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English activity

 Carolina Cuero
 Francisco Suárez

F: Hello Carolina, how are you?

C: Hello, I´m fine and you Francisco?

F:I´m good

F: I have a question for you, what is your favorite movie?

C:I don’t have one but my favorite genre is romance and you?

F:My favorite genre is science fiction

C:What do you like to do in your free time?

F:I like to play soccer and videogames, and you?

C:I like dance and watch videos

F: What type of music do you like to dance?

C:I like to dance many genre of music

F:What is your favorite food?

C:My favorite food is spaghetti and you?

F: My favorite food is cheese pizza

F: Which country would you like to travel to?

C: I like to visit España, and you?

F:I would like to travel to Unites States

F:What are your favourite genre of music?

C:I like everything, but what I listen to most often is pop

C: what is your favourite color?

F: I have two favourite colors red and blue

C: What is your favourite fruit?

F: My favourite fruit is banana

C: What is your favorite ice cream flavor?

F: I think is chocolate and you?

C: My favorite ice cream flavor of the basics that of vanilla, of the most elaborate that of brownie

F: I'm fine with your tastes, I have to go bye

C: Ok, bye

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