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May your feet always be unshod! Shogun.

The Shogun, in turn, runs a feudal hierarchy

- Ancient Kara-tur curse with Shugo-daimyos serving him as dukes of the land.
These Shugo-daimyos continually jockey for power
and position and have been involved in civil
insurrections over time.
Love’s Labour Lost is an adventure for a party of four
4th level player characters (PCs). The scenario is set in
The Forgotten Realms, but is easily transplantable into
most other settings.
Like many of the inhabitants of Kara-tur, the people of
Kozakura have long been given to taking omens and
Where a creature or NPC is mentioned in bold-faced
prophecies with earnest and sometimes deadly
type, its statistics can be found either in the Monster
seriousness. So when a mystical crone reputed to have
Manual or in Appendix B of this adventure.
oracular powers stated the following to Shugo-daimyo
Throughout the adventure, descriptions of the appearance,
Morashiko, he took notice:
personality, and motivations of important NPCs are
presented in red boxes. I, Corunisato, am touched in the tongue by the eight million
gods. I see the future, and this is what appears before my eyes.
Dialogue is contained in italicized boxed text. To the Shugo-daimyo Morashiko shall be born a daughter,
though her birth will bleed the innards from her mother, who
Location descriptions are contained in plain boxed shall never know her child.
And the child will grow to be as infused with beauty as her
mother is infused with pain and agony during her birth.

And the fates, they fly around this child as a moth around a
The PCs are retained to guard the daughter of an flame. For she is a reminder that both beauty and pain
important noble from far off land of Kozakura in Kara- accompany the choices and conduct of our masters.
tur. They are given a safe house in which to guard her,
And as long as Shugo-daimyo Morashiko is a goodly man and
but this safehouse is breached, first by the daughter’s favoured by the eight million gods, then shall his daughter live
lover, who means her no harm and believes he is and grow into her beauty. But should the Shugo-daimyo ever
rescuing her from the PCs, and then by an evil fall from the path of truth and enlightenment, then shall is
hengeyokai and her minions; she who precipitated the daughter surely perish, and the light of her beauty shall be
events that led to the daughter’s predicament in the snuffed as quickly as the goodness of the Shugo-daimyo’s soul.
first place.
This the eight million gods have decreed, you shall see the
Ultimately, the PCs must not only protect the daughter, truth of my words in time!
but decide if true love will win out, or if duty trumps
the heart. Indeed, many things that the crone said would come to
pass did happen. The Shugo-daimyo’s wife did die in
horrible agony during childbirth, bleeding out and
expiring after the difficult labour, despite the efforts of
the midwife. And, too, the child born was a daughter
While this adventure has many elements of Oriental and, as she grew up into adolescence and then young
Adventures, it actually takes place in Faerun. Where, womanhood, she indeed displayed a remarkable
precisely, is flexible, although the ideal location is beauty and grace about her that was often called
Impiltur, both for its proximity (relatively speaking) to divine.
Kara-tur, and its interests in trade and mercantile
activities. That said, give the use of teleportation magic, The crone was never seen again after her
the adventure can theoretically take place anywhere in pronouncement. The Shugo-daimyo himself is a fairly
Faerun, including the Sword Coast. The adventure worldly man (for a Kozakuran) and he only half
takes place in winter, although this is not a believed the prophecy. However, his subjects have
requirement. taken the pronouncement very seriously, especially
after the first elements of it came to pass, and so the
Kozakura is ruled nominally by the Emperor who sits Shugo-daimyo must take it seriously as well.
on the Jade Throne, but in actuality is ruled by the
Every day, the daughter was presented to the people her. However, when a ninja assassin breached his
from her balcony high in the round pagoda of the defenses and almost slew her in her very bedchamber,
Shugo-daimyo, in order to show the people that, as his Morashiko realized the seriousness and capabilities of
daughter lived and prospered, so the Shugo-daimyo’s the forces that had arrayed against him.
own worthiness was proven. At all other times, his
daughter was protected in luxurious isolation, for if Morashiko decided that it was too dangerous for his
harm came to his daughter, then the Shugo-daimyo’s daughter to remain. He was about to move against the
own legitimacy to rule would be in question. noble families opposing him, and it was likely that this
move would prompt them to take final, desperate
Despite the fact that outsiders could only catch a daily action against his daughter.
glimpse of the daughter, the son of a neighbouring
fiefdom, who had come to visit Morashiko’s palace Therefore, Morashiko determined to send his daughter
several times, had fallen in love with the daughter. The into hiding for a while, until the noble houses could be
suitor, named Simojito, requested her hand in put down. To that end, he reached out to an intrepid
marriage, but Morashiko refused the suitor, for he merchant from the far off nation of Impiltur (or
worried that were his daughter to leave his protective wherever the PCs are located), with whom he was
embrace, some harm might befall her, especially if she developing a trade agreement. The Shugo-daimyo
became pregnant and, like her mother, died in asked the merchant to take his daughter and hide her
childbirth. in the western lands for a period of up to four months.
The merchant, who has access to a wizard with
In some ways, however, the Shugo-daimyo’s teleport and has an associated object from his manor in
knowledge of the prophecy may make its doom Impiltur and from the Shugo-daimyo’s palace, has
become self-fulfilling. Armed with the knowledge that arranged to have the daughter teleported out of
as long as his daughter lives and prospers, he can take Kozakura and to Impiltur. He is eager to please the
any actions he desires and claim he has the blessings Shugo-daimyo in this manner in the hope that, should
of the eight million gods, Morashiko has ruled with a he return the daughter safely to her father, it will help
very heavy hand, especially over the more powerful to conclude his trade agreement.
noble families and samurai of his domain. Normally, a
Shugo-daimyo who wished to remain in power would What none of the parties knows is that the original
have to accommodate at least some of these nobles in prophecy was a false one, engineered by a hengeyokai
order to retain support amongst the powerful families (animal spirit) who had an old grudge against
and to fend off challenges by rivals. Armed with the Morashiko’s grandsire. The hengeyokai could not get
prophecy and the broad support of the people, the close enough to the Shugo-daimyo’s grandfather or his
clergy, and the soldiery, Morashiko has chosen to father to exact her revenge, and even the Shugo-
forego noble support and instead throw his weight daimyo himself proved untouchable. So, she devised a
around, confounding the landed families and samurai plan that would allow her to establish the very means
of his province and invoking their ire. by which the Shugo-daimyo would be deposed and his
line sundered.
It wasn’t too long before these noble families realized
that the solution to their problem was to slay the The hengeyokai posed as the prophetic crone and
daughter, thereby using the very prophecy that had sounded the prophecy. She then engineered the initial
allowed the Shugo-daimyo to defy them and turning it events, including the death of the Shugo-daimyo’s wife
against him. For, if the daughter were to die, then, by posing as the midwife. Morashiko’s daughter is
according to the prophecy, it would be a sign that the actually a tiefling that was substituted at birth in place
Shugo-daimyo has angered the eight million gods and of the Shugo-daimyo’s real unborn daughter, who was
was corrupted. The Shugo-daimyo would then lose his killed during birth by the hengeyokai midwife.
popular support and the nobles could make their move
against him, The hengeyokai knew that the teifling child, with the
blood of a succubus in her veins, would grow up
And so, an alliance of several powerful families was ravishingly beautiful, and she also knew that the
formed. But the Shugo-daimyo learned of the plot to prophecy would allow her to engineer the Shugo-
have his daughter killed and placed her under lock and daimyo’s downfall by providing a means to strike at
key in his palace, foregoing even his daily display of him by way of his “daughter” and the doom

