's important to stress that while using military jargon may be acceptable for emergency
preparedness, it isn't always appropriate or helpful in a business setting.
Considering each person's unique requirements and goals as a starting point is essential when
creating a disaster recovery plan. It would help to use appropriate and understandable
terminology for this target audience.

B-1.3 The IT Department suggests that they should work on their IT Disaster Recovery
Plan independently. What are your thoughts on this idea?
The company's specific circumstances determine it. A comprehensive disaster recovery strategy
should be in place for the IT team since it ensures that fundamental problems and data can be
swiftly recovered during an interruption. Various departments, including risk management and
business continuity, must analyze and assess the structure to see if it meets corporate goals and
objectives. The plan should be conveyed to all relevant stakeholders and evaluated and modified

Compare your answers based on the organizational structure and development.

The framework influences how the logistics system is exposed to SPOFs by identifying the
critical Single Points of Failure (SPOFs) in the logistics and process flow. The combined
company's delivery network may be more standardized, reducing the likelihood of a SPOF. The
fact that a distributed firm may have several producers or transit routes increases the risk of a
SPOF. It's important to note that organizational structure and development significantly impact
RTOs and the sensitivity of SPOFs in the production chain and workflow. The BIA approach
would aid in identifying the many sources of problems and the measures required to re


A 2.1: Does AIS need a CMT and an ERT?  

Alpha Investing Services (AIS) must state whether a Crisis Management Team (CMT) or an
Emergency Response Team (ERT) has to be included in the report. 
 AIS's top managers should be capable of handling volatile circumstances, gathering information
about what's wrong, assessing the situation, deliberating what should be done next, assigning
internal employees, and recruiting third-party assistance as appropriate. Recovery from
emergencies and business continuity plans might help with this. Additionally, AIS might be
required to have techniques in place to retrieve valuable information in a disaster scenario
reliably. When deciding whether a Crisis Management Team and Emergency Response Team
need to exist, it is crucial to consider the project's activity's production, number, and intricate

A-2.2: Is there a need for an Incident Commander at each building?

There is a requirement for an incident leader must be able and empowered to take prompt action
under challenging circumstances. 
Since they control the response efforts, the incident commander should be an association official.
The response team is alerted to the emergency and then closely watches. If enough notice is
provided, it is possible to take action to lessen the effects of the activity disruption.
 Different business continuity pre-strike protocols will be required under various crises. 
These stages include providing the necessary equipment and materials, activating backup sites,
and hiring qualified personnel.

A-2.3 Is there a need for an ERT at each building?

The information must be clarified to determine whether an Emergency Response Team (ERT) is
required at each Alpha Investment Services facility. (AIS). An Emergency Response Team
(ERT) comprises primary and backup members stationed at each vital site and determines the
best action. In addition, implementing an ERT at each location might guarantee a cumulative
impact of trained personnel to handle emergencies. Evaluating ERT is essential everywhere. The
size, complexity, and significance of commercial operations are additional elements that need to
be considered in addition to the distance between the facilities and their mobility.

CASE B 2.1 : B-2.1 Is there a need for a CMT and an ERT at BWM?

In BCM, various individuals, groups, and committees take on numerous responsibilities before,
during, and after a crisis. They create plans, specify operational guidelines, and choose the
necessary resources. We must assess the situation by gathering knowledge about it. We can make
choices in a crisis. & Distribute resources therein. I've been able to get the external help you
need. The Crisis Communication Team must be created at the corporate level to guarantee
ongoing communication and involvement with the media. The Crisis Communication Team will
handle all client conversations and public interactions. Each primary and backup member must
be aware of the fundamental BCM operations. Members must assist one another in times of
need.ERT members and ERT alternates accept the BCM Coordinator's planned drills.
 B-2.2 Is there a need for an Incident Commander at each Plant?

