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Speaking Activity

Task 1

Do this task with two of your friends!

1. Look at the picture!

2. Do you think the graffiti on the picture is an art?

3. Discuss your answer in your group!

4. Then, present your answer in front of the class! Provide reasonable answers!

Task 2

Do the following activity!

Work in pairs and have a discussion with your partner. Complete the dialogue below based on your

Opinion. Practice the dialogue in front of the class with your partner!

Sarah : Hi, Dimas. What are you doing?

Dimas: Hi, Sarah. I am reading an article about graffiti.

Sarah : Graffiti? What is that?

Dimas: Graffiti is a type of artwork. Some people also say that Graffiti is an urban art form. Graffiti

Is related to a font, letter, or writing style that can incorporate visual features that extend

Beyond just text. However, it is not always positively received or perceived as art.

Sarah : Why is it not always positively received or perceived as art?

Dimas: Not everyone considers graffiti as an art form. Moreover, the law in most places considers

It as a form of vandalism.
Sarah:Where can I find graffiti?.

Dimas: Most kinds of graffiti are made on public wall, train, or street.

Sarah: Do graffiti artists always ask for permission to paint on public or someone’s property?

Dimas: Most of them just paint at whatever object they think is a good place.

Sarah: What about you? What do you think about graffiti?


D. Reading Activity

Task 1

Read the expository text aloud!

Text 1

Graffiti has been a long controversial issue among our society. Some may think it is a form of an
Artistic expression while others propose to entirely ban graffiti. As an Australian we are blessed with
Nature’s beautiful surroundings. How would you feel while seeing chaotic tags on a public wall while
Waiting at a bus stop or train station?

Graffiti is vandalism. Most graffiti is done randomly without permission of the owner. Those so
Called “artists” go wherever they want and damage other people’s property. This will cause chaotic
Situations when everyone can spray or scribble anything they like on public space.

Everyone likes admiring aesthetically appealing images and views. Some graffiti presents the Public
with provocative images and vulgar expressions which can exert bad influences on younger Children.
Children at young ages should be taught to do the right things as it helps for their future life As an
adult. Having people do graffiti in areas where it is prohibited is a real downfall to children just To
catch a glimpse.

Those opposed may argue that graffiti is a kind of free artistic expression. However, freedom Should
be an act in consideration and respect to the public, marking or tagging on public spaces Without the
consent of the owner can be illegal. If Graffiti is considered art, it should at least be done Right and

In conclusion, graffiti is not a form of art that should be promoted. It will not only cause damage to
Private and public property, but will also exert bad influence towards younger children.

Text 2

The first graffiti drawings, were drawn on cave walls thousands of years ago. Graffiti officially dates
Back to the 1400’s when the first drawings on walls started to appear. The Romans and Greeks
started Writing their names accompanied by protest poems on buildings to mark out their territory.

Nowadays, whilst much of the unique art form has changed, some of it has been kept the
same.Many gangs mark their names on walls, buildings and other public facilities, this is called
tagging. And Whilst this and other sorts of graffiti looks very modern, it’s been a trend for thousands
of years before.

Art is about expression, creativity, freedom, asking and raising questions, protesting, analyzing For
the creative type to get things out of their system. For the underdog to take a stand. For artists to
Step beyond convention and street, urban art and graffiti is the best proof of this. You don’t even
need To be considered a ‘legitimate artist; don’t need to have thousands of fans, have a huge social
media Presence, be taken seriously by galleries or be picked up by an artist agency. You can just put
your Work in the street as and when you wish. (And you don’t even have to see people’s reactions to
your Work if you don’t want to)

There’s freedom with putting work in the street (the same freedom that comes with people stealing
And ruining work in the street- but that comes with the territory).

Art in the street makes people happy, it makes their day and their commute more interesting. It
Adds character to what would otherwise just be grey and boring. Art reminds people to feel alive. It
Wakes people up. It inspires. Motivates. And sometimes it can make people think. Street art takes
the‘normal’ and makes it a thousand times more interesting

Art is what defines us; it’s what keeps us out of trouble. If you give someone a paintbrush or some
Type of art equipment, blank canvas or a wall where all their ideas are welcomed, you can change
their Lives. It shouldn’t matter if its graffiti or “real art”. If you can change the world with a stroke of
a brush,You can change the world with a can of paint.

