You are on page 1of 130


dpyd ini lkl zelitzd xcq

ycg gqep

oey`x jxk
mipihw mibgle leg inil

oiaex-ei'bxe'b ryedi
A Mahzor for Every Day of the Year


Volume I
For Ordinary Days and Minor Festivals

Joshua Giorgio-Rubin
New material and English translation, except where noted,
Copyright © 2020 by Joshua Ethan Giorgio-Rubin

South Bend, Indiana

,ipa sqeil

d`ex ip` ely eipiray

mei lk did` z`
For my son, Joseph,

in whose eyes I see

the Divine each day


PREFACE . . . . . xv


Reciting Sh’ma Yisra’el on Waking . 2
Talli[s/t] and Tefillin . . . 4
Morning Blessings . . . . 6
Verses of Song . . . . 14
Decalogue, Sh’ma Yisra’el, and Their Blessings 26
Amidah . . . . . 36
Supplication . . . . . 64
Our Maker, Our Light . . . 72
Torah Reading . . . . 74
Ashrei . . . . . . 78
Thus Said the Sibyl . . . . 82
Returning the Torah to the Ark . . 84
Concluding Prayers . . . . 86

HALLEL . . . . . 90


Song for the Day . . . . 102
Blessing for the Day . . . . 108







Blessings Concerning Nature . . 156
Blessings Concerning People and Their Bodies 160
Dedication of the Home . . . 168
Blessings Concerning Acts of Kindness . 170
Blessings for a Meal with Bread . . 174
Blessings for Grains and Wine . . 180
Blessings for Other Foods . . . 186

Travelers’ Prayer . . . . 186
Prayer for Drivers . . . . 188
Prayer for Livelihood . . . 190


Celebrating the Covenant . . . 192
Ba[s/t]/Ben Mitzvah . . . . 196
Wedding Ceremony . . . . 198
Blessing After Deliverance from Danger . 202
Prayer Before Dying . . . 202
Funeral Service . . . . 204
In a House of Mourning . . . 210
On the Anniversary of a Death . . 212


Opening Prayers . . . . 214
Amidah . . . . . 218
Supplication . . . . . 244
Source of Our Lives . . . . 248
Concluding Prayers . . . . 250



Hanukkah . . . . . 256
Hag HaShiv’im . . . . 258



Rosh Hodesh . . . . . 266
First of Nisan . . . . 270
Yom HaAtzma’u[s/t] . . . . 278
Lag BaOmer . . . . . 282
Fifteenth of Av . . . . 284
First of Elul . . . . . 290
Sig’d . . . . . . 300
Hanukkah . . . . . 304
Hag HaShiv’im . . . . 310
Fifteenth of Sh’vat . . . . 318


Opening Prayers . . . . 324
Decalogue, Sh’ma Yisra’el, and Their Blessings 326
Amidah . . . . . 336
Our God in Heaven . . . . 360
Concluding Prayers . . . . 362
At the Conclusion of the Sabbath . . 368
Sanctifying the New Moon . . . 370
Havdalah . . . . . 372
Counting the Omer




Tikkun Rahel
Tikkun Leah

Shahar Avakesh’ha
Ein Keloheinu
Adon Olam

Inherited Rites . . . . [I]
Additional Sources . . . . [III]
Citations and Commentary. . . [VI]


This prayer book began, as so many quests for “authenticity” do,

with really bad news. My father, a pious Conservadox Jew, was
diagnosed with terminal cancer, and he did not have much time
One night, he mustered the strength to turn toward me
and say, “Don’t you flush 4,000 years of history down the toilet.”
I had not had much of a relationship with Judaism since my Bar
Mitzvah. To a deeply closeted gay kid in the 1980s, an Orthodox
synagogue and Day School were no places to foster a positive
Jewish identity.
Before I acted on my father’s admonition and took the
plunge back into organized Jewish life, I read up on the various
movements’ stances on homosexuality. Having no
Reconstructionist option, I decided to go Reform. Eventually,
however, I became positively infuriated by the services—not
necessarily by their performance, but by the prayer book I held
in my hands. By my mid-twenties I had very little knowledge of
Hebrew left, beyond the ability to decode it, but over time I was
able to discern the book juxtaposed Hebrew texts with English
texts that had absolutely nothing to do with each other, and
there was absolutely no indication this was the case. This
liturgy, which I had previously found edifying, gradually made
my prayer feel wholly inauthentic.
Just before I severed my relationship with Reform—not
for the last time—my father died. I imagine this was his way of
saying, “I told you so.” Next I went Conservative, but I
discovered the same thing. My Hebrew had gotten a little
better, and I realized the translation in the prayer book so
sanitized the Hebrew text that there was often little original
meaning left. (And, for the record, the same problem exists with
a great many Orthodox siddurim. They are translated to affirm


a particular, narrow reading of Judaism.)

This led to a compound problem: Not only did I feel the
Conservatives were lying to their customers, just like the
Reform, I, too, did not agree with a great number of the
concepts contained in the Hebrew text both movements
attempted to soften. I had begun taking prayer very seriously,
so when I prayed, I did not want to hedge; I wanted to say what
I meant.
I knew, though, that no synagogue or movement can
satisfy all congregants all the the time, so I decided I would
assemble a siddur for a minyan of one. I would still go to
services, but I would have a nusah of my own to supplement my
public spiritual life.
I imagined I could complete a draft in six months or a
year and get my authentic praying underway. In about that
amount of time, I completed a trimmed down, Ashkenazi text
peppered with a few interesting emendations and some
selections from The Penguin Book of Hebrew Verse. At the
time, I honestly thought I had done exactly what I set out to do.
A couple of years later, though, I started graduate
school, and while I did not study anything in the realm of
Jewish Studies, I began to take the idea of research very
seriously. I decided to revisit my draft and see if there were any
other ways I could personalize it. Suddenly, I found there would
always be another text to pore over, another variation to weigh,
another perspective to consider, more context to fill in, and
another discourse to explore. I was completely unprepared for
what I would learn. My little project had turned into something
enormous, and the work on the siddur I thought I finished had
not even begun.
During the more than 15 years I played around with that
trimmed-down Ashkenazi text, I learned about siddurim with


wild textual variations from Jewish communities I never knew

existed. I learned why the various Jewish movements revised
their prayer books as they did, and what prevented them from
going in different directions. I learned Rabbinic Judaism is a
fairly recent invention. I learned that, before the rabbis, the
Second Temple saw a creative and productive time, rich in
theological diversity. I learned there still exists today the
Karaite community, which has not had much patience for the
Talmud for well over a millenium.
I learned about Ethiopian Jews and the fact they
practiced a Judaism completely disconnected from almost
everything I knew to be traditional, with its distinct festivals and
sacred texts. I learned how the Israeli Chief Rabbinate stripped
them of much of their distinctiveness, and I learned about lost
and emerging Jewish communities around the world.
I learned about Samaritans, who are Children of Israel in
every way, and about their own version of the Pentateuch. I
learned the Bible is not even the Bible; rather, it is a collection
of Bibles, each with its unique readings, canon, and agenda.
I learned about the innovative theological and liturgical
territory carved out by progressive rabbis in Germany, the
United States, and England. I learned how progressive
American and Israeli Jewry dealt with the twin realities of the
Holocaust and a Jewish nation-state—and I learned how
destructive it can be when we allow our collective unconscious
to fetishize select realities. I learned how we are lulled into
believing Jewish feminism is central to progressive religious
life when it actually remains at the margins.
More than anything else, though, I learned two things: I
learned I love Judaism—in all its incarnations, for all its
contradictions, for all its flaws, and for all efforts to correct
those flaws—and I learned I love being Jewish. I love being


Jewish because I learned there is no such thing as “the Jewish

world.” Instead, there are worlds within worlds within worlds,
and, like a magic carpet, the right text transports me wherever I
want to go.
This prayer book is my travelogue.

Though I could not necessarily have articulated them during

all stages of the redaction process, hindsight reveals I was
driven by the following 13 aspirations:
1. To weave together rich and varied voices, particularly
those that had been lost or marginalized.
2. To explore the true breadth of Jewish diversity.
3. To embrace the cause of Jewish feminism.
4. To confront the matter of God’s gender(lessness)
thoroughly and systematically, in Hebrew and in
5. To confront all manifestations of idolatry.
6. To honor Rabbinic forms while challenging the
hegemony of Rabbinic Judaism.
7. To honor great liturgies and liturgists.
8. To re-engage theological discussions ended by the
destruction of the Second Temple.
9. To expand the Jewish collective memory.
10. To affirm the legitimacy of Diaspora Judaism.
11. To reconstruct texts and rituals predicated on value
systems lost to history.
12. To affirm the unity of all existence.
13. To create a meaningful and intellectually honest
dialogue with God.

The extent to which I have met these objectives is not for

me to judge. Though this rite is, first and foremost, my


personal siddur, I humbly offer it to others in hope it awakens

in them even a sliver of the same reverence for the Divine and
our people it awakens in me.

Joshua Giorgio-Rubin
Teve[s/t], 5780

dnkyd lr l`xyi rny z`ixw leg inil zixgy xcq

dnkyd lr

,zn«¤ I¤ w© d© e§ dÏg© d© gE
© x« d̈ ,K¦i«p© ẗl§ i¦p £̀ [dcFn\d
¤ c̈Fn]
¥ ` dÄx© ;dxF`
¨ l§ dl̈t£̀
¥ n¥ i¦pz«
§ `i
¨ vFd
¦ W ¤
mici zlihp lr

,lŸMd© KFzA§ W
¤ zEdŸl¡`d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE dk̈ExA§
.m¦ic̈« ï zli
© h§
¦ pA¦ WC̈wª O§ d© e§ zW
¤ C«¤wª O§ d©
ziviv lr

,lŸMd© KFzA§ W
¤ zEdŸl¡`d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE dk̈ExA§
.zivi¦ v¦ A§ WC̈wª O§ d© e§ zW
¤ C«¤wª O§ d©
jenk jrxl zad`e

¤ dU
¥ r£ z©ev§ n¦ il© r̈ lA¥ w© l§ oÖªfnE
§ ok̈En i¦pp§ d¦
.iR¦ gY© t§ ¤̀ d¤f zEk§faE
¦ ,LFn« M̈ Lr£ x¥l§ Ÿa§ d© `¨ e§
l`xyi rny

.`Ed cg̈ ¤̀ d¤ed© § i ;Epi«dŸl¡

¥ ` d¤ed©
§ i :l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i ,rn© W§
;Ep«z¥ xF`
¨ dl̈Fc§B ;Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ zg© `©
¤ ml̈Frl§ d̈i«zFn ¤ W§ mi`¦ xFp¨ e§ miWFc
¦ w§
miaeh micqg lneb

.min¦ C̈x¦§p uiw¦ O¥ d© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ



I gratefully acknowledge You, the Spirit Who lives and endures,

for You have delivered me from darkness to light; Your
faithfulness is abundant.


Blessed is the Ever-Becoming, the Divinity within all things,

Who is sanctified through hand-washing.


Blessed is the Ever-Becoming, the Divinity within all things,

Who is sanctified through tzitzi[s/t].


I declare myself willing and prepared to personally accept

the affirmative commandment,
“You shall love your neighbor as yourself,”
and by virtue of this will I open my mouth.


Take heed, O Israel: the Self-Existent is our God;

the Self-Existent is one alone.
One is our God; great is our Light;
holy and awe-inspiring are Her names forever and ever.


Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities,
Who wakes the sleeping.

oilitze zilh leg inil zixgy xcq

,däix¦n§ WaFM ¥ d© KExÄ

.ziW`¦ x¥a§ dU ¥ r£ n© A§ zECg§ `© `ia¦ O¥ d© e§ ,d`§ ¨ pU¦ xia¦ r£ O© d©
eiz̈FIx¦A§ lM̈ xX ¥ w© O§ d© ,Epi«p¥ ir¥ n¥ ml̈r¤ ¡Pd© KExÄ
.dä£d`© e§ zExW ¥ ix¥W§ w¦ A§
zEIxf̈¦ k§ `© ik¥ x§C©n¦ Epxi «¥ q¦ Öd© KExÄ
.zEciq£ ¦ g ik¥ x§C© Epc«¥O§ l© nE §
¦ A§ d© i¥Ph© w§ A¦ oŸhẅl§ cFaM̈ z`© x¦§ie§ dëp̈r£ d¤Ev© n§ d© KExÄ
,mFlẌd© xFwn§ KExÄ
¥ l¥ W§ l¦ xr« ©X © d© `Ed mFlẌd© iM¦
.FaEhlE § ml̈Frd̈ iti ¦ l¦ Epi«p¥ ir¥ gw© R§ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀ ¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀
zFgR̈W§ O¦ d© :ig© lM̈ ax¥ẅO§ d© LnFl § W§ i¥vit¦ n§ `p̈Îd¤id¦ §p
.mz̈Exa§ g© A§ mi¦Ig© il¥ r£ aE © ,mz̈Epn̈¡`p¤ A§ mici¦ c§¦ i ,mz̈ä£d`© A§
¦ Lic«¤q̈£gA§ dïExX§ d© Lzp̈i § k¦ W§ A¦ xiM© ¦ p aEW mFi lk̈A§
.miaFh ¦ mic¦ q̈£g lnFB ¥ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
. . .
zilh ztihr

,lŸMd© KFzA§ W
¤ zEdŸl¡`d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE dk̈ExA§
.ziN¦ h© zti © h¦ r£ A§ WC̈wª O§ d© e§ zW
¤ C«¤wª O§ d©
oilitz zgpd
For the arm:

,lŸMd© KFzA§ W
¤ zEdŸl¡`d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE dk̈ExA§
.oiN¦ t¦ Y§ zgP̈£
© dA§ WC̈wª O§ d© e§ zW
¤ C«¤wª O§ d©


Blessed is the One Who conquers strife,

transforms hatred, and brings unity to the work of creation.
Blessed is the One concealed from our sight,
Who binds all His creations with knots of cooperation and love.
Blessed is the One Who releases us from ways of cruelty
and teaches us ways of kindness.
Blessed is the the One Who commands humility,
and respect for the dignity of even the tiniest creatures.
Blessed is the Source of peace,
for peace is the gateway to our completion.
Ever-Becoming God, open our eyes to the beauty of the world
and to its goodness. Let us be conduits of Your peace, through
which all living things are connected: families through their
love, friends through their faithfulness, and animals through
their companionship. Everyday, let us recognize Your
all-encompassing presence anew in Your infallible grace.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who bestows infallible grace.

. . .

Blessed is the Ever-Becoming, the Divinity within all things,

Who is sanctified through wrapping the talli[s/t].


For the arm:

Blessed is the Ever-Becoming, the Divinity within all things,

Who is sanctified through laying tefillin.

xgyd zekxa leg inil zixgy xcq

For the head:

,lŸMd© KFzA§ W
¤ zEdŸl¡`d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE dk̈ExA§
.oiN¦ t¦ z§ A¦ WC̈wª O§ d© e§ zW
¤ C«¤wª O§ d©
On winding the middle finger:

,ml̈Frl§ il¦ KiY¦ U§ x© ¥̀ e§

¦ gx©aE
§ cq«
¤ g¤ aE
§ ,hR̈W§ n¦ aE
§ wc«¤ v¤ A§ il¦ KiY¦ U§ x© ¥̀ e§
§ i z ¤̀ Y§ r© cï
«© e§ ,dp̈En¡`A¤ il¦ KiY¦ U§ x© ¥̀ e§
. . .
eah dn

.l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i Li«zŸ £ i Li«l¤ d̈Ÿ` EaŸH« dn©
¤ pM§ W§ n¦ ,aŸwr©
.dR̈l¦§ f K¦izŸ
«© pM§ W§ n¦ ,d`¨ l¥ K¦il «© d̈Ÿ` EaŸH« dn©
.dd̈l§ A¦ K¦izŸ«© pM§ W§ n¦ ,lg¥ x¨ K¦il «© d̈Ÿ` EaŸH« dn©
.oFvx¨ zr¥ ,d¤ed© § i ,Ll§ iz¦ l̈t¦ z§ i¦p £̀ e©
.Lr«¤ W¦
§ i zn¡ ¤ `A¤ i¦p«p¥ r£ ,LC«¤q§ g© ax¨A§ ,midŸl¡ ¦ `
sebd zkxa

z ¤̀ dx¨vï
§ xW£̀
¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
cA¥ k© lE
§ ,FzẌcªw§ A¦ xiM¦ d© l§ igŸ¦ kA§ dp̈zp̈ § e§ ,dn̈k§ g̈A§ sEBd©
© Kx¤Ÿ`« l§ K¦izF`
dk̈ExA§ .inï «© l§ t¦§ p xR¥ q© l§ xW© t§ ¤̀ or«
© n© l§ ,FzF`
.zFUr£ l© d`i¨ l¦ t§ nE
© xÜÄ lk̈ z`tFx ¥ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `©
dnypd zkxa

dŸ`© ,Dz̈`x¨a§ dŸ`© .`id¦ dxFd

¨ h§ il¦ Ÿ«zP̈
© W ¤ dn̈Ẅ§p ,il¦ ¥̀


For the head:

Blessed is the Ever-Becoming, the Divinity within all things,
Who is sanctified through tefillin.
On winding the middle finger:
I betroth you to Me forever;
I betroth you to Me in justice and in lawfulness,
in loving-kindness and in compassion;
I betroth you to Me in faithfulness,
and you will know the Self-Existent.

. . .

How lovely are your tents, O Jacob—your dwellings, O Israel.

How lovely are your tents, O Leah—your dwellings, O Rachel.
How lovely are your tents, O Bilhah—your dwellings, O Zilpah.
Let my prayer to You, O Self-Existent, be a time of favor.
O God, in the abundance of Your loving-kindness, answer me
with the truth of Your salvation.


Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
has fashioned the human body in wisdom, giving me the
capacity to recognize its sanctity, and to respect it, that I may
number Your wonders the length of my days. Blessed are You,
the Divine, Who heals every creature and works wonders.


My God, the soul You have given me is pure. You created it,
You fashioned it, You breathed it into me, You preserve

xgyd zekxa leg inil zixgy xcq

dŸ`© e§ ,iA¦ x§w¦ A§ Dx¨O§ W

© n§ dŸ`© e§ ,iA¦ DŸg§ t§
© p dŸ`© ,DŸx©§vi§
© f lM̈ ok¥ l̈e§ .DxFw ¨ n§ l ¤̀ DäiW¦ d̈lE § i¦PO«¤ n¦ Dl̈H§ l¦ ciz¦ r̈
l ¥̀ d̈ ,Ll§ zFcFdl§ i¦p £̀ [za«¤ I¤ g\aÏ© g] © ,iA¦ x§w¦ A§ dn̈Ẅ§Pd© W ¤
W¤t«¤p FcïA§ xW£̀ ¤ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ .xÜÄ lk̈l§ zFgExd̈
.xÜÄ lM̈ gE© x« e§ ig© lM̈
mei lka miqp

§ xW£̀
¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
« oiaE
¥ mFi oiA¥ oig¦ a§ d© l§ dp̈ia¦ ie¦k§ V
¤ l©
lr© ux«¤`¨ d̈ rwFx
© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
« d©
z ¤̀ d`¨ x§Ä xW£̀
¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
§ p Epg©
§ p £̀ mäE ,m¦iO
«© d© cFq§i
«© i¦px§
«¥f`© n§ d© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
izŸ¦ ` zx«¤H¤ r© n§ d© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
¦ gx©e§ cq«
¤ g¤
.miO¦ xªr£ WiA¦ l§ n© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
.mil¦ ẗW§ dd̈iA§
¦ bn© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
¦ xiY¦ n© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
¥ l© z¤pzFP
«¤ d© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
.g© ŸM«
.zr© C«© xEal§ ozFP
¥ d© ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ


it within me, and You are prepared to reclaim it from me, and
to return it to its Source. Therefore, as long as my soul is within
me, I owe You my thanks, O God of the spirits of every creature.
Blessed are You, the Divine, in Whose hand is the soul of every
living thing and the spirit of every creature.


Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
has given the bird of dawn intellect to distinguish day
from night.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
stretches the earth above the waters.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
has created the waters by which we are cleansed.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
girds me with valor.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
adorns me with loving-kindness and compassion.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
clothes the bare.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
raises the lowly.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
releases the bound.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
gives strength to the weary.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
gives knowledge to the ignorant.

xgyd zekxa leg inil zixgy xcq

i¦piY«¦ x§q© g© `ŸNW ¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
.ik© x¨v§ iN¦ dUFr ¤ W ¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
i¦p «z̈U§ r̈W ¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
.Fnl© § vA§ i¦pU «© r̈W
¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
i¦p «z̈U§ r̈W ¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
.l ¥̀ x¨U¦
.Fca§ r̈l§ i¦pU «© r̈W
¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
,ml̈Frd̈ `x¨a¦ § PW
¤ zn¤ cFw «¤ `id¦ Y§ `©
.ml̈Frd̈ `x¨a¦ § PW
¤ xg© `© mÏw© `Ed dŸ`© e§
,d¤Gd© ml̈FrÄ zg© `© `id¦ Y§ `©
.`Äd© ml̈Frl̈ cg̈ ¤̀ `Ed dŸ`© e§
«© W§ i ¥̀ x¦§i lM̈ lr© K¦izFn «© W§ z ¤̀ iW¦ C§ w©
.Li«n¤ l̈FrA§ Li«zFn
¤ W§ z ¤̀ WC¥w© e§
,miA¦ x©Ä d̈i«zFn
¤ W§ z ¤̀ zW ¤ C«¤w© n§ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
.min¦ l̈FrÄ eiz̈FnW§ z ¤̀ WC¥w© n§ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExäE
dxez zekxa
,iElB̈aE© xz« ¤ Q¥ A§ ,zEdŸl¡` mi`¦ x§¥i Ep«N̈Mª d¤id¦
§ p ml̈Frl§
.Ep«a¥ äl§ A¦ zn¡ ¤ ` mix¦aFc
§ e§ ,zn¡ ¤ `d̈ lr© micFnE¦
,lŸMd© KFzA§ W
¤ zEdŸl¡`d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE dk̈ExA§
.Ep«z¥ xFz
¨ A§ WC̈wª O§ d© e§ zW
¤ C«¤wª O§ d©


Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
has deprived me of nothing.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
acts according to my needs.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
has created me according to Her will.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
has created me in His image.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
has created me an Israelite.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
has created me for His service.

Your existence precedes the creation of the world,

and Your existence endures since the world was created.
You are one in this world,
and You will be one in the world to come.
Let Your names be consecrated by all who revere Your names,
and let Your names be consecrated throughout Your worlds.
Blessed are You, the Divine,
Who consecrates Her names among the multitudes,
And blessed are You, the Divine,
Who consecrates His name among the worlds.


Let us all revere Divinity forever, inwardly and outwardly,

acknowledging the truth, and speaking truth in our hearts.

Blessed is the Ever-Becoming, the Divinity within all things,

Who is sanctified through our Torah.

xgyd zekxa leg inil zixgy xcq

ix¥a§ C¦ Eax§r© ŸW

¤ d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ i¥pt§ N¦ n¦ oFvx¨ idi ¦ e¦
¦ i .xFC©e xFC lk̈A§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i ziA¥ lM̈ zFIt¦ aE § ,Epi«t¦ A§ dxFY¨ d©
lM¥ U§ d© xqEn
© zg© w«© l̈ oFkp̈ al¥ Ep«n¥ v§ r© A§ g« © R¥ h§
© PW¤ oFvx¨
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© n© l§ ,dxFY ¨ d© n¥
¨ cEnl§ Y© zEax¥r£ lr© d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀ ¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE

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,md¤ l£̀
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¥ ` d¤ed©§ i i¦p £̀ WFcẅ iM¦ ,Eid§ Y¦ miWŸ ¦ cw§

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¥ ilE
§ ,Wi`¦ aäl¥ A§ xi`¦ d̈l§ :la¥ Y¥ A© odi
¤ k¥ x§C© dN¤ ¥̀ e§
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¤U ¥ e§ ,min¦ l̈Fr aEhe§ ,min£
¦ gx© aFxe§ ,m¦iR«© `© k§ xF`
¤ e§ ,dëp̈r£
§ pe§ ,l ¥̀ iU
¥ r£ n© lFkA§ z©pn̈£̀ n¥ dxEa§
¨ b zn© k§ g̈e§ ,dp̈iaE
© pw¦ e§ ,dU
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© x« e§ ;FCq§ g© aFxA§
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§ q̈ x¤v«¥iA§ WcF
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© x« icFq

¥ dïd̈ oFtx§h© iA¦ x©
,xFn§bl¦ dk̈`l̈O§ d© Li«l¤ r̈ `Ÿl
.dP̈«O¤ n¦ lh¥ Äd¦ l§ oixFg
¦ oa¤ dŸ`© `Ÿle§


May it be the will of the Ever-Becoming that the words of

the Torah be a delight in our mouths, and in the mouths of the
entire House of Israel, in every generation. May we nurture
within ourselves a mind prepared to interpret the Torah
ethically, that we may honor every living thing in truth all the
days of our lives. Blessed is the Ever-Becoming for the delight
of Torah study.

The Self-Existent spoke to Moses, saying,

“Speak to the Children of Israel, and tell them this:

‘You shall be holy, for I, the Self-Existent your God, am holy.’”

