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In the previous chapters, the need for a certain research design and methodology where findings
apply to the rest of the population was highlighted. Likewise, the knowledge gap of to be filled
in by existing research that addresses the relationship of the proposed variables in the context of
Cambodia was inadequate. In this chapter, how to address these points via the methodology will
be discussed. Thus, in this chapter, it will discuss methodologies that would take into
consideration these presented conclusions. Specially, this chapter will discuss the Target
Population and Sampling Strategies under which is a discussion of the ethical issues related to
dealing with the respondents. Also, to be discussed in this chapter are the research techniques
and the corresponding pilot studies. Finally, a thorough discussion of how data collection and
analysis is undertaken will be presented.

3.1 Target Population and Sampling Strategies

1. Who are your target population?

2. How do you compute your sample size?

3. How do you choose your sample size?

4. What do you do to protect ethical standards in the conduct of your research?

The target population of this study are Cambodian Millennials who are currently or have been
previously employed with any type of organization whether these are private or business
organization, public or government organizations, and non-government or non-profit
organizations. As of 2017, world bank reports that there are about 6 million Cambodian
millennials which represents about 40% of the population. Generally, millennials are thought to
change jobs more often than other generations (Firstup, 2021).

To determine the sample size, the Cochran formula was used where the target population is
known to be 6 million, the margin of error is set at 6%, the level of confidence set at 90% and the
response distribution at 50%. This yielded to a sample population of 188 respondents. Selection
of the 188 respondents will be done using the purposive sampling technique which is a technique
that is used to select and identify individuals or groups that are especially knowledgeable or
experienced with a phenomenon of interest (Cresswell & Plano, 2011).

3.1.1 Ethical Issues

In the process of the researcher engaging the respondents in the data gathering process, the
researcher ensure that no ethical standards are violated. Thus, the researcher refrained from
gathering information from respondents that would have make them reveal their real names and
organizational affiliations. The researcher also made sure that the respondents participated in the
data gathering process on voluntary terms and that they were free to stop participating at anytime
during the process. Finally, respondents were assured that all information they shared are kept
confidential. All these were raised and addressed in the researchers brief message and
introduction to the respondents in the questionnaire.

3.2 Research Techniques

This study used mainly Quantitative study using the descriptive-correlational method to
determine the relationship between employee engagement and organizational productivity
among millennial Cambodian employees.

Descriptive research is about the process of collecting data in order to describe the characteristics
about a population, or phenomenon being studied (Ormrod, 2008). Further, it describes what is,
describing, recording, analyzing and interpreting conditions that exist. It attempts to derive
comparison or contrast and attempts to establish relationship between existing non-manipulated
variables (West, 2002). In this study, collecting data to establish respondents’ demographics as
well as to establish weighted averages related to respondents’ level of agreement on given
variables is a quantitative descriptive method

Descriptive-correlational research design on the other hand is a method that determines the
extent of which different variables are related to each other in the population being studied. A
critical investigation in determining characteristics of such design is the effort to approximate a
relationship distinguished from mere description (Vavra, 2010). In this study, quantitative-
correlational is used to establish the relationship between employee engagement and
organizational productivity.
In relation to the researchers’ use of quantitative-survey approach, a questionnaire was used to
collect data from the respondents. Instruments used for collecting data in survey research will be
Questionnaires which was included specific topic and collected information about demographics,
opinions, attitudes, or behaviors.  For the purpose of reaching out to its intended respondents
who are currently employed Cambodian millennials, Google Forms were used for this study. To
examine the research questions raised in this study, a questionnaire was developed in English
(for the documentation for the study) with Khmer translations (for the purpose doing the surveys
since most of target participants tend to prefer as Khmer version). The Questionnaire was
developed in Likert scale type questions where respondents can provide the response in
descriptive equivalent described as Strongly Agree, Agree, Neutral, Disagree and Strongly
Disagree or numerical values as 5, 4, 3, 2, and 1 accordingly.

The research questionnaire was designed to comply with the adopt, adapt and create techniques
for the research question as following:

 Section A: Respondents’ Demographics were created to establish that the sampled

respondents are indeed Cambodian Millennial Employees. 
 Section B: Independent Variable- Employee Engagement are composed of 18 likert-scale
items adapted from the study of Shrestha (2019).
 Section B: Dependent Variable- Organizational Productivity are composed of 9 likert-
scale items created based on the study of Patro (2013).

3.2.1 Pilot Studies

Since the Independent variable items of the questionnaire were adapted from a previously used
questionnaire (Shrestha, 2019) and were already tested of its validity and reliability, no further
pilot-testing was conducted. Specifically, items adapted for the independent variable questions
have been previously tested with a result where data seems reliable and consistent for further
analysis since it yields to a Cronbach value of 0.761 that is higher than the set satisfactory point
value 0.70 indicating that employee engagement items are reliable.