The person in charge of managing and directing every disaster aspect is the incident commander.
It has the strength and capability to make sound decisions in urgent circumstances.
During a disaster, the organizational command structure may differ from how it is implemented.
The commander will be the highest-ranking member of the line of command in Actual
Occurrence. The Disaster Assessment Team assesses and examines the consequences of a crisis.
Other organizations conduct various tasks while the Recovery Team restores services during an
emergency. If necessary, specific divisions may assign task
B-2.3 Is there a need for an ERT at each Plant?

The organization's incident leader is in charge of the ERT. A group of primary and secondary
members known as an Emergency Response Team (ERT) is responsible for reacting to a disaster
at each key location. Each member is an individual who is familiar with the duties assigned to
their area. Alternate members perform their tasks when the prominent member is present or
unable to do so. Every principal and backup member needs to understand how the BCM
functions. Members must be accessible during a catastrophe.ERT and alternate members must
participate in plan drills, according to the BCM Coordinator.

Compare responses between the different types of organizations

 Companies could employ a range of methodologies and place varying importance on different
components of business continuity management.
For-profit, charities, and governmental entities are the three most robust businesses.
A range of enterprises approach and regarding business continuity management in different
Non-profit enterprises are the most popular. Profitable businesses usually prioritize operations
and minimize fewer sales in the event of an extension. 
Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) for functional fields aim not to affect earnings and revenue.
Organizations like pinpointing Unmarried Spots of Failure (SPOFs) in the value channel and
system requirements for guaranteed production and supply continuity.
Non-governmental organizations can focus on conserving critical support while diminishing their
influence on the general public.


A-3.1 For AIS, what are the most critical operations for each operational group and
support department?

Delaying to complete a business consequence investigation could harm the essential tasks for
each committee and passionate advocates. 
By bringing into variables such as Tasks that produce or sustain almost all of an organization's
profits are designated significant. Relevant in terms of method: Significant procedures are vital
to the firm's broader mission. The business's fundamental objective is to create or preserve most
of its revenues. Interdependence: Important functions ought to be implemented with additional
steps. Managing investments empowers this company to continue working throughout its
primary division while collecting shareholder income. During study findings, the investment
advisory employees might arrive at good choices and offer valuable data to their clients.

A-3.2 Identify the major interdependencies within AIS operations.

Most AIS functioning organizations rely primarily on computer systems and communication
connectivity.AIS aspires to provide higher-quality services, which may result in potentially
hazardous increases in wait times owing to manufacturing and operation issues.AIS is
significantly associated with two areas: data operations and information technology. The
implementation of environmental and commodity restrictions, as well as data encryption and
vulnerability monitoring.IT companies handle every aspect of the AIS operation.

A-3.3 What are the Recovery Time Objectives for the following operations?

Department Operation RTO

Custom Research Research and Analysis 1 HOUR

Equity Selection Services Research for Printed Reports 1 HOUR

Data Operations Data Acquisition 1 HOUR

Data Verification 1 HOUR

Facilities Utility Services ONGOING

Environmental Controls ONGOING

General Building Maintenance 2 DAYS

Finance and Accounting Financial Reporting 2 DAYS

Crisis Communication ONGOING

Human Resources Payroll 2 DAYS

Information Technology IT for Data Operations 1 HOUR

IT for Operational Groups 1 HOUR

IT for Payroll 2 DAYS

Communication Technologies 1 HOUR

Sales and Marketing Marketing Program 2 DAYS

Security Building Protection ONGOING

A-3.4 Is it logical to set initial Recovery Time Objectives for support operations equal to
something less than 100% for certain responsibilities?

With a recovery capacity of less than 100%, support operations will likely be able to give
adequate support in the form of fundamental company operations. A business impact analysis
(BIA) can be used to determine the importance of various retail operations and the resources
required to support them.RTOs establish how quickly business operations or resources must be
restored following a disruption or catastrophe. When identifying an RTO, investigate the
significance and potential implications to that organization if this vital business needs to be
corrected within the time restrictions established.

A-3.5 Identify the major single-points-of-failure in the supply chain and process flow.