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pronounced in her false prophecy. The uprising of the absolute oath that, should they refuse the job, they will
nobles was certainly helped by the machinations of speak of it to no one.
this hengeyokai, who stoked the flames of discontent.
Should the PCs agree to so swear, then Barnabus will
Further, the hengeyokai has made contact with the remind them that should they betray his confidence,
nobles and offered her services to them in the guise of he is a powerful man with many means of punishment
a mystic. She has agreed to team with their ninja at his disposal. At this, the wizard Veribor will adjust
assassins to slay the Shugo-daimyo’s daughter. The his cloak, revealing a belt full of wands.
nobles do not know that they have been manipulated
by the hengeyokai in a grand act of revenge. Nor do I have called you hear for a special assignment. One that
they know that she is a hengeyokai or that she was the requires discretion and wisdom.
originator of the prophecy. To them, she is a wicked,
greedy mercenary doing this for profit and, perhaps, Before you is Marinto Ashishiko [he gestures to the cloaked
mayhem. female]. She is the only daughter of Shugo-daimyo Morashiko
of Kozakura, a land far to the east. These four men [gesturing
to the cloaked males] are her bodyguards.
When the daughter is killed, the people will turn
against the Shugo-daimyo, and he will be deposed and They are here at the request of the Shugo-daimyo. It seems
likely tortured and killed…much to the hengeyokai’s that there is some political strife in Kozakura and the Shugo-
delight. daimyo is worried that his enemies might try to strike at him
through his daughter. Thus, he has had her spirited away here
under arrangement of secrecy. She was teleported here. But I
do not feel it is safe here. Nor does Veribor. Too many eyes and
ears are about, and too many trade rivals sniffing around as a
The PCs will be contacted by a powerful merchant who matter of course.
Nor, indeed, do I wish for the enemies of the Shugo-daimyo to
knows of them either by way of past services or
learn of my involvement in this affair, should they prevail.
through reputation. The merchant offers them a job After all, I will then wish to trade with the new Shugo-daimyo.
that promises to pay well. In addition, it is always good
to have a powerful merchant on your side, both for So, I want you to escort her and her bodyguards in secret to a
information and to dispose of treasure for which the remote location that I hope will be safe.
PCs night wish to find a buyer.
Our contract is to keep her for four months. After that, the
The merchant, named Barnabus Riverine, is well Shugo-daimyo assures me, his political matters will come to a
head. I assume that means either he will be victorious, or he
known in these parts, and his bona fides can be will be deposed. Either way, our contract will have been
verified if the PCs ask around. fulfilled.

