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Ways of Simulating Brain Development of Children

1. Keeping your child healthy as a start for the brain.

- The development of a healthy brain can as well start from pregnancy.

2. Play with your child.

- Playing is a wonderful way to help a baby’s brain develop.

3. Comfort you child.

- Babies can feel stress. They will need to be cuddled and held.

4. Read to them.
- Reading is known to be one of the best ways to promote a child’s brain development.

5. Turn up the baby talk.

- Respond to your child’s coos with delighted vocalizations.

6. Build up their love for their own body.

- Studies have shown that babies who are not often touched have brains that are smaller
than normal for their age.

7. Give your baby a body massage.

- Massages can help lower your child’s stress levels and enhance their feelings. Loving
touches even promote growth in young babies.

8. Enlist help from your toddler at clean-up times.

- This is a wonderful way to practice categorization.

9. Provide clear responses.

- A young, developing brain learns to make sense of the world if you respond to your
child’s behavior in predictable, reassuring, and appropriate ways.

10. Use positive discipline.

- Create clear consequences without frightening or causing shame to your child.

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