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Direction: Kindly answer the following questions.

A. What is quantitative research?

- Quantitative research is a research strategy that fecuses on quantifying the collection and analysis of
data. It is formed from a deductive approach where emphasis is placed on the testing of theory, shaped
by empiricist and positivist philosophics.quantitative research? - Quantitative research is a research
strategy that fecuses on quantifying the collection and analysis of data. It is formed from a deductive
approach where emphasis is placed on the testing of theory, shaped by empiricist and positivist

B. What are the Characteristics of quantitative research?

- The data is usually gathered using structured research instruments.

- The results are based on lesger cample sizez that are representative of the population.

- The research study can usually be replicated or repeated. -given its high reliability.

C. What are the Advantages of quantitative research.

-"Can be tested and checked" Quantitative research requires careful experimental design and the ability
for anyone to replicate bath the test and results. Straight forward Analyr's " When you collect
quantitative data, the tyer of results will tell you which is statistical test are appropriate to use.

D. What are the Disadvantages of quantitative research?

- False facur on numbers: Quantitative research can be limited - in its purcuit of concrete, statistical
relationships, which can lead to researchers overlooking broeder theme, and relationships (By)
"Difficult, retting up a research model" When you conduct quantitative research, you need to carefully
develop a hypotheris and set in in up a madol for collecting and analyzing dada Any errors your set up
bias on the part of the recoorcher, or mistahes execution can invalidate all your result.

E. What are Importance of quantitative research?

- The importance of quantitative research is that it can provide sample sizes, confidence intervals and
descriptive statistics for every variabile and the vaplue of the text. statistice, its significance level
degrees of freedom and the direction it needs to take

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