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White Light of Protection and love Meditation Script

Welcome my dear Sanga, thank you for joining me in today’s practice. Today we
shall be doing a meditation to surround ourselves with the white light of
protection and love.

So, get into a comfortable position so that you can be completely at ease, sit with
your spine comfortably straight. Keep your shoulders relaxed and let it drop
down… arms laying comfortably by your side, or on your lap, palms facing up or
down whichever works for you.

Gently close your eyes.

Bring your attention to your breath. Inhale and follow the air all the way in, exhale
and follow the air all the way out…. Inhale and feel the coolness of the breath,
exhale and feel the release of the warm air. Inhale and feel the relaxation going
deep within you, exhale and feel the relaxation surrounding you.

As you continue to breathe in and out slowly, See yourself now standing in a
beautiful forest. You are surrounded by tall trees swaying in the gentle breeze.
The ground is soft and there are plenty of small flowering plants growing around

You take a deep breath; the air is clean and crisp. You look up to the sky and see
the sunlight dappling through the leaves. The energy around you feels so
peaceful and quiet.

You slowly walk along the path in front of you as you enjoy this sense of serene
peace emanating from the trees and the air around you.

You notice the sound of water filtering through the forest you follow the sound
and come to a small clearing with a beautiful pool and a small waterfall. You
walk up to the pool and see that it is not filled water at all. It is in fact filled with
the most beautiful white light. It looks like water and moves like water, but it
shimmers and glimmers as it flows.

You look down into the pool of light and can see that the bottom is filled with
smooth rocks that are clean and grey. The light looks so inviting. You remove
one of your shoes and gingerly place the tips of your toes into the liquid light.
You are surprised to find that it is pleasantly warm… Just perfect! You remove
both your shoes and decide to wade into the pool of light.

As you step into the pool, the warmth travels all the way up your legs and whole
body soothing your whole being… You ae filled with so much love. You breath a
deep sigh of relaxation…. It’s as if you are coming home.

You continue to wade in, the light flows up your legs and thighs, up to your hips
and lower back… the warmth melting away any tightness in your lower body and
back…. You slowly sit down and the liquid white light washes all the way up your
shoulders and arms…. The warmth, seeping into your skin, deep into your
muscles, to your very bones dissolving away any lingering tension…. And leaving
only pure relaxation. The wonderful sensation travels up your neck and to your
head…. You lift up your legs from beneath you and the light effortlessly carries
your weight as you gently float on its surface, the warmth surrounding your
body and cushioning your head so gently… You feel so safe, so protected within
this warm white light…

After a little while, you get up and walk out of this beautiful pool. And as you do
so you notice that the white light has formed a translucent bubble of light
around you. You intuitively know that this white light of protection will always be
with you whenever you need it. Enjoy this feeling.

Allow yourself now to focus back on your breath as you gently bring yourself
back to your present awareness. Move your shoulders, arms and legs. And when
you are ready, slowly open your eyes….

You are always safe, you are always protected and you are always loved.

I thank you Pamposh sinseh and beloved sanga for allowing me to share this
practice with you today.

I love you.


© 2021 Shamla Ramasamy

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