These are the ways of the children of truth in the world: to

illuminate the minds of human beings, to straighten before
them all the paths of true justice, and to inspire awe in their
minds for each of God’s laws; a spirit of humility, of resisting
anger, of abundant compassion, of infinite goodness, of reason,
of understanding, of steadfast knowledge fostered by all of
God’s creations, and of reliance on His abundant loving-
kindness; a spirit of wisdom in considering any action, of
pursuing just laws, of holy purpose with resolute drive, of
abundant loving-kindness toward all the children of truth, and
of unstained honor—repudiating the worship of all forbidden
idols, approaching all things with quiet contemplation, and
refusing to disclose secret knowledge. These are the spiritual
foundations of the children of truth in the world.

Rabbi Tarfon used to say,

“You are not compelled to complete the task,
but neither are you free to abstain from it.”

dxinf iweqt leg inil zixgy xcq

,lŸMd© KFzA§ W
¤ zEdŸl¡`d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀ ¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE dk̈ExA§
KExäE dk̈ExA§ .yFcẅ iFbe§ mi¦pd£ ŸM z¤k«l¤ n§ n© zFid§ l¦ Ep`x«¥a¦
§ p iM¦
.dxFY¨ zX © cªw§ lr© d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀
dxez cenlzlÐzenyl dlidz

,EgS©§ pz¦§ ie§ EcA§ M© z¦

§ i ,ElN§ d© z¦§ ie§ ExC§ d© z¦
§ i ,ElC©§ Bz¦ § ie§ Ekx§Äz¦ §i
EgA§ Y© W¦§ ie§ EnnFx
§ z¦ § i ,EWC§ w© z¦§ ie§ Ex£̀ R̈z¦§ i ,ENr© z¦ § ie§ E`V© § pz¦§i
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .migv̈§¦ p g©v«¤plE
§ cr© ic¥r£ l© mi¦IdŸl¡ ¦ ` zFnW ¥ lM̈
in¥ lFr
§ lE § ml̈Frl§ mik¦ xŸ¨an§ milFc§ ¦ Bd© zFnX ¥ d© Eid¦ §i
.min¦ l̈Fr
lM̈ lr© e§ mdi ¤ ci
¥ n¦ l§ Y© lr© ,EpixFn «¥ lr© e§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i lr©
,xq̈EnA§ dxFY ¨ A© miw¦ qFr § W¤ in¦ lM̈ lr© e§ ,mdi ¤ ci ¥ n¦ l§ Y© ici¥ n¦ l§ Y©
mi¦Ig© e§ ,min£ ¦ gx©e§ cq« ¤ gë
¤ og¥ ,ax© mFlẄ m¤kl̈e§ md¤ l̈e§ Ep«l̈ id§ ¦i
zr© C«©d© xFwn§ i¥pt§ N¦ n¦ dr̈EWie¦ migË ¦ xªn§ zFpFfnE § miM¦ x£̀ ª
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .ux«¤`ë
¨ m¦in «© ẌA© W ¤

. . .
dxn`y dkexa

.ml̈Frd̈ dïd̈e§ ,dx¨n§ `¨ W

¤ dk̈ExA§
.dUFr ¤ e§ xnF`
¥ KExÄ
.zn«¤ I¤ w© nE
§ zx«¤
¤ fFB dk̈ExA§
.ziW` ¦ x¥a§ dUFr¤ KExÄ


Blessed is the Ever-Becoming, the Divinity within all things, for

we were created to be a society of priests and a holy people.
Blessed is the Ever-Becoming for the holiness of Torah.


Blessed and magnified, glorified and lauded, honored and

perpetuated, uplifted and elevated, extolled and sanctified,
exalted and praised be all Divine names, forever and unto
eternity. And let us say, “Amen.”
Blessed be the magnificent names forever and evermore.
For Israel and for our teachers, for their students and for
their students’ students, and for all who ethically occupy
themselves with Torah, let there be abundant peace, grace,
kindness, compassion, long life, plentiful sustenance, and
salvation—for us, for them, and for all of you—from the Source
of knowledge in heaven and on earth. And let us say, “Amen.”

. . .

Blessed is the One Who spoke, and the world came to be.
Blessed is the One Who says and does.
Blessed is the One Who promises and fulfills.
Blessed is the One Who crafts creation.

dxinf iweqt leg inil zixgy xcq

.ux«¤`¨ d̈ lr© zn« ¤ g¤ x©n§ dk̈ExA§

.zFIx¦A§ d© lr© mg¥ x©n§ KExÄ
.mFlẄ mFlẄ dx¨n§ `¨ aFxT̈l© e§ wFgx¨l̈ dk̈ExA§
¨ `ia¦ nE ¥ dl̈t£̀ ¥ xia¦ r£ n© KExÄ
.g©v«¤pl̈ zn«¤ I¤ w© e§ cr© l̈ dÏg© dk̈ExA§
.liS¦ nE
© dcFR ¤ KExÄ
¤ W§ mikEx ¦ aE § ,`id¦ dk̈ExA§
.cr© in¥ lFr§ l§ Fxk¦ § f KExäE
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¤ t§ W¦ lM̈ oFWl§ A¦ zx«¤ ¤̀ ŸtnE
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ª n§ ,d̈i«O¤ r© lM̈
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l`xyi `zial dielld xiy

¦ ` d¤ed© § i iU
¥ r£ n© lM̈ mik¦ x§än§ ok¥ `¨ ;DïEll§ d© ,DïEll§ d©
;`Ed KxŸ¨an§ ,Ep«M¥ l§ n© cFaM̈d© xFAB¦ iU ¥ r£ n©
;g©v«¤pl̈ oFx£g`© d̈ dŸ`© e§ oFW`x¦d̈ dŸ`©
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,Ep«M¥ l§ n© cFaM̈d© Kl« ¤ n¤ z ¤̀ Ekx§ä§i miri ¦ w¦ x§d̈ iri
¥ w¦ x§
;`Ed KxŸ¨an§


Blessed is the One Who has compassion for the earth.

Blessed is the One Who has compassion for all creatures.
Blessed is the One Who proclaims peace far and near.
Blessed is the One Who rolls away darkness and brings light.
Blessed is the One Who lives forever and endures eternally.
Blessed is the One Who redeems and saves.
Blessed is She, blessed is Her name,
and blessed is His remembrance forever and ever.
Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
is glorified by the mouth of all Her peoples, praised and
acclaimed in the language of all Her servants. Let us glorify
You, O Divine our God, in Whom there is no injustice and no
forgetfulness, no falsehood and no deceit, the only God, the
holy spirit, Whose names are magnificent forever and ever.
Blessed are You, the Divine, the Spirit Who is glorified with


Halleluyah, halleluyah; truly all His creations bless the

Heroic acts are the glory of our blessed Sovereign.
You are the first and You are the last unto eternity.
Joyful in all the Self-Existent has made is my God.
Halleluyah; the reaches of the heavens bless the Self-Existent:
The span of the horizon praises our blessed Sovereign
of glory;

dxinf iweqt leg inil zixgy xcq

,mïx¦`¨ A§ iri¦ a¦ X§ d© ri © w«¦ x¨Ä F`Q§ M¦

.id̈Ÿl¡` ,ml̈Frl§ FYk§ l© n§ nÐi © dŸl¡ © ` `Ed
z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ minFx ¦ O§ d© lr© n¥ xW£̀ ¤ d¤ed© § i ini
¥ n¥ ;DïEll§ d©
,m¦in «© Flr¢ẄA§ cc©n̈ in¦
,ux«¤`¨ d̈ xt© r£ Wil¦ ẌA© lk̈e§
?id̈Ÿl¡` ,m¦i«p© f§ `ŸnA§ zFrä§bE mix¦d̈ ql« ¤ R¤ A© lw© Ẅe§
,d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ g© xÏ «¥ d© e§ Wn« ¤X¤ d© ;DïEll§ d©
;EdEk« x§ä§i xFAB¦ d© lW ¤ Fx£dq© e§ FzÖg©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,cFaM̈d© Kl« ¤ n¤ z ¤̀ Ekx§ä§i
§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ minFx ¦ O§ d© ia¥ kFM § ;DïEll§ d©
.cFaM̈d© Kl«
¤ n¤ z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ d¤ed© § i lW ¤ minFx ¦ O§ d© ia¥ kFM §
:mÄl¦ A§ mix¦nF` § minFx ¦ O§ d© ia¥ kFM §
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:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ mW« ¤ B¤ d© e§ lH© d© ;DïEll§ d©
,ux«¤`¨ d̈e§ m¦in «© Ẍd© lh© or« © n© l§
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,i¦pk «¥ x§äE il© r̈ mg¥ x©
:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ zFgExd̈ lM̈ ;DïEll§ d©
,iR¦ `© A§ dn̈Ẅ§p gtp̈ © `Ed
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,it¦ A§ miN¦ n¦ ozp̈ © e§
:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ mia¦ d̈N§ d© e§ W ¥̀ d̈ ;DïEll§ d©
,eip̈ẗl§ hd¥ l© n§ ad« © l© ,Fx¥vg £ A© xrFA ¥ W ¥̀
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,aia¦ q̈ W ¥̀ zFpFWlE §


His seat is in the light of the seventh heaven,

And eternal is the reign of my God.
Halleluyah; the waters of the Self-Existent beyond the heights
bless the Self-Existent:
Who has measured the waters by His stride,
And all the dust of the earth by His device,
And has balanced the weight of mountains and hills on
scales but my God?
Halleluyah; the sun and the moon bless the Self-Existent:
The warmth of the His sun and the shape of His moon
bless the mighty One;
They bless the Sovereign of glory, my God.
Halleluyah; the stars of the heights bless the Self-Existent:
The stars of the heights of the Self-Existent bless the
Sovereign of glory.
The stars of the heights proclaim in their minds,
“Holy, holy, holy is the Self-Existent One of celestial
legions,” my God.
Halleluyah; the dew and the rain bless the Self-Existent:
For the sake of the dew of the heavens and the earth,
Have compassion for me, and bless me, my God.
Halleluyah; all the winds bless the Self-Existent:
The Divine has breathed a soul through my nose,
And into my mouth placed the words of my God.
Halleluyah; the fire and the flames bless the Self-Existent:
Fire burns in His courtyard, flames blaze in His presence,
And tongues of fire surround my God.

dxinf iweqt leg inil zixgy xcq

:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ mFId© e§ dl̈§iN «© d© ;DïEll§ d©

,dl̈§il «© i¦pY «© x§n© W§ dŸ`©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,mFId© xF` z ¤̀ Ep«l̈ z̈`«a¥ d¥ e§
:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ mic¦ ¥̀ d̈e§ lH© d© ;DïEll§ d©
,LC«¤q§ g© A§ dp̈Ẍd© lEa§i z ¤̀ Kx¥äY§ dŸ`©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,oEiëx¦§i xÄc§ O¦ d© ix¥d̈e§
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ bl« ¤X ¤ d© e§ xŸTd© ;DïEll§ d©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,cx¨ÄM© xw© e§ Wn« ¤X ¤ M© hdFl ¥
:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ KW ¤ Ÿg« d© e§ xF`d̈ ;DïEll§ d©
,mEw xg« ©X© l© d¤Ev© O§ d©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,il̈r̈ xF`d̈ wir§ ¦ fnE ©
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ hd« © N© d© e§ dP̈S¦ d© ;DïEll§ d©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,hd«© l© a§ F` dP̈v¦ a§ dz̈§id̈ `Ÿl mW ¥ lW ¤ dẌx§ªId©
:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ l¤tx¨r£ d̈e§ cx¨Äd© ;DïEll§ d©
« d© zFRh¦ z ¤̀ `l̈M̈W ¤ wC© l¤tx¨r£ x¥GR¦ `Ed
,dl̈r§ n© m¦iO«© d© z ¤̀ dl̈r¡d¤ `Ed
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,ux«¤`¨ d̈ lr© xḧn̈ xh¥ n© § Ie©
:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ mi¦pp̈r£ d̈e§ wx¨Äd© ;DïEll§ d©
.sM̈A© cl« ¤ g¤ d© z ¤̀ mi`¦ UFp § FcFakE § ,FzN̈d¦ Y§ wx©A§
,midŸl¡ ¦ `d̈ z ¥̀ n¥ r© wFA «¥ d© W ¥̀ mx«¤ ¤ fM§
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,miaEx ¦ M§ d© lr© xdFf ¥ FxF`
:d¤ed©§ i z ¤̀ z¤kx«¤än§ dn̈c̈£̀ d̈ ,zn¡ ¤ ` ;DïEll§ d©


Halleluyah; the night and the day bless the Self-Existent:

You protected me by night,
And You brought us to the light of day, my God.
Halleluyah; the dew and the mist bless the Self-Existent:
You bless the yearly harvest with kindness,
And the hills of the desert are quenched by my God.
Halleluyah; the cold and the snow bless the Self-Existent:
Ablaze like the sun and frozen like hail is my God.
Halleluyah; the light and the darkness bless the Self-Existent:
He commands the dawn to rise,
And upon me He summons the light of my God.
Halleluyah; the frost and the fierce heat bless the Self-Existent:
The heritage of Shem was neither the chill nor the fierce
heat of my God.
Halleluyah; the hail and the mist bless the Self-Existent:
He disperses fine mist, which contains drops of water.
He raises the water toward heaven,
And He showers rain upon the land of my God.
Halleluyah; the lightning and the clouds bless the Self-Existent:
The lightning is His praise, and His glory holds the
world by hand.
As a Divine current of fire flashes,
His light shines upon the Cherubs of my God.
Halleluyah; truly the land blesses the Self-Existent:

dxinf iweqt leg inil zixgy xcq

;lN̈dª O§ d© dn̈c̈£̀ Ed«k¥ x§äY§

.id̈Ÿl¡` ,cl« ¤ g̈d¤ lM̈ oFc`¨
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ zFrä§bE mix¦d̈ ;DïEll§ d©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,eiz̈FIl¦ r£ n¥ mix¦d̈ dw¤ W§ n©
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ Kx¥än§ ux«¤`¨ d̈ lEa§i lM̈ ;DïEll§ d©
;xä Eth§ r© © i miw¦ n̈r©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,ExiWï «¦ s`© ErrFx £ z¦ §i
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ zFnFdY§ d© ;DïEll§ d©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,LixFP «¤ v¦ lFwl§ `xFw ¥ mFdY§ l ¤̀ mFdY§
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ zFxd̈§Pd© e§ mÏd© ;DïEll§ d©
dẄŸlWE§ minï ¦ dẄŸlW§ oz̈ïe§N¦ d© oh« ¤ A¤ n¦ lN¥ R© z§ d¦ dp̈Fi
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,Ex«är̈ il© r̈ Li«N© ¤ be§ Lix«¤ÄW§ n¦ lM̈
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ Kx¥än§ mÏA© W ¤ oz̈ïe§N¦ d© ;DïEll§ d©
ÐzFIg© iY¥ W§ iz` ¦ x«¨Ä mẄ
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,oz̈ïe§l¦ dϦpX§ d© e§ ,zFnd¥ A§ Dn̈W§ zg© `© d̈
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ zFkx§än§ m¦in «© Ẍd© ix¢¥Rv¦ ;DïEll§ d©
,m¦itp̈ «© M§ WW ¥ e§ m¦il§
«© bx© rA© x§`© W¥i od¤ l̈
:dN̈d¦ z§ A¦ zF`xFw § od¥ e§
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,zF`äv§ d¤ed© § i WFcẅ ,WFcẅ ,WFcẅ
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ zFkx§än§ zFIg© d© lM̈ ;DïEll§ d©
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,midŸl¡¦ `d̈ `Q¥ M¦ z ¤̀ zF`UFp § zFIg© rA© x§`©
:d¤ed© § i z ¤̀ mik¦ x§än§ WFp¡` i¥pA§ lM̈ ;DïEll§ d©


The land blesses the One Who is glorified;

The Ruler of all of the world is my God.
Halleluyah; the mountains and the hills bless the Self-Existent:
From their summits He irrigates the mountains of my
Halleluyah; all the produce of the earth blesses the
The valleys are cloaked with wheat;
Even it shouts in joyous song for my God.
Halleluyah; the depths bless the Self-Existent:
Depth calls to depth with the sound of Your waterways,
my God.
Halleluyah; the sea and the rivers bless the Self-Existent:
Jonah prayed from the belly of the whale three days and
three nights;
All Your billows and Your waves have passed over me,
my God.
Halleluyah; the whale in the sea blesses the Self-Existent:
“There I created two animals—
The first is called Behemoth, and the second is the
Leviathan” of my God.
Halleluyah; the birds of the skies bless the Self-Existent:
They have four legs and six wings,
And they call out in praise,
“Holy, holy, holy is the Self-Existent One of celestial
legions,” my God.
Halleluyah; all living beings bless the Self-Existent:
Four living beings bear the seat of my God.
Halleluyah; all human beings bless the Self-Existent:

dxinf iweqt leg inil zixgy xcq

,axFg¥ n¥ W ¥̀ ,mFxC̈d© n¥ gE © x«
ÐxÄc§ O¦ d© n¥ wä`¨ ,a¤b«¤Pd© n¥ m¦in «©
mz̈F` iY¦ x«©§ vï i¦p £̀ e© ,mz̈F` iz`
¦ x«¨ä i¦p £̀
.id̈Ÿl¡` ,zFWFcT§ d© izFr © A§ v§ ¤̀ A§
milidz ixtqn mipexg` miweqt

on¥ `¨ ;ml̈Frd̈ cr© e§ ml̈Frd̈n¥ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i idŸl¡

¥ ` ,d¤ed© § i KExÄ
.on¥ `¨ e§
;ux«¤`¨ d̈ lŸMÎz ¤̀ FcFak§ `l¥ Ö¦ie§ ,ml̈Frl§ FcFaM§ mW ¥ KExäE
.on¥ `¨ e§ on¥ `¨
.on¥ `¨ e§ on¥ `¨ ;ml̈Frl§ d¤ed© § i KExÄ
,ml̈Frd̈ cr© e§ ml̈Frd̈Îon¦ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i idŸl¡
¥ ` ,d¤ed© § i KExÄ
.DïÎEll§ d© ;on¥ `¨ :mr̈d̈ÎlM̈ xn© `¨ e§
.DïÎEll§ d© ;Dï lN¥ d© Y§ dn̈Ẅ§Pd© lŸM
jizeny egazyi

dl̈Fc§Bd© dl̈ ¥̀ d̈ ,Ep«z¥ xF` ¨ ,cr© l̈ K¦izFn

«© W§ EgA§ Y© W¦ §i
Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,d ¤̀ p̈ Kl̈ iM¦ .ux«¤`¨ äE m¦in«© ẌA© ,dẄFcT§ d© e§
zFkx¨A§ ,dx¨n¦ § fe§ lN¥ d© ,dg̈äWE
§ xiW¦ ,Epi«zFc ¥ lFY§ zl̈ ¥̀ e§
dxF`¨ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .ml̈Fr cr© e§ dŸr© n¥ zF`c̈Fde§
,zFnFl£gd© zi¦pFxh§ n© ,zF`c̈Fdd© dl̈ ¥̀ ,zFgÄW§ Y¦ A© dl̈Fc§B
.min¦ l̈Frl̈ dÏg© ,dc̈ig§
¦ i dl̈ ¥̀ ,zFnẄ§Pd© lM̈ z`xFA ¥
. . .


Wind from the south, fire from Horeb,

Water from the Negev, dust from the wilderness—
“I conceived them, and I crafted them
With my fingers, which are holy” like my God.


Blessed be the Self-Existent, the God of Israel, from eternity to

eternity; amen and amen.
Blessed be His glorious name forever, and let His glory fill all
the earth; amen and amen.
Blessed be the Self-Existent forever; amen and amen.
Blessed be the Self-Existent, the God of Israel, from eternity to
eternity, and the entire nation said, “Amen; halleluyah.”
Let every soul glorify the Self-Existent; halleluyah.


Praised be Your names forever, our Light, the great and holy
God, in heaven and on earth. To You it is fitting, O Divine, our
God and the God of those who came before us, to offer song
and praise, glorification and hymn, blessing and thanksgiving,
from now unto eternity. Blessed are You, the Divine, the Light
Who is magnified by praise, the God of gratitude, the Matron of
dreams, the Creator of all souls, the singular God, Who lives

. . .

odizekxae l`xyi rny ,zexaicd zxyr leg inil zixgy xcq

xeaivd zlitz zgiztlÐzenyl dlidz

EnnFx § z¦ § ie§ Ex£̀ R̈z¦

§ i ,EgA§ Y© W¦
§ ie§ Ekx§Äz¦§ i ,EWC§ w© z¦§ ie§ ElC©§ Bz¦
xEv ,`id¦ dk̈ExA§ ,dẄFcT§ d© lW ¤ d̈i«zFn ¤ W§ E`V© § pz¦
§ ie§
,mc¤w«¤ in¥ W§ in¦ W§ A¦ z¤pkFX
«¤ d© ,zFWẗ§Pd© lM̈ zl̈ ¥̀ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .zFIg© d© lM̈ lr© Dz̈ẌcªwE §
in¥ lFr
§ lE § ml̈Frl§ mik¦ xŸ¨an§ milFc§ ¦ Bd© d̈i«zFn ¤ W§ Eid¦ §i
.min¦ l̈Fr
d̈i«¤pẗl§ xn`Ÿ© pe§ ,ig© lM̈ i¥pir¥ l§ Ep«ä d̈i«zFn¤ W§ EWC§ w© z¦ §i
iM¦ ,Wc̈g̈ xiW¦ d¤ed§ Y© l© ExiW «¦ :aEzM̈W ¤ iR¦ lr© ,Wc̈g̈ xiW¦
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .dz̈U§ r̈ zF`l̈t¦ §p

.KxŸ¨an§ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ z ¤̀ Ekx§Ä*

¤ ml̈Frl§ ,KxŸ¨an§ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ KExÄ
*When praying in private, substitute:

.KxŸ¨an§ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ z ¤̀ iW¦ t©

§ p ik¦ x§Ä
¤ ml̈Frl§ ,KxŸ¨an§ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ KExÄ

¥ xF` x¥vFi ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ
zFzl§ C© g«
© zFR
¥ d© l ¥̀ d̈ÐlŸMd© z ¤̀ `xFaE
¥ mFlẄ dUFr ¤ ,KW ¤ Ÿg«
mix¦C̈l© e§ ux«¤`¨ l̈ xi`¦ O¥ d© .ri
© w«¦ x¨ i¥pFNg© r© wFaE
«¥ ,gx§¨fn¦ ix¥r£ W
¥ r£ n© cin¦ Ÿ mFi lk̈A§ WC¥g© n§ FaEhaE
§ ,min£
¦ gx©A§ d̈i«l¤ r̈



Magnified and sanctified, blessed and praised, glorified and

extolled and exalted be the names of the Holy One, blessed be
She, the Rock of infinites, the God of all souls, Who dwells
throughout the primeval cosmos, and makes manifest Her
holiness through every living thing. And let us say, “Amen.”
Blessed be Her magnificent names forever and
Sanctified be Her names through us, in the sight of every
living thing, and let us sing a new song in Her presence, after
what is written: “Sing a new song to the Self-Existent, for She
has done wondrous things.” And let us say, “Amen.”


*Bless the Divine, the blessed One.

Blessed is the Divine, the blessed One, forever and ever.

*When praying in private, substitute:

Let my soul bless the Divine, the blessed One.

Blessed is the Divine, the blessed One, forever and ever.


Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
fashions light and creates darkness, makes peace and creates all
things—the God Who opens the wings of the eastern gates, and
parts the windows of heaven. In compassion, He illuminates the
earth and everything that inhabits it; in His goodness, He
invariably renews the work of creation each day. How

odizekxae ,l`xyi rny ,zexaicd zxyr leg inil zixgy xcq

;z̈iU«¦ r̈ dn̈k§ g̈A§ mN̈Mª :d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Li«U ¤ r£ n© EAx© dn̈ .ziW` ¦ x¥a§
.L«¤pï§pw¦ ux«¤`¨ d̈ d`¨ l§ n̈
.xFcë xFcl§ miWFc ¦ w§ WFcw§ ,l ¥̀ d̈ WFcẅe§ lFcB̈
.miA¦ x© m¦in«© oFnd̈ eix£ ¨g`© e§ ,Kl¥ ¥ i xc̈d̈ eip̈ẗl§
;eip̈R̈ aia¦ q̈ zn¡ ¤ `e¤ cq« ¤ g¤
.F`Q§ M¦ oFkn§ wc«¤ v¤ e§ hR̈W§ nE ¦ zn¡ ¤`
.FAl¦ zr© C«©A§ oik¦ d¥ xg« ©W © ,dl̈t£̀ ¥ n¥ xF` liC¦ a§ n©
,Ep§Pxi© e¦ eik̈`¨ l§ n© lFM E`x¨ f`¨
.Ercï§ `Fl xW£̀ ¤ z ¤̀ m ¥̀ x§d̈ iM¦
mExA§ eip̈ẗl§ mic¦ nFr§ eiz̈x§Ẅn§ xW£̀ ¤ ,Ep ¥̀ xFA § ,cr© l̈ Kx©Äz§ Y¦
cg̈ ¤̀ M§ mN̈Mª dẌcªw§ .ig© l ¥̀ ix¥a§ c¦ A§ mx¨vFi § l§ WiC¦ w§ d© l§ ml̈Fr
:d`¨ x¦§iA§ mix¦nF` § e§ ,Ll§ mi¦pFr
.FcFaM§ ux«¤`¨ d̈ lk̈ `Ÿln§ ;zF`äv§ d¤ed© § i WFcẅ ,WFcẅ ,WFcẅ
.FnFwO§ n¦ d¤ed© § i cFaM§ KExÄ
iM¦ ,Ex«n`Ÿ
¥ i zFxin§ ¦ f mÏw© e§ ig© l ¥̀ l̈ ;Ep«Y¦ ¥ i zFnir§ ¦ p KExÄ l ¥̀ l̈
.zFWc̈£g lM̈ dUFr ¤ FCa© l§ `Ed
dx¨d¥ n§ Ep«N̈kª d¤M§fp¦ e§ ,xi`¦ Ÿ la¥ Y¥ d© lr© Wc̈g̈ xF`
.zFxF`O§ d© x¥vFi ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ .FxF`l§
dax dad`

¥ e¦ dl̈Fc§b dl̈n§ g¤ ;Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Ep «Ÿa§ d£̀
© dÄx© dä£d`©
Egh§ Ä Epi«zFc
¥ lFY§ xW£̀
¤ M© ,EpxEv ¥ EpxF` «¥ .Epi«l¥ r̈ Ÿl«§ n© g̈


magnificent are Your works, O Divine: You crafted them all in

wisdom; the entirety of the earth is Your possession.
Great and holy is God,
the holiest of all the holy, from generation to generation.
Splendor goes before Him,
and the rush of many waters follows Him.
Loving-kindness and truth surround His presence;
truth, lawfulness, and justice are the foundation of His throne.
Distinguishing light from darkness,
He established the dawn with the knowledge of His mind.
Then all His celestial beings understood, and they sang,
for He showed them what they did not know.
Be blessed forever, our Creator, Whose messengers stand in His
presence, at the zenith of the universe, to sanctify their Maker
with words of the living God. Together, in unison, they
proclaim your holiness, and they say in awe:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Self-Existent One of celestial legions;
all of the earth is filled with His glory.”
“Blessed is the glory of the Self-Existent from His space.”
To the blessed God they offer melodies; to the God Who lives
and endures they sing hymns, for He, alone, makes all things
Let a new light shine upon the world, and let us all
quickly merit its glow. Blessed are You, the Divine, Who
fashions the celestial lights.


With abundant love You have loved us, O Divine our God; with
great and generous compassion You have cared for us. Our
Light and our Rock, just as those who came before us had

odizekxae ,l`xyi rny ,zexaicd zxyr leg inil zixgy xcq

Ep«A¥ l¦ A§ oz¥ e§ .Epc«¥O§ l© zE

§ Ep«P¥ g̈Y§ oM¥ ,mi¦Ig© iT¥ gª mc¥O§ l© Y©
§ e La§
,zFUr£ l© e§ xŸnW§ l¦ ,cO¥ l© lE § cŸnl§ l¦ ,liM¦ U§ d© lE
§ oia¦ d̈l§ dp̈iA¦
Epi«p¥ ir¥ z ¤̀ x ¥̀ d̈e§ .xq̈EnA§ Ep«z¥ xFY ¨ ix¥a§ C¦ z ¤̀ m¥Iw© lE
§ xŸvp§ l¦
Ep«a¥ äl§ cg© ¥ ie§ ,L«z¤ ä£d`© l§ Ep«A¥ l¦ z ¤̀ wA¥ c§ d© e§ ,Li«zŸ ¤ ev§ n¦ A§
¤ W§ l¦ Ep «Ÿa§ x©w¥ dŸ`© iM¦ ,Li«zFn ¤ W§ z ¤̀ d`¨ x¦§il§
KExÄ .dä£d`© A§ Lc§ g© ¤ ilE
§ ,Ll§ zFcFdl§ ,zn¡ ¤ `A¤ milFc§¦ Bd©
.cr© l̈ l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i FOr© adF`
¥ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`©
zexaicd zxyr

:m¦ix«©v§ n¦ ux«¤ ¤̀ n¥ Liz`¥

«¦ vFd xW£̀ ¤ ,Li«dŸl¡ ¤ ` ,d¤ed© § i ikŸ¦ p`¨
.ip̈R̈Îlr© mix¦g£̀ ¥ midŸl¡ ¦ ` Ll§ d¤id¦ § iÎ`Fl
¤ t¤ Ll§ dU ¤ r£ zÎ`Fl
.`e§Ẍl© d¤ed©§ iÎmWÎz
¥ ¤̀ `V̈z¦ `Fl
.FWC§ w© l§ zÄX © d© mFiÎz ¤̀ xFkf̈
.L«O¤ `Îz
¦ ¤̀ e§ Lia«¦ `Îz ¨ ¤̀ cA¥ M©
.s`§¨ pz¦ `Fl
.gv̈x§z¦ `Fl
.aŸpb§ z¦ `Fl
.xw¤ Ẅ cr¥ d¤pr£ zÎ`Fl
.cFng§ z© `Fl
l`xyi rny

l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i i¥pAÎz
§ ¤̀ dWŸ
¤ n dËv¦ xW£̀
¤ mih¦ R̈W§ O¦ d© e§ miT¦ gª d© dN«
¤ ¥̀ e§


confidence in You, and You taught them the laws of living, so,
too, have compassion for us, and teach us. Grant our minds the
understanding to discern and explain, learn and teach, observe
and perform, maintain and fulfill the words of our Torah
ethically. Illuminate our eyes with Your commandments, bind
our hearts to Your love, and unite our minds to revere Your
names, for You have drawn us to Your magnificent names in
truth, to acknowledge You in thanks, and to make manifest
Your unity in love. Blessed are You, the Divine, Who loves His
people Israel forever.


I am the Self-Existent, your God, Who has delivered you from

the land of Egypt:
You shall have no other gods but Me.
You shall not create for yourself an object of worship.
You shall not use the name “The Self-Existent” for
Remember to sanctify the Sabbath day.
Respect your father and your mother.
You shall not commit adultery.
You shall not kill.
You shall not steal.
You shall not give dishonest testimony.
You shall not envy.


These are the ordinances and the laws Moses enjoined upon the
Children of Israel, in the wilderness, when they went

odizekxae ,l`xyi rny ,zexaicd zxyr leg inil zixgy xcq

:m¦ix«©v§ n¦ ux«¤ ¤̀ n¥ mz̈`¥vA§ ,xÄc§ O¦ A©

.`Ed cg̈ ¤̀ d¤ed© § i ;Epi«dŸl¡ ¥ ` d¤ed© § i :l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i ,rn© W§
¤ ml̈Frl§ Dz̈Ecg§ `© cFaM§ zFnW§ mikEx ¦ A§
LW§ t© § pÎlk̈aE § La§ älÎl § k̈A§ ,Li«dŸl¡ ¤ ` ,d¤ed© § i z ¥̀ Ÿa§ d© `¨ e§
mFId© LE©§vn§ ikŸ¦ p`¨ xW£̀ ¤ ,dN« ¤ ¥̀ d̈ mix¦äC§ d© Eid̈e§ .LcŸ«¤`nÎl § k̈aE §
,z¦iA «© A© LY§ a§ W¦ A§ ,mÄ Ÿx§A© c¦ e§ ,Li«¤päl§ mŸ§pP© W¦ e§ .L«a¤ älÎl § r©
zF`l§ mŸx§W © wE§ .L«nEw ¤ aE § ,LA§ k§ ẄA§ ,Kx¤C«¤a© LY§ k§ l¤ A§
zFfªfnÎl § r© mŸa§ z© kE § .Li«¤pir¥ oiA¥ zŸtḧŸhl§ Eid̈e§ ,LcïÎl «¤ r©
.Lix«¤r̈W§ aE¦ L«zi ¤ A¥
,mFId© LE©§vn§ ikŸ¦ p`¨ xW£̀ ¤ ,z`ŸGd© dëv§ O¦ d© iM¦
,`id¦ m¦in« © Ẍa© `Ÿl .`id¦ dẅŸgx§ `Ÿle§ ,LO§ n¦ `id¦ z`l¥ t¦ § pÎ`Ÿl
,Dz̈Ÿ` Epr«¥ n¦ W© § ie§ ,Ep«N̈ d̈«g¤ T̈¦ie§ m¦in «© Ẍd© Ep«N̈Îdl¤ r© £ i in¦ :xŸn`l¥
Ep«l̈Îxär© £ i in¦ :xŸn`l¥ ,`id¦ mÏl© xa¤ r«¥ nÎ`Ÿl ¥ e§ ?dP̈«U ¤ r©
£ pe§
?dP̈«U ¤ r©£ pe§ ,Dz̈Ÿ` Epr«¥ n¦ W© § ie§ ,EpN̈ d̈«g¤ T̈¦ie§ mÏd© xa¤ rÎl «¥ ¤̀
La§ äl§ aE ¦ Lcï§ aE § Li«t¦ AÐcŸ § `n§ xäC̈d© Li«l¤ ¥̀ aFxẅÎiM¦
.FzŸUr£ l©
,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i i¥pAÎl
§ ¤̀ xA¥ C© :xŸn`N¥ dWŸ ¤ nÎl ¤̀ d¤ed© § i xn`¤ ŸI« e©
mdi¤ c§¥ba¦ it§ ¥ pMÎl
© r© zFivi ¦ v¦ md¤ l̈ EUr̈e§ ,mdi ¤ l£̀
¥ Ÿx§n© `¨ e§
m¤kl̈ Eid̈e§ .zl« ¤ k¥ Y§ liz¦ R§ sp̈M̈d© zvi ¦ vÎl
¦ r© Epzp̈ § e§ ,mz̈ŸxŸcl§
,d¤ed©§ i zŸev§ nÎl ¦ M̈Îz ¤̀ mY¤ x§k§ © fE ,mz̈Ÿ` mzi ¤ `¦ xE§ ,zFivi ¦ v¦ l§
,m¤ki¥pir¥ ix£ ¥g`© e§ m¤ka§ a© l§ ix£ ¥g`© ExEz« z̈ `Ÿle§ ,mz̈Ÿ` mzi ¤ U¦ r© £e
mzi¤ U¦ r© £ e ExM§ § fY¦ or« © n© l§ .mdi ¤ x£¥g`© mi¦pŸf mY¤ `Îx © W£̀ ¤
§ i i¦p £̀ .m¤kidŸl` ¥ l¥ miWŸ ¦ cw§ mzi¦ ¤ id§ e¦ ,iz̈Ÿev§ nÎl¦ M̈Îz ¤̀


out from the land of Egypt:

Take heed, O Israel: the Self-Existent is our God;
the Self-Existent is one alone.
Blessed be the names of Her glorious unity forever and ever.
You shall love the Self-Existent, your God, with all your mind,
with all your soul, and with all your strength. These words,
which I enjoin upon you this day, shall be upon your mind.
Impart them to your children; speak of them when you dwell at
home, when You journey on the way, when you lie down, and
when you rise up. Attach them as a sign upon your hand, and
they shall be adornments between your eyes. Inscribe them
upon the doorposts of your home and upon your gates.
For this commandment, which I enjoin upon you this
day, is neither too difficult for you, nor is it far away. It is not in
the heavens that one must say, “Who will ascend to the heavens
for us, and retrieve it for us, that we may hear it and fulfill it?”
It is not across the sea that one must say, “Who will cross the sea
for us, and retrieve it for us, that we may hear it and fulfill it?”
Indeed, this message is very near to you—it is in your mouth, it
is in your heart, and it is in your hand to fulfill it.
And the Self-Existent spoke to Moses, saying, “Speak to
the children of Israel, and tell them they shall make tassels on
the corners of their garments, throughout their generations,
and they shall include in each tassel a thread of blue. For
yourselves do these tassels exist: you shall look upon them and
remember all the commandments of the Self-Existent, and you
shall fulfill them. And you shall neither wander after your
heart nor after your eyes, for wandering after them will
compromise you. Thus shall you remember and fulfill all My
commandments, and you shall be holy unto your God. I am the

odizekxae ,l`xyi rny ,zexaicd zxyr leg inil zixgy xcq

m¤kl̈ zFid§ l¦ m¦ix«©v§ n¦ ux«¤ ¤̀ n¥ m¤kz§ ¤̀ iz`«

¦ v¥ Fd xW£̀
¤ ,m¤kidŸl¡ ¥ `
¥ ` ,d¤ed©
§ i i¦p £̀ ;midŸl`
¦ l¥

d¤Gd© xäC̈d© d¤tïe§ aFh ,on̈¡`p¤ e§ wiC©¦ v ,mÏw© e§ oFkp̈ ,aiS© ¦ ie§ zn¡ ¤`
,ml̈Frn¥ `Ed dŸ`© Epi«zFc ¥ lFY § x¥fFre§ Epx§ «¥fFr :crë ¤ ml̈Frl§
,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Ep «Ÿl§ `© B§ dŸrx§R© n¦ .xFcë xFC lk̈A§ ri © WFnE
«¦ o¥bn̈
sEq m©i lr© ,z̈iU «¦ r̈ zFlFc§B zF`l̈t¦ § p ;Ep «z̈ic¦ R§ mic¦ är£ ziA¥ nE ¦
Wa© cE§ al̈g̈ zaf̈ © dn̈c̈£̀ l̈ z̈`«a¥ d¥ l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i ih¥ a§ W¦ e§ ,z̈i«l§ ¥ bp¦
.m¦ix«¨v§ n¦ z`i © v§
¦ i ztEw © Y§ A¦
LO§ r© ,Ÿg« § z© R̈ eip̈ẗl§ m¦iz «© l̈C§ ,Ÿg« §W © n̈ Kl« ¤ O¤ d© WxF¤ M«
© Y§ A¦ WC̈w§ O¦ d© ziA¥ z ¤̀ zFpa§ l¦ Ÿw«§ f© g̈ mdi ¤ ci¥ e¦ ,z̈i«l¥ r¡d¤
.la¤ Ä zElB̈
zFvEt§p ,Ÿh« § N© n¦ w¤pg «¤ ihi ¥ l¦ R§ ,Ÿl«§ S© d¦ ax«¤g¤ ici ¥ x¦U§
© Y§ A¦ mn̈c§ w¦ ux«¤ ¤̀ l§ Ÿa«§ W © Li«¤päE Li«zFp ¤ aE § ,Ÿv« § A© w¦
.ihi¦ x¦A§ d© hC̈§pO© d©
§ e§ ,l ¥̀ l̈ EnnFx § e§ miaEd£̀¦ EgA§ W¦ dN« ¤ ¥̀ lM̈ lr©
l ¥̀ l̈ zF`c̈Fde§ zFkx¨A§ ,zFgÄW§ z¦ e§ zFxiW¦ ,zFxin§ ¦ f mici¦ c§¦ i
ux«¤`¨ ic¥r£ mi`¥ ¦ B liR¦ W§ n© ,`xFp ¨ e§ lFcB̈ ,`V̈¦pe§ mx¨ ,mÏw© e§ ig©
zr¥ A§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i FOr© l§ d¤pFre§ ,mFxn̈ ic¥r£ mil¦ ẗW§ Di © A§
«¦ bnE©
.eil̈ ¥̀ mr̈E§W ©
mïx§nE¦ oŸxd£ `© e§ dWŸ ¤ nM§ ,Ep«l£̀ ¥ FB ,oFil§ r¤ l ¥̀ l§ zFld¦ Y§
dg̈n§ U¦ A§ dxi¨ W¦ Epr̈ Ll§ .mÏd© on¦ Elr̈W ¤ M§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i ziA¥ lk̈e§


Self-Existent, your God, Who has brought you out from the land
of Egypt to be your God. I am the Self-Existent, your God.”


True and unchanging, correct and enduring, just and

trustworthy, good and beautiful is this declaration forever and
ever: You have always been our help and the help of those who
came before us, a shield and a savior in every generation. From
Pharaoh You redeemed us, O Divine our God, and from the
house of bondage You ransomed us; You performed great
wonders, You revealed Yourself at the Sea of Reeds, and You
brought the tribes of Israel to the land flowing with milk and
honey during the period of the Exodus from Egypt.
You anointed King Cyrus, You opened doors before him,
You raised up Your people, and You strengthened their hands
to rebuild the Holy Temple during the period of the Babylonian
You rescued those who survived the sword, You
delivered those who escaped suffocation, You gathered the
scattered, and You returned Your children to the land of their
antiquity during the period of the British Mandate.
For all these things, the beloved ones praised and exalted
God; the devoted ones offered hymns, poems and praise,
blessings and thanksgiving to the God Who lives and endures,
esteemed and exalted, magnificent and awe-inspiring, Who
lowers the arrogant to the ground, raises the lowly to exalted
heights, delivers the captive, and answers His people Israel
when they call out to Him.
Let us praise the Transcendent God, our Redeemer, as
did Moses, Aaron, Miriam, and the entire House of Israel when

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

:mN̈kª Exn§ `¨ e§ ,dÄx©

?d¤ed©§ i ,mil¦ ¥̀ Ä dk̈Ÿn« k̈ in¦
,Wc¤ŸT« A© xC̈`¤ § p dk̈Ÿn« M̈ in¦
?`l« ¤ t¤ dU ¥ Ÿr« ,zŸNd¦ z§ `xFp ¨
.mÏd© zt© U§ lr© Ÿr«§ n© Ẅ dẄc̈£g dxi¨ W¦ miw§ ¦ pFie§ mil¦ lFr
§ iR¦ n¦
:Exn§ `¨ e§ EcFd cg̈ ¤̀ lFwA§
¤ ml̈Frl§ KŸln¦ § i d¤ed©§i
L«n¤ ª̀ p§ k¦ dc¥tE
§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i zx§©fr¤ A§ dn̈Ew« ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i xEv
WFcw§ ,FnW§ zF`äv§ d¤ed© § i Ep«l£̀¥ ŸB :xn¡© `p¤ e§ .l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i ziA¥ ll© M§
.Fl£̀ Fbe§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i xEv ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,dŸ`© KExÄ .l ¥̀ x¨U¦ §i
. . .
dcinrl dpeek

,ig¦ Y§ t§ Y¦ iz© ẗU§ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀

.Kz¥ N̈d¦ Y§ ciB©¦ i itE
zedn`e zea`

¥ `¦ e§ Epi«zFa£̀
¥ zl̈ ¥̀ e§ Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
,aŸwr©£ i zl̈ ¥̀ e§ ;dẅa§ x¦e§ wg̈v¦ § i zl̈ ¥̀ ;dx¨Üe§ md̈x¨a§ `© zl̈ ¥̀
¨ B¦ d© dl̈Fc§Bd© dl̈ ¥̀ d̈ ;dd̈l§ aE ¦ lg¥ x¨ ,dR̈l¦ § fe§ d`¨ l¥
dp̈Fw ,miaFh ¦ mic¦ q̈£g zl« ¤ nFBÐdp̈Fi
¤ l§ r¤ dl̈ ¥̀ Ðd`¨ xFP¨ d© e§
dN̈ ª̀ B§ d`i
¨ a¦ nE¥ ,zFdÖ`¦ e§ zFa`¨ zix¦A§ zx«¤ kFf ¤ e§ ,lŸMd©
.dä£d`© A§ mz̈N̈rª R§ xk© U§ A¦ mdi ¤ x£
¥g`© zFxFcl§


they ascended from the sea. In abundant joy, they answered

You in song, and all of them said:
“Who is like You among the celestial beings, O Self-Existent?
Who is like You, majestic in holiness,
tremendous in glory, working wonders?”
Even from the mouths of children and nursing infants You
heard a new song on the shore of the sea. With one voice, they
offered thanks, and they said:
“The Self-Existent will reign forever and ever.”
Rock of Israel, rise to the aid of Israel, and redeem the
entire House of Israel according to Your word. And it is said,
“The name of our Redeemer is the Self-Existent One of Celestial
Legions, the Holy One of Israel.” Blessed are You, the Divine,
the Rock and Redeemer of Israel.

. . .

Ever-Becoming One, open my lips,

and let my mouth speak Your praise.


Blessed are You, the Divine, our God and the God of our
ancestors: the God of Abraham and Sarah; the God of Isaac and
Rebecca; the God of Jacob, Leah and Zilpah, Rachel and Bilhah;
the great, heroic, and awe-inspiring God—God
Transcendent—Who bestows infallible grace, possesses all
things, remembers the covenant of the ancestors, and brings
redemption to generations after them in loving reciprocity for
their achievement.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:

«¥ A§ Epia«¦ z§ M¦ ;mi¦Ig© A© dv̈¥t£gd© zi¦pn̈g§ x©d̈ ,mi¦Ig© l§ Epix«¦k¦
.mi¦Ig© zl̈ ¥̀ ,K¥pr© n© l§ mi¦Ig© d©
.xFcë xFC lk̈A§ Ep«Y¥ c§ wFR
© ,Epi«zFO
¥ `¦ e§ Epi«zFa£̀
¥ o¥bn̈E Ep«P¥ b¦ n̈
.dx¨Ü zc¤wFtE
«¤ md̈x¨a§ `© o¥bn̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§

dÄx© ,Y§ `© mi¦Ig© d© zW ¤ C«¤g© n§ ;d¤id§ ¤̀ ,ml̈Frl§ dxFA¦ ¨ b Y§ `©

¤X ¤ d© dg̈ix§¦fn© ,mW« ¤ B̈d© dc̈ixFnE ¦ gE
© x« d̈ däiW¦ n§ .ri © WFd
«¦ l§
zFnW¦ § p g©v«¤pl̈ dÏg© n§ ,cq« ¤ g¤ A§ mi¦Ig© zl«¤ M¤ l§ k© n§ .lḦd© dc̈ixFnE
,miN¦ C© zx«¤ ¤ fFr ,mil¦ tFp § z¤k«nFq ¤ .miA¦ x© min£ ¦ gx©A§ miz¦ n¥
zn«¤ I¤ w© nE
§ ,mivi ¦ x¦r̈ z¤p«I¤ C©n§ ,mixEq£̀ ¦ dxi¨ Y¦ n© ,milFg ¦ z`tFx ¥
dn̈Fc« inE ¦ ?zFxEaB§ xEv ,KFnM̈ in¦ .xẗr̈ ia¥ Ẅl§ Dz̈p̈En¡`
?dg̈in¦ v§ n© dr̈EW§i o¦ir«© sx«¤d¤ kE § ,z¤eÖ« d© n¥ mi¦Ig© d© zx«¤ v¤ Fi ,Kl̈
Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:

?min£ ¦ gx©A§ mi¦Ig© l§ d̈ixEv§

«¤ i zx«¤ kFf
¤ ,min£ ¦ gx©d̈ zl̈ ¥̀ ,KFnk̈ in¦
¤ C«¤g© n§ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .mi¦Ig© d© WC¥g© l§ Y§ `© dp̈n̈¡`p¤ e§
.mi¦Ig© d©
During private prayer:

mFi lk̈aE
§ ,dẌcªw§ Kx¥k¦ § fe§ ,dẌcªw§ K¦izFn
«© WE
§ ,dẌcªw§ Y§ `©
.dẄFcT§ d© dl̈ ¥̀ d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA*
§ .Kz¥ Ẍcªw§ lN¥ d§
*Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:

.dẌcªw§ A¦ däB§ U¦
§ p ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§


Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:

Remember us for life, O Compassionate One Who delights in
life; inscribe us in the book of life for Your own sake, O God of
You are our Shield and the Shield of our ancestors, our Visitor
in every generation. Blessed are You, the Divine, the Shield of
Abraham and the Visitor of Sarah.


Your might is infinite, O Divine; it is You Who renews life,

abundant in salvation. You make the wind blow and the rain
fall, the sun shine and the dew descend. You sustain the living
in kindness, and You grant eternal life to the souls of the dead
in bountiful compassion. You strengthen the defeated, aid the
needy, heal the sick, release the bound, judge the cruel, and
remain faithful to those who have returned to dust. Who is like
You, O Rock of might? Who resembles You, O She Who
fashions life out of death, and in the blink of an eye makes
salvation flourish?
Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:
Who is like You, O God of compassion, Who compassionately
remembers Her creatures for life?
Faithful You are to renew life. Blessed are You, the Divine, Who
renews life.


During private prayer:

You are holiness, Your names are holiness, Your remembrance
is holiness, and every day we will glorify Your holiness.
*Blessed are You, the Divine, the holy God.
*Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:
Blessed are You, the Divine, sublime in holiness.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

During communal prayer:

iR¦ lr© zW« ¤ N¤ Wª n§ dẌcªw§ Kl̈ WN¥ W§ © pE ,K¥vix¦r© £ pe§ KWi ¥ C¦ w©

© i md¥ :KC¥a§ r© iR¦ n¦ xEn£̀ d̈ ,Wc¤Ÿw« it¥ x§U
Ecn§ r© © cFq gi © U«¦ lk«¤U ¥
¥ ENr¦ e§ ,KzF`¥ EgA§ W¦ e§ ,KzF`
¥ Ekxäie¦ ,KcFa ¥ k§ i¥pt§ l¦
;zFgExd̈ d¤ed§ Y© dẄFcw§ ,dẄFcw§ ,dẄFcw§
.zFgEx `l¥ O© Y§ ux«¤`¨ d̈ lM̈
KM̈ ?Dv̈ix¦r£ d© l§ Dg̈Ex mFwn§ d¥I`© .ml̈Fr zF`N§ n© n§ zFgEx
:Kz¥ g̈t§ W¦ Epz§ c̈« O§ l¦
.ml̈FrÄ d¤ed§ Y© zgEx © ziY¦ n£̀ ¦
§ xFcë xFcl§ ,Kn¥ l̈Fr lM̈ KFzA§ iW¦ C§ w© z§ z¦ e§ il¦ C©§ Bz§ Y¦
xäC̈d© iR¦ lr© ,K¥Grª zEkl§ n© A§ dp̈i«¤̀ x§Y¦ Epi«p¥ ir¥ e§ .migv̈§ ¦ p
:KW ¥ c§ ẅ ixi¥ W¦ A§ xEn`¨ d̈
,min£ ¦ gx©A§ ml̈Frl§ d¤ed§ Y© zxEa © B§ iM¦
.hR̈W§ n¦ A§ m¦iFBdÎl
© r© cr© l̈ d¤ed§ Y© zEkl§ nE ©
.dẄFcwE § dn̈Fxn§ KC¥a© l§ Y§ `© iM¦ ,KWi ¥ C¦ w©§ p xFcë xFcl§
.dẄFcT§ d© dl̈ ¥̀ d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA* §
*Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:

.dẌcªw§ A¦ däB§ U¦
§ p ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
Recitation of the Amidah may continue below, or on page 53
with a digest of the following 14 petitions.


