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chapter — The Interview Day pole #148 Your interview day begins long before you meet your interviewer. ‘Your interview doesn’t start when you sit down with your interviewer. It begins as soon as you enter the premises. Many applicants mistakenly assume they ‘only need to “be on” during the interview. In reality, everything you say or do ‘on the day ofthe interview may be noted and duly reported. It’s not unheard of for faculty to ask their secretaries and administrative staff for their opinions of the applicants. They may ask the sccretary about a candidate’s appearance or behavior. Our secretaries have ‘commented on a host of negative behaviors. These range from the disinterested applicant leafing through the waiting room Spor's Ilustrated instead of program information, to the applicant with the arrogant, unfriendly demeanor, to the pesky applicant asking inappropriate questions, especially when the secretary is clearly busy. Did you know? Dr. Andrew Lee, Chairman of the Deparment of Ophthalmology at Houston “Methodist Hospital, wrote that “many programs (including our own) use the informal feedback from the residency coordinator, the secretaries, and the other residents 10 ‘obtain a more complete view of the applicant. Importast sentinel behaviors both positive (e.g, politeness, altruism, helpfulness) and negative (e.g, condescension, arrogance, rudeness) may only manifest during applicant interactions with perceived subordinates (e.g. the appointment seeretary)." Did you know? Poor behavior reported by anyone before, potential to be communicated to a residency program. “We did not rank a candidate ‘Scguiveecoumer thea seounsing hatha irene fora onion wah a needed their services they would fora positon with us and if the gate agent ever refuse to treat them,” wrote a residency coordinator at a major residency progam me "wath the aitne tacked down the physician ent office in tur told us, The en you least expect i.” during, or ater your interview day has the “The gate agent or someone affiliated with tt recruitment office to share what happened. The recruit ‘world is very, very small and word gets around quickly wh 2BL IKE SUCCESSFUL, MATCH » {start on time, Applicants may wale views often don't start on time, Appl os to. Sco many nrvievers ae pac a2 mks linus cu are any pot and eeu seers oding se rs lve that patonce, and have been Kaw 10 approach the sect “4 uly situation of this type is very telling, , Tip 102 itn a kat ie the interview, by ine your penal ‘Tip 103 Rule #149 Be compulsive aby for the interview. out bringing everything that you need Bring the following with you to your interviews yo Curriculum vitae (Cv) Personal statement a Application Board scores Medical schoo! transcripe Copies of any published articles Copies of submit rer et MSEC, oF in res aicis, with Your advisors’ Ail omespondencs between you and the Program Notepad portfolio with pen Money Parking ticket Pemonal items (dental Nos, min, et.) | va tt PROB kel to have your sPplication (including cy, | “Heme Fe ery su te papa a "he even tar eee ee INTERVIEW DAY 283 rems. You may have a closed file . e of these ite = asks for one OF Ti esult in an interviewer substitution. The “re iene pent emerBeTey 0) oS cifically bring a pen that has not angled eno pou be # HEE 9 "Day at 98 oy a dru TEP. a esac publi Tarte thei level of involvement in research or even fetes court, tg nena ea Hamp Stunt rena qn publication misepre pule# 180 Arrive carly for the interview. srt your interview day properly by arriving early. Aim to reach the city the sae hore the interview. Stay as close to the hospital as possible. If possible, snake a trip to the hospital to gain familiarity with the interview destination. In the moming, plan to be at your destination an hour before the start time. This fara time will be useful when the unforeseen occurs ~ such as heavy traffic, inlement weather, or an accident, Running in at the last minute can affect your interview performance, as