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The Selfish Giant

'The Selfish Giant' is a short story for children written by Oscar Wilde. It was first published
in the anthology The Happy Prince and Other Tales in 1888. This story is about a giant who
learned an important lesson about love and sharing, and holds different meanings for people of
different age.


Once upon a time, there was a tall, massive and ugly Giant who was really very selfish by his
nature. He had a beautiful garden in his castle. There were beautiful flowering plants, soft
grass and twelve peach trees in his garden. In sprinig seasons, peach trees used to bear
beautiful pink and pearl flowers and in autumn, they used to bear rich fruits. The birds used to
sit in the trees and sing-song very sweetly.
Every afternoon, many children used to play in that Giant's garden when they came back from
Seven years ago, the Giant had gone to visit his friend named Cornish Ogre. One day, he came
back to his castle. He found children playing in his garden. He became quite furious to see that
sight. He cried, "What are you doing there?" The children ran away out of fear. The children
became quite sad because they didn't have a proper place to play. They didn't like to play on
the road due to its dust and hard stones. The Giant built a high wall around his garden and put
up a notice-board on which he wrote a warning line:
When the season of spring came, there were little blossoms and birds all over the country. But
the garden of the selfish Giant became completely desolate. Snow, frost, the north wind and
hail came there one by one. The Giant became quite sad because everywhere summer, spring
and autumn came but in his garden, there was always winter. One morning, the Giant heard
very lovely and sweet music. It was a little linnet singing outside his window. A delicious
perfume came to him through the open casement. He thought that the spring had come. He
peeped out but saw a wonderful sight. The children had come into the garden through a little
hole in the wall. They were sitting in every branch of the trees. The trees were in full bloom.
The birds were twittering and singing melodiously. In the farthest corner of the garden, there
was standing a very little boy who couldn't reach the branches. Seeing that sight, the Giant's
heart melted. He said to himself, "How selfish I have been! Now I have understood why spring
didn't come in my garden". The Giant took the little boy and seated him into the tree. The little
boy kissed the Giant feeling happy. The Giant said to the children, "It is your garden now, little
children!" Thus, there was again spring throughout the year.
After many years, the Giant became quite old and weak. He kept on watching the children at
their games. He didn't meet the lovable little boy after his first meeting. He inquired about him
a lot but couldn't get any information about him.
One morning, during wintertime, he saw a marvellous sight of a tree in the farthest corner of
the garden. He saw white flowers, golden branches and silver fruits of the tree. He saw the
same little boy underneath the tree. He became quite happy and rushed towards him. He
became angry to see prints of nails on little boy's palms and feet. Eventually, he realised that
the little boy was a divine power of God. Once, the Giant had let the little boy play in his
garden. The little boy also wanted to take the Giant to his garden of Paradise in return. The
Giant died at last and his dead body was completely covered with white flowers.
This story teaches us not to be selfish. We should love and help others as much as we can,
especially the children.
Once upon a time, there was a beautiful garden of the giant in his castle. During
the time of his absence, the school children used to play there. After seven years,
when the giant returned from his friend cornish Ogre, he became furious to find
children playing in his garden. He chased them out of his garden and put a high
wall around his garden along with a notice board with warning lines
The children became quite upset because they didn't find a proper place to play.
Due to the selfish nature of the giant, the spring season stopped appearing in his
garden. Other seasons as the frost, the north wind, the hail and the snow started
appearing there. The giant became sad to find spring season outside but not in
his garden.
One morning, he saw a wonderful sight. He saw the children entering into his
garden through a small hole on the wall and playing in his garden. He found
spring season once again in his garden. He saw a small boy in one of the farthest
corners who was unable to climb up the tree and crying. The sight made the
giant realize his mistake. He went there and helped the boy. The boy kissed the
giant being happy. The giant broke the wall of his garden and allowed all the
children to play in his garden. He started playing with them. Time passed by, the
giant became old and feeble. He tried his best to find his lovable boy most of the
time but couldn't find him. One day, while he was sitting on his chair, he saw the
same boy once again in one of the corners of the garden. He rushed towards
there but became angry to find signs of nails on the boy's palms and feet. When
he asked the boy about him, the boy related to him about his help and offered
him his garden which was the garden of paradise. That particular afternoon, the
giant was found dead underneath a big tree. His body was covered with flowers.
 a. Where did the children use to play?
Answer: The children used to play in a beautiful garden of giant during afternoon time after
their school.
b. What did the Snow and the Frost do to the garden?
Answer: The Snow and the Frost were the two agents who appeared in the giant's garden after
the rude behaviour of the giant against the children. The Snow covered up the grass with her
great white cloak, and the Frost painted all the trees silver. They even invited the North Wind
to stay with them.
c. What did the giant hear when he was lying awake in bed?
