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4 January 2021

Decovault, Inc.
online seller
Shopee Link:

Attn: J&T Express

Aroroy Branch
Aroroy, Masbate

To Whom It May Concern:


The undersigned is an online purchaser in shopee who has ordered two (2)
products from your online shop, namely: Lady Scales of Justice Statue Home
decor (Big 0100719) and Lady Scales of Justice Statue Home decor (331-10B

In placing my orders, I opted to use shopee pay as the mode of payment, which
means that I have already paid for the items prior to their delivery. When J&T
Express has picked up the items for delivery, the products were assigned with
781086216425 as waybill numbers.

When the items were attempted to be delivered to me on January 2, 2020 at 11:10

in the morning, I immediately noticed that something seemed not right so I asked
the sprinter to open the package before I finally accept them. Indeed, the two (2)
products were both damaged (the hands of the statues were both broken) so I
requested the sprinter to just return the products to the seller.

I was even advised to notify you about my request to return the items through
the shopee chat to which I immediately complied. I likewise sent you the
photographs of the damaged items. To this date, however, you have not made
any reply. This letter is to formally notify you that I am rejecting receipt of the
damaged items.

Thank you for your understanding.

Thank you so much and more power.

Respectfully Yours,


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