many applicants have learned the hard way. Entering the designated interview location more than fifteen minutes before the start time can be just as bad. Arriving too early can make you seem anxious, and you may interrupt the staff as they se: up for the interview day. When you do enter the reception area, introduce yourself to the residency program's secretary. “Good moming. My name ii and I/have an iterview today.” Even with meticulous planning, unforeseen circumstances may cause you to be late Arriving late is one of the reasons thet program directors cite for ‘ot ranking an applicant highly. It's possible to recover from this situation, but only if it’s handled with great poise. If you'll be late, call the program to apprise them ofthe situation. When speaking on the phone, be polite no matter how flustered you are. Once you've arrived, take time to compose yourself before entering the room. Apologize and explain, at an appropriate time, what detained you, Never rush in complaining about what happened. Tip #104 ‘Make sure you have the phone number of the program ray accesible in the even that you ar running late, "We have had applicants enaila few days before thei interviews to request a phone numer for somebody in the program — just incase they get lost or have any issues,” writes Dr. Gopi Astik, former chief resident UMC. “This thows us they are prepared and want to Keep us informed if anything comes up. THE SUCCESSFUL MATCH 284 Tip #105 cermin in advance the rue 304" tke, Plan a 1 ye in pea tac If You're taking the tain or ye in ese 904 es oF tain line YU" bering, including the inex youre With he Pe pte for srme reason? Always have a backup pan doit service is inter If You're Late. «Contact the program as soon as possible to inform them of thee cumstances + rome mr i pret ener eee tab si Ceergenn nto tn ue eee Acknowledge your mistake, and apologize Offer a reason for your tardiness but recognize that trafic, missed wake up call, ora malfunctioning alarm isnot likely to appease the peogram. Hopefully, you have a good reason to offer, you don’t have a good reason, don't make something up oF offer excuses. Be hhonest, straightforward, and apologetic. Don't go on and on with your ‘explanation After you apologize, move on. If you'll have any chance at this program, it wll ‘pend on your ability to regain your composure. If you dwell on being lal, ‘it's Tike to affect the rest of your interview performance Rule #151 Project self-confidence, not anxiety distracted, unqualified applicant. 'mely well qualified applicant, and is through peat confident. The fist and best way to juer anxiety aussi pe Ting about the interview proces cipating ineview with an advisor an ee etN8 With ends, and pertomane ¢ nack Despite it a Pars of interview preparation, Problem fr some ope aetin, anxiety can remain a significant an interview: SNe a few additional suggestions for the pte sila 1 A eaz te = INTERVIEW DAY 285 ectnigues, Many arices and tooks provide atae Seefeld by aes esl as ie speakers. Such ‘Wnclude controled breathing, Si ble SPST, gcaom, and visualization among oes. vous energy eto comers, pesitve can, One came nas Srrion items for interview preparation such aS £= practicing some of your responses for pied pervous energy into acon that is unrelated 10 inesew 7 Dist ove dof Hh ox ft repr, Exvnd Ot eran by heading fo the em oF Bing FOr T- = wa wees Ci cet fe ae aoe a Drea ey ran ‘Your carer doesnot ride on your performance at one IMIS Remind ours ofthis fact. For most applicants, other imerviews will follow. Tip #106 ‘Atbough you'll be nervous, you don't want o convey the impression ofan anxio ‘bough yoann. Residency is mberently stressful. As such, interviewers, secs ere pers able 10 tink clearly inthe most stressful of situations. Avoid ‘comments that convey anxiety. _————— Did you know? Sse applicants are under the impression that interviewees shouldn't be nervous, ‘hase atal te. Ifyou speak with accomplished individuals who are veterans of the interview experience, you'll realize that even the most experienced continue 10 fel nervous during interview situations. k's completely normal. Demos eee Did you know? Incvalutngimerview performance interviewers take note ofboth what you say and JY High ees fans have been shown wo adversely afect a variety amr ering om cota, ody eng oe Tevel, and projected srgttace' In her ance, “Anxity pattems in employment inert ‘Young ‘anxious individuals are less likely to be hired...possibly because izcienen perceive highly ansou people 10 be fs tsworthy Tess the -than low anxiety interviewees)."