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A Past Life Reflection

Q: (A small child) I’ve got a question.

B: All right.

Q: I’ve wanted to find this out for a long time. I was wondering, um, what was it
like in my last lifetime?

B: What do you imagine it was like?

Q: Well…

B: Have you had, in what you call your earlier childhood, what seemed to be
memories of a place you have never been?

Q: Sort of.

B: Where?

Q: Well, it was out in the country.

B: Yes. What do you smell? What do you feel? What do you hear out in the country?

Q: Birds. Flowers. Just beauty.

B: All right. Do you have a feeling as to where you were?

Q: Well…

B: Do you think you were in what you call the country you are in now, or in
another country? How does it feel to you? What are you wearing in that life?

Q: Summer dress.

B: What color?

Q: White with yellow flowers.

B: All right. Did you think it was beautiful?

Q: Yes.

B: Who gave it to you? Do not think about it; trust your first impression. Who
gave it to you?

Q: My mom.

B: What did she look like? Can you see her? See her right now. In your
imagination, see your mother then in that life, giving you that dress.

Q: Yes.

B: What did she look like? Simply describe her as you see her.

Q: She had long hair. She was very beautiful with pale skin.

B: Did you find that, in your terms, it was rare that the day was so sunny?
Q: No.

B: Did you find that occurred quite often for you? (Airplane overhead drowns out
any possible answer.) Did your mother ever talk about things that were going on in
the world that disturbed you?

Q: No.

B: Never? Did you find that your mother talked with your father about such things?

Q: No, I never heard that (-- --?).

B: Use your imagination right now. You’re out in that field, all right? Do you
know where your house is?

Q: Yes.

B: In your imagination walk towards it. Do not go in; but recognize that your
mother and your father -- is he there?

Q: Yes.

B: … are having a conversation they do not expect you to be overhearing -- but

What are they talking about? What words do you recognize? What words do you not
recognize? Let them come to your imagination. They do not have to follow a
particular order. What words pop into your mind?

Q: A whole sentence popped into my mind.

B: What is it?

Q: That my cat ran.

B: Your cat ran. Is that what you heard?

Q: Yes.

B: What else did they say?

Q: That the cat ran this very night.

B: What else besides about the cat? Do not think; you are thinking. Do not think;
simply listen. The conversation is going on; you do not have to create it. Simply
listen; do not think about it. Now just simply imagine that your mother and father
are talking in that life. What is a word your mother said often? Do not think; say
it now, the first thing that comes into your mind; say it now.

Q: Dear. Dear.

B: All right. What about your father? What did he say quite often? You are
thinking. Do not think. Feel, feel, feel what he said. Feel what he said. What do
you feel? Say anything that comes into your mind at all.

Q: Newspaper.

B: All right. Very good!! Very good, see him looking at the newspaper, all right?
Can you see him looking at the newspaper in your imagination?
Q: Yes.

B: What expression is on his face?

Q: Smile… (Airplane still drowning)

B: Think again. Look at his eyes; look at his eyes. Now, I want you to do
something a little bit different. You remain looking at him. You remain as that
little girl, thinking that he is enjoying his paper.

Now, in your imagination, I want you to do a little pretending. I want you to

pretend that while you are the little girl looking at your father looking at his
paper, I want you to -- for a moment -- also be your mother looking at him. Does he
look different when he looks at the paper if you are your mother looking at him?

Q: Yes.

B: What changes within his eyes? Do not be afraid to say what you see; you cannot
get any of this wrong.

Q: His eyes are looking at the newspaper like he was looking at his notes (?).

B: All right. Do you mean he is very intently looking at it?

Q: Yes.

B: Thank you… one moment…(Very long pause)

What I can share with you about your last life at this time will be this: anything
you experienced then of what you considered to be the love, the happiness of the
family, the joy that you experienced in and around your home, are all available to
you again in this life, and do not have to be disrupted again. You will not be cast
from things that you enjoy. Nothing will come between you and the idea of what you
enjoy about your family life. For there will be, in our perception, not again
another such war to break you apart.

Q: Okay.

B: You were in what is called Europe. What you are remembering is one of the last
times you remember that was happy for you. From that point forward, you found that
your family became progressively more worried about the state of affairs in the
world, until such point as it disrupted the life that you had. At this time, simply
recognize that the timeframe would be just prior to what you call World War II.

Q: Okay.

B: But in this way, be joyful. For the flowers are yours again. And they will
always bloom from this point forward. And the family has expanded to include the
entire world. And now everywhere shall be your home. We thank you. You may ALL take
a short break.

-- -- -- Break -- -- --
A Past Life Reflection

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