© `ŸlW
¤ ,dp̈iA¦ aN¥ l© zc«¤O¤ l© nE
§ zr© C«© W¤t«¤Pl© z¤p«¤pFg Y§ `©


During communal prayer:

We sanctify You, we glorify You, and we recite a threefold
proclamation of Your holiness after the knowing words of the
holy conclave of Seraphim, which were recited by Your servant:
“They stand in Your glorious presence, they bless You, they
praise You, and they exalt You, saying—
“Holy, holy, holy is the Self-Existent One of spirits;
She fills all the earth with spirits.”
Spirits fill the universe. Where is Her spirit that we may revere
Her? Thus Your servant has taught us:
“Truthful is the spirit of the Self-Existent
throughout the universe.”
Be magnified and be sanctified throughout Your entire
universe, from generation to generation, forever and ever. Let
our eyes behold Your sovereign might, after what is written in
songs of Your holiness:
“For the power of the Self-Existent is universally compassionate,
and the sovereignty of the Self-Existent
is ever upon the nations in lawfulness.”
From generation to generation we will sanctify You, for You,
alone, are exalted and holy. Blessed are You, the Divine, the
holy God.
*Between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:
Blessed are You, the Divine, sublime in holiness.
Recitation of the Amidah may continue below, or on page 53
with a digest of the following 14 petitions.


You grace the mind with knowledge and teach insight to the
heart, that we may never stray from Your paths again. Grace us

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

.lM¥ U§ d© e§ dp̈iA¦ ,dn̈k§ g̈e§ dr̈C¥ KY¥ `¦ n¥ Epi«P¦ Ÿg .cFr K¦ik «© x¨C§ n¦
.zr© C̈« d© z¤p«¤pFg ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§

Kä Epc§ x«©ÖW

¤ Epi«zFpŸ
¥ er£ lM̈ z ¤̀ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,iv¦ A§ w©
,Y§ `© dk̈ExA*
§ .K¦i«p© R̈ xF`l̈ zFIk§
ª fl¦ mz̈Ÿ` ik¦ t§ d¦ e§ ,EpcFr
«¥ n§
¥ er£ z¤vA
«¤ w© n§ ,d¤id§ ¤̀
*Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:

¥ er£ uA¥ w© l§ dv̈¥tg̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
mi`pz `ll dad`

zFaEd£̀ za£
© d`© zEgR̈ `Ÿl ,d`¨ l̈t¦
§ Pd© Kz¥ ä£d`© Ep«A¥ l¦ A§ iN©
.miaEd£̀¦ e©
On the Fifteenth of Av, add:

¦ zFAl¦ zFxiw¦ l§ i¦pY§ ,Ep«A¥ x§w¦ ix¥Y§ q§ n¦ z ¤̀ zr© cFI
«© d© Y§ `©
§ i Fl xA© gª W¤ dxi¨ W¦ lFwA§ dl̈r§ n© zFlr£ l©
.mi`p̈¦ Y§ `Ÿll§ za« ¤ dF`
¤ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
miweyrd zle`b

lk̈l§ mih¦ R̈W§ nE

¦ zFwc̈v§ iU¦ r©
£ e ,Kn¥ l̈FrA§ ug« © l© A§ `p̈Îi`¦ x§
.Y§ `© `N̈«¤̀ zl«
¤ ¤̀ FB oi ¥̀ iM¦ ,miwEW
¦ r£ d̈
On Lag BaOmer, add:

lM̈ z ¤̀ ixi¦ `
«¦ ŸW
¤ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,K¦i«p© ẗl§ oFvx¨ idi ¦ e¦
.xn¤ Ÿr« d̈ zFxEcO§ A© Ep«A¥ x§w¦ A§ Y§ r§ hp̈
© W ¤ zFvFvi¦Pd©
¦ r£ d̈ zl« ¤ ¤̀ FB ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§


with Your knowledge and wisdom, insight and understanding.

Blessed are You, the Divine, Who graciously grants knowledge.


Gather, O Divine our God, all the transgressions through which

we have ever rebelled against You, and transform them into
merits that illuminate Your presence. *Blessed are You, the
Divine, Who gathers our transgressions.
*Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who longs to gather our


Make known to our hearts Your wondrous love, a love no less

than that between lovers.
On the Fifteenth of Av, add:
You Who knows the secrets within us, let the walls that enclose
sighing hearts ascend to heaven with the sound of a song
composed in togetherness.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who loves unconditionally.


Behold the oppression in Your world, and work justice and

lawfulness for all the exploited, for there is no redeemer but
On Lag BaOmer, add:
And may it be Your will, O Divine our God, that You illuminate
all the Divine sparks You have planted within us through the
bonfires of the Omer.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who redeems the exploited.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq


¨ x§ il¦ r£ d© e§ .dr̈«W˦
¥ pe§ Epiri«¦ WFd
¦ ;`t¥ x¥¨pe§ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Epi`
«¦ ẗx§
.mi¦Ig© l§ Epi«zFM
¥ n© lk̈l§ dn̈in¦ Y§ dn̈l¥ W§
Prayers for individuals may be added here:

¨ x§ dx¨d¥ n§ ig¦ l§ W§ Y¦ W
¤ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,K¦i«p© ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ id§
lM̈ mr¦ , . . . . . l§ ,sEBd© z`Et © xE§ W¤t«¤Pd© z`Et © x§ ,dn̈l¥ W§
.ml̈Fr ilFg
¦ d© z`tFx ¥ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§

lM̈ z ¤̀ ir¦ a§ U¦ e§ ,Epicï

«¥ dU
¥ r£ n© lk̈A§ ,Epz«
¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Epi«k¦ x§Ä
«© n¦ FNMª ml̈Frd̈
On the Fifteenth of Sh’vat, add:

,dk̈x¨a§ l¦ lh© i¦pY§ .KC¥q§ g© aEHn¦ d̈i«l¤ `¨ iri« ¦ R¦ W§ d© e§ ,K¥vx§`© iv¦ x§

,miw¦ n̈r£ d̈e§ mix¦d̈d¤ zFEx©l§ ,mŸr¦ A§ ici¦ xFd «¦ oFvx¨ in¥ W¦§ be§
il¦ c¦§ Be§ ,mdi
¤ W ¥ x§Ẅ iwi ¦ n«¦ r£ d© .urë
¥ gn«© v¤ lM̈ md¤ Ä zFwW§ d© lE §
.dx¨`¨ t§ z¦ lE
§ dk̈x¨a§ l¦ ,oFvx¨l§ Egx§t¦§ i or«© n© l§ ,mx¨ ¥̀ R§
On the First of Elul, add:

Ep«l̈ Y§ zp̈
© mẄ iM¦ ,oc¤r«¥ o©B il¥ k§ `¨ n¥ lŸk` ¡ l¤ wx© g© ŸM« d© Ep«l̈ i¦pY§
lM̈ z ¤̀ e§ ,ux«¤`¨ d̈ lk̈ i¥pR§ lr© xW£̀ ¤ rx«¤ © f r© xŸ«¥f aU
¤ r«¥ lM̈ z ¤̀
.dl̈k§ `¨ l§ zFid§ l¦ Ep«l̈ rx«f̈
© r© xŸ«¥f ur¥ ix¦t§ ,FA xW£̀ ¤ ur¥ d̈
zix£ ¦g`© e§ dëw§ Y¦ Dl̈ iU¦ r©£ e ,rx¨ xäC̈ lM̈n¦ Ff dp̈Ẅ ix¦n§ W¦
,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .dk̈x¨a§ l¦ zFaFHd© mi¦pẌM© ,mFlẄ
.mi¦pẌd© z¤kx«¤än§



Heal us, O Divine, and we will be healed; save us, and we will be
saved. Restore us to life with a complete and perfect healing
from all our afflictions.
Prayers for individuals may be added here:

May it be Your will, O Divine our God, that You send a speedy
and complete recovery, a healing of soul and a healing of body,
to . . . . . , along with all the ailing throughout the world.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who heals the sick.


Bless us, O Divine our God, in all the work of our hands, and
satisfy the entire earth with Your goodness.
On the Fifteenth of Sh’vat, add:
Delight Your land, and let it overflow with Your benevolent
loving-kindness. Bless it with dew, and let satisfying rains fall in
their season, to saturate the mountains and the valleys, and to
water every plant and every tree. Deepen their roots, and let
their limbs grow great, that they may blossom for compassion,
for blessing, and for beauty.
On the First of Elul, add:
Grant us the fortitude to eat only the foods of the Garden of
Eden, for there You gave us every seed-bearing plant upon the
face of the earth, and the fruit of every fruit-bearing tree to be
our food.
Guard this year against all harm; craft it with hope, and let it
end in peace, like the most blessed of years gone by. Blessed are
You, the Divine, Who blesses the years.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

l`xyi zecg`

¥ r£ lM̈ cg¥ `© l§ q¥p i`¦ UE
§ ,Ep«zEx
¥ g¥ l§ lFcB̈ xẗFWA§ ir¦ w§ Y¦
.ux«¤`¨ d̈ zFt§pM© rA© x§`© Ä Epi«¥ip§ Ẅ lk̈A§ Epiw§
«¦ fg¦ e§
On Sig’d, add:

,Kzi¥ x¦a§ i¥paE § zFpA§ ic¥aF` § lM̈ z ¤̀ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,it¦ U§ g¦

¨ A§ wl« ¤ g¥ md¤ l̈ i¦pzE
§ ,mi¦pFW m¦iFB KFzA§ miz¦ aFW § xW£̀
,Epi«g¥ `© e§ Ep«zFg£̀
¥ lM̈ z ¤̀ `Ÿvn§ l¦ Epix§«¦fr¦ .l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i ziA¥
¥ e© Epi«zFO
¥ `¦ zW ¤ xFO
«¤ A© Epi«g¦ n§ U¦ e§
.l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i zFcr£ zc«¤g¤ `© n§ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§

mz̈Ÿ` iki ¦ x«¦c§ d© e§ ,KgEx

¥ ik¦ t§ W¦ l ¥̀ x¨U¦§ i ux«¤ ¤̀ i¥bid§¦ pn© lr©
Ep«N̈Mª iw¦ c§ v¦ e§ .KxF`¥ A§ mdi¥ ¤ pir¥ ixi¦ ` «¦ d© e§ ,Kw¥ c§ v¦ ih¥ R§ W§ n¦ A§
dẅc̈v§ za« ¤ dF`
¤ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA* § .hR̈W§ n¦ aE § wc«¤ v¤ A§
.hR̈W§ nE ¦
*Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:

.hR̈W§ O¦ A© däB̈U¦
§ p ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
dy` lew

,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i zFpA§ zg© n§ U¦ A§ zF`x§l¦ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Epi«M© ¦f

.K¦i«p© ẗl§ zFgÄW§ z¦ e§ zFxin§
¦ f ,zFxiW¦ A§ odi
¤ zFlFw
¥ z ¤̀ r© Ÿn« W§ l¦ e§
zx«¤aFW¤ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .cFr Epi«zFi ¥ g§ `© dp̈w«
§ Y© W§ Yª l`© e§
.l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i zFpA§ zwi © z¦ W§



Sound the great shofar for our freedom, raise the banner of
unity for all our communities, and strengthen us, in all our
diversity, throughout the four corners of the earth.
On Sig’d, add:
Uncover, O Divine our God, all the lost children of Your
covenant, who dwell among diverse nations, and grant them
their portion in the destiny of the House of Israel. Help us find
all our sisters and our brothers, and gladden us in the heritage
of our mothers and our fathers.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who unites the communities of


Cast Your spirit upon the leaders of the Land of Israel, guide
them with Your just laws, and clarify their vision by Your light.
Improve us all through justice and lawfulness. *Blessed are
You, the Divine, Who loves justice and lawfulness.
*Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:
Blessed are You, the Divine, sublime in lawfulness.


Let us be privileged, O Divine our God, to witness the joy of the

daughters of Israel, and to hear their voices in song, hymn, and
praise before You. Let our sisters be silenced no more. Blessed
are You, the Divine, Who shatters the silence of the daughters
of Israel.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

mpig z`py

,ic¦ a§ `© Y¦ r©bx«¤M§ zE`p̈w© d© lk̈e§ ,dëw§ Y¦ id¦ Y§ l`© mP̈g¦ z`§ © pU¦ l§
,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .Epi«nï ¥ a§ dx¨d¥ n§ A¦ iri« ¦ p¦ k§ Y© oFcG̈d© lk̈e§
.oFcG̈d© dr̈i¦pk§ n©

,mici¦ n¦ l§ Y© d© lr© e§ mixFO

¦ d© lr© ,mici¦ q£ ¦ gd© lr© e§ miwi¦ C©¦ Sd© lr©
d¤id§ ¤̀ ,K¦in£«© gx© `p̈ÎEn¡d¤i ,mic£
¦ d©iz§ n¦ d© lr© e§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i i¥pw¦§ f lr©
.zn¡ ¤ `A¤ K¦izFn«© W§ A¦ mig¦ hFA
§ d© lk̈l§ aFh xk̈Ü i¦pzE § ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀
In a house of mourning, add:

la« ¤ ¥̀ Ä mil¦ A§ `© z§ O¦ d© mil¦ a£̀

¥ d̈ lM̈ z ¤̀ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,in¦ g© §p
i ¥̀ El£gz© l§ `R¥ x§n© ig¦ l§ W¦ e§ ,K¦i` «© xFw
§ lk̈l§ aFxẅ `p̈Îi¦id£ .d¤Gd©
xa« ¤W¤ WŸag £ l© e§ ,mil¦ l̈n§ ª̀ d̈ mg© ¥ pl§ KC¥q§ g© id§
¦ i .K¦i«p© äE K¦izFp
«© A§
Epi«l¥ r̈n¥ z`ŸGd© dv̈x§R¦ d© z ¤̀ ix¦C§§ bY¦ ,zFvx¨R§ zx¤cFB «¤ .määl§
.zF`tFx § K«i¦ cï
© e§ z¤vgFn
«¤ dl̈ ¥̀ d̈ Y§ `© iM¦ ,min£ ¦ gx©A§
On public days of mourning, add:

zr¥ Ä ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i ziA¥ il¥ a£̀
¥ lM̈ z ¤̀ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,in¦ g©
«¦ e .Ep«zFN
¥ k© l§ Epil¥ r£ miA¦ x© m¦iFB Ecn§ r̈ iM¦ ,z`ŸGd© dp̈FräE
.dp̈Fil§ r¤ ici
¥ q£
¦ g oŸecf̈a§ Ebx§d©
© ie© ,ax«¤g̈l¤ l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i Kn¥ r© z ¤̀
¤ l¥ l§ g© lr© Epir«¥ n¥ ,Epir«¥ n¥ ;mdi
¤ l¥ l§ g© lr© Ep«A¥ l¦ ,Ep«A¥ l¦
Epi«l¥ r̈ ih§
¦ p .Epin«¦ g©
§ pl§ LC§ q§ g© `p̈Îidi
¦ e¦ ,Ep«z¥ r̈e§W
© l§ aFxẅ `p̈Îi¦id£
.m¦iFB cFaM§ shFW
¥ lg«© p© kE
§ ,mFlẄ xd̈p̈M§



Let there be no hope for senseless hatred; destroy all zealotry in

an instant, and make haste to subdue all arrogance in our days.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who subdues arrogance.


For the just and for the kind, for the teachers and for the
students, for the elders of Israel and for those who choose
Judaism, please amplify Your compassion, O Divine our God,
and grant a fair reward to all who trust in Your names in truth.
In a house of mourning, add:

Console, O Divine our God, all who mourn this loss. Please be
near to all who call upon You, and send healing to Your
grief-stricken children. Let Your kindness comfort the
saddened, and let it mend their broken hearts. O Restorer of
wholeness, compassionately restore our sense of wholeness, for
You are the God at Whose hand we are wounded and healed.
On public days of mourning, add:
Console, O Divine our God, all the mourners of the House of
Israel, at this time and during this season, for many nations
have risen against us to destroy us. They cast Your people Israel
to the sword, and with arrogance they slaughtered those
devoted to the Transcendent One. Our minds, our minds are
with their corpses; our innermost beings, our innermost beings
are with their corpses. Please draw near unto our outcry, and let
Your loving-kindness be our comfort. Let peace flow over us
like a river, and let the respect of nations flood like a stream.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

On Yom HaShoah, add:

,dḧl¥ R§ d© zix¦ ¥̀ W§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i KO¥ r© z ¤̀ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,in¦ g© §p

gh«© A¤ Epi«zFa£̀
¥ e© Epi«zFO
¥ `¦ za« ¤W ¤ A§ iM¦ .W ¥̀ n¥ lS̈nª cE`
¤ mi¦pR̈ fr© iFB ,lŸMn¦ xf̈k§ `© `¥pFU mdi ¤ l¥ r£ mẅ ,mz̈Elb̈A§
mci¥ g¦ k©
§ pe§ Ekl§ :xn© `¨ e§ ,oŸgï `Ÿl xr«© p© e§ owf̈ ¥ l§ mi¦pR̈ `V̈¦i `Ÿl
;mdi¤ l¥ l§ g© lr© Ep«A¥ l¦ ,Ep«A¥ l¦ .cFr l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i mW ¥ xkG̈¦
¥ i `Ÿle§ ,iFBn¦
Eid̈ Epi«l¥ r̈ mgP̈¥ d¦ l§ Ep«W
¥ t©
§ p dp̈£̀ nE
¥ .mdi ¤ l¥ l§ g© lr© Epir«¥ n¥ ,Epir«¥ n¥
`Ÿl l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i g©v«¤p ,lŸMd© zFxn§ l© e§ ,ok¥ iR¦ lr© s`© e§ .dp̈N̈Mª
.xT¥ W§
.Epr«© W¦
§ p K¦ic«©q̈£g lr© e§ ,Epg«
§ h© Ä K¦izFn
«© W§ A¦ iM¦ WFa¥p `Ÿl ml̈FrlE
¦ C©¦ Sl© gḧa§ nE
¦ or̈W§ n¦ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§

,d̈ix«¤r̈W§ A¦ mFlẄ id§

¦ i ;i¦pM§ W§ Y¦ min£
¦ gx©A§ Kxi¥ r¦ m¦il̈
« ẄExiA¦
.d̈i«a¤ WFi
§ al¥ A§ dël§ W
© e§
On the Ninth of Av, add:

¤ ,KW
¥ c§ ẅ mr© l§ oFIv¦ xd© lr© ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Yi
§ l§
¥ bp¦ Y§ `©
,W ¥̀ zFa£dN© n¦ KW
¥ c§ ẅ zFxA§ c©e§ KlFw
¥ cFd z ¤̀ Ern§ Ẅ
«¥ Ep«z¥ xF`
¨ .Kz¥ r̈EW§i m¦iFB lk̈A§ ,KM¥ x§C© ux«¤`¨ Ä ri
© cFd
«¦ l§
¤W ¤ ,x¤t «¥̀ zg«
© Y© x ¥̀ R§ md¤ l̈ i¦pzE
§ ,KO¥ r© l ¥̀ x¨W¦
§ i ox¤w«¤ ini
¦ x«¦d̈
oFvx¨ id§
¦ i .dd̈M¥ gE
© x« zg«
© Y© dN̈d¦ Y§ dh¥ r£ n© ,la«
¤ ¥̀ zg«
© Y© oFUÜ
lk̈l§ `x¥T̈¦i dN̈t¦ Y§ ziA¥ xW£̀
¤ ,Kzi
¥ A¥ i¦pa§ Y¦ W
¤ K¦i«p© ẗl§
.zg© `© dC̈ªb £̀ A© zFzC̈ lM̈ iU¦ r£ Y© mẄe§ ,miO¦ r© d̈


On Yom HaShoah, add:

Console, O Divine our God, Your people Israel, the surviving
remnant, kindling rescued from fire. For when our mothers and
our fathers dwelled securely in their dispersion, the most brutal
of enemies rose up against them—a brazen-faced nation that
neither respected the old nor spared the young—and they
declared, “Come, let us annihilate them as a people, and the
name of Israel will be remembered no more.” Our hearts, our
hearts are with their corpses; our innermost beings, our
innermost beings are with their corpses. Our souls refuse to be
comforted because of it all. But even so, and in spite of it all, the
eternity of Israel does not deceive.
Let us never be shamed because we have hoped in Your names
and relied on Your loving-kindness. Blessed are You, the Divine,
the Reliance and Hope of the just.


Dwell with compassion in Jerusalem, Your city; let there be

peace within its gates, and calm within the minds of its
On the Ninth of Av, add:
You revealed Yourself, O Divine our God, on Mount Zion to
Your holy people, who heard Your magnificent voice and
sacred proclamations through flames of fire, to make known
Your ways throughout the earth and Your saving power among
the nations. Our Light and our Rock, magnify the radiance of
Your people Israel, and grant them glory for ashes, a balm of
gladness for mourning, and a mantle of glory for a darkened
spirit. May it be Your will to rebuild Your temple, that it may be
called a house of prayer for all peoples, and there unite all
faiths in a single community.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

dk̈ExA§ .m¦il̈
« ẄExin¦ Kx¥äcE§ ,`¥vY¥ oFIS¦ n¦ dxFz
¨ zn¡
¤ `A¤ f`¨
« ẄExiA¦ z¤pkFW
«¤ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `©

g© ŸM« d© määl§ A¦ i¦pY§ .igi¦ n«¦ v§ Y© dx¨d¥ n§ Epi«¥̀ v̈¡`v¤ gn«© v¤ z ¤̀

mp̈x§w© ini¦ x«¦d© .Dxi¨ c£̀
¦ d© lE
§ Ep«z¥ xFY¨ liC§¦ bd© l§ ,K¦ik«© x¨c§ A¦ z«k¤ l¤ l̈
,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .mFId© lM̈ Epi«E¦w¦ Kz¥ r̈EWil¦ iM¦ ,Kz¥ r̈EWiA¦
.dr̈EW§i ox¤w«¤ dg̈in¦ v§ n© ,d¤id§ ¤̀
dlitz zlaw

il¦ A§ w© e§ ,Epi«l¥ r̈ in¦ g§ x©e§ iqEg

¦ ;Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Ep«lFw
¥ ir¦ n§ W¦
lM̈ zN© t¦ Y§ zr« © nFW
© Y§ `© iM¦ ,Ep«z¥ N̈t¦ Y§ z ¤̀ oFvx¨aE
§ min£
¦ gx©A§
.dN̈t¦ Y§ zr«© nFW
© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .d¤R
Recitation of the Amidah continues at the bottom of page 54.

dxyr rax` oirn zkxa

«© x¨C§ n¦ xqEp
© `ŸlW
¤ oFvx¨ id§
¦ i ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,`P̈`¨
ª fl¦ Epi«zFpŸ
¥ er£ lM̈ ik¦ t§ d¦ ,zr© C̈« d© z¤p«¤pFg ,`P̈`¨
.d`¨ l̈t¦
§ Pd© Kz¥ ä£d`© Ep«A¥ l¦ A§ iN©
¦ B ,Epi«zFpŸ
¥ er£ z¤vA
«¤ w© n§ ,`P̈`¨
.Kn¥ l̈FrA§ ug«
© l© A§ `p̈Îi`¦ x§ ,mi`p̈
¦ Y§ `Ÿll§ za«
¤ dF`
¤ ,`P̈`¨
.`t¥ x¥¨pe§ Epi`
«¦ ẗx§ ,miwEW
¦ r£ d̈ zl«
¤ ¤̀ FB ,`P̈`¨


Then Torah will truly come forth from Zion, and Your word
from Jerusalem. Blessed are You, the Divine, Who dwells in


Let the plant of our children soon flourish. Grant their hearts
the strength to walk in Your ways and to magnify the power of
our Torah. Raise their pride through Your salvation, for we
await Your salvation all the day. Blessed are You, the Divine,
Who makes the pride of salvation flourish.


Hear our voice, O Divine, our God; be merciful, have

compassion for us, and accept our prayer in kindness and in
favor, for it is You Who heeds the prayer of every mouth.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who heeds prayer.

Recitation of the Amidah continues at the bottom of page 55.


Please, O God, let us not stray from Your ways.