> [ee tanlowamieyimerienes™ ‘THE SUCCESSFUL MATCH 6 and a pe its, Not all interviewers will offer to shake re 4 ise athe el aio the Tea of the ieee hana ineriewse sould fll Foean't extend her handy don’t of F eo doesn eam ial handshake isan import OMEN OF a fy ee ms a eae hangs read to solicit input from friends or colleagues. your id you know? In the Lancet article, “Geting a grip om handshakes,” Larkin reported the results of ‘tudy by Chaplin in which the handshake characteristics of men and women were falusted®” Larkin wrote that “a sttong correlation was found between a finn handshake ~as evidenced by strength, vigor, duration, completeness of grip, and eye Contact ~ and a good fist impresion..Given the power of first impressions, the ‘esearchers advise that women as Well a men try to maKe that fr handshake afm Rule # 153 The first few minutes of an interview can be critical. We've all heard the importance of the first impression in making hiring decisions outside of medicine. Is there any evidence to suggest that first Impressions are also crucial in residency interviews? Researchers in the Department of Anesthesiology at the University of Kentucky applied the “Blink test" defined as “overall impression of a candidate witain 30 seconds of meeting them” to over 400 applicants over a 3-year period, Interviewees wert fiven a Blink score of 1 to 5 (5 = excellent. These quick judgments were found 10 sorelae fairly well with the eandidate’s final position on the program's rank think Toe at 4 Some People make a beter frst impression than others? “L terons,” cid De 8 etson's interpersonal communications, how they com® . “gina Fragneto, lead author of the study, “Do they look you in the eye whe sme in? i that"? 7° “Me” they come in? Do they have a firm handshake? Things like 48 you walk in ; YOU Up inital eet Al ito the room, your interviewer will be sizing favorable fiat inpreeoHY ¥en dictate the course of the interview. A ton may lead to a more relaxed interview. An interviewer who perceives you to be Bill you extensoat oes {sitterested or sloppy, though, may be more likely t© 10 ty to suppor or refute that impression expe srt ap? feet you INTERVIEW DAY 287 .es to promoting @ favorable impression within the firs jow are Key guidelines to promoting PE the first com ges oF a interviews ress wel and be impeccably groomed. ery up and greet the interviewer with a firm handshake (“Hello, Dr Sand Pn Che's apes to meet yo." ‘mile when meeting the interviewer. {Walk into the room with confidence. Make eye contact. pronounce the interviewer's name early (“How do you do, Dr. Smith?”) ‘Make small talk easily. ‘You must have a polished entrance, introductior, and opening. In_my experience conducting mock interviews with residency applicants, I find that nts focus almost exclusively on developing answers to questions. Few applicants give thought to the opening of an interview. Since we rarely receive feedback about the first impression we make on others, practice the opening of your interview through role play with others. ‘Tip 107 After you're invited into the interviewing room, don't sit down until the interviewer offer: you a seat. I's considered bad manners to be seated before the interviewer asks you to (or does so) herself Tip# 108 ‘Afler introductions have been made, most interviewers will engage applicants in ome small alk. You may be asked the following: How was your tip here? Did you have any problems finding our office? What's