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Leonardo DiCaprio 

was born in November 11, 1974 in Los Angeles. He is an

American actor and film producer. DiCaprio is the founder of Appian Way Productions,

a production company that has produced some of his films and the documentary

series Greensburg and He established the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation in 1998, a

non-profit organization devoted to promoting environmental awareness. Although

concerned with all areas of the environment, it focuses on global warming, preserving

Earth's biodiversity and supporting renewable energy. It has worked on projects in over

40 countries and has produced two short web documentaries, Water Planet and Global

Warning.[250] The foundation has also funded debt-for-nature swaps.[251] DiCaprio has

received praise from environmental groups, and has been an active supporter of

numerous environmental organizations and sat on the board of the World Wildlife

Fund, Global Green USA, and International Fund for Animal Welfare . He regularly

supports charitable causes and has produced several documentaries on the

environment. He currently serves as one of the United Nations Messengers of Peace.

In November 2010, DiCaprio donated $1 million to the Wildlife Conservation Society at

Russia's Tiger Summit. In 2014 ,he Focused on environmental documentaries,

DiCaprio was an executive producer on Virunga, a 2014 British documentary film

about four people fighting to protect the world's last mountain gorillas from war and

poaching. DiCaprio is identified as one of the most active celebrities in the climate

change movement. He was eager to learn about ecology from an early age, watching

documentaries on rainforest depletion and the loss of species and habitats. He has

said that the environment is more important to him than spirituality, and that he

is agnostic. In July 2016, his foundation awarded $15.6 million to help protect wildlife
and the rights of Native Americans, along with combating climate change. In

December 2018, The DiCaprio foundation donated $100 million to fight climate

change.  In May 2021, DiCaprio announced a $43 million pledge to enact conservation

operations across the Galápagos Islands.

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