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Name: Miguel De Gracia 8-970-1395

Illustrated Vocabulary 2.

Instructions: find the meanings in Spanish of the phrasal verbs in the chart and match them with their respective image.

Drop by. Look forward. Sort out. Warm up.

Fall apart. Make up. Stick to. Wear off.
Figure out. Point out. Tear up. Work out.
Get along. Put off. Think back. Whine up.

1-Luis has serious problems; he is always 4-Be careful when you travel by Metro
Working out fake stories. 2-Geena Drop by every day from 5:00 pm to because some bad odors can Stick to in
6:00 pm. 3-Tamara Sort out to meet her virtual
your clothes.
boyfriend very soon.

5-Roger Think back about how things 6-It took only 1 week from them to Look
were before the pandemic. forward their midyear holidays. 7-The clever thief is Wearing off with all
his customer’s money. 8-She is Figuring out how to change that
flat wheel.
10--After their divorce, their lives truly Make
9-Luke’s girlfriend is Putting off about up apart.
everything all the time. 11-Laura is worried because she doesn’t
12-The construction worker is so upset
Get along with other people that easily.
that he is Tearing up his work contract.

13-My mother-in-law always Fall apart

when I want to be alone with my wife.
14-The soccer player is Pointing out where 15-Some parents tend to Whine up their
the fault was committed. children because of their low grades. 16-The team Warm up before they start
the match.

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