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Project 2: Integrate a WordPress theme for a client


This development stage website at

is a prototype for your mountain based real estate agency for displaying your dozen
luxury chalets for sale and rent.

WordPress theme selection

The Rambo theme is chosen for its simplicity yet still providing a business oriented
company profile. It’s compatible with most of WordPress plugins, such as sliders, contact
form, etc, so when you want to add some additional feature in the future, you don’t
have to worry about incompatibility or even system crashed.

Picture 1: landing page

Access configuration

As requested there are 3 kind of hierarchical authorization for this website:

 An administrator account for the agency director
 An administrator account for the developer
 Editor accounts for two other agency employee

To access your specialized authorization page, the agency director, editor, or staff can
go to: with the following credential
that can be changed later:

 Agency director
◦ username:
◦ password: supermariobozz1
 Staff editor 1
◦ username:
◦ password: employee1@march

 Staff editor 2
◦ username:
◦ password: employee12@march

The users can be managed from admin back-end dashboard

Picture 2: existing users

Once logged-in, user can manage the site according to his/her site management rights.
Here some screenshot for each user. Note that only developer and the agency director
that have administrator right, other member can only made limited change to the site
like editing or adding a post

 Agency director and developer

Picture 3: administrator dashboard

 Staff editor

Picture 4: editor dashboard

Editing Properties (Administrator only)

To manage properties, like add new chalets, edit existing ones go to your dashboard. All
chalets listing is managed by using Estatik Wordpress plugin

 See list of existing properties

On the left menu choose Estatik > My listings

Picture 5: list of properties

 Add new property
On the left menu choose Estatik > Add new property

A new page will appear here you can add a new properties along with its detail
like property image, price, category (rent or sale), number of bedrooms, etc just
like adding a new post in a blog.

Picture 6: property editor

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