When the PCs arrive at Riverine’s manor house, they You are to take Lady Marinto to the safe location and guard
will be ushered into an audience chamber by servants. her there with your lives. You will present sealed and signed
Barnabus will be present, along with his wizard, orders from me to the guards there ordering them to report
Veribor (male human NG Wizard 9), a cloaked female back to me so that the keep will be entirely yours.
figure, and four cloaked male figures.
If you keep her safe and fulfill my contract, I will pay you each
1,000 gp and I will make certain that you get the best deals
Barnabus will welcome the PCs and invite them and possible in the quickest amount of time should you need to
his other guests to sit. Veribor will remain standing, dispose of treasure. I can also be invaluable in procuring
alert for danger. The four cloaked male figures will sometimes hard to acquire items.
also remain standing, and a DC 10 Wisdom (Insight)
check will reveal that they are clearly bodyguards of Are there any questions?
some sort for the female figure.
If the PCs do not agree, then the adventure is over and
Once everyone is settled, Barnabus will tell them that the PCs will be expected to keep their word. They
the job he offers them requires discretion. There is won’t know where the safe location is unless they
nothing illegal about it and there are no questionable somehow follow the next group of adventurers
morals involved. It is, instead, about protecting the Barnabus hires.
innocent from harm. But he does require the PCs’

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The safe place is a keep in a remote location far from Westerners, will at some point reveal herself by
other settlements, about a twelve day journey from tossing back her hood. She is stunningly beautiful, her
here. The PCs will be expected to leave that night, in every movement steeped in grace and a natural
about four to six hours from now, if they agree to allurement. No outward signs of her teifling heritage
accept the assignment Barnabus will inform the PCs exists. She did have both a vestigial tail and bumps on
that no communication received by them will be her back where wings might have been, but all of these
authenticated as coming from him or Veribor unless it were removed in infancy by the hengeyokai crone.
bears the password “Cholent”. The PCs are to assume
that any supposed communications from him that do Marinto is unaware of her own heritage and believes
not bear the password are ruses by the enemy. she is, indeed, the daughter of the Shugo-daimyo. She
also believes she is completely human and will now
Passage out of the city will be made under the guise of know she possesses the special abilities of a teifling
a small caravan. This will include two large wagons (though, as a plot device, this could manifest at a
drawn by four oxen each. Within the wagons are food critical moment, such as during the battle with the
and provisions for the PCs, Marinto, her bodyguards, assassins). She believes her darkvision is the result of a
and the oxen for four months. Marinto and her blessing from her dead mother and has kept it a secret.
bodyguards will be placed in secret compartments in Due to her sheltered life, she has never been exposed
the floor of the wagon, these being lined with lead. to fire enough to know she has resistance to it. Due to
While the compartments are quite cramped, Marinto her upbringing, she never learned Infernal or Abyssal.
and her bodyguards need only remain inside of them
until the wagons are out of sight of the city, after which Marinto is in love with her suitor, Simojito, and is
they will stay inside the tarp covered wagons until somewhat saddened by her father’s insistence that she
they arrive at the keep. remain close by his side and unwed. She knows of the
crone’s prophecy, though it is unlikely to come up until
The journey can be as eventful or uneventful as the DM the PCs fight with her suitor.
wishes. The wagons travel across well-tended roads at
a rate of sixteen miles per day. The PCs can elect to cut
across the land straight to the keep, but although the
distance is shorter in miles, the rutted tracks are
harder on the wagons, especially in winter, and so it Note: This keep is fashioned after the Stone Tower
will still take twelve days to arrive at the keep no dungeon tiles presented in Dragon Magazine #295. DMs
matter which route is taken. with access to those tiles can use them here.

During the journey, the PCs will have a chance to After the twelve-day journey, the PCs will arrive at the
interact with Lady Marinto and her four bodyguards. keep. The guards here, a dozen men (treat as guards),
None of them speaks Common; they speak only will accept Barnabus’ documents as genuine. One of
Kozakuran and the Trade Tongue of Kara-tur. the guards will indicate that the documents order him
to show the PCs the entirety of the keep, including its
The bodyguards are dour and grim-faced and always secret rooms. He will do so, and then the men will pack
seem alert and poised on a knife’s edge. If spoken to in up and depart back to the city, handing one of the PCs
a language they can understand, they will be curt with a ring of iron keys.
their answers.
Refer to the House Riverine Safe Keep Map at the end
Lady Marinto possesses a pearl of speech given to her of this adventure for details.
by her father (see Appendix A). This item grants her
the power to speak and understand Common. Using The keep sits astride a slight ridge outthrust from the
this item, the PCs will be able to converse with her. highlands. It is in good shape, with a dry moat, a
curtain wall with a gatehouse, and an inner bailey
The four bodyguards are Faigons (which translates as composed of a rectangular building from which a
“devoted defender”, see Appendix B) in training who tower thrusts up some 50 feet.
are sworn from birth to protect their charge. They will
give their lives for their Lady, Marinto Ashishiko (see Unless otherwise stated, the keep is of dressed stone
Appendix B), who will be demur and shy around for its exteriors, floors, ceilings, and inner partitions.