Answer: The giant heard some lovely music of a little singing bird linnet when he was lying
awake in bed. He heard the music after a long time.
d. Why do you think spring season never came to the giant's garden?
Answer: I think the spring season even became sad along with the children. She became so
angry and never came to the giant's garden to find the giant's rudeness and selfishness against
the innocent children.
e. How did the giant realise his mistake?
Answer: The giant realized his mistake by experiencing unusual changes in his garden. He
found out snow, frost, north wind, fog etc in his garden. He felt guilty himself for all those acts
which he had done against the children. When the children reappeared in his garden, the
garden once again bloomed with leaves and flowers. He even heard the chirping of birds in his
garden. Thus, he realised his mistake.
A. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow.
a. “How happy we were there!” they said to each other.
i. Where does ‘there’ refer to?
Answer: 'There' refers to the giant's garden where children used to play after school.
ii. What does ‘they’ refer to?
Answer: They refer to the children who used to come and play in Giant's garden after school.
iii. Why are they saying so?
Answer: They are saying so because they aren't allowed to play in the giant's garden anymore.
The giant has chased them out of his garden being furious.
b. “I have many beautiful flowers,” he said; “but the children are the most beautiful
flowers of all.”
i. Who is the speaker?
Answer: The speaker is an old and feeble giant who keeps on watching the children at their
play sitting on his armchair.
ii. Who is he speaking to?
Answer: He is speaking to himself admiring his garden.
iii. Who are ‘the children’ that the speaker is referring to?
Answer: 'The Children' that the speaker is referring to are the small and innocent school
children who enjoy a lot in giant's garden.
iv. Why is the speaker saying that ‘the children are the most beautiful flowers of all’?
Answer: The speaker is saying that 'the children are the most beautiful flowers of all' because
he has experienced the presence of children in his garden. He has observed their simplicity and
innocence. He believes that the children are the gift of beautiful nature and their presence has
made the entire garden look so beautiful and bloom with different kinds of leaves and flowers.
He makes the comparison here to value the children much because he knows the value of
children in his garden than the flowers.
c. When the little child smiled at the Giant, and said to him, "You let me play once in
your garden, today you shall come with me to my garden, which is Paradise," shortly
afterwards, the happy giant dies. What is the coincidence of this event? Describe it in
relation to this fairy tale.
Answer: The next time, the little child reappears in one of the garden's corners. The giant is
quite old and feeble at this time. The little child appears this time to favour the giant who once
had favoured him to play in his garden. The giant keeps on searching and waiting for the little
child. He is in reality alive only to meet the enchanted little child. Finally, after the little child's
words, he dies in the very afternoon. 
B. The story makes use of personification as one of the main figures of speech. Cite
three examples of personification from the story. What is the significance of the
seasons personified in the story?
Answer: Here, the writer has perfectly used a figure of speech. The three examples of
personification are the Snow, the Frost and the north wind. The significance of the seasons
personified in the story is that they are related to nature and play a very vital role in
transforming the giant's garden with a unique force against bad deeds.
C. This story can be read as a fairytale, where the children, the seasons, the tree, the
corner of the garden, the snow, the wind and the frost are all used as symbolism.
Interpret those symbols.
Answer:  Here, the spring season symbolizes happiness whereas the winter season symbolizes
suffering. The tree symbolizes the identity of the child as Christ. The corner of the garden
symbolizes the sacred place of God from where redemption is possible. The snow, the wind and
the frost symbolize unique force against bad deeds.
D. Which figure of speech is used for ‘winter, frost, snow, north wind, hail and little
child’? Who is the little child compared to?
Answer: Here in this short story, we find the perfect use of personification. Here, winter, frost,
snow, north wind, hail and little child have been wonderfully personified. Among these winter,
frost and snow have been personified as feminine gender with unique force. They have done
their tasks against the giant's acts. The north wind, hail and little child have been personified
as musculine gender with powers.
The little Child is compared to the almighty Lord Jesus here in this story. This little child has
been presented with divine powers who has the power to change each and everything. Due to
his presence, the garden has been bloomed with beautiful leaves and flowers. The signs of two
nails on the palms and feet of the little child have reminded us of the crucifixion of Lord Jesus.
a. What is the main theme of this story?
Answer: There are various themes here in this story as arrogance, consequences of selfishness,
love and compassion, the concept of salvation etc. Good deeds are always rewarded whereas
bad deeds are always punished. Here, we simply find the arrogance of the giant and his
selfishness against the children which have brought bad results for him. But, due to his good
deeds, he has got a fine platform to reach paradise.
b. Does God punish those who are cruel to children and very selfish? 
Answer: Yes, God punishes those who are cruel to children and very selfish. Children are
supposed to be very innocent and babies of God. They are known for their simplicity. Their
presence is the sign of good omen. We can get a fine example from this story about the God's
punishment to the giant. He feels guilty himself for his bad deeds.

