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Earning from Loans

When a prospect comes to your office/shop for loan requirements, our system validates
whether or not the person is eligible for the loan based on income and liability. This is
called viability report. This report is free.
If viability report is good, then system verify the CIBIL report of the person. We charge
100 Rs from you for doing this and you can charge 500 Rupees from the customer. If
CIBIL Score is greater than 550, then you can collect the required document from the
person & upload on our CRM software. No need to collect the physical documents only
soft-copies. If a loan is sanctioned then you get desired commissions.
So, loan is approved or not, you can earn 500-100 = 400 Rs from each customer.

जब ऋण loan आवश्यकताओं के लिए आपके कायाािय / दुकान में कोई customer आता है,
तो हमारी system यह सत्यालपत करती है कक व्यलि आय और खर्चों के आधार पर ऋण के
लिए पात्र है या नहीं। इसे व्यवहायाता Validity ररपोर्ा कहा जाता है। यह ररपोर्ा लनशुल्क है।

यकद व्यवहायाता Validity ररपोर्ा अच्छी है, तो लसस्र्म व्यलि की CIBIL ररपोर्ा को सत्यालपत
करेगा। ऐसा करने के लिए हम आपसे 100 रुपये िेते हैं और आप ग्राहक से 500 रुपये िे
सकते हैं। यकद CIBIL स्कोर 550 से अलधक है, तो आप व्यलि से आवश्यक दस्तावेज एकत्र कर
सकते हैं और हमारे CRM सॉफ्र्वेयर पर अपिोड कर सकते हैं। यकद कोई ऋण िोन स्वीकृ त
हो जाता है तो आपको वाांलछत कमीशन लमि जाता है।

तो, िोन approved स्वीकृ त है या नहीं, आप प्रत्येक ग्राहक से 500-100 = 400 रुपये कमा सकते

Loan Application Table

Number of
Loan Application Application Commission Commission Earned
Home Loan 10 400 ₹ 4,000.00
Personal Loan 10 400 ₹ 4,000.00
Business Loan 5 400 ₹ 2,000.00
Loan Against Property 5 400 ₹ 2,000.00
Total Commission 12,000 Rs
Total Income without Loan Sectioned = 12,000 Rs

Note: There is no loan sanctioned till this stage.

Now, out of those applications, only 4 loans are sanctioned.

Loan Sanctioned Table

Loan Application Sanctioned Amount Commission Commission Earned

Home Loan 2 50,00,000 0.3% ₹ 15,000.00
Personal Loan 1 500000 0.75% ₹ 3,750.00
Business Loan 1 1000000 0.75% ₹ 7,500.00
Total Commission 26,000 Rs

Your income with just 4 loan files sanctioned is 26,000 Rs

With 30 applications & only 4 loan sanctioned, the income will be =12000 +
26000 = 38,000 Rs

Action Plan to Earn from Loans

1. File 30 applications per month for earning from Loan Services.

2. Complete 1 required loan training which are free for our customers.
3. Complete lead generation trainings.
4. Monthly Income from loans = 38,000 Rs.

1. िोन सर्वासेज से कमाई के लिए प्रलत माह 30 िोगों का loan फाइि apply करें।

2. हमारे ग्राहकों के लिए Free ऋण प्रलशक्षण (Loan ट्रेननांग) पूरा करें।

3. िीड जनरेशन ट्रेननांग कम्पिीर् करें |

4. ऋणों Loan Business से मालसक आय = 38,000 रु

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