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There is a 5 – 7.5 ft. ledge between the curtain wall and
All curtain walls and building/tower tops are the moat.
battlemented, with 2.5 foot wide merlons spaced 2.5
feet apart. The Curtain Wall (not shown on the map)
The curtain wall is 8 feet thick and 20 feet tall and
Ceilings. All rooms and hallways are 10 feet tall unless contains steps that lead up to allow the wall
otherwise stated. battlements to be manned. The steps are placed every
30 feet or so. The wall is circular and is 120 feet in
Light. All rooms and passages have sconces indicated diameter. At the northwest, southwest, northeast, and
by an orange oval on the map. These have torches southeast cardinal points are stone bastions. At the
stuck in them with continual flame spells cast upon south end is the gatehouse.
The Gatehouse (not shown on the map)
Sound. Due to the solid stone construction of the keep, The gatehouse is a two storey structure. It sits at the
sound does not travel well, especially from floor to south end of the curtain wall and is 25 feet tall with a
floor. Nevertheless, screams or the sound of battle on battlemented roof. The structure measures 30 feet
one floor can usually be heard by those on the floors wide by 15 feet deep.
above and below.
The ground level consists of a 10-foot wide
All doors are strong wooden doors, unless stated passageway that runs north through the gatehouse. At
otherwise. Locks require the keys given to the PCs or a each end of this is an iron portcullis, and at the south
DC 20 Dexterity (Thieves’ Tool) check to open. end is a thick wooden drawbridge. Murder holes look
down on this passageway from the second storey, and
All arrow slits are as indicated, 1.5 feet wide and 3.5 arrow slits line the walls of the passageway, one every
feet tall at the terminus end, slightly wider on the 5 feet.
inside. Exterior windows are uniformly 3 feet wide and
4 feet tall and all are barred with iron bars one inch in The passageway is flanked by two chambers, each 10
diameter and set six inches apart. These bars are feet wide by 15 feet deep. The western chamber
forged with crosspieces at the top and bottom set into contains a mechanism to raise and lower the
deep grooves in the stone and mortared shut. As such, drawbridge and the north portcullis. The eastern
it is not possible to simply pry the bars out with a chamber contains a mechanism to raise and lower the
dagger. south portcullis. Each chamber has a stone staircase
spiraling up to the second storey. Each also has a door
Secret doors are all stone doors and require a DC 25 in the north wall leading to the inner bailey. The
Wisdom (Perception) check to find the door and then a chambers are furnished with rough furnishings,
DC 20 Intelligence (Investigation) check to find the including a table and some chairs.
hidden switch. All such doors are secret from both
sides and each side has a hidden switch. An iron ladder on the second storey of each chamber
leads to a trap door to the roof that can be barred from
The first four locations are described, but not shown the underside.
on the map because it is unlikely that the PCs will man
these structures given the small number of PCs and the
The Bailey (not shown on the map)
rather large area encompassed by these structures.
The inner bailey is the area surrounded by the curtain
Therefore, the tactical focus of this adventure is on the
wall. Other than the stone tower itself, there is nothing
central tower.
of note here, the ground being muddy in some places
and grassy in others.
The Moat (not shown on the map)
The moat is dry. It is basically a large, muddy ditch A large wooden lean-to along one side of the bailey can
about 25 feet deep and 20 feet wide that surrounds the serve as a rough stable for the PCs’ mounts.
curtain wall of the keep. The bottom contains brush,
plant matter, and one section is clearly a midden. The
moat is full of insects, rats, and other scavengers.

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The Stone Tower First Floor
The exterior walls of the central stone tower are two
feet thick. The interior walls are one foot thick. Barracks
This is a single room that holds half a dozen feather
beds. At the foot of each bed is an empty chest with a
Ground Floor key stuck in the lock. Along the west wall is a weapon
Access to the ground floor is from the north, forcing
rack. Several coal braziers are present to provide
visitors and intruders to travel around the central
tower within the inner bailey before reaching the
Servants’ Quarters
Each of these is a plain room containing two stuffed
The entry is comprised of several stone steps leading
pallets set on wooden platforms and a single dresser
up to a portcullis.
with two drawers. All of the dressers are empty. Each
room also has a small coal brazier for warmth.
Guard Posts
These are areas flanking the entryway that allow the
guards to observe and fire upon anyone in the entry Second Floor
hallway. The western guardroom contains a small
bench and, along the west all, a weapon rack. Master Bedroom
The door to this room can be locked. This large room’s
The eastern guard post contains a small bench and a floor is done in polished marble. A large, fancy bed
mechanism for raising and lowering the portcullis with silk sheets sits against the western wall, with a
entry to the stone tower. small nightstand and washbasin set nearby. In the
northwest corner is a large wardrobe with several
To the west of the western guardroom is a small privy. drawers built into it. Along the east wall is a large
mirror in a wooden frame and a set of shelves. A
Common Area couple of coal braziers are present to provide warmth.
This large area contains a large hearth to the west that
vents through a chimney built into the thick exterior Bedrooms
stone walls and emerges through a slit just before The doors to these rooms can be locked. Within are a
reaching the roof. Cords of firewood are stacked to the plush feather bed, a nightstand and washbasin, a coal
south of the hearth. brazier, a small wardrobe, and an empty chest which
key is sticking out from the lock.
A large oak trestle table dominates the room, with a
velvet cloth and two brass candelabras set upon it. Six Third Floor
plain chairs flank the table, while a larger master’s seat
is set at the western head. Library
The doors to this room can be locked. Within is a large
Kitchen hearth along the west wall, sharing the chimney with
A standard, well-stocked kitchen, consisting of an iron the hearth in the common area. Two large plush red
oven in the southwest corner that vents through a flue chairs are set before the hearth, each with its own
in the wall and joins with the chimney for the hearth in ottoman and a small table with two goblets set
the common area. There is also a stack of firewood, a between them.
wooden cabinet holding dishes and place settings,
several tables for chopping, and a couple of stools. Flanking the hearth are two large urns that are stained
from old wine.
To the south are five barrels and a stack of crates. The
barrels hold water and the crates are empty. The walls of the room are covered in book shelves, and
within is a well-stocked library dealing with histories,
A small grate in the floor of the south part of the room myths and legends, fanciful tales, and accounts of
drains to a small hole in the exterior wall of the tower. battles.

