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Some people think that newspapers are the best way to learn about current events.

However, others believe that they can learn news better through other media.
Discuss both views and give your opinion.

Many are of the view that news is best received through traditional newspapers while
others feel that more modern media is preferable. In my opinion, despite the better habits
engendered by reading the newspaper, it is impossible to argue convincingly against the
convenience of newer mediums.

On the one hand, reading the newspaper allows for a healthy, distraction-free environment.
This relates to both the content and the presentation of newspapers. Newspapers undergo
rigorous editing and articles are necessarily published more slowly, allowing for better
writing and fewer sensationalist headlines. An individual reading the newspaper can be
compared to someone eating healthy foods or doing exercise.
Similarly, newspapers are not vulnerable to the wide array of potential distractions on
digital devices. There is less chance a newspaper reader will be distracted by social media or
their personal communications.

On the other hand, there are a wide variety of functions only provided by more recent forms
of media. Newspapers are primarily based on text, with images adding slight variety. In
contrast, online media enables an individual to watch videos, listen to audio, cross-
reference sources, consult primary sources, and generally take full advantage of the digital
world. For example, a person who reads an article about a politician’s remarks can then
check for the video in order to hear their words in context and later visit a site such as
Twitter to analyse reactions from the general public, journalists, experts, and the politician.
This information can then be easily shared through online messaging services or social

In conclusion, there are definite advantages to non-digital news sources, however, these are
overshadowed by the versatility of modern media. It is the duty of individuals to ensure they
enjoy the positives without the drawbacks of spending too much time online.

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