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Title: Character that I like

• The novel that I have learn in Form 5 is Captain
Nobody by Dean Pitchford.This novel is about a family
drama but it has enough exciting adventures to capture
the interest of young minds. It deals with Newt Newman
who at ten is quite invisible to his family and to all at
school. He has a football star brother, Chris, whom he
looks up to greatly.
The character that I like is Newton Newman.He so helpful.He makes breakfast for the
family every day.
Secondly,he so brave. Newt has acrophobia. At first, he hesitated to climb the Dumpster
to get the bass drum. But when disguised as Captain Nobody, he felt more confident.
Thirdly,he so responsible. As a 10 year old boy, Newton takes the responsibility of
making breakfast for his family. Newton would open Chris’s bedroom door and shout,
“Hot the showers!” whenever Chris oversleeps. He risks his life and tries to rescue
Ferocious. When Reggie Ratner is on the roof of the Appleton water tower, and people
think that he is commiting suicide. He decides to climb up the water tower to convince
Reggie to change his mind.
Lastly,he always help those who are in need. Newt tries to cheer his mother up after
seeing his mother’s eyes in tears.
• She is a voracious reader, has amazing vocabulary and grammar, able to read when she
was three years old.
• She have a good attitude such as positive thinking (she always look at positive angle).
• creative (give some idea to newt to create his Holloween’s costume).
• intelligent (she is good in vocabulary is most brilliant girl).
• sensitive (she is very sensitive to a spelling and grammar).
• observant (she always observe to grammar spelling at the banner at Mrs.Sullivant’s
jewellery shop).
• outspoken (she always give some idea for newt and cecil).

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