To the south is a large mirror framed in wood. To the

west is an empty curio cabinet.

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Study/Office Roof
The doors to this room can be locked. Within, a large There are two strong wooden trapdoors set into the
blue table and red rug dominate the floor, leading to a floor of the roof. The larger one is actually a double
large teak desk and chair. A mug sits on the otherwise door and leads to the ramp below. The smaller one
clean desk. Behind the desk is a shelving unit that is leads to a wooden ladder in a guard post.
mostly empty, but holds a few books detailing flora
and fauna of the area and a few charts and maps of the Along with the trapdoors, the roof holds a pile of
surrounding area and of this keep, including some that weathered crates containing mundane supplies, such
are obviously plans for expansion of this structure. as 300 feet of hempen rope, hammers, nails, iron
spikes, etc. Three crates are full of arrows (400),
Along the south wall is a mirror in a wooden frame. crossbow bolts (400), and javelins (50). Two nearby
Two coal braziers are here to provide warmth. barrels contain flammable oil.

Fourth Floor A large trunk, almost 4 feet high , holds a block and
tackle set up that looks like it can be used to hoist
Guard Posts heavy objects up the outside of the stone tower from
The southwest guard post contains a weapon rack and the ground. It appears even horses could be hoisted. A
an empty cabinet. To the north, a wooden ladder leads DC 15 Intelligence check will be required to properly
to a trap door to the roof. This door can be barred by a set up the mechanism. Failure on this check by 5 or
stout metal bar from this side. more indicates a mishap will occur during a hoist.
Failure by less than 5 indicates the mechanism simply
The northeast guard post contains a bench, a stack of doesn’t operate or that it is apparent the mechanism is
sacks filled with feed, three barrels of water, and a not set up properly. It takes 10 minutes for each
large cabinet that looks like it might be designed to attempt to set up the mechanism.
hold saddles and tack and harness. It is currently
empty. Dungeon Level One
Stables Storage Room
Each stall consists of a good wooden door that can be This room contains three large casks filled with ale,
latched from the outside. Each door has a small wine, and beer respectively. Also here is a pile of crates
window set into it that can be opened to view the stall holding non-perishable foodstuffs. A pile of sacks holds
within. Each stall is divided from the other by a set of grains and legumes, and three barrels hold lamp oil.
iron bars one inch in diameter and six inches apart Several shelves are stacked full of mundane supplies
that runs from floor to ceiling. A grate set into the floor such as mugs, ewers, jugs, mirrors, sacks, etc.
of each stall drains to a hole in the exterior wall of the
tower. Combat Training Area
This room is set up to allow various sorts of martial
The middle stall of the western row contains six bales exercise. A wooden attack dummy stands in the room,
of hay and a barrel full of water. while along the wall is a weapon rack holding wooden
swords, practice axes, and blunt spears. A set of
Interestingly, the stables of this tower are located on barbells is on the floor, and set into the west wall are
the top floor and lead to the roof. While horses and two bullseye targets. Along the north wall are hung
other beasts could, in theory, be lead up and down the three metal shields. In the southwest corner is an
spiral staircase and into and out of the tower through empty chest.
the ground level, this is anything but practical. It
should be clear that this tower was designed for flying Gymnasium
mounts of Large size. This room consists of various metal bars and ladders
at varying heights all about the room, with a plush pad
Ramp on the floor under one bar.
This stone ramp leads up to a trapdoor set into the
roof. The trapdoor can be barred from this side by two
thick metal rods.

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Dungeon Level Two Marinto will go where requested by the PCs as far as
living arrangements are concerned, though her
Alchemy Lab bodyguards will try to arrange for her to get the
This is a small alchemical laboratory, consisting of two master bedroom and they to domicile in the other
worktables holding various empty vessels and flasks, a bedrooms on that floor. Marinto will not remain
stool, a shelf unit, a liquid bath, and a large trunk. cooped up inside her room for four months, and at the
very least, she will want to roam the stone tower. She
A large candelabra rests on one of the tables, along will try to gain permission to occasionally get a breath
with an open book that seems to be a very basic of fresh air and exercise by wandering the bailey or the
primer on alchemy. roof of the tower.