the weather like in 2 ements. The imerviewe does’ wat 0 “hate the snow,” oF the problems You ‘answer these questions with In answering these questions avoid long stat ‘hear about the “terrible traffic,” how much you iad finding the office. To start off on the right foot, brief, positive answers. = mm an gi wea yin ecm ed ert So ar a oh st ase sh eaten THE SUCCESSFUL MATCH 288 pid you “jc ean fr Fcation a J Hopkins Usveaty | ss raw a ue whe or a sho ox Roy Zc a se ah se inpocion: Treat J Medien sats Often form very ge thane Mesa) ferent SHUN, Ta Your nonverbal communication Is & potent part ot yyy, message: Rule #154 i nization occurs in 0 fishin: vata. inal penanal nents, cm into fii ne say dara sorta So much 08 Pp fous om Ow they say Howe intervie that cation ean be a8 important, and in some eases nonverbal comma vommunication, Body language cues ean overcome th \mPora i vererviw answers, especialy if your body language convey, iitersiewers do analyze body language, althoug most of the tine i nev ay inconsistency between vel 2 er in rel Mags, We've interviewed pplicra noma Ha eage Whit thoi self roclaimed get eee en etre Obes Say te igh cing, bt sey eae oon ot gussion on why esident is Svthing el Siar psi ay nt pending hours in the operating room ba ee Samstel tx mover On hon Bl pees pv once ragga Tip# 110 | Are you aware of how you communicate nonverbally? Most applicants are no | When preparing for an interview, applicants foeus most of thei attention on vera | communication. Much less emphasis is placed on nonverbal communication or body lesgusgs I ct many pplicants dont even think about nonverbal communist. lomevet i's eimated tat 65 to 90% of every conversation is interpreted trough {50y Meza "Thee are many uaied applicants who intewiew poorly Bease it nonverbal language is not congruent. with the of their answers Paricipaing in a moc "an excel ry tas abe bo k interview is an excellent way to sbout how muunicate non verbally. i an ica ret ad in same cass impossible, ve interviewed applicants who sem neonscious use of body language. ‘The to evaluate your own body ul strong, clear messages Wi student who twirls her halt veto maintain eye contact while sPeAKINg MAY SURBES Tack of cong | ait nwvoid profonged eye contact. An interview is mo: pond ve ‘sto ven dishonesty. Howey ee | Te Body Language 101 ‘What should Ido with my hands? ext your hands in your lp. W's acetal clasp your hands ogee, but dn re ae’ is Aven folding ora across your cet. This can ese so aN tly, unapreachuiiy, agreement oF even cones Do nace inrety ontouse your hee while you speak. Touching the fice may ghee eee shone). Avoid touching your Be, tugging at your coll, o Staighing hy Fugcung Paying with aad ating elothing ae signs suggestive o 25S or anata We ao commend hat you nt Rod your enn our nd Many {pplcuas end dd o taping wih How should Isic? Posture can weigh heavily in how others perceive you. Maintain an alr, straight postre ‘while you sit stand, and walk. Leaning forward slightly demonstrates interest. Applicants ‘who slouch ean appear lazy, unmotivated, or disinterested. What should I do with my feet? Keep your fet flat on the Noor. You may cross your legs at your ankles. Do not rest your ankle on your opposite Knee. Constant movement of the legs can be initaing 10 imerviewers Tip# 112 With the miroring technique, an individual makes ye, an indivi subtle efforts to adopt the pose tnd poston of those with whom they're speaking I's based on the concep at People generally like those who are similar to them. Infact, in the book “Handbook tural Psychology." Kitayama and Cohen reviewed the Wteature i this rea a “wrote that “people have mote positive subjective experienc ‘rappo areal of Iimoring exhibited by interaction pata Peete oF PPO SS eee a cererea nee eee Ri si interviewe doing. Most ‘vont share Bett make it fou simple monologue. She didn’t noti INTERVIEW DAY 21 You need to know te #188 ow well you're doing i Miceview. Pay clove attention tothe nonverbal ene of ‘the interviewer, ine nonverbal