O God, Who graciously grants knowledge, transform all our
transgressions into merits.
O God, Who gathers transgressions, make known to our hearts
Your wondrous love.
O God, Who loves unconditionally, behold the oppression in
Your world.
O God, Who redeems the exploited, heal us, and we will be

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

«¥ dU
¥ r£ n© lk̈A§ Epi«k¦ x§Ä ,milFg
¦ d© z`tFx
¥ ,`P̈`¨
¥ r£ lM̈ cg¥ `© l§ q¥p i`¦ U§ ,mi¦pẌd© z¤kx«¤än§ ,`P̈`¨
.hR̈W§ nE
¦ dẅc̈v§ A¦ Epiw«¦ c§ v¦ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i zFcr£ zc«¤g¤ `© n§ ,`P̈`¨
zFpA§ zg© n§ U¦ A§ zF`x§l¦ Epi«M©
¦ f ,hR̈W§ nE
¦ dẅc̈v§ za«
¤ dF`
¤ ,`P̈`¨
.l ¥̀ x¨U¦
zE`p̈w© d© lM̈ z ¤̀ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i zFpA§ zwi
© z¦ W§ zx«¤aFW
¤ ,`P̈`¨
.ic¦ a§ `© Y¦
«© C©¦ v lr© K¦in£
«© gx© `p̈ En¡d¤i ,oFcG̈d© dr̈i¦pk§ n© ,`P̈`¨
«© ẄExil¦ mFlẄ i¦pY§ ,miwi
¦ C©¦ Sl© gḧa§ nE
¦ or̈W§ n¦ ,`P̈`¨
¦ n«¦ v§ Y© Epi«¥̀ v̈¡`v¤ gn«© v¤ z ¤̀ ,m¦il
«© ẄExiA¦ z¤pkFW
«¤ ,`P̈`¨
in¦ g§ x©e§ iq£
¦ g ;Ep«lFw
¥ ir¦ n§ W¦ ,dr̈EW§i ox¤w«¤ dg̈in¦ v§ n© ,`P̈`¨
.Ep«z¥ N̈t¦ Y§ z ¤̀ oFvx¨aE
§ min£
¦ gx©A§ il¦ A§ w© e§ ,Epi«l¥ r̈
.dN̈t¦ Y§ zr«
© nFW
© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§

,l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i KO¥ r© A§ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,iv¦ x§
On the first of Nisan, add:

¦ x¥a§ dU
¥ r£ n© A§ K¦it«© ŸW
On Hag HaShiv’im, add:

¥ g§ `© ux«¤`¨ d̈ i¥iFB lk̈l§ EricFd«¦ W ¤
id¦ zE
§ ,oFvx¨A§ il¦ A§ w© z§ dä£d`© A§ mz̈N̈t¦ YE
§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i ixi¥ W¦ ad«
© l© e§
.KO¥ r© l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i zcFa
© r£ cin¦ Ÿ oFvx¨l§


O God, Who heals the sick, bless us in all the work of our hands.
O God, Who blesses the years, raise the banner of unity for all
our communities.
O God, Who unites the communities of Israel, improve us
through justice and lawfulness.
O God, Who loves justice and lawfulness, let us be privileged to
witness the joy of the daughters of Israel.
O God, Who breaks the silence of the daughters of Israel,
destroy all zealotry.
O God, Who subdues arrogance, please rouse Your compassion
for the just.
O God, Who supports and sustains the just, grant peace to
O God, Who dwells in Jerusalem, let the plant of our children
O God, Who makes the pride of salvation flourish, hear our
voice; be merciful, have compassion for us, and accept
our prayer in compassion and in favor.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who heeds prayer.


Be pleased, O Divine our God, with Your people Israel,

On the first of Nisan, add:
Your partners in the work of creation,
On Hag HaShiv’im, add:
who have made Your unity known to all the nations of the
and receive Israel’s passionate song and prayer in love and
favor. Let the service of Your people Israel forever please You.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

On Rosh Hodesh and Hol HaMo’ed, add:

¥ i ,d ¤̀ ẍ¥ie§ ri«
© B©¦ i ,`Ÿaïe§ dl¤ r©
£ i ,Epi«zFc
¥ lFY
§ zl̈ ¥̀ e§ Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀
ziA¥ KO¥ r© lM̈ oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,Ep«z¥ N̈ ª̀ B§ in§
¥ i oFxk¦
§ fe§ ,Ep«p¥ Fxk¦
§ f cw¥ R̈¦ie§
mi¦Ig© l§ ,min£
¦ gx©lE
§ cq«
¤ g¤ l§ ,og¥ lE
§ däFhl§ K¦i«p© ẗl§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦
mFiA§ ,mFlẄlE
[zFSO© d© bg\zFM
© © c¤Ÿg« d© W`Ÿx]
Qª d© bg\W
Epic«¦ w§ tE
¦ ;dk̈x¨a§ l¦ e§ däFhl§ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Epix«¦k¦
§ f .d¤Gd©
§ dN̈ ª̀ b§ l¦ Epiri
«¦ WFd
¦ e§ ;dg̈n§ U¦ lE § oFUÜl§
Ep`«Üp̈ KC¥a© l§ Kl̈ iM¦ ,d`¨ x¦§iA§ KC¥a§ r̈l§ K¦il «© ¥̀ Ep«a¥ äl§ iH¦ d© e§
.cFar©£ p d`¨ x¦§iA§ KC¥a© l§ KzF`
¥ W ¤ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .Epi«p¥ ir¥

lr© e§ ,Kcï¥ A§ mixEq

¦ O§ d© Epi«¥Ig© lr© zn¡ ¤ `A¤ Kl̈ Epg«§ p© £̀ micFn ¦
lr© e§ ,Ep«Ör¦ mFi lk̈A§ W¤ K¦iQ¦«© p lr© e§ ,Kl̈ zFcEwR§ d© Epi«zFn ¥ W¦ §p
Elk̈ `Ÿl iM¦ ,däFHd© .iU¦ r£ Y© cin¦ Ÿ zr¥ lk̈A§ W ¤ K¦izF`«© l§ t¦ §p
zFAx© ml̈Frn¥ .K¦ic«©q̈£g EO«z© `Ÿl ik¦ e§ ,zn« ¤ g¤ x©n§ d© ;K¦in£
«© gx©
On Hanukkah, Purim, and Yom HaAtzma’u[s/t], add:

lk̈A§ ziU¦ r̈ xW£̀

¤ ,zF`l̈t¦
§ pe§ zFzF` ,zFxEa§bE miQ¦ ¦ Pd© lr© e§
.d¤Gd© mFId© cr© mc¤w«¤ ini
¥ n¦ Epi«zFc
¥ lFY
On Hanukkah, add:

,eip̈äE i`p̈Fn
¦ W§ g© lFcB̈ odŸ¥ M op̈g̈Fi oA¤ Ed«ïz§ Y¦ n© ini
¥ A¦
¦ q§ d© dk̈l̈n§ O© d© l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i KO¥ r© lr© dc̈n§ r̈W ¤ M§


On Rosh Hodesh and Hol HaMo’ed, add:

Our God and the God of those who came before us, may our
remembrance, the remembrance of the days of our redemption,
and the remembrance of Your entire people, the House of
Israel, rise and arrive, reach and be seen, be remembered and be
recalled unto Your presence for goodness and grace,
loving-kindness and compassion, life and peace on this day of
[New Moon Festival/Feast of Unleavened Bread/Feast of Booths].
Remember us, O Divine our God, with goodness and blessing;
visit us with gladness and joy; and save us with redemption and
Incline our minds to serve You in reverence, for we lift our eyes
to You alone. Blessed are You, the Divine, Whom alone we serve
in reverence.

We acknowledge You in true gratitude for our lives, which we

place in Your hand; for our souls, which we commit unto You;
for Your miracles, which are with us every day; and for Your
wonders, which You invariably perform every moment. You are
the Benevolent One, for Your compassion is never exhausted;
You are the Compassionate One, for Your loving-kindness is
never depleted. You have always been our greatest hope.
On Hanukkah, Purim, and Yom HaAtzma’u[s/t], add:
We also acknowledge You for the miracles and the mighty acts,
the signs and the wonders throughout our histories, from
ancient times until this very day.
On Hanukkah, add:

In the days of Mattathias—son of Yochanan, the Hasmonean

High Priest—and his sons, the Seleucid Empire rose against

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

,Ep«l¥ k̈id¥ z ¤̀ EWa§ k̈e§ ,Ep«l̈ Ex«v¥ d¥ e§ .Ep«z¥ c̈e§ Ep«zp̈En¡

¥ ` xŸwr£ l©
«© gx©A§ Y§ `© e§ ,K¦i«p© d£ ŸM mC̈§bp¤ En «ẅ f`¨ .Ep«W
K¦in£ ¥ C̈w§ n¦ z ¤̀ E`O§ h¦ e§
mz̈x§¨fr¤ A§ zi¦id̈e§ ,mz̈xv̈
¨ zr¥ A§ md¤ l̈ Y§ c§ n© r̈ ,miA¦ x©d̈
Kl̈e§ ,miH¦ r© n§ c©iA§ miA¦ x© Y§ x§q© n̈ .mdi
¤ a§
¥ iF` lr© xA©
¥ Bz§ d¦ l§
ziU¦ r̈ l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i KO¥ r© lE
§ ,Kn¥ l̈FrA§ WFcẅe§ lFcB̈ mW
¥ ziU¦ r̈
E`«Ä ,KM© xg«
© `© e§ .d¤Gd© mFId© M§ oẅx§tE
ª dl̈Fc§B dr̈EWY§
z ¤̀ Ex£dh¦ e§ ,Kl¥ k̈id¥ z ¤̀ EP«tE
¦ ,Kzi
¥ A¥ xia¦ c§ l¦ mi`p̈Fn
¦ W§ g© d©
z©pFnW§ Era§ «ẅe§ .KW
¥ c§ ẅ zFxv§ g© A§ zFx¥p Ewil«¦ c§ d¦ e§ ,KW
¥ C̈w§ n¦
¦ Bd© K¦izFn
«© W§ l¦ lN¥ d© lE
§ zFcFdl§ EN«¥̀ dM̈ªpg
£ in§
On Purim, add:

on̈d̈ mdi¤ l¥ r£ cn© r̈W

¤ M§ ,dxi¨ A¦ d© oWEW
© A§ ,xY¥ q§ ¤̀ e§ ik© C§ x§n̈ ini
¥ A¦
¦ Id© lM̈ z ¤̀ cA¥ `© lE § bFx£dl© ,cin¦ W§ d© l§ WT¥ A¦ ,rẄx¨d̈
«© gx©A§ ,Y§ `© e§ .cg̈ ¤̀ mFiA§ miWp̈ ¦ e§ sh© ,owf̈¥ cr© e§ xr«© P© n¦
,FYa§ W£
© gn© z ¤̀ Y§ l§ w© l§ w¦ e§ ,Fzv̈r£ z ¤̀ Y§ x§t© d¥ ,miA¦ x©d̈
q¥p l ¥̀ x¨U¦§ i KO¥ r© l§ ziU¦ r̈e§ .FW`ŸxA§ FlEnB§ FN zFaW£ ¥ de©
.dl̈«q¤ ,milFc§
¦ Bd© K¦izFn
«© W§ l¦ dcFp ¤ e§ ,`l« ¤ t¤ ë
On Yom HaAtzma’ut, add:

ux«¤ ¤̀ z ¤̀ zFpa§ l¦ mivEl£

¦ g E`«Ä ,dϦpX§ d© oFIv¦ zai © W¦ ini
¥ A¦
zFpaE § ,db̈ix£
¥dd© `i¥Bn¦ dḧl¥ R§ d© zix¦ ¥̀ W§ d`¨ ÄW
¤ kE
§ .l ¥̀ x¨U¦
i¥pt§ A¦ ux«¤`¨ d̈ ix¥r£ W
© ExB§ q¦
§ p ,mdi¤ zFvEt
¥ Y§ n¦ KO¥ r© i¥paE§
KO¥ r© zix¦k§ d© l§ mi¦IFB dr̈a§ W¦ En «ẅ f`¨ .Epi«g¥ `© e§ EpizFi
¥ g§ `©
zr¥ A§ md¤ l̈ Y§ c§ n© r̈ ,miA¦ x©d̈ K¦in£«© gx©A§ ,Y§ `© e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦


Your people Israel to destroy our faith and our religious

practice. They persecuted us, they occupied our Sanctuary, and
they defiled our Temple. Then, Your priests rose up against
them, and You, in Your abundant compassion, stood with them
at their time of distress, and You were their help in overcoming
their adversaries. You delivered the many into the hands of the
few, You made Your great and holy name known to the world,
and You granted Your people Israel tremendous victory and
relief, which we celebrate as though it occurred today.
Afterward, the Hasmoneans returned to Your Holy of Holies,
they cleansed Your Temple, they purified Your Sanctuary, and
they kindled the lamps in Your holy courtyards. Thus they
established these eight days of the Feast of Rededication to
acknowledge and to glorify Your magnificent names.
On Purim, add:
In the days of Mordecai and Esther, in the Persian capital of
Shushan, the wicked Haman sought to devastate, to slay, and to
destroy all Jews—young and old, small children and
women—in a single day. But You, in Your abundant
compassion, disrupted his scheme, foiled his plot, and turned
his conspiracy against him. You performed a miraculous
wonder for Your people Israel. Thus we acknowledge Your
magnificent names forever.
On Yom HaAtzma’ut, add:
In the days of the second return to Zion, pioneers arrived to
rebuild the Land of Israel. But when the surviving remnant
emerged from the valley of death, the children of Your people
from their Diaspora communities, the gates of the land were
closed to our sisters and our brothers. Then, seven nations rose
up against Your people Israel, but You, in Your abundant
compassion, stood beside them at their time of distress, and You

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

mix¦r̈W§ g© ŸY« t§ l¦ e§ xr«

©X© A© cŸnr£ l© mÄl¦ z ¤̀ Y§ w© § Gg¦ ,mz̈xv̈
Y§ x§q© n̈ .ux«¤`¨ d̈ on¦ a¥iF`d̈ zF`a§ v¦ z ¤̀ Wxb̈ ¥ lE
§ ,mit¦ C̈x¦§Pl©
¦ wE § milFc§¦ Bd© K¦izFn«© W§ ziU¦ r̈ Kl̈e§ ,miH¦ r© n§ c©iA§ miA¦ x©
oẅx§tEª dl̈Fc§B dr̈EWY§ ziU¦ r̈ l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i KO¥ r© lE§ ,Kn¥ l̈FrA§
zFpa§ l¦ K¦i«p© äE K¦izFp«© A§ EvA§ w¦§ p ,oM¥ xg« © `© e§ .d¤Gd© mFId© M§
bg© mFi ,d¤Gd© zE`n̈v§ r© d̈ mFi z ¤̀ Era§ ẅe§ ,K¥vx§`© A§ zFpÄd¦ lE §
¦ Bd© K¦izFn
«© W§ l¦ lN¥ d© lE § zFcFdl§
.aFh iM¦ ,Kn¥ l̈FrA§ zn¡
¤ `A¤ KEcFi mi¦Ig© d© lk̈e§
Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:

.ml̈Fr i ¥̀ Ä lM̈ miaFh¦ mi¦Ig© l§ ia¦ z§ k¦ e§

,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .Kl̈ micFn
¦ Epg«§ p© £̀ W
¤ lr© K¦izFn
«© W§ l¦ dcFp ¤ e§
.zF`c̈Fdd© dl̈ ¥̀ ,d¤id§ ¤̀
During communal prayer, add:

¤ N¤ W
ª n§ dk̈x¨a§ A¦ Epi«k¦ x§Ä ,Epi«zFc
¥ lFY
§ zl̈ ¥̀ e§ Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀
§ A§ K¦i«p© d£ ŸM zM© x§A¦ iR¦ lr©
.rx¨ lM̈n¦ Epx«¥n§ W§ Y¦ e§ ,aFh lk̈A§ ,d¤ed§ Y© ,Ep«k¥ x§äY§
.min¦ l̈Fr zr© c«©A§ Ep«P¥ EgY§ e¦ ,mi¦Ig© lk«
¤U ¥ A§ Ep«A¥ l¦ x ¥̀ Ÿe§
.min¦ l̈Fr mFlW§ l¦ Ep«l̈ d̈ic«¤q̈£g i¥pR§ `V̈Y¦ e§
When praying in private, continue:

§ i aFhe§ ,mFlẄ Kx¥k¦
§ fe§ ,mFlẄ K¦izFn
«© WE § ,mFlẄ Y§ `©
.mFlẄe§ fŸr ax¨A§ cin¦ Ÿ Epi«k¦ x§äl§ K¦i«p© ir¥ A§


strengthened their minds to resist the onslaught, that they

might open the gates to the pursued, and drive the adversarial
forces from the land. You delivered the many into the hands of
the few, You made Your great and holy names known to the
world, and You granted Your people Israel great victory and
relief, which we celebrate as though it occurred today. Then
Your children gathered to rebuild, and to be rebuilt in, Your
land, and they proclaimed this Independence Day as a festival
to acknowledge and to glorify Your magnificent names.
Let all life acknowledge You in true gratitude, throughout Your
world, for it is good.
Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:

May You inscribe every creature on earth for good life.

And let us acknowledge Your names for our capacity to thank
You. Blessed are You, the Divine, the God of thanksgivings.


During communal prayer, add:

Our God and the God of those who came before us,
favor us with a threefold blessing,
after the blessing of Your priests at Qumran:
“May the Self-Existent bless us with every goodness, and may
She preserve us from every evil.
“May She illuminate our minds with life’s wisdom, and may She
instruct us in eternal knowledge.
“May She raise Her kind face toward us for everlasting peace.”
When praying in private, continue:
You are peace, Your names are peace, and Your remembrance
is peace; may it be favorable in Your sight to bless us always
with abundant strength and peace.

dcinr leg inil zixgy xcq

Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:

cg̈ ¤̀ M§ Ep«N̈Mª az¥ M̈¦pe§ xkG̈¦

¥ p ,dn̈g̈¤pe§ dr̈EW§i ,mi¦Ig© x¤tq
«¥ aE
.mFlẄlE § miaFh ¦ mi¦Ig© l§
.mFlẌd© dÜFr ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA*
*Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:

.mFlẌA© däB§ U¦
§ p ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
ygla zelitz

il© l§ w© n§ l¦ e§ ,dn̈x§n¦ xA¥ C©n¦ iz© ẗUE § rx¨n¥ i¦pFWl§ ix¦v¦ § p ,iz¦ l̈ ¥̀
.d¤id§ Y¦ lŸMl© xẗr̈¤M iW¦ t© § pe§ ,mŸCz¦ iW¦ t© §p
© lFY § zl̈ ¥̀ e§ iz¦ l̈ ¥̀ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,K¦i«p© ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ id§ ¦i
KFzl§ KẄn¦ § p d¤id¦ § IX ¤ ,KcFa ¥ M§ oM© W§ n¦ iA¦ l¦ d¤id¦ § IW¤ d¤M§f ¤̀ W¤
mFwn̈E mFwn̈ lk̈aE § ,WFcT̈d© e§ lFcB̈d© KcFa ¥ M§ z©pik¦ W§ iA¦ l¦
`Ÿvn§ l¦ d¤M§f ¤̀ ,K¥pFvx§ it¦ M§ dr̈iq§ ¦ paE
¦ dïp̈£gA© ,mÜl§ `Fa`¨ W ¤
.zn¡ ¤ `A¤ KzEd ¥ l̈¡` mẄ
¦ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,K¦i«p© ẗl§ iA¦ l¦ oFi§bd¤ e§ it¦ ix¥n§ `¦ oFvx¨l§ Eid¦ §i
.iz¦ l£̀
§ Fbe§
mFlẄ dU ¤ r£ Y© d̈i«n£
¤ gx©a§ `id¦ ,d̈i«nFx ¤ n§ A¦ mFlẄ dÜFr
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .la¥ Y¥ ia¥ WFi § lM̈ lr© e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i lM̈ lr© e§ ,Epi«l¥ r̈
min¦ C̈ zEkit¦ WE § zFng̈l§ n¦ il¦ H§ a© Y§ W ¤ K¦i«p© ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ id§ ¦i
`Ÿle§ .ml̈FrÄ `l̈t¦ § pe§ lFcB̈ mFlẄ iki ¦ W «¦ n§ z© e§ ,ml̈Frd̈ on¦
.dn̈g̈l§ n¦ cFr Ecn§ l¦ § i `Ÿle§ ,ax«¤g¤ iFB l ¤̀ iFB cFr E`U¦ §i
. . .
On joyous festivals the service continues on page 90.


Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:

And in the book of life, salvation, and peace, let us be
remembered and inscribed, each of us as one, for good life and
for peace.
*Blessed are You, the Divine, Who makes peace.
*Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, substitute:
Blessed are You, the Divine, sublime in peace.


My God, guard my tongue from evil, and my lips from deceitful

speech. Let my soul be silent toward those who wish me harm,
and let my soul wish no harm to any thing.
May it be Your will, O Divine, my God and the God of
those who came before me, that You make my mind a
tabernacle of Your glory. Draw Your glorious, great, and holy
presence into my mind, that no matter where I am—where I
make my home, and where You will me to journey—I may
merit there to find the truth of Your Divinity.
May the words of my mouth and the thoughts of my
mind find favor before You, O Divine, my Rock and my
May the One Who makes peace in Her heavenly heights
compassionately bestow peace upon us, upon all Israel, and
upon everyone who dwells on earth. And let us say, “Amen.”
May it be Your will that war and bloodshed vanish from
the earth. Cause a great and glorious peace to descend upon the
world, that nation will never again lift up sword against nation,
nor will they ever again prepare for war.

. . .
On joyous festivals the service continues on page 91.

oepgz leg inil zixgy xcq

On public days of mourning, the service continues on page 126.

Tahanun is recited on all ordinary days, except on joyous festivals. It is also omitted on Purim
Katan, during the month of Nisan, on Pesah Sheni, on the first eight days of Sivan, on the day
before Rosh HaShanah, from Erev Yom Kippur until the second day after Sukkot, on days when
a child or adult is initiated into the covenant, on the occasion of a Bat or Ben Mitzvah, during
the week after a wedding, and in a house of mourning.

mit` zlitp

.Li«¤pẗl§ iz`«
¦ ḧg̈ ,oEPg© e§ mEgx©
.i©pEp£gY© lA¥ w© e§ il© r̈ mg¥ x© ,min£
¦ gx© `l¥ n̈ d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀

h"lw xenfn jezn

:xFn§fn¦ ce¦c̈l§ ,g«© S¥ p© O§ l©

¥ e i¦pY
«© x§w£
© g ,d¤ed©
.wFgx¨n¥ ir¦ x¥l§ dŸ§pA
«© ;inEw
¦ e§ iY¦ a§ W¦ Ÿr§ cï
«© dŸ`©
«© q§ d¦ ik© x¨CÎl
§ k̈e§ ,z̈ix¥
«¦f ir¦ a§ x¦e§ ig¦ x§`¨
.DN̈kª Ÿr§ cï
«© d¤ed©
§ i od¥ ;i¦pFWl§ A¦ dN̈n¦ oi ¥̀ iM¦
.dk̈«R¤ M© il© r̈ zW«Ÿ©
¤ e ,i¦p «Ÿx©§v mc¤wë
«¤ xFg`¨
.Dl̈ lkE
© `« `Ÿl däB§ U¦
§ p ;i¦PO
«¤ n¦ zr© c«© d`i
¨ l«¦ R§
?gx¨a§ ¤̀ Li«¤pR̈n¦ dp̈«`¨ e§ ,L«gEx
¤ n¥ Kl¥ ¥̀ dp̈«`¨
.‚«P¤ d¦ lF`X§ dr̈i«S¦ `© e§ ,dŸ«`¨ mẄ m¦in
«© Ẅ wQ© ¤̀ m`¦
,mï zix£
¦g`© A§ dp̈M§ W§ ¤̀ ,xg«
© ẄÎit§
¥ pk© `V̈ ¤̀
¦ i i¦p«f¥g
£ `Ÿze§ ,i¦pg§
«¥ pz© Lc«§ ï mẄÎm©B
,ic¦ r£ A© x©f`¨ dl̈§il
«© e§ ,i¦ptEW§ ¤ Ÿg« ÎK`© xnŸ
«¥ i KW © `ë


On public days of mourning, the service continues on page 127.

Tahanun is recited on all ordinary days, except on joyous festivals. It is also omitted on Purim
Katan, during the month of Nisan, on Pesah Sheni, on the first eight days of Sivan, on the day
before Rosh HaShanah, from Erev Yom Kippur until the second day after Sukkot, on days when
a child or adult is initiated into the covenant, on the occasion of a Bat or Ben Mitzvah, during
the week after a wedding, and in a house of mourning.


Compassionate and gracious One, I have sinned before You.

Ever-Becoming One, Who is filled with compassion,
have compassion for me, and accept my supplications.


