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This is the chapter of Daniel where the mighty kingdom of the

Babylonian Empire is in its last days. The kingdom was found
wanting, weighed in the balance of justice, failing to meet the
responsibility of its influence among the nations of the earth. It
is the time where the empires change on the statue of empires,
aforementioned in Daniel 2 and transitioning in their order of
existence as revealed by the servant of the Lord. We join the
story where King Belshazzar is celebrating the annual festival
honoring one of their pagan gods.
The king of Babylon was drunk with celebration, and became
bold in his boasting. He called for the sacred vessels, captured
with the looting of Jerusalem. They drank the wine of their
iniquity as the wrath of God was kindled against this once
entrusted empire which was raising the images made with the
hands of men, in the sight of the Lord.
Within the same hour as the sacred cups were filled, the
“fingers of a man’s hand” appeared near the WALL in the
candlelight and began writing.
After straining to see the writing on the “WALL” and realizing
what he had seen, the expression on the king’s face changed,
to one of troubled fear. His conscience struck him, knowing the
writings were not of peace but of forbearing, though unable to
read them. In pain, and his body trembling, he called for
interpretations, but not one was able to ease the suffering of
the king and his thoughts.
The queen then advised the king regarding Daniel and as he
was brought forth, there seemed to be an excited atmosphere
towards the mystery, though no joy or boasting revelry was
Daniel interpreted the writings on the WALL and gave notice
that the True Living God, who has the kingdom in His hands,
had found that the king had lifted his heart in pride and was
weighed and found wanting. As the king was told the
interpretation, the Medo-Persians were entering the streets of
Babylon and the once mighty kingdom of gold, the head of the
prophetic statue, fell to the lesser kingdom of silver,
represented by the chest and arms of that great image in
Daniel 2.
Today, do we boast of “Scriptural Wisdom?” Do we boast of our
“exalted position” with God? Do we revel in our blessings
because of our faithfulness? Is there a WALL in your future?
Remember the inspired promises of warning  “GOD RESISTETH

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