The Oval Portrait

Understanding the text 
Answer these questions.
a. Where did the narrator and his servant make a forcible entrance?
➜ The narrator and his servant Pedro made a forcible entrance in a desolate Chateau
which was located in the Appennines of central Italy. The narrator was seriously
wounded. His valet didn't want the narrator to stay in an open-air. He took the narrator
inside Chateau forcibly without anyone's permission.

b. Which special picture did the narrator notice in the room?

➜ The narrator noticed an oval-shaped picture of a young girl in the room when the
rays of candelabrum fell on it. The narrator didn't notice it before. The young girl
seemed just ripening into womanhood in that picture. The picture of that woman was
so beautiful which attracted the narrator's attention. 
The oval picture of a young girl made him awake and too much curious. He kept on
reading the history behind the portrait in his serious state. He was totally engrossed in
finding its background through the book which he had found in bed.
c. Describe the portrait that the narrator saw in the room.
➜The portrait that the narrator saw in the room was quite artistic and life-like. The
narrator saw it when the rays of candelabrum fell on it. The portrait was oval-shaped
with a beautiful picture of a young girl on it. Its frame was richly decorative. The
young girl seemed just ripening into womanhood. The narrator seemed completely
startled to find the lady's shoulder and head with radiant hair so real. The brushwork
of tints in portrait seemed so real in the portrait. 
The narrator felt a sudden impulse to notice that portrait. He closed his eyes once and
opened. He couldn't believe his eyes to see such wonderful artistic creativity.

d. What is the relationship between the portrait painter and its subject?
➜The relationship between the portrait painter and its subject is husband and wife.
The husband of the subject (lady) is a passionate painter who has painted his wife's
portrait. He has Painted his wife's portrait taking many weeks.

Reference to the context 

a. What is the central theme of the story? Who is the woman depicted in the
oval portrait?
➜The central theme of the short story 'The Oval Portrait' is the relationship between
life and art. This Story has shown the destructive power of art and love. Art and love
can lead anyone towards perfection whereas they can bring destructive results in our
life too. The painter of this story has become successful through his artistic works but
his wife has become the victim of his artistic tasks. She loves her husband extremely
that's why she doesn't reveal her pains. The story has shown bad results of excessive
passion for something. The woman depicted in the oval portrait is the wife of a
passionate painter who has painted this oval portrait.
b. "The Oval Portrait" is a short horror story by Edgar Allan Poe involving
the disturbing circumstances surrounding a portrait in a chateau. Elaborate.
➜ This short story has presented a terrible and gloomy setting of a desolate Chateau
in one of the mountains range (Appennines) of central Italy. The Chateau which we
find here in this story is completely deserted and very old fashioned. The setting
inside and outside seem very terrible. The apartments inside Chateau are so
unmanaged and dirty. The apartment where the narrator and his valet stay have many
things for decoration but all of them are in decaying state. The life-like portrait has
been placed in one of the dark corners. The surrounding of the life-like portrait is so
disturbing due to the unmanaged condition everywhere. The arrival of the visitors also
has added distance in the environment. The portrait seems quite valueless in that
desolate environment of the Chateau.
c. "The Oval Portrait" suggests that the woman's beauty condemns her to
death. Discuss.
➜ "The Oval Portrait" suggests that the woman's beauty condemns her to death. Here,
the wife of the painter is so beautiful who has just stepped into womanhood. The
painter wants to paint her portrait. He is a quite passionate painter who loves his
artwork more than anything. He places his wife on the chair to pose for him. He is
totally obsessed with his artistic work. The Painter takes weeks to paint her portrait.
During his task, he doesn't notice his wife health condition who becomes quite weak.
By the time he finishes the portrait, he finds his wife lying dead on the chair.

d. Discuss the story as a frame narrative (a story within a story).