For the leader of the choir, a psalm of David:

O Self-Existent, You have searched me, and You have known:
You have known my sitting and my standing; You have
discerned my thoughts from afar.
You have observed me when I move and when I rest, and You
have become accustomed to all my ways.
For not one word is on my tongue before all of them are known
to You, O Self-Existent.
You have surrounded me back and front, and You have laid
Your hand upon me.
It is a mystery I cannot know; it is too sublime to fathom.
Where can I go away from Your spirit, and where can I escape
Your presence?
If I ascend to the heavens, You are there, and if I take my rest
in the underworld, You are there.
If I bear the wings of dawn, if I dwell beyond the sea,
Even there Your hand will guide me, and Your right hand will
hold me.
If I say, “Surely, the darkness has enshrouded me, and the night

oepgz leg inil zixgy xcq

¥ gM© ;xi`ï
¦ mFIM© dl̈§il
«© e§ ,‚«O¤ n¦ KiW¦ g© ¤ Ÿg« Îm©B
§ iÎ`Ÿl KW
¨ M̈
.iO¦ `¦ oh«
¤ a¤ A§ i¦pM
«¥ qª Y§ ;iz̈Ÿil§ k¦ z̈i«p¦ ẅ dŸ`Îi
© M¦
zr© cŸ«©i iW¦ t©
§ pe§ Li«U
¤ r£ n© mi`¦ l̈t¦
§ p ;izi«
¦ l¥ t¦
§ p zF`xFp
¨ iM¦ lr© LcF`
iY¦ n§ T«© xª ;xz«
¤ Q¥ a© izi«
¦ V ¥ rÎx
ª W£̀
¤ ,‚«O¤ n¦ iA¦ v§ r̈ cg© k¦
§ pÎ`Ÿl
.ux«¤`¨ zFIY¦ g§ z© A§
,Ex«S̈ªi minï
¦ Ea«z¥ M̈¦i mN̈Mª Lx§t§ qÎl
¦ r© e§ ,Li«¤pir¥ E`x¨ in¦ lB̈
.md¤ Ä cg̈ ¤̀ `Ÿle§
¤ W`
¥ x¨ Env§ «r̈ dn¤ ;l ¥̀ ,Lir«¤ x¥ Exw«§ ÏÎdn© il¦ e§
¦ e§ iz¦ Ÿv« iw¡
.KÖr¦ icFr ¦ d ;oEAx¦§i lFgn¥ mx¥R§ q§ ¤̀
.iR̈r© x§U
© rc©e§ ,i¦p«p¥ g̈A§ ;ia¦ äl§ rc©e§ ,l ¥̀ ,i¦px«¥w§ g̈
«¥ pE ,iA¦ a¤vŸr« ÎKx¤CÎm
.ml̈Fr Kx¤c«¤A§ i¦pg§ «¤ `¦ d ¥̀ xE§


ra© UE§ ,minï ¦ x©vw§ ,x¤t «¥̀ e§ xẗr̈ ,Lic«¤är© £ e Li«zFg

¤ t§ W¦ ,Ep«P¥ d¦
gl© q§ z¦ e§ ,Li«n£
¤ gx©A§ Epi«l¥ r̈ qFgŸW ¤ Li«¤pẗl§ o¥Pg© z§ d¦ l§ Ep`«Ä .f¤bŸx«
oiA¥ ,inï © lk̈A§ Li«¤pẗl§ Epr«§ W © ẗE Epi«e¦r̈©e Ep`«ḧg̈W ¤ dn© lk̈l§
EpiU«¦ r£ iM¦ Epn«§ g¦
© p iM¦ .q¤pF`« oiA¥ ,oFvx¨A§ oiA¥ ,ci¦fn¥ A§ oiA¥ ,b¥bFW


has fortified me,”

Even darkness is not dark to You; the night is as bright as the
day; the dark is the same as the light.
For it is You Who fashioned my organs; You crafted me in my
mother’s womb.
I thank You for the awe and the wonder with which I was made;
Your creations are wondrous, and my soul knows it well.
My pain is never hidden from You Who made me in secret; You
sewed me together out of sight from the world.
Your eyes saw my unformed body, and in Your book, all my
days were inscribed before there was even one of them.
How glorious are Your ambitions to me, O God; how vast are
their inner-workings.
If I counted them, they would outnumber the sand; if I finished,
I would still be with You.
Examine me, O God, and know me; investigate me, and know
my thoughts.
See if a destructive way is within me, and direct me in the way
of eternity.


Here we are, Your servants, dust and ash, few in days, and filled
with anger. We come before You to beseech Your compassion,
that You might spare us, and forgive all the sins, transgressions,
and grave wrongs we have committed throughout our lifetimes,
whether we acted mistakenly or maliciously, willfully or
compulsively. Indeed, we regret having committed them:

oepgz leg inil zixgy xcq

.ll̈n§ ª̀ e§ lC© zw© r© £ Gn¦ Epi«p¥ f§ `¨ Epn«§ h© `¨

.m¦iR«© k© iw§ ¦ pE Kx¤c«¤ xWi © l¦ Ep§fA «©
.Ep«A¥ l¦ daB̈ ©
.Epi«¥Ig© n¥ ux«¤ ¤̀ Kx¤C«¤ Epi«g¦ C̈
.d`¨ n¥ il¥ r£ A© mr¦ Epn« § M© q§ d¦
.dẄcªw§ d© lr© Epx«§Y© e¦
.ad̈G̈d© l¤br«¥ l§ Epg« § af̈
".g© Ÿk« A§ wx©e§ l¦ig «© A§ wx" © ,Ep«l§ ¥ bC¦ lr© Eph§ x«©g̈
.Ep«a¥ äl§ ix¥c§ g© z ¤̀ lt¥ z̈ Epg« § h©
.Epi«v¦ x¨ `Ÿl K`© Epl§ Ÿk« ï
.Kx¤c«¤ ini ¥ n¦ z§ l¦ xFA Epix«¦M̈
.Ep«z¥ l̈Ef l ¤̀ o¦ir«© EpW«§ h© l̈
.cïe§ lFw mix¦d© l§ Epx«§d© n¦
.l¥Sp© l§ zEpO§ C§©fd¦ lM̈ Epl«§ S© p¦
.Ep«n¥ v§ r© lr© Epk«§ n© q̈
.xk̈¥p ili ¥ l¡ ¦` Epc«§ a© r̈
.lFwA§ zn¡ ¤ `d̈ lr© fix¦k§ d© l§ Epc«§ g© R̈
.Wx¨l̈ Ep§br«© l̈e§ Epw«§ gv̈
.xn¤ Ÿg« d© z ¤̀ e§ lFgd© z ¤̀ EpW§ C«©w¦
.Epc§ r«© d¥ `Ÿle§ Epi` «¦ x¨
.xŸMf§ l¦ Ep«l̈ mrp̈ © `ŸlW ¤ z ¤̀ Epg«§ k© Ẅ
.EpU« § t© z̈ `Ÿl dA¤ xªn§ EpU«§ t© Ÿ
.Ep«l̈ dë«Ẅ `Ÿle§ ,Ep«ÄW ¤ Ln§ l© § Sn¦ Epx«§q̈


We were deaf to the cry of the poor and the unfortunate.

We demeaned the ethical and the honest.
We acted pretentiously.
We cast off civility from our lives.
We acquiesced to absolute power.
We renounced holiness.
We sacrificed to the golden calf.
We advanced under the banner, “Only by might and only
by power.”
We denied access to the chambers of our hearts.
We were able, but we were unwilling.
We framed the innocent.
We wished ill of those around us.
We were quick to raise our voices and our fists.
We seized every opportunity to take advantage.
We were narcissistic.
We served alien deities.
We were frightened to proclaim the truth aloud.
We mocked and belittled the needy.
We sanctified the profane and the material.
We witnessed but did not testify.
We forgot what we would rather not remember.
We grasped for much, but we could not hold onto it.
We have deviated from Your likeness within us,
and it has not availed us.

oepgz leg inil zixgy xcq


.Epi«p¥ ir¥ Li«l¤ r̈ iM¦ ,dU

¤ r©
£ P dn© rc¥
©p `Ÿl Epg«§ p© £̀ e©
.dÖ«d¥ ml̈Frn¥ iM¦ ,Lic«¤q̈£ge© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Li«n£
¤ gx© xŸkf§
.Ll§ Epl«§ g¦
© i xW£̀
¤ M© ,Epi«l¥ r̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,LC§ q§ g© id§

.xŸMf§ p¦ dẅc̈v§ ,zEIkŸ¦ p £̀ A§

.xŸMf§ p¦ zEpn̈£gx© ,zEixf̈¦ k§ `© A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ dëp̈r£ ,zExidi
¦ A¦
.xŸMf§ p¦ qEni¦p ,zEQ©bA§
.xŸMf§ p¦ xW«Ÿ
¤ i ,dx¨a¥ r£ xäc§ l¦ zEtŸW
ª A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ xd© Ÿh« ,d`¨ n§ hª A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ dp̈En¡` ,zE`c̈©e xq¤ Ÿg« A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ mFlẄ ,zEniN¦ `© A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ Ep«zEri¦
¥ bR§ ,mix¦g£̀
¥ n¥ cg«
© t© A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ g© ŸM« ,zElv§ r© A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ Ep«zEi
¥ x£¨g`© ,dn̈W§ `© A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ dä£d`© ,d`§
¨ pU¦ A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ m¦iR«© `© Kx¤Ÿ`« ,f¤bŸx« A§
¤ Ÿr« A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ wc«¤ v¤ d© i¥pic¦ ,wW
.xŸMf§ p¦ Ep«zEki
¥ n§ ¦ p ,zin¦ v§ r© dä£d`© A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ ,dx©¨f dc̈Far£ A©



We know not what to do, so it is toward You we turn our gaze.

Remember Your compassion and Your kindness, O Divine,
for they are boundless.
May Your compassion be with us, O Divine,
as our hope is with You.

In selfishness, let us remember charity.

In cruelty, let us remember compassion.

In arrogance, let us remember humility.

In coarseness, let us remember courtesy.

In complicity, let us remember integrity.

In impurity, let us remember virtue.

In uncertainty, let us remember faith.

In violence, let us remember peace.

In fear of others, let us remember our own vulnerability.

In laziness, let us remember strength.

In culpability, let us remember our responsibility.

In hatred, let us remember love.

In anger, let us remember patience.

In exploitation, let us remember equity.

In narcissism, let us remember our lowliness.

In idolatry, let us remember the Ever-Becoming.

epzxe` epzxvei leg inil zixgy xcq

.xŸMf§ p¦ al¥ un¤ Ÿ`« ,al¥ Kx¤Ÿn« A§

.xŸMf§ p¦ r©p«v¤ ,dx¨nï
§ A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ zEaic§¦ p ,zEpc̈n§ g© A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ Ep«lFw¥ ,dẅiz¦ W§ A¦
.xŸMf§ p¦ zn¡ ¤ ` ,dẄg̈k§ d© A§
.xŸMf§ p¦ dëw§ Y¦ ,lW«
¤ M¤ A§
§ xẗr̈ iM¦ xŸkf§ ,Epx«¥v¦
§ i r© cFI
«¥ d© dŸ`©
¤ W§ cFaM§ xa© C§ lr© ,Epr«¥ W¦
§ i l ¥̀ ,Epx§ «¥fr̈
¤ W§ or«© n© l§ Epi«z`Ÿ
¥ Hg© lr© xR¥ k© e§ Ep«li
¥ S¦ d© e§
. . .
On public days of mourning, and between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:

epzxe` epzxvei

¥ ir¦ n§ W¦ ,Ep«z¥ xF`¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
oFvx¨ zr¥ e§ min£ ¦ gx© zr© W§ z`ŸGd© dr̈Ẍd© `d¥ Y§ ,EpxF` «¥ Epx«¥vFi
.Li«¤pẗN§ n¦
.Kz¥ c̈Far£ l© Epia«¦ x§w¦ ,Ep«z¥ xF`
¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
.Li«¤pẗl§ dn̈l¥ W§ däEWz§ A¦ Epxi¦ « ¥ fg
£ d© ,EpxF`
«¥ Epx«¥vFi
,Ep«z¥ xF`
¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
On public days of mourning: .däFh dp̈ÿ Epi«l ¥ r̈ ik¦ x§Ä
Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur: .däFh dp̈ÿ Epi«l ¥ r̈ iW¦ C§ g©
.dp̈h§ U¦ e§ dxv̈
¨ lM̈ dN¥ M© ,EpxF` «¥ Epx«¥vFi


In cowardice, let us remember courage.

In pretension, let us remember modesty.
In greediness, let us remember generosity.
In silence, let us remember our voice.
In denial, let us remember truth.
In failure, let us remember hope.

You Who knows our nature, remember we are only dust.

Help us, O God of our salvation, for the glory of Your names.
Rescue us, and forgive us our sins, for the sake of Your names.

. . .
On public days of mourning, and between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add:


Our Maker, our Light, hear our voice.

Our Maker, our Light, let this moment in Your presence be a
moment of compassion and a time of acceptance.
Our Maker, our Light, draw us near to Your service.
Our Maker, our Light, let us return to You in perfect
Our Maker, our Light,
On public days of mourning: bless us with a good year.
Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur: renew us with a good year.
Our Maker, our Light, bring an end to all distress and adversity.

dxezd z`ixw leg inil zixgy xcq

.zig¦ W§ nE
© ia¦ WE
§ ar̈x¨e§ ax«¤g¤ e§ xa¤ c«¤ lM̈ iN¦ M© ,Ep«z¥ xF` ¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
.milFg¦ d© lk̈l§ dn̈l¥ W§ d`Et ¨ x§ gl© W§ ,EpxF` «¥ Epx«¥vFi
.mil¦ a£̀ ¥ d̈ lk̈l§ dn̈g̈¤p ig¦ l§ W¦ ,Ep«z¥ xF` ¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
«¤ i lr© migEa ¦ h§ d© lM̈ xFk§f ,EpxF` «¥ Epx«¥vFi
WECw¦ lr© m¦iO «© aE
© W ¥̀ ä i ¥̀ Ä lM̈ ix¦k¦ § f ,Ep«z¥ xF`
¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
«© W§
.Ep«R¥ h© e§ Epi«l¥ l̈Fr lr© e§ Epi«l¥ r̈ xFnW§ ,EpxF` «¥ Epx«¥vFi
«© x§A¦ n¦ Epicï«¥ i`¦ l§ n¦ ,Ep«z¥ xF` ¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
.ml̈Frd̈ lk̈A§ mFlẄ ziW¦ ,EpxF` «¥ Epx«¥vFi
.aFxẅA§ dN̈ ª̀ B§ Ep«l̈ igi ¦ n«¦ v§ d© ,Ep«z¥ xF`
¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
.miA¦ x©d̈ Li«n£¤ gx© or« © n© l§ dU ¥ r£ ,EpxF`
«¥ Epx«¥vFi
.Ep«p¥ r£ n© l§ `Ÿl m`¦ K¥pr© n© l§ iU¦ r£ ,Ep«z¥ xF` ¨ Ep«Y¥ x©§vFi
Ep«Ör¦ dU¥ r£ .miU¦ r£ n© EpÄ oi ¥̀ iM¦ ,Ep«p¥ r© £ e Ep«P¥ g̈ ,EpxF`
«¥ Epx«¥vFi
.Epri «¥ WFd
¦ e§ cq« ¤ gë
¤ dẅc̈v§
. . .

oex`d zgizt

§ i xF`A§ dk̈l¥
§ pe§ Ekl§ ,aŸwr©
£ i ziA¥

.Dï dcF`
¤ ;mäÎ`Ÿa`¨ :wc¤
¤vÎix¥r£ W
© ilÎEg
¦ z§ R¦


Our Maker, our Light, bring an end to all plague, war, hunger,
oppression, and destruction.
Our Maker, our Light, send perfect healing to all the ailing.
Our Maker, our Light, send consolation to every mourner.
Our Maker, our Light, remember every person who was
slaughtered for proclaiming Your unity.
Our Maker, our Light, remember everyone who endured fire
and water to sanctify Your names.
Our Maker, our Light, preserve us, our infants, and our
Our Maker, our Light, fill our hands with Your blessings.
Our Maker, our Light, establish peace in all the world.
Our Maker, our Light, let our redemption soon sprout.
Our Maker, our Light, act because of Your abundant
Our Maker, our Light, act for Your sake if not for our sake.
Our Maker, our Light, be gracious to us and answer us, though
we are deficient of good deeds. Deal with us charitably
and with loving-kindness, and bring us salvation.

. . .

O House of Jacob, come,

and we will walk in the light of the Self-Existent.
Open for me the gates of justice;
I will enter through them, thanking the Self-Existent.

dxezd z`ixw leg inil zixgy xcq

dxezd z`ivn

Ff .Lx§a£
¥ gl© dU
¤ r£ Y© `Ÿl `EpÜ Li«l¤ r̈W
¤ dn© :owG̈
¥ d© lN¥ d¦ xn© `¨
.`Ed WExR¥ x`¨ X§ d© e§ ,dxFY
¨ d© lM̈


.d¤id§ ¤̀ zxFz
© A§ [`Äd© KExÄ\d`¨ Äd© dk̈ExA]§
.`Ed cg̈ ¤̀ `Ed KExÄ WFcẅd© e§ dxFz
¨ e§ l ¥̀ x¨U¦


.cFak̈A§ [cŸnr©
£ i/cŸnr£ Y]© ,[dlFr¤ d̈/dl̈Frd̈] , . . . . .
.lFWk§ n¦ Fnl̈ oi ¥̀ e§ ,L«z¤ xFY
¨ ia£
¥ dF`l§ ax¨ mFlẄ

dxezd zekxa
Before the reading:

.z¤kxŸ«¤an§ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ z ¤̀ Ekx§Ä

¤ ml̈Frl§ ,z¤kxŸ«¤an§ d© ,d¤id§ ¤̀ dk̈ExA§
Ep«l̈ z`xFw
¥ xW£̀¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .dxFY
¨ d© z ¤̀ Ep «z̈F` zc«¤O¤ l© nE§ DxF` ¨ A§ KN¥ d© l§
¨ d© zc«¤O¤ l© n§ ,d¤id§ ¤̀
After the reading:

Ep «z̈F` zc«¤O¤ l© O§ W
¤ ,min¦ l̈Frd̈ ig¥ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§
,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,Y§ `© dk̈ExA§ .Ep«kFz
¥ A§ zr« © hFp
© ml̈Fr i¥Ig© e§ zn¡ ¤ ` zxFY©
.dxFY¨ d© zc«¤O¤ l© n§



Hillel the Elder said, “Whatever is hateful to you, do not do to

your neighbor. This is the entire Torah, and the rest is


Blessed is the person who comes

with the teaching of the Divine.
Israel, Torah, and the Holy One, blessed be He, are one.


Let . . . . . , the one who is to rise, stand with honor.

Let those who love Your teaching have great peace,
and let them have no stumbling block.


Before the reading:

Bless the Divine, the blessed One.

Blessed is the Divine, the blessed One, forever and ever.

Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
calls us to walk in Her light, and Who teaches us the Torah.
Blessed are You, the Divine, Who teaches the Torah.

After the reading:

Blessed are You, the Divine our God, the Life of infinities, Who
teaches us a Torah of truth, and Who implants everlasting life
within us. Blessed are You, the Divine, Who teaches the Torah.

ixy` leg inil zixgy xcq


¨ e§ fŸr Ep«l̈ `id¦ iM¦ ,dxFY
¨ d© z`ŸfA§ UiUp̈
¦ e§ li¦bp̈
When a haftarah is read, the service continues on page 142.

. . .

.dl̈«Q¤ ,LEl« l§ d§
© i cFr ;L«zi
¤ a¥ ia¥ WFi
§ ix¥W§ `©

© ` d¤ed©
§ iW
¤ mr̈d̈ ix¥W§ `© ;FN dk̈«M̈W
¤ mr̈d̈ ix¥W§ `©

:ce¦c̈l§ dN̈d¦ Y§
¤ ml̈Frl§ Ln§ W¦ dk̈x§ä£̀ e© ,Kl«
¤ O¤ d© idFl¡
© ` d¤ed©
§ i Ln§ nFx£̀

¤ ml̈Frl§ Ln§ W¦ dl̈l§ d£̀
© e© ,‚«k¤ x§ä£̀ mFi lk̈A§

¤ g¥ oi ¥̀ FzN̈c§ªbl¦ e§ ,cŸ`n§ lN̈dª nE
§ d¤ed©
§ i lFcB̈

.Eci«B©¦ i Li«zŸ
¤ xEa§bE ,Li«U
¤ r£ n© EgA§ W§
© i xFcl§ xFC

«¦ `¨ Li«zŸ
¤ `l§ t¦
§ p ix¥a§ c¦ e§ ,ExA¥ c§©i LcFd
«¤ cFaM§ xc£

.dP̈x«¤R§ q£̀
© Li«zFl
¤ c§ªbE ,Ex«n`Ÿ
¥ i Li«zF`
¤ xFp
§ fEfr¤

.Ep«P¥ x§©i Lz§ ẅc§ v¦ e§ ,EriA©

«¦ i LaEh
§ ax© xk«¤ f¥

¤ g̈ lc̈§bE m¦iR«© `© Kx«¤ ¤̀ ,d¤ed©
§ i mEgx©e§ oEPg©



Let us rejoice and be glad in this Torah,

for it is our strength and our light.
When a haftarah is read, the service continues on page 143.

. . .

Fortunate are those who dwell in Your house;

all the more will they praise You.
Fortunate is the people for whom this is so;
fortunate is the people whose God is the Self-Existent.

A Psalm of David:
I will exalt You, the Self-Existent, my God, the Sovereign;
I will bless Your name forever and ever.
Everyday I will bless You;
I will praise Your name forever and ever.
Great is the Self-Existent and exceedingly praised;
His greatness cannot be fathomed.
From generation to generation they will praise Your deeds;
Your heroic acts they will retell.
Of the magnificent glory of Your splendor they will speak;
words of Your wonders I will say.
The might of Your wonders they will explain;
Your magnificent acts I will recount.
A tribute to Your abundant goodness they will utter;
Your justice they will joyously proclaim.
Gracious and compassionate is the Self-Existent,
slow to anger and great in loving-kindness.

ixy` leg inil zixgy xcq

.eiÜr£ n© lM̈ lr© ein̈£gx©e§ ,lŸMl© d¤ed©

§ i aFh
.dk̈Ek« x§ä§i Lici
«¤ q£
¦ ge© ,Li«U
¤ r£ n© lM̈ d¤ed©
§ i LEcFi
.Ex«A¥ c§©i Lz§ xEa§
¨ bE ,Ex«n`Ÿ
¥ i LzEk
§ l§ n© cFaM§
.FzEkl§ n© xc£
©d cFakE
§ ,eiz̈ŸxEaB§ mc̈`¨ d̈ i¥pa§ l¦ ri
© cFd
«¦ l§
.xŸcë xFC lk̈A§ LY§ l§ W
© n§ nE
¤ ,min¦ l̈Fr lM̈ zEkl§ n© LzEk
§ l§ n©
.eiÜr£ n© lk̈A§ ciq¦ g̈e§ ,eix¨äc§ A¦ midŸl¡
¦ ` on̈¡`p¤
¦ M§ d© lk̈l§ swFf
¥ e§ ,mil¦ tŸ§ Pd© lk̈l§ d¤ed©
§ i KnFq
.FYr¦ A§ ml̈k§ `¨ z ¤̀ md¤ l̈ ozFp
¥ dŸ`© e§ ,Ex«A¥ U§
© i Li«l¤ ¥̀ lŸk i¥pir¥
.oFvx¨ ig© lk̈l§ ri
© A«¦ U§ nE
© ,Lcï
«¤ z ¤̀ dŸ`© g«
© zFR
.eiÜr£ n© lk̈A§ ciq¦ g̈e§ ,eik̈x¨C§ lk̈A§ d¤ed©
§ i wiC©¦ v
.dp̈En¡`a¤ Ed «ª̀ x¨w¦
§ i xW£̀
¤ lŸkl§ ,ei`¨ xŸ§w lk̈l§ d¤ed©
§ i aFxẅ
¥ WFi
¦ e§ rn© W¦
§ i mz̈r̈e§W
© z ¤̀ e§ ,dU
¤ r©
£ i ei`¨ x§¥i oFvx§
§ i mir¦ Ẅx§d̈ lM̈ z ¤̀ e§ ,eiä£dŸ` lM̈ z ¤̀ d¤ed©
.cin¦ W© § i xnFW
FWc§ ẅ mW
¥ z ¤̀ xÜÄ lM̈ Kx¥äie¦ ,iR¦ xA¤ c§©i d¤ed©
§ i zN© d¦ Y§
¤ ml̈Frl§

;ml̈Fr cr© e§ dŸr© n¥ Dï Kx¥ä§p Epg«§ p© £̀ e©

.DïEll§ d©


Good is the Self-Existent to all things;

His compassion is over all He has made.
All Your creations will praise You, O Self-Existent;
Your devoted ones will bless You.
Of Your glorious majesty they will tell;
of Your heroism they will speak,
To make known to humanity His mighty acts,
and the glorious splendor of His dominion.
Your reign is the reign of all worlds;
Your dominion spans every generation.
Faithful is God in His words,
and virtuous in all He has done.
The Self-Existent supports all the fallen;
He makes all the prostrated stand upright.
The eyes of all are upon You for sustenance;
You give them their food in its season.
You open up Your hand;
You willingly satisfy all that lives.
Just is the Self-Existent in all His ways,
and virtuous in all He has done.
Near is the Self-Existent to all who call upon Him,
to all who call upon Him in faith.
He fulfills the desire of those who revere Him;
He heeds their cry, and He saves them.
The Self-Existent preserves all who love Him;
all who do evil He devastates.
The Self-Existent One’s praise my mouth will proclaim;
every being will bless His holy name forever and ever.

