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 Theodore Finch (“Finch”)

A senior at Bartlett High School in Indiana and one of the book’s two protagonists.
 Violet Markey
A senior at Bartlett and the book’s other protagonist. Violet runs in different
 Ryan Cross
A stereotypically handsome, athletic, and popular boy who was Violet’s boyfriend before Eleanor’s accident.
 Amanda Monk
Roamer’s girlfriend.
 Charlie Donahue
One of Finch’s best friends.
 Brenda Shank-Kravitz
Finch’s other best friend.
 Gabe Romero (“Roamer”)
Finch’s former friend from middle school and now his nemesis.
 Mr. Embry (“Embryo”)
Finch’s guidance counselor.
 Mrs. Marion Kresney
Violet’s guidance counselor.
 Ted Finch
Finch’s father and a former professional hockey player.
 Finch’s Mother
Finch, Kate, and Decca’s mother.
 Kate Finch
Finch’s older sister
 Decca Finch
The youngest Finch sister
 James Markey
Violet’s father, seldom referred to by name.
 Mrs. Markey
Violet’s unnamed mother.
 Mr. Black
The U.S. geography teacher who assigns his students the Wander Indiana project.
 Mrs. Mahone
Violet’s Russian Literature teacher, who allows her to opt out of assignments.
All the Bright Places takes place in modern day Indiana and follows two teenagers named Violet and Finch.

The internal conflict occurs between Theodore Finch and himself and Violet Markey and herself. The external conflict occurs
Theodore Finch and other people, such as Violet Markey, his mother, his father, Roamer, the teacher, friends, and his enemies.

“The thing I realize is, that it's not what you take, it's what you leave.” “We do not remember days, we remember moments.”

“The great thing about this life of ours is that you can be someone different to everybody.”

“The problem with people is they forget that most of the time it's the small things that count.”

The main themes are suicide, death, grief and the mood varies throughout the Film.

Theodore Finch and Violet Markey are two teenagers who badly want to escape from their small Indiana town of Bartlett. Violet is
a popular girl who is secretly dealing with survivor's remorse, and Finch is a boy obsessed with death, labeled a freak by his peers.
The climax starts with a bottle of sleeping pills, one night, as Finch is in a terrible, desperate state of mind, he takes too many,
realizing what he has done, he literally runs to an emergency room. After he is alright, he goes to a support group for suicidal
teenagers called 'life is life'.

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