➜ The frame narrative is a literary technique that reveals about a story within a story.
It starts with a different plot and setting of story but later immerses out with the next
story within it. Here, this technique reveals us how a single story involves the next
story within it. The story starts with different information about the narrator and his
valet with a different setting. The readers here move along with the Story's flow at
first but later on the next story starts within it with an amazing description of oval
portrait, its detail and background information. The readers reach up to the next level
of the story. The technique of frame narrative works showing a single story and the
next story within it.
e. The story is told in a descriptive style, with plenty of imagery and
symbolism. Which images and symbols do you find in the story?
➜ Here in this story, we find various images and symbols. The writer has used images
to present his horror elements beautifully here in this story where there is immense
use of darkness and light. The image of desolate Chateau in the Appennines has
created beginning thriller for the audience. Similarly, the image of two visitors in the
dark desolate setting has increased the reader's curiosity. Inside the Chateau, the writer
has used many images to present the setting of apartments, torrent etc. Here, we find
various images as dark rooms, wall tapestries, trophies, the oval painting among other
paintings, candelabrum, book, rays of light etc. The historical background of the oval
portrait also has presented the image of the painter and his wife in a high torrent of the
Chateau. The perfect use of images has this story with gothic elements beautifully.
Like images, the symbols also have played a vital role to understand this story in its
deeper level. The oval portrait symbolizes mortality of love and immortality of art.
This portrait has snatched the life of its main subject (painter's wife). Her love for her
husband leads her to death whereas her husband passion for artwork has snatched her
life and made him immortal in his artwork. Next symbol which we find here is the
time during artwork. This time during artwork symbolizes the painter's obsession
where he has forgotten everything around him and led his wife to the death.

f. What does the expression “She was dead!” mean?

➜ The expression was dead" means the shocking moment of the death of the painter's
wife on the chair. The painter was quite obsessed with his painting. He was totally
engrossed in his task of painting. He forgot to inspect his wife's condition. He kept on
painting his wife's portrait for weeks. When he turned his painting towards his wife
being happy, he found his wife dead posing on the chair. Here, the artwork took the
life of its main subject.
Reference beyond the text 
a. Do you think there is life in art?
➜ I don't think there is life in art. Art is just a creation to display which has meanings
related to different things. But, in a literal sense, artists create life in art. They try to
find out life within the art.

b. As a thing of art nothing could be more admirable than the painting

itself. Explain.
➜ This statement is absolutely right about painting. Painting is really a very
admirable form of art. The painters really work hard to create quality paintings with
meanings. The painting itself speaks in its literal manner. Painting provides us with
facts related to life. Here in this story, the oval portrait is one of the finest examples
which has startled the narrator. He feels completely puzzled to see that painting. He
wants to know about its and painter.
c. A more intense look at the painting reveals the illusion. Have you noticed
any such painting?
➜ Yes, I have noticed such painting. The painting becomes more meaningful when it
is watched by the viewer who is passionate about paintings. But, for those viewers
who don't have an idea about paintings find illusion all the time. In my case, I
watched a typical painting for a long time but I didn't get meanings about it. I tried a
lot to grasp its meaning but vain. Later on, I got its meaning from my friend.

God Sees the Truth but Waits by  Leo Tolstoy Full Notes Exercise: Questions and Answers Class

Understanding the text 

Answer these questions.
a. What bad habits did Aksionov have before his marriage?
➜ Aksionov was a very handsome and jovial person who used to seek his happiness.
Before marriage, he had very bad habits of drinking alcohol and involving in fights.
He used to drink much and become riotous.

b. What can be the meaning of his wife's dream?

➜ The meaning of his wife dream can be a sign of bad omen. In her dream, she had
seen her husband returning his town with grey hair. She became quite afraid of her
husband. She supposed the dream as a sign of evil.
c. Why did Aksionov think of killing himself?
➜ Aksionov thought of killing himself because he remembered all those harsh
situations which he had faced in his life without committing any crime. He
remembered his torture, the people around him while he was in chains, the convicts,
twenty-six years of imprisonment, his premature old age etc. All these painful
thoughts made him so wretched that he was ready to kill himself.

d. Why did Makar disclose that he had killed the merchant?