To establish internal consistency and reliability for the dependent variable question items, The
questionnaire was pilot tested to 30 respondents that were not in the sample group but bearing
the same profile as that of the sample group. Results were subjected to a Cronbach’s Alpha test
with results shown below;
Table 3.1:

Dependent Variable Question Items Reliability Results

Cronbach’s Alpha N of Items

.754 9 items

Based on the table above, it showed the reliability of Cronbach’s alpha is 0.754. results can be
interpreted as follows:

Table 3.2:

Cronbach’s Alpha Interpretation Table

Cronbach’s Alpha Interpretation

0.00 – 0.20 Less Reliable
0.21 – 0.40 Rather Reliable
0.41 – 0.60 Quite Reliable
0.61 – 0.800 Reliable
0.81 – 1.00 Very Reliable

Based on the table above, it can be concluded that section B of the research instrument
(questionnaire) representing items for the dependent variable is reliable. That is,

3. 3 Data Collection and Analysis

3.3.1 Research Procedure

Four steps are followed in the conduct of this research. Data Gathering Instrument Design. In close consultation with the research
adviser, the questionnaire was designed using the adapt and create principle of questionnaire
construction. Items representing the independent variable were adapted while questions
representing the dependent variable were created using the concept of organizational
productivity by Patro (2013). Data Gathering Instrument Pilot-Testing. The constructed questionnaire was

tested of reliability using Cronbach’s Alpha test specifically for the dependent variable items as
the items for the dependent variable have already been previously tested by the original owner of
the questionnaire from whom the items were adapted from. Conduct of Data Gathering. Questionnaire was upload on google form and links
were given to targeted respondents. “Not accepting responses” was activated on Google form as
soon as the target sample number is completed. Data Analysis. Gathered data were transferred to excel then to SPPS for analysis of
gathered quantitative-descriptive data as well as the gathered quantitative correlational data.

Figure 3.3 below summarizes the procedure followed in the conduct of this research.

Figure 3.1.

Research Procedure

Instrument Design Pilot-testing

Data Gathering Data Analysis

3.3.2 Statistical Analysis

The data gathered were classified, tallied, and tabulated using SPSS.
To process the data gathered to ascertain respondents’ demographic profile, the frequency
percentage was used. This resulted in ascertaining that respondents’ profile are according to the
set profile i.e they are Cambodians, they belong to the millennial generation and that they are
currently employed or have been employed.

Mean or weighted averages was used to measure respondents’ the level of employee engagement
as indicated by their levels of agreement to statements related to employee engagement as stated
in research question 1.

Mean or weighted averages was also used to measure respondents’ the perceived level of
organizational productivity with reference to the organization they are or were connected with as
indicated by their levels of agreement to statements related to organizational productivity as
stated in research question 2.

To interpret the respondents’ level of agreement in relation to research question 1 and 2, the
scales presented below was used:

Table 3.1:

Statistical Limits and qualitative values of Weighted Mean

Numerical Value Statistical Limit Qualitative Value

5 4.50 – 5.00 Strongly Agree
4 3.50 – 4.49 Agree
3 2.50 – 3.49 Neutral
2 1.50 – 2.49 Disagree
1 1.00 – 1.49 Strongly Disagree

Pearson’s Correlation Coefficient was used to established the relationship between employee
engagement among Cambodian Millennials and organizational productivity as stated in research
question 2. The choice of statistical tool is due to the fact that data gathered for the independent
variable is a continuous data and so is the data gathered for the dependent variable and that the
goal is the establish the correlation of both variables. Correlation coefficients are used to
measure how strong a relationship is between two variables (Glen, 2022).

To interpret the correlation between independent and dependent variable, scales presented below
were used:

Table 3.2:

Correlation Interpretation

r Interpretation
1.00 Perfect positive correlation
0.91 – 0.99 Very high positive correlation
0.71 – 0.90 High positive correlation
0.51 – 0.70 Moderately positive correlation
0.31 – 0.50 Low positive correlation
0.01 – 0.30 Negligible positive correlation
0 No correlation
-0.01 - -0.30 Negligible negative correlation
-0.31 - -0.50 Low negative correlation
-0.51 - -0.70 Moderately negative correlation
-0.71 - -0.90 High negative correlation
-0.91 - -0.99 Very high negative correlation
-1.00 Perfect negative correlation

3. 4 Conclusion

This chapter has described the methodological aspect of this study including the research design,
the population and sample of this study, the data collection method and procedure, the
measurement include in this study and the data analysis method and procedure. The next Chapter
4 will provide a discussion about the result of data analysis.

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