The shelf unit holds more basic treatises on alchemy. The bodyguards will certainly take turns using the
combat training area and gymnasium.
The liquid bath is empty but contains a silvery metal
interior lining its wooden frame. Underneath the silver The DM is encouraged to add some minor plot devices
lining is a lead lining. and encounters during the interludes between the two
attacks (see below). This will serve to somewhat divert
The trunk has a key sticking out of it, and inside are the players’ focus away from guard duty and will
racks for holding vials. There are a dozen empty vials provide a sense of time passing. A useful device the DM
inside and nothing else. can use is to introduce an encounter or two that, at
first, might seem to be the assassins attacking but
Magic Lab turns out to be little more than a random occurrence.
The southern portion of this chamber is given over to a Some examples include:
permanent inlaid summoning circle set with silvery
runes. Nearby is a reading table and stool. Upon the  A very strong storm wracks the keep. If winter, then
table is an open book containing instructions for a blizzard with complete white out conditions will
casting wizard cantrips; it appears to be an occur. If not winter, then heavy rains, winds, and
apprentice’s primer. Near to that stands a tall thunder and lightning will be present.
candelabra holding three thick black candles.
 Several large animals (e.g. some wolves and a black
Two wooden cabinet contain racks atop their drawers bear) will meet and fight outside the keep walls.
for holding vials and wands. These cabinets are empty. These will create quite a racket.

Torture Chamber  A PC will hear strange sounds coming from one of

Dried bloodstains still dot the floor of this chamber. A the dungeon levels. Investigation will turn up some
stone chair sits to the west, with wrist restraints built normal rats squeaking around there.
into the arms. Next to that is a cabinet holding
manacles, gags, a small torture implements such as  Scratching sounds on the roof late at night come
gouges, scalpels, needles, thumb screws, clamps, and from a giant owl that is temporarily roosting there
vices. Along the south wall is a rack, and to the north is for the night using it as a perch from which to
a bin filled with hot coals. A Candelabra stands nearby. observe and hunt the surrounding countryside. The
owl will leave if molested or one its own the next
Prison afternoon.
Each of these 10 foot by 5 foot cells is warded by an
iron door set with a key lock and an iron bar on the

Life in the Keep The first attack will come about a month or so into the
stay at the stone tower. Simojito has arrived, and he
The PCs have a four month stay ahead of them, so the
believes that the PCs have kidnapped Marinto; he
DM should let them settle into the place, take what
seeks to rescue her from the evil clutches of the PCs.
precautions they like, organize watches, et al.

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Simojito is being manipulated by the hengeyokai into
helping her find Marinto. He and Marinto truly and Simojito was given, by the crone, a potion of gaseous
deeply love each other, even though they have only form, a potion of climbing, and a bone key talisman (see
met a few brief times in the Shugo-daimyo’s palace, Appendix A), to help rescue his beloved. The three
and this love has formed a mystical bond that the items are certainly good enough to get him into the
hengeyokai hopes to exploit. tower. He will likely try to go through an upper
window at night in gaseous form and then save his
When Marinto was first spirited away from Kozakura, other potion and talisman to rescue Marinto and make
the hengeyokai was frustrated, for she could not locate good their escape.
the Shugo-daimyo’s daughter and could therefore not
direct the rebellious nobles’ assassins to Marinto’s Simojito also wears the amulet crafted by the crone,
location. But, when Simojito arrived at her lair seeking which is a piece of amber on a leather thong with a
the “old crone” of the prophecy, who he believed could lock of Marinto’s hair set inside it.
use her prescience to find his beloved, the hengeyokai
was elated. She used a lock of Marinto’s hair given to The young samurai also has a heavy crossbow fitted
Simojito as a keepsake to forge an amulet that would with a mechanism to fire a grappling hook up to 100
use the strength of the love-bond between Simojito feet into the air. He has such a hook and 100 feet of silk
and Marinto to locate the daughter. rope and he will use this to scale the tower walls if
possible, saving his potion of climbing to give to
The hengeyokai stoked Simojito’s fervor by pretending Marinto.
to divine that Marinto had been kidnapped and that
she faced all sorts of dire consequences if not rescued Unless there is a guard on the roof, Simojito’s plan will
immediately. She then handed the amulet to Simojito likely involve firing the grappling hook to the roof,
and urged him to rescue his fair maiden with all due climbing up, using his bone key talisman on the small
haste. The young samurai then hired a loyal wu-jen to trapdoor there, and then entering the keep to find
teleport him to the vicinity of the keep (the wu-jen Marinto. If such an ascent to the roof will likely not
then immediately teleported back to Kozakura). This succeed unnoticed, then he will resort to using his
was only possible because of the powers of the amulet, potion of gaseous form to float up to a window and pass
which allowed Simojito to visualize the area and through the iron bars into the keep.
convey that to the wu-jen. Nevertheless, even this
method was risky, as the amulet only allows Simojito Simojito will be quite aggressive when he first enters
to teleport with a description of the area, but the keep, though he is no murderer and will not finish
fortunately for him, the teleport was on target. off those he has defeated (at least not as long as his
beloved is alive and unharmed).
Unbeknownst to Simojito, the hengeyokai then crafted
an amulet of her own that would key to the amulet she It is likely that Simojito will run afoul of Marinto’s
had given Simojito, so that she and the assassins could bodyguards or one of the PCs. The Faigons or the PC is
follow Simojito and slay Marinto. almost certain to assume he is an assassin sent to slay
Marinto. Given that Simojito believes the PCs and
If everything worked according to plan, Simojito would Marinto’s Faigons have kidnapped her, a fight is likely
find Marinto, slay or weaken anyone guarding Marinto, to break out.
and then the assassins could clean up whoever
prevailed. During this battle, Simojito will loudly call for Marinto,
asking where she is and telling her that he will rescue
Simojito (see Appendix B) is not an evil person. In fact, her. If the PCs can understand him, it is likely they will
he is quite righteous and honourable. He is simply love realize he is not an assassin.
struck and gullible and is also subject to the Kozakuran
viewpoint that all Westerners are horrible barbarians. The bodyguards will make no such distinction, as they
Thus, when he learns from his amulet that his beloved do not know Simojito and will not care that he is
is being held prisoner in a keep in the lands of the calling for Marinto in a very un-assassin-like manner.
Westerners, his mind will run wild with images of
Westerners violating his love and this will cause him to If Marinto can hear Simojito’s shouts, she will
attack the PCs first and ask questions later. recognize him and express surprise at this presence.