cues of «°s body language may be your only ce w to how well you're rs won't interrupt 40 tell you that yeu'te rambling. They arom as very defensive ‘and tone of if you ineview im that your lst response eae ode eT ato, Ths ype of iar ean We we oie these none ces, Tnerviews ace tress and many applets sc atl ch ir atenan on preparing tse nex reaps reoponse tothe of te at yourself one applicant went aff on a five-minute Te obvious impatience of my colleague and monolgte eewsnt eying any tention os, The inervew ise nyse as Sted is yer) ior to monitor how well youre dn. Sa nl effective wat oe by paying coe ateton 1 rronverbal cues ofthe interviewer. ‘a point 101 Tas we've stated befor What You Can Learn From The Interviewer’ Body Language Tf the interviewer. ght mean. -Cicaning Forward andwoding at you | The interviewer ts intrest in and isin urement with wha you're ain Mirroring your body langusue Feeshoulder/face facing YOU xy be bored Stops taking notes Stops a ee ofhisquesioning | THeinersewel™® Repeatedly checks watch or clock folded eres cs re imerviewer ay be oflended “The Inerviewer may be in disagreement OF ‘Babel with what you're saying re what the interviewer is thinking oF is questions may not be here are als0 rT ining short of time. ‘body language, and appear serious oF iow often my mock interview clients HAVE reviewer never cracked a smile, th him” only to match with that n't tell yo ‘went terribly. The intr wit 292 PE OE EATOR xs ee so a ae i Rag cage | SESE ore Rene Tha le acon at Renerber ht the ee Tpar agenda may inte a set mum of gue ise ul oo mich may prevent the inteviewer from gegen rig | pass Pay attention. Rule # 156 k's extremely stressful to be seated in font of an interviewer antcipn a ‘quaton Most applicants nervously focus on what they're mage Instead of focusing 0m thet next answer, they should be fried imervewer Listening caeflly doesnt mean waiting for he chance opt Temeans concentrating on what the interviewer is saying and making tres ‘hat your enti attention is focused on the interviewer. Your goal isto eear impression of poise and confidence. We've sat in interviews whete appa’: were obviously nervous and distracted. They misunderstod the queing’S provided an answer that didn't addres the question. Some asked questions tg ‘were answered earlier inthe interview. Role # 157 Plan what you'll do when you don't know how i answer the question. ‘Among an applicant's greatest fears is that of being asked a question to which she doesn’t know the answer. While practice is the best defense against the lunexpected, we do think that some reassurances and suggestions here are necessary. Remember that one subpar interview response is unlikely to torpedo am the entire interview. Most important is that you maintain your confidence and e focus. e If you're asked a difficult question or one that you're not sure how 0 answer, avoid stammering, stuttering, apologizing, or making, something Up. f Don't rush into a disjointed and hurried answer. Pause for a few seconds n gather your thoughts. Or you can say, “That's an interesting question Let {Rink about it for a moment.” Ifthe question is ambiguous, you canals ask tt se mrcuet for clarification, Remind yourself that with many question, tet Sc tPLY no right or wrong answers. If you still can’t Ro righ Co ‘you still can’t come up with anyt ee ee Your recovery is like en ma 7 ly much more important than your respon sa do he aii Your composure and focus onthe next questi a been nee ee “™, you come up with an answer, then volunteer it. mind if expand on my ange suestions you asked me earlier, Would Mi ail _ ttt’ THE SUCCESSFUL MATCY B 294 Tipe tid 1 ue cnt i sco er ts ee acer em cane ay ante eek Soe eit Se fobeane me eee sear rer, practic hs in yOu mock interviews Rule #159 Convey enthusiasm, ee ene cn fe gt eA Fea cionltimaltasgiasarca rete cnn esrb Sal 2 ee EO ene err ea src, eo) iin Be convey a personality In all of these cases, you may fil to connect with you en interviewer of even leave afankly negative impression