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Jane Ausen was born on December 16 in 1775 in England.

She was her second child and the rector

of the local parish, she was home-schooled by her father. Jane's life is quiet. She did not marry,
but she lived in an intellectual and loving family. She spends most of her time reading, writing and
helping run the family home. Jane began writing at an early age. When she was 14 she wrote her
Love and Friendship, a romantic fiction written as a series of love letters. At age 15 she wrote
History of Engrand, a historical narrative with 34 pages of illustrations.
She traveled occasionally, visiting London and Bath where the family decided to relocate for a
short time. Having financial problems they decided to settle permanently in Chawnton.
She died in 1817, her last novels are: Persuasion and Northanger Abbey.
Her main novels are:
Sense and Sensibility
Pride and prejudice
Manfield Park

Austen never married, even though she knew that marriage represented a woman's economic
security, but for her emotions and feelings are more important than money.
This is why she ironically describes the pride of the aristocracy of her time. Austen was an
outstanding figure because she was the first woman to write and publish her own work.
Austen's novels can be placed between the tradition of the Augustan novel and romantic prose.
Jane Austen's novels were very successful but she did not name her novels after her. It said By a
Only later her brother Enrico added an autobiographical note of her identifying her sister as her
author. Writing for women was like a manly activity not reserved for them.

 • In your works you describe the social conventions of the bourgeoisie and the small
country nobility at the beginning of the 19th century.
 Austen's novels are set in situations such as dances, dinner parties, tea parties. She makes
fun of the pride of the aristocracy of her time with irony. Austen's novels contain no
reference to political events or historical changes, but the most important themes are:
growing up, prejudice, social conventions and others.
 He uses omniscient narrator in third person in his writings. Use free indirect speech,
without specifying: he said/ she said. The effect is as if she were writing using first person
 Jane has experimented with a new narrative style: describing the psychology of the
characters. In fact, in her writings there are many dialogues, where each character has a
distinctive voice
• Augusten's novels generally have a happy ending which corresponds to the marriage between
the two protagonists of the story. The wedding represents the culmination of the character's
personal growth. In fact, in Austen's stories there is the growth of each character

Mr and Mrs Bennet have five daughters. The main story is to find a husband for them, thanks to
the marriage they could have financial independence.
The daughters are: Jane, Elizabeth, Mary, Lydia, and Kitty. At one point a wealthy gentleman
arrives, Charles Bingley and falls in love with Jane, the older sister.
The friend instead is called Darcy who is fascinated by Elizabeth's intelligence, but she is irritated
by her arrogance and snobbery.Darcy declares his love to Elizabeth but she rejects him for many
- For pride (Elizabeth and Darcy are both proud)
- For prejudice (Darcy has got prejudices for Elizabeth modest social conditions
and Elizabeth too for Darcy belonging to a superior social class)
- Because she accuses Darcy to hinder the relationship between Jane and
Bingley. Darcy will later write a letter to her explaining he had acted in Jane’s
best interests.
George Wickham, son of Darcy’s former steward, elopes with Lydia provoking a scandal. Darcy
traces the couple and generously provides Wickham an annual

income on condition that he marries Lydia. After this, Elizabeth will be ready to
accept Darcy’s proposal.
At the end: happy ending with the marriage of the new couples (Bingley and Jane
and Darcy and Elizabeth).

Elizabeth rappresenta il personaggio principale nella famiglia. lei è intelligente, arguta,

indipendenze, infatti si rifiuta di seguire gli schemi sociali. oltre alle sue caratteristiche positive, ha
molto orgoglio come Darcy.
Darcy appartiene al mondo aristocratico, all’inizio è un personaggio egocentrico e freddo, possiede
virtù ma anche esso ha molto orgoglio.
The central element of Pride and Prejudice is the happy ending of the love story between Elizabeth
and Darcy. Both have weaknesses they must overcome: Elizabeth must overcome her personal
pride and prejudices in Darcy. Darcy too must overcome her pride and prejudices towards her
social position. During the story they change and manage to discover each other and then get
Another theme is that the choice of marriage is dependent not on the basis of social criteria

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