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Dogs make better companions

than cats.
I’ve never had a cat, neither my aunts nor cousins, but my grandmother had
2 cats, they always escaped, got lost or fought with the other cats or dogs. In
my opinion dogs are better than cats for the following reasons.
Firstly, if you have a cat it will always try to escape, and it will never come
back. My grandmother's cat ran away and never came back, and the other cat
had a fight with a dog and he died.
Secondly, dogs are better than most people (and I'm not exaggerating), dogs
will always be by your side, play with you and sleep with you, they always
want to go to the park or outside to have fun, but not a cat, they just want to
stay in their bed and sleep all day, they never play and catch mice, that's good
until they bring them to your house and you find a tail in your house.
Finally, Dogs are very friendly, and when you're sad they make you feel
better, while cats make you feel worse, and make you question "why did I
decide to have a cat!?".
To conclude I have to clarify that I am not against cats, I just think that dogs
are better, also cats are cute.

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