➜ Makar disclosed that he had killed the merchant because he felt ashamed of himself.
He felt pity over Aksionov. Aksionov saved Makar from the governor though he was
a victim of Makar's crime. The act of Aksionov made Makar feel ashamed and
disclose his crime. 

e. Why doesn't Aksionov wish to return to his family at the end of the story?
➜ Aksionov doesn't wish to return his family at the end of the story because he has
become quite Old. He has spent his entire life in prison without committing any crime.
He is feeble too at this age. He desires to die in the prison instead of going to his
 Reference to the context 
a. "Well, old man," repeated the Governor, "tell me the truth: who has been
digging under the wall?"
i. Who is that old man?
➜ That old man is Aksionov who has spent his twenty-six years in prison. 
ii. Which truth is the speaker asking about?
➜ The speaker is asking about the truth of digging an escape hole.
iii. Which wall does the speaker mean?
➜ The speaker means the prison's wall.

b. Describe Aksionov's character.

➜ Ivan Dmitrich Aksionov was a young wealthy merchant in the town of Vladimir in
Russia. He had two shops and a house. He was a handsome man with fair-curly hair.
He was full of fun and very fond of singing. He used to drink much before marriage
but later on, he changed himself and became a good man. He had virtuous qualities
such as faith, forgiveness, freedom and acceptance. He was accused of murdering a
fellow merchant and robbing him. He suffered a lot in prison and spent his twenty-six
years waiting for God's judgement. He was also mentally strong because he was able
to endure many unfortunate events, such as losing his home and his business. Finally,
he displayed a strong religious devotion by growing closer to God during difficult
times. He was a truthful man, holding his peace till the end but circumstances changed
his fate and he died in prison at last.
c. What is the theme of the story?
➜ We find various themes here in this story "God Sees the Truth, but Waits". The
major themes in the story are guilt, forgiveness, faith, conflict, freedom and
acceptance. The story has presented all these themes. Among these themes,
forgiveness is one of the greatest themes. Here, we find forgiveness of Aksionov for
Makar Semyonich. Although Aksionov has spent his twenty-six years in prison for a
crime he didn't commit, he is able to forgive Makar who committed the crime. This
story has shown the best form of revenge which is forgiveness.

d. Which symbols are used in the story and what do they indicate?
➜ Answer: We find the use of many symbols here in this story. Following are the
symbols used in the Story: 1. House and Shops: House and shops symbolize the
earthly material possession which doesn't favour anyone and remain forever.
Aksinonov doesn't get the support of his possession till the end. 
2. Nightmare (grey hair): The terrible dream of Aksionov's wife symbolizes the
terrible fate of Aksionov. The story has presented the bad results of the nightmare.
The grey hair in the dream turns out to be real in Aksionov's life. 
3. The prison: The prison itself is a symbol of Aksionov's suffering and his eventual
spiritual transformation. Prison is the place where he finds pains, tortures and even
spiritual transformation. 
4. Book (The Lives of the Saints): This is the symbol of religious transformation
within Aksionov Due to this book Aksionov devotes his life towards God and keeps
faith till the end.
 Reference beyond the text 
a. What role does religion play in Aksionov's life? How does he undergo a
spiritual transformation in the story?
➜ Religion plays a very vital role in Aksionov's life. He has spent his whole life in
Siberian prison expecting for the right judgement of God. After being suspected by his
wife, he gives up all his hopes and tells himself that God only knows the truth. For
twenty-six years as a convict in Siberia, he grows older. In prison, Aksionov works
hard and learns to make boots. He earns a little money with which he buys the book
'The Lives of the Saints'. He devotes his life in the name of religion being much
faithful on God. He starts reading and singing this book in the prison's church on
Sundays. He realizes about various aspects of life, fate in connection with the religion.
The prison authorities even like him for his meekness. His fellow-prisoners respect
him and call him "Grandfather" or "The Saint." He knows about fate, spirituality,
God's devotion, righteous path, acceptance, forgiveness etc. He keeps on showing his
truthfulness. He meets the real murderer of the merchant but remains silent. He even
saves the convict from the governor. He gets self-realization and forgives Makar at the
end. Aksionov realizes that forgiveness is the path to peace. He obtains peace at last
and dies. In this way, we find him and his life-transforming from materialism to
spiritualism only because of religion.
b. What does the story tell us about the existence of unfair system of justice?
➜ The story tells us about the existence of an unfair system of justice through the
main protagonist's incident of life. Here in this story, a good and innocent man is
wrongly imprisoned on a charge of murder, punished for 26 years and made to lose
everything and his entire life for no fault or crime of his own, but only based on
evidence. He suffers a lot entire his life but get self-realization and dies peacefully at