Task 2

No Question Expository text 1 Expository text 2

1 What is
2 What reasons does
the author use to
support the claim?
3 What does the author
say as the closing?
Compare expository text 1 and expository text 2 by completing the table below!

Task 3

Analyze the structure of the text below!

Should Graffiti Be Protected? Graffiti is a true art form and allows people to express themselves in
cumulative ways. One of The biggest questions in modern age is whether graffiti is considered
vandalism. Graffiti artists use Graffiti to address problems in their communities (send a message).
Graffiti shouldn’t be considered Vandalism because it allows youth in low income communities to
have an opportunity to be known for. Graffiti is an art that allows individuals to express themselves,
their talents and create jobs for artists Who aren’t as mainstream. Most people argue that graffiti is
vandalism because of the money it takes To clean up, but graffiti is a truly a form of art.

Graffiti artists use graffiti to address problems in their communities (send a message). For Example,
Graffiti took a tow on New York areas when the city was headed to bankruptcy in the mid-70s. A lot
of New Yorkers were left in fear and hopelessness which later led to graffiti as a way of Protest to
the federal government. This inspired many revolutionary artists such as Yazan Halwani Who grew
up in Beirut tagging walls then later became the voice of the public. His work was based On helping
those less fortunate around his neighborhood. Angela Reichers mentions “The artist Donated the
proceeds from the sale of his Guinness World Record-holding “The Legend Of Bliss Street” was
meant to call attention to the suffering of people living on the street.” As mentioned in “The Writing
on the Wall”. This shows how passionate a graffiti artist is of their work and for a better Future for
their environment. They are an activist of peace, they protest with colors filled with hidden
Messages, instead of the typical violent protest we are used to seeing.

Nowadays, the youth have the luxury of social media to get the recognition they would need to Start
a career in the art field. Graffiti shouldn’t be considered vandalism because it allows youth in Low
income communities to have an opportunity to be known for. For instance, it took Lady Pink six
Years of expressing her talent in ways that were deemed illegal. In an interview with Lady Pink, she
States that she would travel across New York late at night by Subway dressed as a boy... so that Men
didn’t mess with me.” It shows that it was a big deal to, protect herself and still remain diligent.On
the other hand, It took Banksy approximately five years to begin receiving attention in the right
Light. Not only were their careers dependent on not being reprimanded with legal consequences,
but Also the masses perceiving their art as art. But once the masses perceive it as art, it becomes a
safe Heaven and places that were once considered “vandalism” become landmarks.

Furthermore, graffiti is an art that allows individuals to express themselves, their talents and Create
jobs for artists who aren’t as mainstream. In the article “An Unselfish Act: Graffiti In Art Education”,
Sentrock mentions how “use it [graffiti art] as a platform to do things in life; don’t do Things [such as
vandalism or living illicit graffiti lifestyle] that will hold you back or condone you.” He Wants us as a
community to start using graffiti as an expression of art instead of the typical graffiti That is used for
tagging or gang related. This way, graffiti creates a deeper meaning for itself. People Can look at a
wall and admire its beautiful structures while also understanding the artist’s meaning Behind the art.
We have to take a different approach in educating the youth the differences in graffiti And graffiti
art. The style of graffiti is cherished among those who want to express themselves and Their talents,
but many of these people become discouraged knowing that graffiti can lead to trouble. By
educating our youth, they become influenced into viewing the art aspect of graffiti. Nas inte

The main concern of the opposing side is whether graffiti would be considered vandalism if done On
one’s property. To eradicate this concern, Communities can be funded private areas for graffiti
Artists to express their art. This private area would significantly decrease the amount of graffiti on
Private properties. In addition schools can be funded to properly train a graffiti artist willing to
comply With regulations. Critics say graffiti is a threat and indicator of violent communities, in
conclusion,Graffiti should be decriminalized, as it is a form of not only cultural expression, but art.

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