An automatic identification system (AIS) has been developed to improve service speed, and
bottlenecks in a method or network of delivery might end in an unacceptable quantity of time
being spent right away. As an example, consider the Suez Canal. It may not be a good idea to set
up two channels simultaneously if one is likely getting congested. Anyone that utilized this
waterway, whether intentionally or not, was considerate of the danger that a canal challenge
could stop a whole pallet of goods. Ignoring it being true that there is significantly more potential
than reality

CASE B-3.1 For BWM, what are the most critical operations for each operational group
and support department?

In an emergency, the BCM management structure should be able to either grow or contract. The
charge for addressing situations will end up toward the Crisis Management Team.
 Senior executives with sufficient authority for handling genuine emergencies compose up the
 It absorbs data and assessments an emergency scenario to make choices on its own.

B-3.2 Identify the major interdependencies within BWM operations.

Assigning preliminary time for recuperation objectives for service activities with an accuracy of
less than 100% in the Beta Widget Maker is permissible.
 A company impact evaluation examines procedures for recognizing and protecting a company's
operations alongside the financial backing needed to assist the business.
 Provincial transit departments periodically reestablish during processing to check the speed at
which they adapt to crises or disruptions.
B-3.3 What are the Recovery Time Objectives for the following operations?

Department Operation RTO

Manufacturing Manufacturing 12HOURS

R and D New Product Design 1DAY

Testing 12HOURS

Supply Chain Management Acquisition of Raw Materials 8HOURS

Fulfillment Mgmt. 4HOURS

Warehouse Receiving 8HOURS

Shipping 4HOURS

Facilities Utility Services ONGOING

Environmental Controls 12HOURS

General Plant Maintenance ONGOING

Plant Protection 4HOURS

Finance and Accounting Financial Reporting 8HOURS

Crisis Communication 2HOURS

Human Resources Payroll OVERTIME

Information Technology IT Manufacturing Support 12HOURS

IT Sales and Customer Service 8HOURS


Sales and Customer Service Marketing Program 1 DAY

Direct Sales 12HOURS

B-3.4 Is it logical to set initial Recovery Time Objectives for support operations equal to
something less than 100% for certain responsibilities?
A widget in beta Manufacturers accepts Recovery Time Objectives (RTOs) for service
operations with a value substantially less than 100%.
 Impact examines companies looking into methods for monitoring and defending trade
operations and also investigates the resources required to operate functions.
 RTOs remain aware of the speed at which they respond to problems or failures and properly
recover operations.
 Utilizing BIA methodology is capable of identifying the many elements and steps that are
needed taking to tackle difficulties.

B-3.5 Identify the major single-points-of-failure in the supply chain and process flow.

Each crucial portion, capacity, or function inside Beta Widget Makers' (BWM) distribution
network and consumption of resources has a single point of failure (SPOF) that, if compromised,
would bring down the entire platform or company. A critical step in the business impact analysis
process recognizes the existence of various Special Protection Funds since it enables enterprises
to identify and control these risks. A few essential SPOFs in the BWM distribution network and
strategy are provided below: it will rely on just a single source for the vital element. An
obligation to offer backup in the event of transportation and services. He suggested that certain
types of industrial machinery ought to be developed or may have been necessary. There's a need
to take stock.

In terms of business, compare and contrast the responses.

Commercial Impact Analysis BIA examines the effects of a prolonged interruption to corporate
 The three primary goals of BIA are to evaluate the underlying retail activities, account for the
resources required to maintain certain firms, and offer an efficient reaction that occurs.
 The following are the essential procedures that need to be taken:
 They comply with their contractual obligations and carry out business regularly usual despite the
failure of the rehabilitation plan. These services cover everything from opening sites to fixing or
swapping out defective property to returning files and systems. Its recovery response aims to
replace the business as swiftly as feasible to its pre-recession prominence.
 In conclusion, recovery responses concentrate on restoring critical operations following
interruptions, while continuity responses prioritize doing so.

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