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1. Describe the kind of household and society the poem represents.

The poem “Liham ni Pinay mula sa Brunei” represents a kind of household of which men are
more powerful than women. It tells how selfish and irresponsible her husband is.

2. Do you think this kind of thinking still persist today? if yes, how? If no, describe the changes
you observed. Yes! is

It is hard not to notice in the story the Filipino belief that every married woman is destined to be
a full-time housewife. They are all expected to stay at home, do the house chores, and let their
husbands provide for the family. Even though feminists and gender equality advocates are trying
to break this norm, it is still evident in most Filipino households. Another belief or tradition
emphasized in the literary piece is a woman’s perseverance to hold the family ties together.
Despite her husband’s attitude, a Filipina chooses to endure her struggles and stay in the
relationship just to raise her children in a complete family.

3. When was the poem written? How do you think the society was during this time?

4. How do you think overseas Filipino workers live, as depicted in the poem?

5. What are the implications of mothers and wives leaving the household to work abroad to meet
the family's needs? How is this affecting families in general? Leaving your family to work
abroad is a very tough decision especially for the mothers’ side because they are known as the
“ilaw ng tahanan” because their caring ability that provides warmth and guidance in and out of
the household. It hurts for a mother to not be by her children’s side. It will affect the way of
thinking of her children

6. What is the implication of this in terms of gender and sexuality and their social roles?

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