The Wish by Roald Dahl

 Understanding the text 
Answer the following questions.
a. What did the child do to the scab on his knee?
➜ The child examined his knee cap's scab at first. He pondered much and decided to
pick it up. He gently picked that scab with his fingernail and put it on his thigh.
Finally, he flipped it with his finger.

b. What kind of effect did the carpet have on the child?

➜ The child becomes extremely amazed to see the red carpet. He had never really
noticed it before in such a way. The different colours of carpet seemed to brighten
mysteriously and spring out at him in a most dazzling way. He was thoroughly lost in
those colours and his imagination.
c. What was he afraid of while walking across the carpet?
➜ While walking across the carpet, he was afraid of red and black coloured spots of
the carpet. He supposed the colours of carpet as different things in his imagination. He
thought the red colour spots as the lumps of burning coals and the black colour spots
as the black poisonous snakes. He was afraid to be burnt down as well as bitten by
burning coals and poisonous snakes during its journey. So, he stepped very carefully
only on yellow coloured spots which he thought to be a safe zone.

d. What motivated and encouraged the child to start and continue on his
➜ His wish of getting a puppy on his birthday or as a birthday gift motivated and
encouraged the child to start and continue on his journey.

e. What did the child see as he looked down on the black patterns of the carpet?
➜ The child saw different colours brightening mysteriously. He was lost in different
colours' spots. He kept on thinking in his imagination about the colours and their
different forms. 
Hence, the child saw the poisonous snake with the oily body of snake arising to catch
or bite him as he looked down on the black patterns of the carpet.
 Reference to the context 
a. The writer creates two voices in the story. Who are they?
➜ Yes, the writer creates two voices in the story and they were (a narrator) and the
voice of the young boy i.e the child.
b. Read the extracts given below and answer the questions that follow. “…the
black parts are snakes, poisonous snakes, adders mostly, and cobras, thick like
tree-trunks around the middle, and if I touch one of them, I'll be bitten and I'll
die before tea time. And if I get across safely, without being burnt and without
being bitten, I will be given a puppy for my birthday tomorrow.”
i. What does ‘the black part’ mean?
➜ The black path means the difficulty, challenges and suffering in the journey.
ii. Who is the speaker?
➜ The speaker was a young boy i.e the child.
iii. Why doesn’t the speaker want to be burnt?
➜ The speaker doesn't want to be burnt because he wants to get a birthday gift as a
puppy tomorrow.
c. Which images and metaphors are used in the story?
➜ Images:
i. Scab (knee of the boy).
- It represents the boy's curiosity, desire, interest to go ahead in his journey.
ii. Black parts of carpet (snake).
- It depicts hardship, difficulty, suffering and troubling in life.
iii. Read patches (fire)
- it shows about fire i.e danger because it can burn a little child.
iv. Yellow patches (happiness)
- the yellow patches of the carpet represents relief, pleasure, hopefulness, happiness,
and self-confidence in his life.
The carpet represents a conflict in his life. He may be unable to take the right decision
or choose the right option. We may suffer a lot due to the wrong choice. If we go with
the right option, it leads to the right path and we do not have to feel any difficulty in
our life. Otherwise, we will suffer if we take the wrong decision or path at the wrong

d. Summarise the short story “The Wish” in about 200 words.

➜ Visit "The Wish by Roald Dahl Summary" for the short summary of about 200
e. The story shows the events through the eyes of the narrator and the child.
Comparing the two styles, who presents a more interesting or effective view for
the readers? Why?
➜ The child represents the story in more interesting and effective where are view than
the narrator because the child was a hardship. He faces and won all the challenges.
Birthday gift as a puppy motivated and encouraged him to continue his journey. He
was strong enough to complete his journey. Not only he faced all the challenges, but
he also won them too.

f. Is “The Wish” a story about self-confidence overcoming fear or about greed?

