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“The Bullies”

Characters: Christopher, David, Jose

Setting: The story is taking place in a park, the history is about 2 kids, trying to bully a kid named

Exposition: Christopher and David are close friends, there were in a park, and they found Jose,
Jose looked sad and insecure and the first thing Christopher does is say bad things to Jose

Rising action: David (friend of Christopher) while Christopher says a lot of bad things to Jose, he
realizes that what they are doing to Jose is very unfair and he has a thought that he should help
Jose (basically a stranger) against his very close friend but he didn't care and proceeded to help
and defend Jose because he knew it was unfair

Climax: The second Christopher finds out that his friend David is against him, he gets very

Falling action: Christopher beats both of them up and runs off.

Resolution: After David knew Christopher very well, he was not going to let him treat a person
like that, and Christopher's managers found out what happened and punished him.

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