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I am Ahmad Zaidan Az Dzakawan from Almaarif islamic high school.

Ladies and gentleman as we know today's motion is THW Implement

a salary cap in footbal clubs. I as the government agree with this
motion. Let me explain it to all of you. Football is a sport that is most
in demand by every human being. From young to old. Football also
has very prestigious competitions such as UCL, EPL, UEL, etc. With
so many prestigious competitions, of course there are also many very
talented athletes participating in these events. The athletes will get
wages from every season he plays. Football players themselves are
considered to have high salaries. So not infrequently not a few people
want to be a football player. The high salary makes the profession of a
football player very tempting. And perhaps because of that, school
football is increasingly widespread.

Ladies and gentleman

A football tactician Oliver Wicki said: "To create better financial

stability and prevent clubs from spending too much money going into
debt, discussions to introduce a salary cap have emerged in the
European football industry. In addition, the salary cap should create a
higher competitive balance because larger teams cannot spend more
on salaries than smaller teams.

there are two main advantages of the Salary Cap rule. The first is to
make the competition more balanced, and the second is to be able to
control expenses. From the first advantage, one can see that a Salary
Cap, applied effectively, can discourage wealthier clubs from
engaging in destructive behavior. For example recruiting star players
with high salaries with the aim of preventing their rivals from getting
the same players. This will present the creation of the club's winnings
With the Salary Cap, each club has at least the same economic power
when bringing in players. This would contribute to balance by
producing nearly equal talent for each team and would provide an
economic advantage to both the league and the teams themselves.
League Operators must ensure there is a balance between the
competing teams. So, later each team will be equally competitive
which keeps the competitive value of a competition maintained. If
rich clubs continue to bring in quality talent, the competitive value of
a competition may decrease. You see, the winning team is just the
same. The other team has definitely lost on paper. It is feared that this
will reduce the number of fans in stadiums and on television.

On the other hand, television revenue is now an important part of the

club's income. The more attractive a league is, the more opportunities
the competition operators have to make a lot of money from
broadcasting rights. An unbalanced league threatens weaker teams, as
they have no hope of winning, while fans may leave the club or even
move on to other sports. If the percentage of league fans decreases, it
will also have an impact on the athletes who play in that league.
Because the athletes will actually get a decrease in salary because the
club's finances are unstable in terms of Jersey sales, club attributes,

Ladies and gentleman

As clear evidence, an European mega club, Barcelona FC, was

experiencing an economic crisis, according to,
Barcelona was experiencing an economic crisis caused by the
excessively large salary given to a mega star, Lionel Messi. It is said
that Leo's salary reaches 555 million euro per season, this makes
Barcelona have no other choice but to pay the salary according to the
things that have been signed. and with all the shortcomings the club
was forced by barcelona to release Lionel messi to another club and
had to start rearranging their economic management. Apart from that
left the club's fans which was caused by the monotony in the league
play. This will have an impact on the social life of the athletes so the
implementation of this salary limit must be implemented so that it can
support the sustainability of the league and the survival of the athletes
in the future.

Ladies and gentleman

Thats all my speech thank you for your attention.
Assalamualaikum wr.wb

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