Let us bless the Self-Existent from now unto eternity;


dliaiqd dxn` dk leg inil zixgy xcq

dliaiqd dxn` dk

© B©¦ i d¤Gd© xO© d© mFId© m©B xW£̀
¤ k© e§ :dl̈iAi
¦ q¦ d© dx¨n§ `¨ dŸM
iM¦ ,oFhl§ W¦ m©be§ lFcB̈ hR̈W§ n¦ miWp̈£̀
¦ d̈Îlr© `Faï ,FSwÎl
¦ ¤̀
,Dp̈b̈c§ ix¦R§ xg© a§ n¦ z ¤̀ mc̈`¨ d̈Îi¥pa§ l¦ oY¥ z¦ dÏxŸ¦Rd© dn̈c̈£̀ d̈
Wa© CÎl
§ W¤ mirp̈
¦ dw¤ W§ n© cx¥
¥ i m¦in
«© ẌdÎo
© nE¦ .aŸxl̈ Dp̈n§ W
© e§ Dp̈i¥i
§ mig¦ n¥ o`Ÿve§ ,urÎi
¥ x¦t§ Ext¦
§ i miv¦ r¥ d̈e§ ,wŸzn̈
liG¦ Y© ux«¤`¨ d̈e§ ,mi¦ic̈« B§ miG¦ r¦ d̈ÎonE
¦ zFiU
¥ o`ŸSdÎo
© nE¦
§ i mi¦pn¥ X§ d© zFcV̈d© e§ mix¦r̈d¤ ok¥ `¨ .miwEz
¦ n§ al̈g̈ÎzFp§ir§ n©
dn̈g̈l§ n¦ Wr© x«©e§ ,ux«¤`¨ ä d ¤̀ x¨z¥ `Ÿl ax«¤g¤ e§ ,aFhÎlM̈ mi`¦ l¥ n§
m©B .dW
¤ ẅ dg̈p̈¡`P¤ d© ux«¤`¨ d̈ cFr rE
© p« z̈ `Ÿle§ ,r«
© n¥ Ẍ¦i `Ÿl
ar̈x¨ `Ÿle§ ,dn̈c̈£̀ d̈Îlr© cFr dp̈i«¤id§ Y¦ `Ÿl zx¤ŸS« A© m©b dn̈g̈l§ n¦
ax© mFlẄ wx© .lEa§idÎz
© ¤̀ zig¦ W§ O© d© cx¨ä `Ÿle§
,mi¦pC̈r¦ uw¥ cr© Kl«
¤ nÎz
¤ ¤̀ r© rŸ«¥ xz¦
§ i Kl¤ nE
¤ ,ux«¤`¨ d̈ÎlM̈Îlr©
g©v«P¥ dÎl
© ¥̀ miWp̈£̀
¦ d̈ cr© A§ mŸYg©
§ i ux«¤`¨ d̈Îlk̈l§ zg© `© dxFz
¨ e§
£ PW
¤ miU¦ r£ O© dÎl
© M̈ xEar£ A© ,mia¦ k̈FM mirEx
¦ G§ d© m¦in
«© ẌA©
oi ¥̀ e§ ,FCa© l§ midŸl¡
¦ ` `Ed iMÐmi
¦ l¦ l̈n§ ª̀ dz̈EnzÎi¥
§ pa§ ic§¥iÎlr©
.FOr¦ xg¥ `© l ¥̀
:l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i zFNd¦ Y§ z«a¤ WFi
¤ ,dẄFcw§ Y§ `© e§
;zF`äv§ d¤ed§ Y© dẄFcw§ ,dẄFcw§ ,dẄFcw§
.Dc̈FaM§ ux«¤`¨ d̈ lk̈ `Ÿln§
.Dn̈FwO§ n¦ d¤ed§ Y© cFaM§ KExÄ



Thus said the Sibyl: “When this destined day reaches its end,
there will come upon the people great judgment and rule, for
the fertile earth will give humankind its finest fruit—its grain,
its wine, and its oil in abundance. From the heavens will
descend a delicious drink of sweet honey, and the trees will bear
their fruit. There will be fatted sheep and cattle; from the sheep
there will be lambs, and from the goats there will be kids. The
earth will pour out fountains of sweet milk. Indeed, the cities
and the bountiful fields will be full of all good things. The
sword will not be seen on earth, the roar of battle will not be
heard, and the world, which groans with oppression, will never
tremble again. Neither war nor drought will exist again on
earth, neither famine nor the hail that destroys the harvest.
Only abundant peace will be over all the earth. Ruler will
befriend ruler unto the end of ages, and the eternal God in the
star-filled skies will seal over all the earth a common law for
humanity, for the sake of all the deeds committed by
unfortunate mortals—for He alone is God, and there is no
other god with Him.”
And You are holy, seated upon the praise of Israel:
“Holy, holy, holy is the Self-Existent One of celestial legions;
All of the earth is filled with Her glory.
Blessed is the glory of the Self-Existent from Her space.”

dxez xtq zqpkd leg inil zixgy xcq

¤ ml̈Ÿrl§ KŸln§ Y¦ d¤ed§ Y©
§ `¨ x§ẅe§ ,Dc̈Fak§ l¦ Epz«§ `¨ x§ÄW
¤ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ `id¦ dk̈ExA§
zxFY© Ep «z̈F` dc̈O§ l¦ e§ ,mi¦Ig© ik¥ x§c© Epz§ «r̈icFd ¦ e§ ,Dz̈c̈Far£ l©
¥ A§ dr̈hp̈ § ml̈Fr i¥Ig© e§ ,zn¡ ¤`
mU¥ Ÿe§ ,Dz̈xFY ¨ cEnl§ Y© l§ Ep«A¥ l¦ gY© t§ Y¦ zi¦pn̈£gx©d̈
zFUr£ l© e§ Dc̈a§ r̈lE§ ,Dz̈F` d`¨ x¦§ilE § ,Dz̈F` dä£d`© l§ Ep«A¥ l¦ A§
wix¦l̈ r©bi¦p `Ÿl or« © n© l§ ,dv̈¥t£g W¤tp¤ aE§ ml¥ Ẅ aäl¥ A§ Dp̈Fvx§M¦
.dl̈d̈A¤ l© cl¥
¥ p `Ÿle§
zl̈ ¥̀ e§ Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ,K¦i«p© ẗN§ n¦ oFvx¨ id§ ¦ i ok¥ e§
däFh d¤M§fP¦ W ¤ ic¥M§ ,d¤Gd© ml̈FrÄ K¦iT«© gª xŸnW¦ § PW
¤ ,Epi«zFc
¥ lFY§
.`Äd© ml̈Frd̈ i¥Ig© l§ dk̈x¨aE § ,dN̈ ª̀ B§ d© zFn§i i¥pW§ l¦
. . .

¥ ml̈Frd̈ mix¦äc§ dẄŸlW§ lr©
.mic¦ q̈£g zElin¦ B§ lr© e§ dc̈Far£ d̈ lr© e§ dxFY
¨ d© lr©
.xF` dxFz ¨ e§ ,dëv§ n¦ x¥p iM¦
dxez xtq zqpkd

.EaŸf« r£ Y© l`© iz¦ xFY

¨ ;m¤kl̈ iY«
¦ zp̈
© aFh gw«
© l¤ iM¦
.xẌ ª̀ n§ d̈i«k¤ nŸ§ ze§ ,DÄ miwi¦
¦ fg£ O© l© `id¦ mi¦Ig© ur¥
.mFlẄ d̈i«zFai
¤ z§ ¦ p lk̈e§ ,mr© Ÿp« ik¥ x§c© d̈i«k¤ x¨C§


The Self-Existent will reign forever and ever.”

Blessed is our God, Who has created us for Her glory,
called us to Her service, shown us paths for living, taught us a
Torah of truth, and implanted everlasting life within us.
May the All-Compassionate open our minds to the study
of Her teaching, and may She give our minds the strength to
love Her, to revere Her, to serve Her, and to do as She desires
with a whole heart and a willing soul, that we may we never toil
for vanity nor bear in futility.
Therefore, may it be Your will, O Divine, our God and
the God of those who came before us, that we observe Your
ordinances in this world, in order to merit goodness in the time
of the redemption, and blessing in the life of the world to come.

. . .

The world stands upon three things:

upon Torah, upon service, and upon acts of loving-kindness.
For the commandment is a lamp, and Torah is light.


“Indeed, I have given you a good teaching;

do not forsake my Torah.”
It is a tree of life to those who embrace it,
and those who uphold are are contented.
Its ways are ways of pleasantness, and all its paths are peace.

meiql zelitz leg inil zixgy xcq

;DÄ Lcï§ z ¤̀ w¥fg

£ d© e§ ,aŸwr©
£ i ,aEWÐaEW
.Kl̈ xi`¦ O¥ d© xF`Ä KN¥ d© z§ d¦
On Rosh Hodesh and Hol HaMo’ed, the service continues on page 102 . On the Ninth of Av,
the service continues on page 136. On Purim, the service continues on page 154.

. . .
dlitz zlawlÐzenyl dlidz

ciz¦ r̈ `EdW ¤ ml̈FrÄ milFc§Bd© eiz̈FnW§ EWC§ w© z¦ § ie§ ElC©§ Bz¦ §i

zcFa © r£ o¥pFklE
§ ,ux«¤`¨ d̈ on¦ zEpẅx¥ zcFa © r£ xŸwr£ l© ,WC¥g© z§ d¦ l§
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .Dn̈Fwn§ A¦ cigÏ ¦ d© l ¥̀ d̈
in¥ lFr
§ lE § ml̈Frl§ mik¦ xŸ¨an§ milFc§ ¦ Bd© eiz̈FnW§ Eid¦ §i
.min¦ l̈Fr
mdi¤ zFN
¥ t¦ Y§ mr¦ ,Epi«zFW ¥ T̈aE © Epi«zFN
¥ t¦ Y§ dp̈l«§ A¥ w© z§ Y¦
m¦in«© ẌA© W
¤ Epia«¦ `¨ i¥pt§ l¦ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦
§ i ziA¥ lM̈ lW ¤ mdi ¤ zFW¥ T̈aE ©
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .ux«¤`¨ äE
gayl epilr

zx«¤ v¤ Fil§ dN̈c§ªB zz¥ l̈ ,lŸMd© zECg§ `© l̈ g«

© A¥ W
© l§ Epi«l¥ r̈
§ q̈i¦pk§ d¦ e§ ,DxF`
¨ A§ KN¥ d© l§ Ep«l̈ d`¨ x§ẅ xW£̀
¤ ,ziW`
¦ x¥A§
.Dz̈c̈Far£ A© Ep«l¥ xFb
¨ e§ ,Dz̈xFz
¨ A§ Epw«¥ l§ g¤ dn̈Üe§ ,Dz̈ix¦a§ A¦
¦ ,mie£
¦ gY
«© W§ nE
¦ ,mir¦ xFM
§ Epg«§ p© £̀
Ð`id¦ dk̈ExA§ dẄFcT§ d© ,miW¦ x¨W§ lM̈ Wx¤ŸW« i¥pt§ l¦
¦ d© ,d̈i«l£̀
¤ xW£̀
¤ lk̈e§ ux«¤`¨ d̈e§ ,mdi
¤ hFp
¥ e§ m¦in«
© Ẍd© z`xFA


Return—return, O Jacob, and strengthen your hand with it;

walk in the light that enlightens you.

On Rosh Hodesh and Hol HaMo’ed, the service continues on page 103 . On the Ninth of Av,
the service continues on page 137. On Purim, the service continues on page 155.

. . .

Magnified and sanctified be His great names throughout the

world He is prepared renew. Let the worship of vanity be
banished from the earth, and let the worship of the only God be
established in its place. And let us say, “Amen.”
Blessed be His magnificent names forever and evermore.
May our prayers and our pleas, and the prayers and the
pleas of the entire House of Israel, be accepted by our Father,
Who is in heaven and on earth. And let us say, “Amen.”


Let us celebrate the unity of all things, and acknowledge the

magnificence of the Crafter of creation, Who has called us to
walk in Her light, Who has initiated us into Her covenant, Who
has placed our portion in Her law, and Who has given us a
destiny in Her service.
We bend low, bow, and acknowledge our gratitude
before the Root of all roots, the Holy One, blessed be She.
She is the Creator of the heavens and their array, the earth and
everything on it, the seas and everything in them. Life and

meiql zelitz leg inil zixgy xcq

lŸMd© e§ ,zr© C«©d© e§ dp̈iA¦ d© ,mFlẌd© e§ mi¦Ig© d© .md¤ Ä xW£̀ ¤ lk̈e§

xEv DC̈a© l§ `id¦ iM¦ ,lŸMA© zFhhFW § n§ d̈i«¤pir¥ e§ ,d̈i«¤pẗN§ n¦
lr© zn« ¤ nFx
¤ n§ `id¦ .Dc̈r̈l§ A¦ n¦ dl̈ ¥̀ F` l ¥̀ oi ¥̀ e§ ,min¦ l̈Fr
DC̈a© l§ Dl̈e§ ,dl̈Ẅn§ nE ¤ zEkl§ n© lM̈ lr© ,dN̈d¦ zE § dk̈x¨A§ lM̈
.miC£¦ g©in§ Ep«`¨ mc̈äl§ milFc§
¦ Bd© d̈i«zFn ¤ WE § ,mil£ ¦ g©in§ Ep«`¨
dx¨d¥ n§ zF`x§l¦ ,Ep«z¥ l̈ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀ ,KN̈ d¤Ew§ © p oM¥ lr©
mili¦ l¡¦ `d̈e§ ,ux«¤`¨ d̈ on¦ zErW§ x¦ xia¦ r£ d© l§ ,K¥Grª zx«¤ ¤̀ t§ z¦ A§
zFpt§ d© l§ ,`n`« © n¥ g© x© zECg§ `© Ä ml̈Fr oT¥ z© l§ ,oEzx¥M̈¦i zFxM̈
iM¦ la¥ z¥ ia¥ WFi § lM̈ Erc¥§ ie§ Exi«M© ¦ i .ux«¤`¨ irFY
¥ lM̈ K¦il «© ¥̀
.Kn¥ l̈Fr oEwY¦ A§ Ep«N̈Mª K¦it«© z̈EW
© p xn¡© `p¤ W¤ iR¦ lr©
.zg© `© Dn̈WE § zg© `© d¤ed§ Y© d¤id§ Y¦ `Edd© mFIA©

miznd oexkfa

Ll§ ,xÜÄ lM̈ gE © x« e§ ig© lM̈ W¤t«¤p Lcï§ A§ xW£̀ ¤ ,Ep«l¥ ¥̀ d¤id§ ¤̀
Ep«Ör¦ cin¦ Ÿ iM¦ ,zFgn̈U§ A¦ m`¦ zFrn̈c§ A¦ m`¦ zFl£g©in§ Epi«p¥ ir¥
z ¤̀ Ÿt«§ q© `¨ ,xw«¤ g¥ oi ¥̀ Lzp̈Ea
§ z§ A¦ .dŸ`©
`p̈Îid§ ¦ i .[mÖr\o © Ör\FO© r\D © Ör] © l ¤̀ . . . . .
mN¥ W© zE§ ,zFkx¨A§ xFwn§ l¦ [mp̈Fxk¦ § f\op̈Fxk¦
§ f\FpFxk¦§ f\Dp̈Fxk¦§ f]
mil¦ ä ¢̀ Ä\d¤Gd© la« ¤ ¥̀ Ä] mil¦ A§ `© z§ O¦ d© mil¦ a£̀ ¥ d̈ lk̈l§ minEg¦ ¦ p
FnM§ ,la¥ Y¥ il¥ a£̀ ¥ lk̈lE § ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i il¥ a£̀
¥ lk̈lE § ,[dN« ¤ ¥̀ d̈
.m¤kn§ g©¤ p £̀ ikŸ¦ p`¨ oM¥ ,EP«n£ ¤ gp© Y§ FO`¦ xW£̀ ¤ Wi`¦ M§ :aEzM̈W ¤
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§


peace, understanding and knowledge—all things are in Her

presence. Her eyes probe all existence, for She, alone, is the
Rock of infinities, and there is no god beside Her. She is exalted
beyond every blessing and accolade, beyond every kingdom and
government. It is She, alone, Whom we await, and it is through
Her great names, alone, that we seek unity.
Therefore, O Divine our God, we place our hope in You,
that soon we will see the glory of Your might, that evil will pass
from the earth, that the worship of false gods will be
thoroughly eradicated, that the world will be repaired through
the unity of the All-Nurturing, and everyone on earth who has
strayed will turn toward You. Let everyone who dwells on earth
recognize and understand we all are Your partners in repairing
Your world.
After what is said we say,
“On that day, the Self-Existent shall be one,
and Her name shall be One.”


O Divine our God, in Whose hand is the soul of every living

thing and the spirit of every being, to You we turn our gaze
whether in sorrow or in joy, for You are always with us. In Your
unknowable wisdom, You have gathered . . . . . to [her/his/their]
people. May [her/his/their] memory be a source of blessings, and
may You grant consolation to all who mourn [this loss/these
losses], to all the mourners of Israel, and to all the mourners of
the world, as it is written: “Just as a mother consoles her child,
so will I console you.” And let us say, “Amen.”

lld oeyy ibgle yceg y`xl

miznd ceaklÐzenyl dlidz

Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add the word in parentheses.

`x¨Ä xW£̀ ¤ ml̈FrÄ milFc§ ¦ Bd© eiz̈FnW§ EWC§ w© z¦ § ie§ ElC©§ Bz¦§i
ziA¥ lk̈ i¥Ig© aE § ,m¤kini ¥ aE¦ m¤ki¥Ig© A§ Fzr̈EW§i gi © n«¦ v©
§ ie§ ,FpFvx§M¦
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .aFxẅ on§ © faE¦ dx¨d¥ n§ A¦ l ¥̀ x¨U¦ §i
in¥ lFr
§ lE § ml̈Frl§ mik¦ xŸ¨an§ milFc§ ¦ Bd© eiz̈FnW§ Eid¦ §i
.min¦ l̈Fr
E`V© § pz¦
§ i ,EnnFx § z¦ § ie§ Ex£̀ R̈z¦ § i ,EgA§ Y© W¦ § ie§ Ekx§Äz¦ §i
lW ¤ mi`¦ xFP ¨ d© e§ mic¦ Äk¦
§ Pd© eiz̈FnW§ ElN§ d© z¦ § ie§ ENr© z¦§ i ,ExC§ d© z¦§ ie§
zFkx¨A§ lM̈ lr© (dl̈r§ n© l) § dl̈r§ n© l§ ,`Ed KExÄ ,WFcT̈d©
,Exn§ `¦ e§ .ml̈FrÄ zFxn̈¡`P¤ d© zFng̈¤pe§ zFgÄW§ Y¦ ,zFxiW¦ e§
.on¥ `¨
dl̈S̈d© e§ g©ex«¤ ,rä«Üe§ mi¦Ig© ,m¦in «© Ẍd© on¦ ax© mFlẄ id§ ¦i
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .la¥ Y¥ ia¥ WFi
§ lM̈ lr© e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i lM̈ lr© e§ ,Epi«l¥ r̈
mFlẄ dU ¤ r©
£ i ein̈£gx©a§ `Ed ,ein̈Fxn§ A¦ mFlẄ dUFr ¤
.on¥ `¨ ,Exn§ `¦ e§ .la¥ Y¥ ia¥ WFi
§ lM̈ lr© e§ ,l ¥̀ x¨U¦ § i lM̈ lr© e§ ,Epi«l¥ r̈
The service ends here.

. . .
lld zkxa

,lŸMd© KFzA§ W
¤ zEdŸl¡`d̈ ,d¤id§ ¤̀ ÎxW£̀
¤ Îd¤id§ ¤̀ KExäE dk̈ExA§
.lN¥ d© z`i © x¦w§ A¦ WC̈wª O§ d© e§ zW
¤ C«¤wª O§ d©



Between Rosh HaShanah and Yom Kippur, add the word in parentheses.
Magnified and sanctified be His great names in the world He
has created according to His will, and let His salvation flourish
during your lives and during your days, and during the lives of
the entire House of Israel, speedily and very soon. And let us
say, “Amen.”
Blessed be His magnificent names forever and
Blessed and praised, extolled and exalted, uplifted and
glorified, elevated and lauded be the esteemed and
awe-inspiring names of the Holy One, blessed be He, unto
heaven, (far) beyond any blessings or songs, praises or
consolations that might be uttered on earth. And let us say,
May there be abundant peace from the heavens, life and
plenty, relief and rescue for us, for all Israel, and for everyone
who dwells on earth. And let us say, “Amen.”
May the One Who makes peace in His heavenly heights
compassionately bestow peace upon us, upon all Israel, and
upon everyone who dwells on earth. And let us say, “Amen.”
The service ends here.

. . .

Blessed are You, the Ever-Becoming, the Divinity within all

things, Who is sanctified through the recitation of praise.


With a few exceptions, material collected and adapted from

Rabbinic liturgies is not cited on a running basis, as the length
of the notes might rival that of the Text itself. This Rite draws
on the following traditional rites:


Mahazor Leil Kipur, Shahrit, Musaf, Minhah u-Ne’ilah: Minhag

Corfu. MS. Colombia University, J5223.
Mahazor le-Shalosh Regalim: Minhag Corfu. 1780. MS.
New York: Columbia University, J5224.
Mahzor for New Year, Rite of Corfu. MS. New York: Jewish
Theological Seminary, ENA 1450.


Hertz, Joseph H. The Authorised Daily Prayer Book. New York:

Bloch, 1948.
Kaufmann, David. “The Prayer-Book According to the Ritual of
England Before 1290.” The Jewish Quarterly Review, vol.
4, no. 1, 1891, pp. 20-63.


Ashkenazi, Judah S. Bet Menuhah: Seder Tefilah le-Khol

Shabtot Ha-Shanah Va-’amidot Shel Shalolsh [z.o.
Shalosh] Regalim Ke-Minhag K.K. Sefaradim ...
Be-Tosefet ... Dinim. Yerushalayim: ha-Yeshivah, 1990.
Ashkenazi, Judah S. Bet ‘Oved: Seder Tefilah Li-Yeme Ha-H’ol
Shel Kol Ha-Shanah Ke-Minhag K.K. Sefaradim.
Jerusalem: Mekhon Bene Yis’akhar, 1989.


Kovets ‘al Yad: Devarim she-be-Khtuv ha-Yotsim la-Or ba-Pa’am

ha-Rishonah. Jerusalem: Mekitse Nirdamim, 2016.
Reif, Stefan C., ed. Jewish Prayer Texts from the Cairo Geniza.
Leiden/Boston: Brill, 2016.
Sidur Eretz Yisra’el le-Khol Yemot ha-Shanah. Jerusalem:
Machon Shilo, 2006.


The Persian Jewish Prayer Book: A Facsimile Edition of MS

ADLER ENA 23 in the Jewish Theological Seminary
Library. Likely 17th century. Jerusalem: Ben-Zvi
Institute, 1980.


Mahzor ke-Minhag Romah. 2 vols. Mantua: Rofinilo, 1557.

Mahzor: Minhag Romah. Fano: Soncino, 1503.


Yershalami, Avraham ben Yom Tov. Sidur ha-Tefilot ha-Shanah

le-Minhag Kehilot Romani’a. Venice: Daniel Bomberg,


Saleh, Yihya. Tiklal ke-Minhag Kol Kehilat ha-Kodesh Teiman.

2 vols. Jerusalem: Shmu’el ha-Levi Zuckerman, 1894.
Siddur, Yemenite Rite. MS. New York: Jewish Theological
Seminary, ENA 455.