Give your arguments.
➜ "The Wish" story is all about self-confidence and overcoming fear. We can take
this story as a motivational story too because the child completed his journey or
challenges as birthday gift encouraged him. The child seems fearful while watching
his scab. He thinks much about picking it. He raises many questions with himself. He
picks out his scab being panic. But when he sees the carpet his fear increases high. He
imaginatively makes a game plan. He gathers his confidence to cross the carpet. He
creates his obstacles supposing the colours as coals and snakes. He even puts his goal
across the carpet. He moves on bravely on the carpet wishing for a puppy on his
birthday as a birthday gift. He tries his best to overcome his fear. His self-confidence
and his wish end as he falls down in black colours.
 Reference beyond the text 
a. Do you think our wish can be fulfilled? Why or why not?
➜ Not all the wants, desire and wishes are fulfilled. We need hard and complicated
practise to fulfil our wish, want, desire, interest. We should be calm while making
every decision. The right decision leads to the right path that only can fulfil our needs
and desire.
When we desire something that is called wish. Hard work is needed for wish to be
fulfilled. But all our desire can't be fulfilled at all. All are not happy because their
wish and desire are not fulfilled and when the wish will not fulfil they will be upset.
Almighty helps in every condition.
Therefore, to fulfil our wish, needs, desire and satisfaction we should practice a lot
then only we can be happy.
b. Why do you think some people might have a frightening nature? What would
you suggest to them to overcome it?
➜ Some people might have a frightening nature because they do not have self-
I would suggest the following points to overcome it:
- Learn more about your fear, this first step can be the hardest one but it's also
absolutely necessary.
- Use your imagination in positive ways.
- Use your brain in a different way than usual.
- Focus on your breathing.
- Practice mindfulness.
- Use nature as your therapist.
c. Write a folktale that you have heard or read.
➜ Folktale (Nepali: Dantya Katha) is a story originating in popular culture, typically
passed on by word of mouth. Write one you have heard or read.

Chapter:4 Civil Peace by Chinua Achebe Full Exercise Solution

Notes, Questions and Answers class 11 English 

 Understanding the text 

Answer the following questions.
a. Why did Jonathan think of himself as 'extraordinarily lucky'?
➜ In the story, Jonathan thought himself is extraordinary lucky because he and his
family with his house were saved in the Nigerian war. Moreover, he got his bicycle
back and could repair his house cheaply.

b. What are the ‘five blessings’ for which Jonathan is grateful?

➜ The "five inestimable blessings" were his head, his wife Maroa's head and the
heads of 3 out of their four children for which Jonathan is very grateful.
c. Why did Jonathan mistrust the officer who wanted to take his bicycle? What
does this tell you about the situation in Nigeria?
➜ Jonathan mistrusted the officer who wanted to take his bicycle because the officer
easily accepted bribe exchange of his bicycle. He knew about the character of the
officer through his acts of gripping the bicycle. This tells us that the situation in
Nigeria was so worse where government officers were are also corrupted who
expected their profit from the citizens in the name of the law. 
Hence, Jonathan mistrust the officer because he was not confident in saying. It tells
about the lack of trust because of War and poverty and lack of peace in Nigeria.
d. What visitors might be at the door? Are Jonathan and his wife completely
surprised? Explain.
➜ The Knock at the door is hard late at night.  When Jonathan calls out to access
about the visitors, he gets the reply from the visitors.  So the visitors might be that
keeps who have come so late at night to rob money.
Jonathan and his wife were completely surprised. They even become fearful because
they haven't been awake and so late at night in such a way before.
e. Why does no one in the neighbourhood respond when the thieves pound on
Jonathan’s door? Why do the thieves call for the police?
➜ Yes, No one in the neighbourhood responds when the thieves pound on  Jonathan's
door because the neighbours were also feeling the same terror or fear as Jonathan's
family members.
 The thieves called for the police because they knew very well that no one will come
to support Jonathan's family.

