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Epistle of Paul to the


Opening Prayer
Take, O Lord, and receive all my
liberty, my memory, my
understanding, and my entire will.
Whatever I have or hold, You have
given me; I restore it all to You and
surrender it wholly to be governed by
Your will. Give me only Your love and
Your grace, and I am rich enough and
ask for nothing more.

All: Grant me the serenity to accept

the things I cannot change, the
courage to change the things I can,
and the wisdom to know the
difference. 2
May God the Father bless us.
May God the Son heal us.
May God the Holy Spirit enlighten us,
and give us eyes to see with, ears to
hear with, hands to do the work of God
with, feet to walk with, and mouth to
preach the word of salvation with.
And may the angel of peace watch over
us and lead us at last, by our Lord’s gift,
to the Kingdom. Amen.
Closing Prayer
We thank you Lord, for
allowing us to end this class
We thank you to our mentor
who have shared his
knowledge with us.
All: God grant me the serenity
to accept the things I cannot
change; courage to change
the things I can; and wisdom
to know the difference.
May God the Father bless us.
May God the Son heal us.
May God the Holy Spirit enlighten us,
and give us eyes to see with, ears to
hear with, hands to do the work of God
with, feet to walk with, and mouth to
preach the word of salvation with.
And may the angel of peace watch over
us and lead us at last, by our Lord’s gift,
to the Kingdom. Amen.

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