Ashlag, Yehuda Lev. “Alternative Supplicatory Blessings for the

Weekday Amidah.”
Burkitt, F. C. “The Hebrew Papyrus of the Ten
Commandments.” The Jewish Quarterly Review, vol. 15,
no. 3, 1903, pp. 392-408.
Charlesworth, James H., ed. The Dead Sea Scrolls: Hebrew,
Aramaic, and Greek Texts with English Translations, vol.
1. Tübingen: Mohr Siebeck, 1994.
Community Service Book. Cincinnati/St. Louis: Institute of
Creative Judaism, 1981.
Einhorn, David. Olath Tamid: Book of Prayers for Israelitish
Congregations. New York: Congregation Adath
Jeshurun, 1872.
Einhorn, David. ‘Olat Tamid: Gebetbuch für Israelitische
Reform-gemeinden. Baltimore: C. W. Schneidereith,
Eisenbach-Budner, Deborah with Susan Schnur. “Ambivalence:
When the Abortion on the Table Is Your Own.” Lilith,
Fall 2013, pp. 19-21.
Forms of Prayer for Jewish Worship: Second Supplement to
Volume I—Burial Service. London: The Ministers of the
Association of Synagogues in Great Britain, 1952.
Forms of Prayer for Jewish Worship: Volume I—Daily, Sabbath,
and Occasional Prayers. London: Reform Synagogues of
Great Britain, 1977.
Forms of Prayer Used in the West London Synagogue of British
Jews: Volume I—Daily and Sabbath Prayers. 4th ed.
London: Wertheimer, Lea and Co., 1882.
Frankel, Seckel Isaac, tr. Hagiographa Posteriora Denominata
Apocrypha. Leipzig: Friedrich Fleisher, 1850.
Geiger, Abraham. Israelitisches Gebetbuch für den

Öffentlichen Gottesdienst im Ganzen Jahre: Mit
Einschluß der Shabbathe und Sämmtlicher Feier-und
Festtage. Breslau: Julius Hainauer, 1854.
Glatzer, Nahum N. Language of Faith. New York: Schocken
Books, 1967.
Ha-’Avodah sheba-Lev: Sidur Tefilot li-Yemot ha-Hol,
le-Shabatot, ule-Mo’ade ha-Shanah. Jerusalem: Tenu’ah
le-Yahadut Mitkademet be-Yisra’el, 1981.
HaAvodah SheBaLev: The Service of the Heart, Kehilat Kol
HaNeshama. Jerusalem: Tenu’ah le-Yahadut
Mitkademet be-Yisra’el, 2007.
Hofman, Miryam. Zeman Yehudi Yisre’eli. Jerusalem: Sifriyat
Bet El, 2009.
Huebsch, A. Gebete für den Öffentlichen Gottesdienst der
Tempelgemeinde Ahawath Chesed. New York: A. L.
Goetzl, 1883.
Kahana, Abraham. Sefarim ha-Hitsonim le-Torah, le-Nevi’im,
le-Ketuvim ve-She’ar Sefarim Hitsonim. 2 vols. Tel Aviv:
Masada, 1956.
Kapor, Emily Aviva. “Asher Yatzar Prayer for Recognizing the
Divine Image in All Our Bodies.”
Kavanat ha-Lev: Mahazor ha-Tefilot la-Yamim ha-Nora’im.
Jerusalem: Tenu’ah le-Yahadut Mitkademet be-Yisra’el,
Kol HaNeshamah: Limot Hol. Elkins Park, PA: The
Reconstructionist Press, 1996.
Kolter, Chaim and Yitzchak Goldman, eds. Seder Raw Amrom
Gaan. Warsaw: W. Drunkarni, 1865.
Lavie, Aliza. Tefilat Nashim: Jewish Women’s Prayers
Throughout the Ages. Tel Aviv: Miskal, 2005.
“Leket Mekorot le-Yom ha-Kipurim.” Petah Lanu Sha’ar:
Hogegim et Hagei Tishrei bi-Kehilot Yahadut
Mitkademet be-Yisra’el. Tenu’ah le-Yahadut

Mitkademet be-Yisra’el.
Merzbacher, L. Seder Tefilah: The Order of Prayer for Divine
Service. 3rd ed. New York: John Medole and Son, 1881.
Mishkan T’filah: A Reform Siddur. New York: Central
Conference of American Rabbis, 2007.
Moses, Isaac S. Tefilat Yisra’el: Order of Prayers and Responsive
Readings for Jewish Worship. 2nd ed. Milwaukee:
Congregation Emanu-El, 1887.
Paig’, Bari. Tefilat Beta Yisra’el: Tefilot Shabat Shabaton. Tel
Aviv: Tserikover Motsi’im la-Or, 2001.
Petuchowski, Jakob. Sabbath Afternoon Prayers. Cincinnati:
Petuchowski, Jakob. Studies in Modern Theology and Prayer.
Philadelphia/Jerusalem: Jewish Publication Society, 1998.
Prager, Marcia. A Siddur for Shabbat Morning. Philadelphia:
P’nai Or.
Prayers for Rosh Hodesh and Weekday Mornings. 4th ed.
Jerusalem: Women of the Wall, 2014.
Sabbath and Festival Prayer Book. New York: The Rabbinical
Assembly of America and the United Synagogue of
America, 1946.
Sanders, J. A., ed. The Dead Sea Psalms Scroll. Ithaca, NY:
Cornell University Press, 1967.
Seder Berakhot le-Khol Ha-Shanah. Kalaa, Algeria: 1804.
Service of the Heart. London: Union of Liberal and Progressive
Synagogues, 1967.
Siddur Cha-vei-rim Kol Yis-ra-el: In the Fellowship of All Israel.
Hoboken, NJ: Ktav, 2000.
Siddur Lev Chadash. London: Union of Liberal and Progressive
Synagogues, 1995.
Siddur Sim Shalom: A Prayerbook for Shabbat, Festivals, and
Weekdays. New York: The Rabbinical Assembly and The
United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, 1989.

Siddur Sim Shalom for Shabbat and Festivals. New York:
The Rabbinical Assembly and the United Synagogue of
Conservative Judaism, 1998.
Sidur ha-Tefilot ke-Minhag ha-Yehudim ha-Kara’im. 4 vols.
Ramlah: ha-Va’ad ha-artsi shel ‘Edat ha-Yehudim
ha-Kara’im be-Yisra’el, 1964.
Sidur va’Ani Tefilati. Jerusalem: The Masorti Movement and
The Rabbinical Assembly of Israel, 1998.
Tefilot Yisra’el: Union Prayer Book. Chicago: Central
Conference of American Rabbis, 1892.
Va’ani Tefillati: An Israeli Siddur. Jerusalem: The Masorti
Movement and The Rabbinical Assembly of Israel, 2009.
Vogelstein, Heinemann. Seder Tefilah: Israelitisches Gebetbuch
Im Auftrag des Verbandes der Synagogen-Gemeinden
Westfalens. Vol. 2. Rödelheim: S. Lehrberger, 1896.
Von Gall, August Freiherrn. Der Hebräische Pentateuch der
Samaritaner. Berlin: Alfred Töpelmann, 1918.
Wise, Isaac Mayer. Minhag Amerika: The Daily Prayers for
American Israelites. Cincinnati: Bloch, 1872.
Zaslow, David. Ivdu et Hashem B’Simcha: A Siddur for Spiritual
Renewal. Ashland, OR: We! The Wisdom Exchange, 1997.


Sources are cited only on first occurrence, and adaptations for

gender are not noted. “Slightly adapted” indicates alterations
made in order to preserve the original meaning of the text, at
least insofar as I understand it. “Adapted” indicates the original
meaning is altered in some way. “After” indicates the cited text
is a source of inspiration. In such cases, the original meaning is
generally retained, but the wording is fundamentally altered.
To facilitate understanding, passages are cited here in
English but refer to the Hebrew wordings on the facing page.
All English translations belong to the Editor unless otherwise

3 the Spirit. In general, this Rite favors language

emphasizing God’s immanence over God’s sovereignty.
Affirmations of God’s sovereignty are left intact in
literary citations, but they are altered in narrative prose
prayer texts. Such passages vary so widely from rite to
rite that they belong more to the realm of folklore than
literature. Because of this, I feel empowered to subject
them to a folk process.
3 Blessed is the Ever-Becoming. Most occasional blessings
follow this gender-balanced formula. Because Hebrew
contains no neuter, the predicate of the blessing must be
constructed without verbs. This formula employs one
of two truly gender neutral, biblical appellations for God:
Eh’yeh Asher Eh’yeh and Eh’yeh (Exodus 3:14). Though
neither name gained much traction in Rabbinic liturgy,
the former is widely attested in the Samaritan Defter. In
this Text, these serve as “baseline names” that may be
employed regardless of surrounding conjugations.
3 Who is sanctified. This Rite understands the
commandments, and the Torah, for that matter, as
purely human inventions through which the Jewish
people reach out to God. That is simply what history tells
us. However, this does not make the commandments, at
least those of Scriptural origin, any less binding even
though we may certainly reserve the right to interpret
those commandments in ways far different from
normative Rabbinic Halakhah. I would argue the fact the
commandments are of human origin make their
performance even more compelling. God can do
whatever She wants. If God wanted to directly reveal
commandments, She could have. Instead, God positioned

Her people to invent them for themselves. That God
could issue commandments would be par for God’s
course. That we, as mere mortals, can create such a
meaningful framework for living is truly miraculous.
3 Take alone. According to the Nash Papyrus, in
agreement with the Septuagint (Burkitt 399).
3 One is our God...forever and ever. Adapted from the
traditional Karaite response to the first line of the Shema
(Sidur ha-Tefilot vol. 4 70).
3 Blessed are You, the Divine our God. Blessings that
comprise statutory prayer, and whose repetition affords
opportunities throughout the week to be voiced in
different genders, use Eh’yeh as a substitute for the
Tetragrammaton because of its grammatical flexibility.
The word “Eloheinu” is replaced here by the singular for
two reason: (1) Attempting to conjugate a feminine
equivalent to “Eloheinu” results in something virtually
incomprehensible, and (2) the word is likely a vestige of
Israel’s early polytheism, and while it certainly has its
place in ancient texts, our contemporary prayer should
emphasize God’s absolute unity whenever possible.
3 the Life of infinities. Reconstructionist (Kol 15).
3 Who wakes the sleeping. Karaite (Seder Berakhot 37r).
5 Blessed is the One...gateway to our completion. Adapted
from a British Reform prayer for Sabbath
evening (Forms 1977 16-19).
7 the Self-Existent. This Rite advocates the pronunciation
of the Tetragrammaton as written for two reasons:
(1) Using Adonai as a substitute completely
misrepresents the meaning of the word on the page.
Though its precise meaning is certainly hazy, most
scholars agree the Tetragrammaton invokes the words
for “He Who was,” “He Who is,” and “He who will be,”

particularly given it is introduced in the context of the
names Ehyeh-Asher-Ehyeh and Ehyeh, which utilize the
first-person imperfect form of the verb “to be.” The
Tetragrammaton refers to a God of time and existence,
not to a “Lord.” The Tetragrammaton, as written,
points toward God’s immanence; people experience God
through time in very concrete ways. The fact that Adonai
is seen as an equivalent to YHVH has fundamentally
corrupted Jews’ understanding of God. (2) Judaism has
unwittingly made an idol of the Tetragrammaton. It is so
revered, so esoteric, so fetishized that it has become
an object of worship in its own right. After all, Kabbalists
create elaborate drawings using the four letters to
facilitate their prayer. The Tetragrammaton has
become something beyond a word; it has become
something of its own substance that serves as a physical
representation of God.
I do not claim to have any special knowledge of
the Tetragrammaton’s vocalization, but Yah’veh (or
Yahweh) is as good as any. It has broad scholarly
support, and because it is a verb form, it is easily
conjugated in the feminine.
7 How lovely are your tents, O Leah...O Zilpah. After
Prager (1). As is evidenced here and in the Amidah, I feel
excluding non-Jews from our collective memory is
emblematic of a dangerous ethnocentrism.
7 giving me the capacity to...respect it. After Kapor (1).
7 and to return it to its source. Adapted from the 1904
Gebetbuch of the liberal community of Brunswick
(Petuchowski 1998 186).
9 I owe You my thanks. Karaite, slightly adapted (Sidur
Ha-Tefilot 323).
9 in Whose hand...spirit of every creature.

Reconstructionist (Kol 1996 23). This Rite affirms the
immortality of the soul to the exclusion of resurrection.
9 Who has created...we are cleansed. Karaite (Seder
Berakhot 37r).
9 Who girds me with valor. Ibid. 38v.
9 Who adorns me with loving-kindness and compassion.
Ibid. 37r.
11 Who acts according to my needs. Ibid 38v.
11 Who has created me in His image. Conservative (Sabbath
11 Who has created me an Israelite. Ibid.
11 Who has created me for His service. German Reform
(Geiger 4).
13 These are the ways...foundations of the children of truth
in the world. From “The Rule of the Community,” Dead
Sea Scrolls 1QS 4.2-4.6 (Charlesworth 16).
13 Rabbi Tarfon...abstain from it. Slightly adapted from
Pirkei Avo[s/t] 2:16.
15 for we were created...a holy people. Pre-Classical
American Reform, slightly adapted (Wise 6). This Rite
wishes to reclaim early Reform’s assertion that the Jews
are a mission-people.
15 Blessed and magnified...forever and unto eternity.
Karaite, adapted (Sidur ha-Tefilah vol. 1 87).
15 For the teachers...and on earth. All Aramaic passages and
prayer titles are rendered in Hebrew.
17 by the mouth of all Her peoples. After Wise (12).
17 “A Halleluyah-Song of the Beta Israel.” From the liturgy
of the Ethiopian Sabbath of Sabbaths festival, composed
in Amharic, Hebrew translation by Bari Paig’, comprised
largely of allusions to scriptural and apocryphal texts
27 Magnified and sanctified...every living thing. Adapted

from “Kaddish L’Achid,” a doxology for private prayer,
from Seder Rav Amram (Kolter and Goldman 3r).
27 Sanctified be [Her/His] names...wondrous things. Ibid.
29 Great and holy is God...what they did not know. From
“Hymn to the Creator,” Dead Sea Scrolls 11QPsa 26:9-12
(Sanders 130).
31 “The Decalogue.” Abridged from the Nash Papyrus
where it seemingly appears in a liturgical unit with the
Shema (Burkitt 394-395).
31 These are the ordinances...from the land of Egypt. Ibid.
33 Her [glorious] unity. From an essentially humanistic
prayer-text of “Polydox Judaism,” founded by Reform
Rabbi Alvin Reines, whose students founded the Institute
of Creative Judaism, later to be known simply as
“Polydoxy” (Community I-B-3).
33 You shall love...I am the Self-Existent, your God.
According to the Samaritan Pentateuch (Von Gall 377,
426, 389).
35 You rescued of our antiquity. Israeli Reform,
adapted (Ha-’Avodah 39). This Rite is careful not to
suggest the Jews have the only valid claim to the Land of
37 “Amidah.” When deciding how to establish a pattern for
applying feminine and masculine God-language, I asked
myself, “What was the manifestation of Jewish worship
historically least available to women?” I realized,
more than likely, no woman ever performed a sacrifice
in the Holy Temple. Because the Amidah is the prayer
appointed to directly replace the sacrificial cult, it
seemed appropriate the first Amidah we say after waking
would address God in the feminine. The pattern radiates
outward from here—i.e., the liturgical unit preceding

the Amidah (“Decalogue, Sh’ma Yisra’el, and Their
Blessings”), as well as the one following it
(“Supplication”), are voiced in the masculine. Mirror
images of this pattern show up in various services
throughout the day, week, and year. Though the pattern
is not meant to be entirely invisible, it is meant
to nurture a sense that the gender of the God-language is
37 the covenant of the ancestors. American Pre-Classical
Reform (Wise 38). Just like Minhag Amerika, this Rite
asserts we are judged on our own merits, not our
37 redemption. American Proto-Classical Reform (Einhorn
1872 5). This Rite rejects a personal messiah in favor of a
Messianic Era that will follow a period of human
37 in loving reciprocity for their achievement. Slightly
adapted from David Seidenberg (Siddur Cha-vei-rim 25).
In its original context, this phrase appears in addition
to the traditional wording, not as a substitute for it.
37 Visitor. Conservative, adapted to a Palestinian formula
(Siddur Sim 1998 115b).
37 and the Visitor of Sarah. Ibid.
39 the sun shine and the dew descend. British Liberal
(Siddur Lev 19).
39 You grant eternal life to the souls of the dead. After
Huebsch (30, 88), Einhorn (1862 9), and Wise (40).
39 to those who have returned to dust (Wise 40).
39 every day we will glorify Your holiness. British Liberal
(Service 46). In its original context this phrase
communicates the rite’s rejection of angels. Here it is
intended to prevent the angelology from overwhelming
the short blessing when our thoughts should be directed

toward God.
41 They stand in Your glorious with spirits.
1 Enoch 39:12 (Kahana vol. 1 48).
41 Truthful is the spirit...throughout the universe. Sibylline
Oracles 3:875. Hebrew by the Editor.
41 For the power...nations in lawfulness. Psalms of Solomon
17:3 (Kahana vol. 1 457).
43 Gather...illuminate Your presence. Abridged and slightly
adapted from Yehuda Lev Ashlag, Orthodox rabbi and
Kabbalist, from an undated manuscript from the first
half of the 20th century (3).
43 Make known...between lovers. Ibid. 4.
43 On the 15th of Av. Celebrated as a kind of Valentine’s
Day in Israel, this Rite retains its status a holiday of love,
but rather than a time for coupled individuals to
celebrate one another, it is reconstructed as a time to
reflect on the universal need for companionship and the
fact vulnerability is a gift from God. Tu B’Av also
compels us to confront what happens when vulnerability
is weaponized, leading to such things as domestic
violence and the agunah crisis.
43 You Who togetherness. From “Prayer of the
Unhappy Wife” from the 1855 Stunden der Andacht
(Hours of Devotion), a collection of original, vernacular
prayers for Jewish women by Fanny Neuda (Lavie 253).
43 Behold the oppression. Wise 42.
43 work justice and lawfulness for all the exploited. After
Huebsch 191.
43 On Lag ba-Omer. This Rite casts the holiday as a time to
remind ourselves of the inherent goodness of every
human being.
43 Who redeems the exploited. Wise 42.
45 Who heals the sick. A British Liberal grammatical

improvement (Service 49) on the equally universalist
formulation of Huebsch (192), Vogelstein (8), Wise (41),
and others.
45 Delight in Your land...for beauty. Abridged and slightly
adapted from a prayer for Tu B’Shvat by Ben-Zion Meir
Hai Uziel, Sefardi Chief Rabbi of Mandatory Palestine
and Israel from 1939 to 1953 (Hofman 74).
45 “First of Elul.” Identified by the Mishnah as one of four
Jewish new years, this date was part of the calculus
regarding cattle tithing to the Holy Temple. This Rite
reconstructs the day as one for acknowledging the
dignity of animals and for recognizing our complicity in
robbing animals of that dignity.
47 “Sigd.” A traditional Ethiopian festival expressing the
community’s longing for Jerusalem, it is reconstructed
here as a time for expressing solidarity with all lost and
emerging Jewish communities.
47 Cast Your spirit...Your just laws. British Liberal, adapted
(Service 50).
47 clarify their vision by Your light. American pre-Classical
Reform, adapted (Moses 123).
47 Let us be privileged...silenced no more. Selected and
slightly adapted from “Prayer for Women of the Wall” by
Rahel Sharon Jaskow, from the Women of the Wall
prayer book (Prayers for Rosh Hodesh 78).
49 Let there our days. After Geiger (42).
49 “those who choose Judaism.” This Hebrew word for
Jewish converts appears only once in the Tanakh, in the
book of Esther. I find it endlessly preferable to any form
of the word “ger.” In the future, perhaps, converts will
not go through a process of geru[s/t], but one of
hi[s/t]yahadu[s/t]—becoming a Jew.
49 Console...their broken hearts. Samuel Adler’s prayer for

a house of mourning (Merzbacher 68) as adapted for the
quickly recalled first edition of the Union Prayer Book
(Tefilot 167).
49 For You are the God...wounded and healed. Merzbacher
49 On public days of mourning. The fasts of Gedalia, the
10th of Teve[s/t], and the 15th of Tamuz are not typically
observed by progressive communities, but I believe they
have much value: They not only mark important
moments in our collective memory, but they are
moments of contact, however tragic, with another
culture. I do not refer to these days as fast days,
however, because I do not wish to make a hypocrite of
myself or my coreligionists. This Rite does not include
the Fast of Esther among these public days of mourning
because its origins are convoluted, it has no biblical
precedent, and its character is very different from other
fast days: The events surrounding the Fast of Esther
resulted in a Jewish triumph and concomitant
celebration of the deaths of others, while the others
mark defeats.
51 Console...does not deceive. Slightly adapted from Masorti
rabbi Simchah Roth (Va’ani 45).
51 Dwell with compassion...minds of its inhabitants. British
Liberal, adapted (SH 51).
51 You revealed Yourself...for all peoples. Slightly adapted
from Einhorn (1862 399).
53 Then Torah...from Jerusalem. Adapted from Service (51).
53 Who dwells in Jerusalem. Geiger (43).
53 Let the plant...through Your salvation. Adapted from
Wise (46).
53 “Digest of the Fourteen Petitions.” From a formula
composed in English by Judith Z. Abrams and translated

to Hebrew by Yehiel Hayon (Mishkan 102). Adapted to
the readings in this Volume.
55 On the first of Nisan. This date is new year’s day,
according to the Torah, and the beginning of the yearly
ecclesiastical cycle, according to Rabbinic Judaism. The
majority of rabbis hold it is not this date, but Rosh
haShanah, that marks the creation of the world, but I am
firmly with the minority camp. I believe the ancients
would have associated the new year both with the spring
and with the month of Israel’s emergence as a people.
Therefore, this Rite rejects Rosh haShanah as “the
birthday of the world” and reserves that designation for
the first of Nisan, which is characterized as a day
to celebrate the collaboration between God and
humanity in the ongoing creation of the world.
55 On Hag HaShiv’im. This Rite proposes an extended
season of light beginning with the first night of
Hanukah and culminating in the Eighth of Teve[s/t], the
traditional date of the completion of the Septuagint, the
Koine Greek translation of the Hebrew Bible
commissioned, according to the pseudepigraphical Letter
of Aristeas, for inclusion in the library at Alexandria.
There is historical precedent for this holiday; during the
first century B.C.E. it was celebrated on the island of
Pharos, the site where 72 Jewish scholars purportedly
gathered and independently produced the same
translation of the Hebrew scriptures. Whatever the
genesis of the translation, it is arguably the Jews’
inaugural act as a “light to the nations” (Isaiah 42:6). In
translating their Bible to Greek, the Jews not only gave
much of the rest of civilization context for their
existence, but they gave other nations ready access to
their inherited wisdom. It marks the beginning of the

Bible’s status as a universal document rather than a mere
tribal mythology.
Particularly because the events that led to the
establishment of Hanukah likely had more to do with
Seleucid intervention in a Jewish civil conflict than an
out-and-out foreign invasion, Hanukah is arguably the
most tribal of all holidays. This proposed season of light
begins with tribalism, and it moves toward universalism;
it begins with literal light, and it moves toward spiritual
light. This Rite also proposes the Eighth of Teve[s/t] be
marked at sunset with the lighting of a single, universal
candle that burns the entire day.
In my family, beginning the first morning of
Hanukah and ending the morning Hag HaShiv’im, my
husband and I give our son money to put in a special
tzedakah box. After he makes his final contribution, we
count the money, and we make a donation to a
non-Jewish charity. Hag HaShiv’im would also be an
appropriate time for community service or
bridge-building between Jewish and other religious
55 passionate. Kol 119.
55 song. From a mimeographed booklet of Sabbath
afternoon prayers edited by Jakob Petuchowski for fellow
rabbinical students at Hebrew Union College (1966 10v).
57 Incline our hearts to serve You in reverence. German
Reform (Vogelstein 12).
57 the miracles...throughout our histories. Karaite, slightly
adapted (Sidur ha-Tefilot vol. 2 43).
59 to destroy...rose up against them. Selected from an Al
haNisim for Hanukah by Rabbi Zalman
Schachter-Shalomi, founder of the Jewish Renewal
movement (Zaslow 240).

59 In the days of the second...Land of Israel. Masorti,
abridged and adapted (Siddur va’Ani 78).
59 But then...Diaspora communities. ha-Avodah 16.
59 the Gates of the land...and our brothers. Conservative,
abridged (Siddur Sim 1989 118).
59 Then, seven nations...time of distress. ha-Avodah 16.
61 and You strengthened...from the land. Siddur Sim 1989
61 You delivered the many into the hands of the few. Siddur
va’Ani 79.
61 You made Your occurred today. Adapted from
Siddur Sim 1989 118.
61 Then Your children...Your magnificent names. Abridged
and adapted from ha-Avodah 16.
61 May the Self-Existent...for everlasting peace. Adapted
from “Rule of the Community,” Dead Sea Scrolls 1QS
2:2-4 (Charlesworth 8).
63 that you make my heart...truth of Your Divinity. From
Likkute Tefillot, attributed to Nachman of Bratzlav
(Glatzer 77).
63 May it be Your will...prepare for war. Ibid. 315.
65 and the night has fortified me. Dead Sea Scrolls 11QPsa
20:3 (Sanders 72).
67 My pain. Ibid. 20:6.
67 Here we are...having committed them. Karaite, slightly
abridged (Siddur ha-Tefilot 1964).
69 We were deaf...hold onto it. Israeli Reform Rabbi
Mordechai Rotem (Kavanat 285).
69 We have deviated...not availed us. Slightly adapted from
Israeli Reform Rabbi Dalia Marx (Leket 6).
79 Your magnificent acts. Dead Sea Scrolls 11QPsa 16:15
(Sanders 64). Adapted to Masoretic orthography.
81 Faithful is all He has done. Ibid 17:2-3 (Sanders

81 in faith. Ibid. 17:11.
81 every being shall bless [Hebrew: et] His holy name. Ibid.
83 When this destined god with Him. 3 Sibylline
Oracles 741-750 (Kahana vol. 2 406).
87 Return...that enlightens you. Baruch 4:3. Composite of
Frankel (123) and Kahana (vol. 1 359).
87 Who has Her service. Huebsch 205.
89 we are all Your partners in repairing the world. Israeli
Reform Nusach Kehilat Kol Haneshama, slightly
adapted (HaAvodah 68).
89 the All-Nurturing. An appellation for God created for an
early feminist Haggadah, a portmanteau of the Hebrew
words for womb, compassion, and mother (Eisenbach
89 in Whose hand...will I console you. British Reform,
abridged and adapted (Forms 1952 6v).
91 Magnified and sanctified...for all Israel. Adapted from the
British Reform, which recited the Kaddish in Hebrew for
well over the first century of its existence (Forms 1882


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