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FECHA: 27 DE MAYO 2023


Descriptive Text
Descriptive text presents the characteristics, properties, elements or qualities of objects, places,
people or any reality. It is focused on details and definitions.
The structural aspects of descriptive text are:
a) Initial situation. Presentation of the characters. Contextual framework.
b) Knot: actions of the characters.
c) Denouement: final situation, the consequences of what was done or not done are presented.

Expository Text
The expository text informs and transmits knowledge about people, objects, subjects, places, etc. Due
to its intention, the referential function of language predominates, that is, to allude to a certain reality.
Structural aspects of the expository text:
a) Introduction to a topic.
b) Development of the topic, presentation of concepts or ideas, as well as their explanation. Some
resources are enumeration, comparison, question-answer relationship, cause-effect relationship,
chronological order, classification, exemplification.
c) Conclusion: summary of the most relevant aspects of the topic presented. It is a synthesis exercise.

Narrative Text
Narrative text is that which relates facts, events experienced by real or fictitious characters. One of
its characteristics is time and space (places). The figure of a narrator is also indispensable.
Structural aspects of the narrative text:
a) Initial situation. Presentation of the characters.
b) Knot: actions of the characters. Development.
c) Denouement: final situation, the consequences of what was done or not done are presented.

Argumentative Text
Argumentative text expresses a series of opinions and their arguments. It is the one in which an idea
or thesis is defended or rejected. It seeks to persuade and convince.
It is identified by the use and abundance of verbs that express the opinion: affirm, clarify, reiterate,
insist, etc.
Structural aspects of the argumentative text:
(a) Beginning: the topic, thesis or position is presented.
b) Statement of premises and arguments for the defense or rejection of the thesis.
c) Conclusion: Confirmation of the position.

Dialogic Text
In this type of text the words are reproduced literally with respect to the words pronounced by the
characters. It is characterized by the communicative exchange.
Structural aspects of dialogic or dialogic text:
a) Opening.
b) Preparation to set up the communicative situation.
c) Presentation or placement of a topic.
d) Object and development of the conversation.
e) Conclusion, summary sentences.
f) Closing of the communication channel, it can be a farewell.

Instructional Text
The instructive text provides indications to execute certain things or processes. They are a set of
recommendations with information, they are a guide to carry out something, they present orientations
to carry out actions. It is didactic. It can be accompanied by images, plans or other elements to
Structural aspects of the instructive text:
a) Presentation.
b) Objective.
c) Materials, parts, ingredients.
d) List of instructions.


Narrative Genre
It is the literary genre characterized by presenting fictitious or real stories that give an account of
characters and the actions they perform. It is also identified as Epic genre.
Structural aspects of the texts of the narrative genre:
(a) Initial situation. Presentation of the characters. Contextual framework. It refers to the traditional
"Once upon a time...".
b) Knot: Actions of the characters. It refers to "... and then...", "... and then...".
c) Denouement: final situation, the consequences of the actions are presented. It refers to "...finally...".
Elements of the narration:
a) Narrator.
b) Characters.
c) Action.
d) Time.
e) Space.

The Lyric Genre

It is the literary genre identified by the expression of feelings, ideas and reflections.
The structural aspects of lyric can be related to the components of a poem:
(a) Verse.
b) Metrics.
c) Rhyme.
d) Rhythm.

Dramatic Genre
It is the literary genre characterized by presenting episodes and conflicts, through dialogue between
characters. It does not require a narrator.
Structural aspects of the dramatic genre:
(a) The conflict is presented.
b) The action or plot is developed.
c) Denouement of the action or plot.

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