 Reference to the context 

a. What does Jonathan mean by his expression “Nothing puzzles God”? What
does this expression reveal about his character? Explain by citing details from
the story.
➜ In the story "Civil Peace",  Jonathan uses this expression "Nothing puzzles God"
whenever something miraculous happens with him. He uses this line when he gets his
bicycle back in a fine condition out of the ground. Next, He uses it when he finds his
house still standing after the war. By "Nothing puzzles God",  he means that anything
can happen but almighty God, being omniscient, is not surprised and even possible by
anything.  He means to say that God knows each and everything. The last time he uses
it at the end of the story after his family is robbed of the exgratia.  This expression
reveals, shows, depicts, represents that he is quite an optimistic person who has been a
belief of Almighty God.  He feels too delighted to get miracles in his life. This
expression also reveals that he is a good person who enjoys everything he has but
never laments on his losses.
Therefore, His character was optimistic hopeful nature to believe in God and thinks
that there will be good for tomorrow.
b. How does Jonathan change as he experiences the conflicts in his life? Explain.
➜ Jonathan is a hardworking person who believes in his hard labour as well as god
the most. He is quite an optimistic person who never loses his hope.  He has
experienced many conflicts in his life.  He has lost his child during the war but he
believes himself lucky to get 5 inestimable blessings.  Jonathan keeps on doing his
hard labour for the sake and welfare of his family keeping faith or believes in God. 
He changes according to the demands of the time and his own family needs.

c. Read the extract and answer the questions below.

“To God who made me; if you come inside and find one hundred pounds, take it
and shoot me and shoot my wife and children. I swear to God. The only money I
have in this life is this twenty pounds egg-rasher they gave me today ...”
i. Who is the speaker?
➜ The speaker was Jonathon.

ii. Who is the speaker talking to?

➜ The speaker is talking to the thieves or robbers.

iii. Who does “they” refer to?

➜ "They" refers to the government. 
d. Nigerian English has words like soja 'soldier' and katakata 'confusion',
'trouble' derived apparently from English words but transformed by native
languages' phonologies. What does the author’s use of dialect here add to the
➜ Nigerian English has words like Soja "soldier" and katakata "confusion", "trouble"
delivered apparently from English words but transformed by Native language
 The author added dialects here in the story because of the following points:
i.  To focus on the native language;
ii.  To promote the dialects;
iii.  To know the status of living people in Nigeria and,
iv.  To promote the nationality.

e. Why do you think the thieves who come to rob Jonathan speak English with a
heavier African accent than Jonathan does?
➜ I think the thieves who came to rob Jonathan speak English with a heavier African
accent then Jonathan because of the following points:
i.  To show that they were (white) American.
ii.  To show that they were powerful.
iii.  To be believed by the Africans people that they know the English language.
iv.  To show that they were superior and strong enough.
f. The title of the story "Civil Peace" itself is ironical as there is little to
differentiate ‘civil peace’ from ‘civil war’. Do you think that the title of this story
is appropriate, or would “Civil War” have been a better title? Explain.
➜ Yes, the story is ironical. This title of this story is inappropriate because of the
following reasons:
i.  The people living in Nigeria could not trust the government public servant, a police
officer as he was corrupt a lot.
ii.  Life of the people did not change. There was difficult to join hands in mouth. Most
of the people were living under the poverty line.
iii.  After the ending of the War in Nigeria,  Robbery did not stop or controlled by the
 So, the title of this story "Civil War" would be better.

 Reference beyond the text 

a. How would you describe the civil peace in Nigeria?
➜ The condition of the Civil please in Nigeria wasn't good. After the war, the time of
the Civil peace was the time of the resettlement.  There was nothing new for the
people.  People had to face various problems during that time.  The government's law
during that time was good.  There were many risks in people's life.  Thieves Used To
Loot and Beat people without having any fear of law.  Though the Civil piece
prevailed there, there was Anarchy everywhere.

b. What kind of attitude towards life do you think you would have if your
situation was similar to that of Jonathan’s?
➜ I would be Optimist, hopeful and ready to face all the challenges.  I would be
helpful to every people.  I would follow the right path, take the right decision, believe
in God and many more...
c. Draw the character sketch of Jonathan Iwegbu.
➜ Jonathan is quite an optimistic person who has been faith in God. He always utters
a line in the name of god saying that " Nothing puzzles God".  He becomes quite
delighted to find miracles in his life. He never lives in disparity. He is a hardworking
person who thinks positively for everyone. He loves his family members much.  At
the time of hardship, he tries to save his family first.  During the time of civil peace,
he works so hard to restore his life and his family.  His wife and his kids also work so
hard to support him.  He really enjoys his present, giving value to his relative as well
as his belongings.   He never regrets his loss. He starts the taxi service, repairs his
house, opens a bar for soldiers to support his family.
 As an optimistic person,  he doesn't regret losing his 20 Pounds which he had got as a
favour from the government.
 Hence,  Jonathan Iwegbu was the protagonist Central character of the story.  He was
an ex-miner who was very labourers, and resourceful. He was also the responsible
head of the family to inspire his family with optimism.

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