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Defining Relative Clauses

Make one sentence from the two short ones. The sentence in italics should become the
relative clause. The relative pronoun is the subject of the relative clause.
1. She worked for a man. The man used to be an athlete.
I was working for a man that man used to be an athlete.

2. They called a lawyer. The lawyer lived nearby.

2. They called a lawyer who lived nearby.

3. I sent an email to my brother. My brother lives in Australia.

3. I emailed my brother who lives in Australia.

4. The customer liked the waitress. The waitress was very friendly.
4. The customer liked the waitress who was very friendly.

5. We broke the computer. The computer belonged to my father.

5. We broke my father's computer.

6. I dropped a glass. The glass was new.

6. I dropped a new glass

7. She loves books. The books have happy endings.

7. Loves books with a happy ending.

8. They live in a city. The city is in the north of England.

8. They live in a city which is in the north of England.

9. The man is in the garden. The man is wearing a blue jumper.

9. The man is in the garden. The man wears a blue sweater is in the garden.

10. The girl works in a bank. The girl is from India.

10. The girl who is from India works in a bank.
Defining and Non-defining Relative Clauses

 Choose which of these sentences is correct. Should we

use a defining relative clause or a non-defining relative
clause? For each question you have a clue.
Q1. You have two houses.
a) My house which is in Miami is very expensive.
b) My house, which is in Miami, is very expensive.

Q2. You have only one sister.

a) My sister, who works in a hotel, got a promotion at work.
b) My sister who works for a hotel got a promotion at work.

Q3. You have many pairs of shoes.

a) The pair of shoes, that I bought yesterday, is my favourite.
b) The pair of shoes that I bought yesterday is my favourite.

Q4. There are several jackets in the room.

a) The jacket, which is on the coatstand, is mine.
b) The jacket which is on the coatstand is mine.

Q5. There are thousands of museums around the world.

a) The museum which we visited on holiday is very interesting.
b) The museum, which we visited on holiday, is very interesting.

Q6. You are talking about one room in your house.

a) My living room which is the largest room in my house is at the front
of the house.
b) My living room, which is the largest room in my house, is at the front of
the house.

Q7. There are several houses in the street.

a) The house which is at the end of the street is my friend’s.
b) The house, which is at the end of the street, is my friend’s.

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