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According to Sikiti (1998), “Communication is a purposeful process of expressing,

receiving and understanding messages containing factual information, feelings, ideas and needs
by two or more individuals through common symbols”. Communication Skills is one of the
general courses taught in most tertiary institutions in Ghana, including the University Of
Education, Winneba. The Communication Skills course is a course that enables students to have
knowledge or the ability to use the requisite skills to communicate properly. Communication
skills are very important for developing human relationships and managing human resources in
today's world. In your personal life, effective communication skills can smooth your way in your
relationships with others by helping you to understand others, and to be understood. It is also
important in studies because through communication the students will develop friendship and be
attentive. Good communication enables students to assimilate more from the learning process by
empowering them to ask relevant questions and discuss doubts. Effective verbal communication
nurtures the process of socialization by facilitating new friendships and these in turn aid the
learning process.

The K to 12 Basic Education Curriculum Framework clearly states the need of developing the
oral communication skills of students in preparation for the world of work, entrepreneurship
and/or pursuing higher education. More so, communication skill is known to be one among the
21st century skills a learner should be equipped with. Recognizing this has led a major shift in
the education sector that enhances the basic education curriculum through adding two years with
high hopes to master the competences needed by a learner (RA 10533).

Oral communication implies communication through mouth. It includes individuals conversing

with each other, be it direct conversation or telephonic conversation. Speeches, presentations,
discussions are all forms of oral communication. Oral communication is generally recommended
when the communication matter is of temporary kind or where a direct interaction is required.
Face to face communication (meetings, lectures, conferences, interviews, etc.) is significant so as
to build a rapport and trust. Oral communication skills is to help express your thought and ideas
when you want to share information and to understand what you wanted to say for someone on
for people with this. Oral communication skills you will have confidence to stand in front of
people to socialize with to collaborate also to other ideas. However, communicate makes us clear
understanding to know how communicate other despite of different languages. This could build
friendship and develop sense of leadership.

Education contact centers face a lot of challenges when it comes to communicating with students
and prospective students. There are many reasons a student or prospective student would need to
communicate with an educational institution. By studying contact center services as student it
will help others in improving scheduling, promotional activities, billing, and general awareness
programs, such as sporting events, health plans, and credit campaigns. Better connections with
people, enhanced communication, and more effective and efficient interactions are all possible
with strong social skills. (Shelby Faris -November 16, 2018)

Every human communication occurs by using a particular medium. In light of the above
discussion and definitions, Communication is the transfer of information from one person to
another person. It is a way of reaching others by transmitting ideas, facts, thoughts, feelings, and
values.In addition, oral communication is unique in that each word used must have a specific
purpose, otherwise it can lead to misunderstandings. Over 70% of our time is spent
communicating with others, and that’s the one interaction every person must do it can be carried
out both orally and in writing (Prabavathi & Nagasubramani, 2018).

Communication is closely linked with every sphere of human life. It is essential in leading a
meaningful human life. Enjoying peaceful life, developing person-to-person relationships,
building a prosperous state etc. are not possible without communication. Furthermore, everyone
must communicate their needs and ideas. Every organization must communicate its products and
services. Unfortunately, many people have trouble in this area. Some just don’t have the
professional impact they need to get ahead in today’s corporate world. Communication is
technically defined as the process in which information is enclosed in a package and imparted
from the sender to the receiver through a medium. (Prabavathi & Nagasubramani, 2018).
Interaction plays an important role in our daily lives. Because spoken communication with
people is unavoidable, it is critical that we develop the necessary abilities. Oral communication
provides a variety of purposes in addition to just saying words or communicating thoughts;
moreover it allows people to communicate their thoughts, ideas, and feelings; it also allows
them to empower, inspire, and motivate those who listen; and it allows them to share their
knowledge and traditions while also boosting their self-esteem. Thus, oral communication serves
a variety of objectives in daily life, each of which is linked to a broader goal. As a result, the
most essential practice one can get from learning oral communication is applying what they've
learned to their own lives. An individual can only master oral communication and attain success
via experience and practice.

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