revel ea specialty, and the resideney program. This rule is expecially applicable w (i interviews that occur ae in the seauon_ARer your thieth convertion wi ayneco an individual interviewer, you may find it difficult 19 muster the energy and least enthusiasm that came so easly initially ine id you know? diseri Inhis advice to students tthe Univenity of Florida College of Medkin, Dr. Paik . Dut, Associate Dean for Student AM, recommends that applisants hep thet rs “enery level up thoughout the day. When I reviewed the intervie perforce of vet 200 students who applied for our ob-gy tring progam inthe las 8 Year, 0 th single bigest reason for low interview score was “id nt appear iret . spat : Coane : Did you know? Reset Macarioi the progam director of the Sanford University Anesthesiology . postivivecineees ate, 8, £08 proponent of showing entlusiasm. "Sb" Evasion The bow th speiic residency. That energy wll fel beet M umber of intervista challenging for applicants who've eompled# i TRB mew ee a ale ade dna ozs Yu are 0 oH SrPperem deter or othe." MET during the presentation by he hy INTERVIEW DAY 295 _Avold phirases that suggest lack of cre ole #160 sre on thet guard against applcans who exaggcate their progams ate uiright lie. Therefore, you necd to safeguard your own, ‘shea he lowing rss | tmsing behons wih you re you teeth cope perictly candid avert wih pases such a hte may rae rl gh Some cin a se wih atone) Terexon we spect hee le si es ny nls wo se em are uaa fe para Bmawar of ther connotations. prefacing 2 st le #161 You may be asked inappropriate or illegal questions. Plan in advance how to handle them. eults of the 1996 AAMC Medical Student Graduation Questionnaire Retaled that 45% of students were asked about mari status or family plans Tes more recent survey of over 7,000 applicants applying to five specialties tifemal medicine, general surgery, orthopedic surgery, obstetrics | & fDrecology, ad emergency medicine), nearly 65% reported being asked at Rate one patentialy illegal question.” Despite efforts to eradicate questionable fnervew’ practices, interviewers continue to ask applicants inappropriate, unethical, or outright illegal questions. ‘Federal and state civil rights acts make it unlawful for employers to discriminate onthe basis of: Religion Age Gender Rave Sexual preference Marital status/iving situation Family planning Height Weight Military discharge status Most of these questions are asked not out of malice, but out of simple Urornce, Naive or less experienced interviewers may ask these questions imply to make conversation, not recognizing their inapproprateness. handle Before you begin the interview process, develop an effective way to dean e8® ‘Yes oF questions. Some applicants, unprepared for such ions, have unfortunately reacted in an emotional manner. Some have 296 THE SUCCESSFUL MATCH rfid answer the queton and some have ven respond framers "Tha a completely inappropriate question, feet ih x would ask me that.” ' Bete ‘An outright refusal to answer an improper question , sight, However, you will ofend the interviewer and cen C8, Which you may not be able to recover. It goes without sath fee question s Hatt fev, then you shoul choose thi ep discuss with the program director or chairman), (td If at all possible, however, you should ty to answer the gua you would any other, with poise and confidence. There are seetw “Phcpert hoe WeGoofbe wo waeot hing es gyn Pe on, Answer the question directly Some applicants will simply answer the question directly. Iyer comforate answering the question, then this may be the right approach for you I interviewer has asked the question just to make conversation its nlite your response would affect your chances of matching with that progras Wg. interviewer is deliberately asking the question, then your respaise may ha : direct impact on your chances of matching. ee conn ier test “I see that you're a nontraditional student, already in your 30s. When do you plan on having children?” Examples of direct responses: ‘My