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Name: Castro, Freeza Yuuki G.

Date: May 4, 2023

Grade and Section: STEM 11 – 1 Score:
Q1 W1 Activity 1 Culturing Fruitflies
DAY Observation
D0 (May 4) In the afternoon, my friend chatted me if I was done in GenBio2,
then I was shooked because I forgot to do the task. I don’t have the stuff
to do the task and I don’t have money to buy the materials that I need
to do the task, so I chatted my friend if he has a jar and banana for the
task in Bio, my friend gave me a jar.. then I realized that I don’t have a
banana, so I chatted my other friend and she said she doesn’t have a
banana but she can buy some, so I come a long with her to buy some
banana. Now I have all the stuff to do the task. First, I washed the jar
that my friend gave to me and I pilled tha banana and sliced it in to like
cube size and I put the banana inside of the jar and put the whole thing
on the saucer and put some water on the saucer to prevent anting.

D1 (May 5) nothing happened to the banana for this day and I forgot to
took a picture of it.

D2 (May 6) I notied that the banana had a small black spots, and for the
rest of the day nothing happened. There are no flies it yet. Again I forgot
to took a photo of it.

D3 (May 7) I forgot about the banana because of the other activities that I
need to answer but in the evening my brother told me that where do I
need the banana for, and I answered that I need it for Genbio2.. and
thanked him for reminding me the project that im dooing. I noticed that
there are flies in the jar so I asked my brother to help me to cover the
jar with tissue paper and rubbe band.
(May 8) In the afternoon, I checked the jar to checked what happened to
the banana. I noticed that the left part of the banana become dark and
it had funky smell.
D5 (May 9) The banana become terible compare to Day 4, Moist formed
within the jar and there was white web-looking spot at the top of the
black patterns of the bananas and I think it is a mould that the flies
created or produced and I noticed that there is some little egg in the
corner of the banana.

D6 (May 10. 2AM) compare to Day 5 the looks of it worsened and the
banana produced some juice.


Photo documentation per day.

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