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Would you change your food shopping habits based on what you learn
about the environmental impact of the food system?
Yes, learning about the environmental impact of the food system can greatly influence my food
shopping habits. Understanding the consequences that certain food choices have on our planet,
such as greenhouse gas emissions, deforestation, and water pollution, can motivate individuals
to make more conscious and sustainable choices. Beside, i will support farmers who prioritize
soil health, use fewer pesticides and synthetic fertilizers, practice crop rotation, and employ
water-conservation techniques.This newfound awareness may lead to changes in dietary
preferences, optin anging our food shopping habits with the aim of minimizing environmental
harm, we contribute to a healthier and more sustainable future.

2. What are the roles of import and export in the development of the

Import and export play crucial roles in the development of an economy. Imports
provide access to goods and resources that may not be readily available
domestically, allowing industries to access necessary inputs and consumers to
have a wider variety of products. On the other hand, exports drive economic
growth by enabling businesses to reach international markets, expanding their
customer base and generating revenue. The exchange of goods and services
through international trade promotes specialization, competitiveness, and
innovation, leading to increased productivity and economic development.
Moreover, import and export activities create job opportunities, foster
international collaborations, and contribute to a country's overall economic


Some people think that students should have part-time jobs when
studying at university. Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?
Explain why?

I agree with opinion because I believe that it can be beneficial for students
to engage in part-time work during their university years. Firstly, having a
part-time job can provide students with valuable real-world experience
and practical skills that can complement their academic learning. It offers
an opportunity to develop time management, communication, and
problem-solving abilities, which are highly valuable in professional
settings. Additionally, part-time employment can help students become
more financially independent, teaching them financial responsibility and
the importance of bud geting. Moreover, working part-time can expose
students to diverse work environments and networking opportunities,
potentially opening doors to future career prospects. However, it's
important for students to strike a balance and ensure that their job does
not interfere with their academic commitments, as their primary focus
should still be on their studies.
What factors do you consider when looking for a job? Explain

When looking for a job, several factors play a significant role in the decision-
making process. Firstly, the connection between the job and one's skills also
interests is crucial. A job that allows me to develop my strengths and pursue my
passion tends to result in greater job satisfaction and performance. Secondly, the
company culture and work environment play a significant role. A positive and
supportive work culture promotes employee well-being, collaboration, and
growth opportunities. Additionally, the potential for career advancement,
learning and development opportunities, and a competitive compensation are
important factors. Work-life balance, location, and commute are also important.
Finally, the reputation and stability of the company are worth considering, as it
provides a sense of security and a higher likelihood of long-term growth and
success. Considering these factors helps individuals find a job that not only
matches their skills and interests but also provides a fulfilling and rewarding
career path.


What do governments and individuals do to prevent pandemic

from outbreak?

To prevent the outbreak of a pandemic, governments and individuals use a lot of preventive
strategies. Governments establish robust public health systems and surveillance networks to
detect and respond to potential outbreaks promptly. They invest in research and support the
development of vaccines and treatments. Governments also collaborate with international
organizations and other countries to share information, resources, and best practices. On an
individual , people should practice good personal hygiene, such as regular handwashing and
covering their mouths when coughing or sneezing. Individuals also should obey to public health
guidelines, such as wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and getting vaccinated when
available. Moreover, public awareness campaigns and education initiatives inform the
population about the importance of preventive measures and the potential risks associated with
a pandemic. By working together, governments and individuals can reduce the likelihood and
impact of a pandemic outbreak.

What could a company do to motivate their employees to be

A company can take several steps to motivate their employees to prioritize their health. Firstly,
offering wellness programs can encourage employees have healthy habits. This may include
providing gym rooms, organizing fitness challenges, or offering some activities such as yoga or
meditation. Secondly, companies can promote a healthy work-life balance by implementing
flexible working hours and encouraging employees to take breaks and vacations. Creating a
supportive and work culture focus on employee well-being and provides resources for mental
health support is also essential. Moreover, offering healthy food options in the workplace and
promoting regular physical activity breaks can contribute to a healthier work environment.
Recognizing and rewarding employees' efforts can further motivate them. Finally, by investing in
employee health , companies can create a happier, more productive workforce.