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She will order her Faigons to stand down and try to believes she is in danger from the rebellious noble
make the PCs stop fighting as well. If necessary, she families and because he feels shamed at having
will interpose herself between the PCs and Simojito. possibly misunderstood with PCs’ intent and so he
wishes to try to reclaim his honour.
She will certainly plead with Simojito to stop fighting,
though her pleas might take a round or two, as Simojito will observe the proprieties of Kozakuran
Simojito may believe she is charmed or somehow society with regard to himself and Marinto and they
enchanted to side with the PCs. will sleep apart. However, despite attempts to prevent
it by the Faigons, he will try to spend time with her,
Once things are calmed down, Marinto and Simojito conversing with her and even attempting to hold
will converse in Kozakuran, explaining their own hands and have some private moments together. It is
situations to each other and then, eventually, to the up to the PCs whether they allow this and, if so, how
PCs. they overcome the strenuous objections of the Faigons
(who are loyal to the Shugo-daimyo over Marinto). If
Should Simojito somehow sneak past everyone and get the two lovers are allowed to spend time together, it
to Marinto, she will explain her circumstance to him will be clear to anyone observing them that what was
and eventually convince him of the truth of the an intense infatuation has blossomed into a deep and
situation. They will then go to the PCs and introduce true love. The DM is encouraged to play this up, with
Simojito to them. Simojito bringing Marinto flowers from the
surrounding countryside and reading her poetry, et al.
Nevertheless, a fight between the PCs and Simojito In all it will be an excellent example of courtly love.
would be dramatic and the DM is encouraged to make
it happen. If the PCs reduce Simojito’s hit points to 0,
but the PCs have not chosen to knock him out, the DM
should allow the samurai to make death saving throws
just like the PCs rather than assume he has died. Several weeks after Simojito’s attack, the hengeyokai
crone (see Appendix B) and her eight ninja assassins
Once peaceful contact is established, Simojito will (see Appendix B) will arrive. They used the link
explain that he was told by an oracular crone that his between Simojito’s amulet and her own to get enough
beloved had been kidnapped by Westerners and that familiarity of the area around the keep to teleport
horrible fates would befall her. So, he came here to there using a spell scroll, but in this case the teleport
rescue her. Marinto will ask if this crone is the crone of was off by a fair distance, so that even though this
the prophecy, and Simojito will affirm that she was. group teleported shortly after Simojito did, it took
weeks for them to trek from where they had
By this time, the PCs should be curious about the crone teleported to the keep.
and the prophecy. If they ask Marinto about it, she will
tell them of the crone’s prophecies, how the first ones To aid in her attack, the hengeyokai has brought along
came true, and that the remaining oracles hang heavily some magic items that she will use during her assault
upon the head of her father. on the keep. These include a bone key talisman (see the
description at the end of this adventure), a potion of
Is Simojito has been slain, Marinto will be overcome greater healing, and two packets of dust of
with grief. She will explain to the PCs who he was and disappearance.
express puzzlement as to why he came here. The magic
of the amulet will have been spent in locating Marinto, The hengeyokai will scout the keep as a sparrow,
so that will provide no explanations. Short of a speak which should be virtually impossible for the PCs to
with dead spell, his presence will remain something of divine, as sparrows are quite common in the area
a mystery. during daylight hours.

Assuming Simojito is still alive, he will demand that he The exact plan of the assassins is left up to the DM,
be allowed to remain in the tower to help guard since they will shape their plan based on whatever
Marinto. It might be clear to perceptive PCs that he still precautions they observe being taken by those in the
doesn’t entirely trust his beloved in the hands of the keep.
PCs. However, he also wants to stay because he

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All things being equal, a likely plan would be for the
hengeyokai to fly into some window in the tower in
sparrow form, attempt to make her way to the roof
through a trap door, and then lower a rope to allow the There are several outcomes to this adventure, and
assassins to climb up and enter the tower from the these are dealt with below.
roof, the hengeyokai using her bone key talisman to
gain access through the trapdoor there. If Simojito is alive, his time spent with Marinto in the
tower has fully cemented their love, and Marinto will
Nevertheless, if a better plan presents itself after not wish to be returned to her father. She will instead
observing the routine of the keep for several days, then desire to leave with Simojito and be trothed to him and
she will alter her plans accordingly. live with his family.