husband and I hope to have children in the next few years.” “My spouse and I have discussed it, and we'd like to delay until afer residency, since it would be so challenging during residency.” “We really haven't come to any decision yet on that issue.” Answer the intent or concern behind the question Using this approach, you won't directly answer the question. Your goal is 0 ‘address the interviewer's concern, The key is to try to understand why the ‘question is being asked “I see that you're a nontraditional student, already in your 30s. When do yo plan on having children?” ‘This applicant assumes that the question is asked to determine if she would Shinra tbe an effective resident in the event that she were to have a yOU"S child at home during residency: ED. Lowell, I understand that the residents at S deal with # l, ie residents at Seymour Hospital gh patient volume when on call, can assure you that | have a STORE ethic and sense of Tesponsibility, along with the ability to deal with * 297 INTERVIEW DAY of one a, You nd at transcript and letters ge i, Fy atest 0 tis Fa no vicants conducted in 1999, “being asked vcore and 100% of female, if they Nad applicants respectively oe ope te i | se 52% of female, ee cetions may be, please realize tha most interviewers vpeiessone eh ein a nym ssc sin oto ee an tu ee ens roles interest in the applicant. Some interviewers are meen ne tl Ss woos © hr pei, Ce ech DH my Wf dhe emergency medicine residency program at Fem, wh wrote that “each program shoul, regularly and in the Simply wa eae resi Gene Hem. PD sesiing of ite retia ies and rpc rh carder as par ofthe prtected aspect of job consider their discussions with const aly may pure ceran lines of questions unaware that they, ae Syment law because ofthe setting ofthe conversation ing emp techy a ee — ___—_—_—_ If the interviewer asks if you have any questions about the residency program, the correct answer Is “Yes, ma'am, I do.” Rule # 162 Most interviewers will set aside some time, usually at the end of the interview, for your questions. The advantage of asking questions is twofold: * You can gather information about the program in order to make an informed decision about the program's place on your rank list. * You can demonstrate tothe interviewer your interest in the program. ‘rs te iterviewer asks, “Do you have any questions about the residency Poe eval Feht answer is “Yes, I do.” One ofthe worst answers you can inuceran rt S08" have any questions.” This is akin to saying, “I have no pe Pram.” which may or may not be tre. en, applicants — Prepare a question or two, only to find that the Shed if hey bees during the course of the interview day. Then, when You've ansneed a ny, eestions, they're forced to respond “No, I believe lesions Ale! BY GUestions.” To avoid this, prepare at least five or six them ofa piece co ot Need t prepare your questions in advance, don't read ‘Paper. Be careful not to ask a question that has already been 298 THE SUCCESSFUL Mato a answered. Doing so will prompt the interviewer to SO J skills. ly yen if a previous infeviewer has answered all fy there's no reason why you can’t ask a different interviewse the questions Its better {0 repeat the same questions th ian to say, 9 SE Ty, TA {questions were all answered by the other interviewer.” en hates Do 30 hve ny uation” i pent ins pea he ier rg dant nega ino ont i cnt soprano eam ution, woul ket take a moment to mention a few other soins, oa Sint dono’ Keppourcommens cn, ey eee Otte tow Seti id you know? a hi anicle offering advice to dermatology applicants, Heymann en applicants to “ask questions that are stimulating and try to learn a much about se \We are trying to find out about you. There is tremendous difference between te applicant who takes the ime and effort to lear about our program and faci’, ‘expertise compared with the person who only applies to be near his glenda Philadephia.” Did you know? Dr. Fitzgibbons, Associate Program Director of the intemal medicine residency program at Lehigh Valley