Why should we be environmentally friendly? What do people do to protect

the environment?
Being environmentally friendly is crucial for the well-being of our planet and future generations.
By prioritizing environmental responsibility, we can mitigate climate change, preserve
biodiversity, and ensure the sustainable use of natural resources. People take various
actions to protect the environment. They reduce waste and practice recycling to
minimize the burden on landfills. Conservation of energy and water is promoted
through practices like using energy-efficient appliances, turning off lights when not in
use, and fixing leaky faucets. People also adopt sustainable transportation methods,
such as using public transportation, cycling, or carpooling, to reduce carbon emissions.
Supporting renewable energy sources, advocating for policies that promote
environmental protection, and participating in community clean-up initiatives are also
common practices. Additionally, individuals engage in environmental education and
awareness campaigns to promote sustainable behaviors and inspire collective action.
By collectively working towards protecting the environment, we can create a more
sustainable and livable world for ourselves and future generations.

What do people do to save endangered species?

People take several actions to save endangered species. They work with organizations and
government agencies to protect the habitats of these species and create areas where they can
live safely. Some endangered species are raised in special facilities, and then released back into
the wild when they are strong enough. People also work to stop illegal hunting and trading of
endangered species. Goverment should take strong measures to deal with illegal poachers. And
also launch into some campaigns to raise awareness about the importance of animals.
ustainable practices, such as promoting responsible tourism and supporting sustainable
livelihoods for local communities, are also crucial in protecting species. By doing all these things,
individuals and communities join hands to saving endangered species and demonstrating their
survival for future generations.

Where do you live? Describe a building that represents the culture of your
area. What does it symbolize to you?
Now, i living in Ha Noi. One building that represents the culture of Vietnam is the Temple of
Literature also known as Van Mieu. It is a historic and cultural building in Vietnam.

The architecture of the Temple of Literature showcases traditional Vietnamese design and
aesthetics. It stand out with intricate details, skillful decoration and unique colors. These
elements reflect the artistic heritage of Vietnam and its rich cultural traditions.

The Temple of Literature holds great significance in Vietnamese culture as it symbolizes the
value placed on knowledge, scholarship, and education. It was Vietnam's first university, a
center for intellectual pursuits, and a place of study for scholars in the past. Today, it stands as a
symbol of academic excellence and the importance of education in Vietnamese society.

Where do you want to live? In cities or country side? Explain why? ( choose

i want to live in the countryside because it focus on a closer connection to nature, and a slower
pace of life. Living in the countryside offers the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of open spaces,
green landscapes, and natural surroundings. It can provide a healthier environment with cleaner
air, less pollution, and access to fresh produce. In the countryside, there are many clean foods
such as vegetables, meat and fish. Moreover, it often give me a chance to live with neighbors who
support and connect with each other. it will be much easier to do outdoor activities such as
hiking, gardening, and enjoying wildlife.

Would you use solar energy in your home? Why or why not?

Yes, use solar energy in homes is a beneficial choice for several reasons. First, solar energy is a
renewable and sustainable source of power, which helps reduce reliance on fossil fuels and
decrease greenhouse gas emissions. By using solar energy, individuals can contribute to
mitigating climate change and protecting the environment. Second, solar panels can generate
electricity and provide energy independence, reducing dependence on traditional energy grids
and potentially lowering electricity bills over time. additional, solar technology is more
affordable and accessible, making it an increasingly viable option for homeowners. Overall, use
solar energy will help people to access some clean and energy sources, benefiting both the
sustainable environment and homeowners' financial well-being.
What should we do to reduce electricity bill at home?

To reduce electricity bills at home, several steps can be taken. Firstly, energy-efficient appliances
should be prioritized. Choosing appliances with high energy efficiency ratings can significantly
decrease electricity consumption. Secondly, practicing energy-saving habits such as turning off
lights when not in use, using natural lighting and utilizing power-saving modes on electronic
devices can make a noticeable difference. Additionally, improving home insulation can enhance
heating and cooling efficiency, reducing the need for excessive energy consumption. Finally,
switching to LED light bulbs, which consume less energy and have a longer lifespan, can also
contribute to lowering electricity bills. By adopting these measures and being mindful of energy
usage, homeowners can effectively reduce their electricity bills while promoting energy

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