The assassins are only under orders to slay Marinto About a week or two before the end of the four month
(and to bring her head back to prove the deed to the period, Marinto will request, in private, away from her
nobles). That is their primary goal and they are bodyguards, that the PCs allow her and Simojito to
professionals who go about their task with business- leave on their own after the four months are over. She
like precision. They will not deliver attacks on downed will offer the PCs her carried wealth (100 gp and 50
PCs or chase fleeing PCs unless those foes have proven pp) if she thinks that will help convince them and will
their willingness to rejoin the fight after doing so. plead her case for true love very persuasively (note
her Persuasion skill, although the PCs should decide
The hengeyokai is primarily interested in helping the for themselves whether she has convinced them). Her
assassins slay Marinto. However, she will also wish to arguments should be very compelling, tugging on the
dispose of Simojito, if he is still alive, to cover her emotions of the PCs.
tracks and to eliminate a potential future enemy. She is
thoroughly evil, however, and would very much enjoy Obviously, her bodyguards will not allow this and will
causing the PCs pain and suffering, and death as well, if have to be dealt with. If they catch wind of what is
it doesn’t hinder her primary goals. happening, they will even use force against the PCs and
Simojito to return Marinto to her father. If Marinto and
The assassins and the hengeyokai will not give up or Simojito turn up missing, the Faigons will leave to hunt
surrender, and they will not leave until they have them down. The PCs could, in this case, try to imprison
completed their mission. Failure for the assassins the bodyguards long enough for Marinto and Simojito
means ritual suicide if they cannot continue to make to get a good head start. Or, more brutally, the PCs can
their attempts. kill the bodyguards.

That said, there is nothing to stop the assassins from If the PCs refuse to let Marinto leave, Simojito and she
pulling out of a bad encounter with the PCs and, will probably try to escape on their own. Simojito will
instead, seeking to assault the keep at a later time or try his best not to hurt any PCs in this case, but if he is
even, in extremis, planning an attack on the PCs and forced to, he will. The bodyguards will, in this case,
Marinto as they make their way back to Barnabus on assist the PCs in restraining the two lovers and/or
the roads or overland. tracking them down should they manage to escape.

The hengeyokai is so focused on her revenge and the If Simojito is not alive, Marinto will be distraught but
long years of elaborate planning needed to bring her to will return to her father willingly.
this point that she will not flee or give up.
The PCs will receive a courier at the keep at the end of
Of course, if the assassins pull back and keep a watch four months. This courier bears a sealed note that
on the tower, the PCs could track them to their camp requests the PCs return Marinto to Barnabus for
and ambush the ninjas! reclamation by her father. The note is signed

If the PCs have let Marinto leave with Simojito, then

they have some tough explaining to do to Barnabus, if
they even have the guts to return to the merchant.

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Barnabus will lose all trade ties to Kozakura when the
Shugo-daimyo finds out his daughter is gone. If the PCs
do return, Barnabus will not care one whit about “true
love”, as his love is of wealth and power. He will be
furious with the PCs, naming them oathbreakers and
betrayers, and he will have to be restrained by his
wizard, Veribor. Barnabus will refuse to pay the PCs
anything and order them out of his manor and to never
darken his doorstep again. The PCs will have made a
powerful enemy, though one more likely to oppose
them politically and economically rather than directly.

If the PCs choose to respond to Barnabus’ wrath with

force, the DM should assume Barnabus has many
guards within call and Veribor is a powerful wizard in
his own right.

If Marinto was slain, then the PCs will have failed their
mission. Barnabus will be very disappointed, as this
means the end of any trade prospects with Kozakura.
He will ask how it happened, but assuming the PCs do
not divulge any complicity or negligence, then he will
thank them for trying their best and send them on
their way. He will not pay them the reward, since they
did not complete their mission.

If the PCs attempt to lie to Barnabus about what

happened (for example, they let Marinto go off with
Simojito but claim she was slain by assassins), then
assume Barnabus has a Wisdom (Insight) bonus of +8
to be opposed by the PC’s Charisma (Deception) check.

If Marinto is returned to Barnabus, then he will be

overjoyed. The successful completion of this task will
cement trade opportunities with the Shugo-daimyo,
who has now quelled the revolting nobles and has
secured his province…for now.

Award standard XP for defeated foes. Remember to

divide XP amongst all of the PCs and NPCs who
participated in a given fight.

Additionally, if the PCs allowed Marinto and Simojito

to leave together, then each PC should receive an
additional 500 XP.

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Wondrous item, uncommon
This small talisman is shaped like a key made of bone.
When squeezed in one hand and concentrated upon,
the talisman will allow its wielder to cast the knock
spell as an action. After casting the spell three times,
the talisman crumbles to dust.

Wondrous item, uncommon

This pearl, when placed under the tongue, allows the
wielder to speak and understand a single language
that is chosen at the time the item was created.
Inserting or removing the pearl is an action.

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This section presents statistics for NPCs encountered
in this adventure that are not presented in the Monster

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