Hospital, encourages applicants to “ask unique question. Something that will make the interviewer remember you," Did you know? Be ready to ask questions. Some of my mock interview clients have reported that {heir entre interview consisted of the interviewer asking, “Do. you have &8Y sé sno aj ou yw ag ase wand ouopysx amy Ur SOE ILA, sue pa 993 pmo si aeitoNd nos yoge Sun} 2U0 Bue pr ‘reg psa jo ojo. swuapysoy Sy Oo, suonsang) sea yoeo inoge suonsonb 18 pue una] op suede Au se ‘Kouopysas Jo 4694 yy at UO S190} YSN 3,40q, ‘mo paye ag "ip aay ee mae 2e suopisa ain Suoeiuoo moge arssa183 24 = 218 no§ yoru ut auo surewas wesRoad 24) J] wo 0 uy Sapo Day 8 aBemmoosip 0} yuem Ayr asmesaq peek Supowys st umssoud ayy 3H ‘SHopIsaN out pus aoU i nS ge Sud pj WOLVW Inascaaane aut toc snmp Ase 0 fae 99 BEM Aum a ae ee ms ‘Aa a 0 Gem oh qe an roan aon tue nar a >A% na op ttn ye 10 6 op Benn oa a “damon nya swaps a 01 pEuRUAUOD pu Decay nl por por epg tana Symone ope ea ‘pong bop on nda 9p MPN pO AOI OPA PIF A Uap EPH pobasypors seas oy suena 30 FY unto eunnongo an po sorigo a.osweang bare dau Snopes sn on sca 3 nh hasnonin jn og a Glos a ‘a yeu ps Aypquo ‘pnt ps smb) ass Sua sete oa maps gyno panel son 8 90 op an nan seo BE HE ad yong gv 6g, sued 6 20.8 MONE Tg - a ae “quorejndod maaed 2139 ae oN ards a wy ptegonp 98 Ko OH sna ead oge UN ‘mmouy nog wresford Kouspisas ayy yim usesBosd 2 doo es th “wonppe Baap aynos weifoad feat suo moe ABE) Cae 2 my ams nok oom a st 09 89 ULL, ‘sjenpraiput Ho yeas “IO. seme ko wm I} UNO AnNOk WO JES juy anog Suanq 991 # AIM 4 Kucediinusye any nos oc Ao 28 oS 00 Atma dug se ann tthe BN pag seyy Buna #9 axon ssi ayy £9 aaNHINIOD WOHAO|S aM 1 poy. ood, Sune3}pul 9 ¥ pur ,2AEY IU Fup, {wy 21008 © wont 7 Toeurng uons9(s Aouapisay ourerped ur MaHSTU ay Jo Ted, ofan 9g uy Mow n0¥ PIG ‘ssoooud woisto0p ‘joy [1 si, “SuuRIBord snowea op WON, fareduion wovAsoyur ase] anOK J2YY "VOUDIUD YF uo wresoud yoo apesS “oIAsoIU OWN JOU WIN, yy YBnoxys Buyjours uoneaygnd ay ouapisay,, 249 295 “9duexa uv Joy “uesBo1d fu ey) SOASUORDEIEYD Jo an ‘seep s,ueaBoxd yoo may ¥ ysnk sayy “2jqHssod sv oyioeds se og 54) qty qQHSSod Se UoOS se st OC {2H NO >,uPIP IEYAL ZO%ET NOK PIP UAL “uregioud oy Jo suorssoudust snox wnop 291M “SouBYD B One| NOK se UOOS SY e) {9pIM, uorrenyeag, wesBO14 apisas ® us nox 0} yweLOdu 1Silj AMOK 0} JOU soouauagtp pur Som MTS ase anog saye Aypyespaurury weafosd Souapysos ay) ope1y, con gated “pai usu Kags J) Kip}oadso “Saneuuoyut 39 E> stoouss Jo AouBs e wy swopRs BOUL |,NOK “es AOI Ota 34 UO WOK ‘Rou uP nox Jt 99g “ssouppe s.tuessoud 2 ayy ay¥20 3,uv9 noX g1 ‘ouoUd MP 1-9 30 8D “BUNA 99 1.008 ‘any 01 203 298 01 3S my 21n8 ION ov anv anpme n on oes ovenpesd aa,oym sitapras wpa one ug LOE AVG MGIAUAINI yu wou Ku J03 azedaxd 19799 0} 2ouatiadx9 sitp asn | UPD MOH] Guorssozdust yeuyy poo8 v axeur | pig {jamoraraqut ayy tna oddes ystiqeisa or 91q@ | Se caw asudms ‘kaya {80u0 OIA ‘0s JT Zour astzdmns suonsanb arp Jo uP pq. add {aaHaq suonsonb sutos paxomsure 2avy | PINOD {alaisod sanouaym aouapiaa kq parioddins siomsue Au 919/4 iArpanoayo pure fjareuidosdde uonsonb yora zomsue | pic] quorssaidui asa poo8 w aout | picy wos :mouuoiut Aaaa saye suonsanb asoyy Auvut axe 910t11 Ng MOLAIONET O4p ,.pOdH,, ido oy Jo sojduexa Kueus axe aia, ‘wotaznut omg Buty Aotp J! se Buyjooy aurdsop uresoud v out {Pru oye swuaprus usw axe asoyp “tony uy “aaronpoud you st Burqumyp Jo addi i ouRUUOHAd NOK ynoge siYsNoMR soy aIEUS 4 ‘neg -wovoIu! 2m) Sup ute pur uorsods faa} pms seq suorurdo uo paseq axe suoissaidun Yong, PH sEqO anya pooe,, Kaun SuryuND moLAIOIUL UE any eo antonposd sous, “2UH09 0} sma) og yeqy auns auam oYM syuRDr iL ;PIpUeD 2WIOg “wo|sA9001 941 J9yFe JsANO apwagy 891 # aIny 1 649 paris suo1saup purioud OW Jo 96138 ui soreprpues yo Surya 249 Jo ssaquiou epIpueD Jo Bury 5°94 18 pour sex ‘SNOUT se SMO pe Sad ABoqompes Jo Souins & up iMowy nos pig Ni noK-qurp sNoX aztfeuosiod nok dy Od aos usp of “ue> nak se 00s Sy etre

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